MTL - What is the Experience of Being Stronger Than Saitama?-Chapter 351

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Moreover, the Earth Spirit Spring has no side effects, unlike the Alchemy of Life, it has to endure the pain of being bitten by the soul.

If it wasn't for the profound meaning of the Bone Emperor's own comprehension, he could temporarily block his pain, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to use life alchemy to take this crucial step.

What's more, the number of ordinary people consumed by the Alchemy of Life is often in the millions, and it is only possible on an indigenous plane like Azure Star.

If they switch to the Ossed plane, I am afraid they have not waited for them to harvest the energy fruit of life alchemy. At the moment when the ashes cloud appears, they will be killed by the fifth-order heaven powerhouse.

Even within the Bernadotte family, life alchemy is prohibited.

"If I didn't go over and look at the Earth Spirit Spring first, only the third brother is there. I'm afraid I won't be able to hold the scene."

After obtaining the permission of the Bone Emperor, Lan Di stepped out of the white jade dwarf tower.

The moment he came out of the tower, a Tier 3 soldier knelt down in front of him in awe: "Lan...Lord Landi, Lord Hongdi...he's dead!"

Lan Di thought he had hallucinations at first, and said seriously: "What did you say? Say it again!"

"Lord Red Emperor... died in battle!!!"

The third-order warrior pressed his head to the ground, not daring to look directly at Lan Di, for fear that he would be angered.

"How is it possible, the third brother is a fourth-order powerhouse, how can he die so easily?"

"Could it be that the old man, the president of the mercenary trade union, joined forces with Norton?"

Landi felt a little bit, but he did not notice the breath of his third brother.

Then he found the Red Emperor's head pinched in Yang Xi's hands and almost fainted.

Although his third brother is arrogant, selfish, and conceited, he grew up with him!

"No!!! Third brother!!! My third brother!!!"

"Dare to kill our Bernadotte family! I will definitely make you pay the price!"

It was confirmed that Landi's temperament changed greatly after the death of his third brother, from an elegant and black-bellied young man to a demon king with loose hair.

He swam out a lot of green energy, plundered the lives of the surrounding people in an instant, and then rushed out of the city of bones.

Three seconds after he left, these corpses, which remained in their original positions, slowly turned into powder and dissipated.

Only the white jade dwarf tower remained motionless, revealing a mysterious and eerie aura.

Yang Xi naturally saw the green light that shot from the city of bones, and he put the Red Emperor's head aside, and said lightly: "Is it so active to send death?"

Afterwards, he even collided without dodging, as if he was going to have a head-to-head with Landi!

Behind him, Norton, who was watching the battle, flickered in his eyes.

"Aside from the identity of the Youji indigenous people, he is indeed a very good partner for me."

He squinted at the serious old face of the mercenary trade union president, "At least it's more reliable than this old thing. After killing the Red Emperor, this Youji and Bernadotte are left with two brothers, and there are no more brothers left. There is only room left for one party to die!"

Regardless of Norton, who was about to move, Yang Xi and Lan Di finally collided.

Yang Xi's magnetic pole profound meaning controls a circle of divinely made metal to surround the whole body, forming a defense like a copper wall and an iron wall.

But at the moment of getting close, Lan Di of the lich body showed a sneer, and instantly decomposed into green light spots, wrapping Yang Xi.

Although at this moment, Yang Xi hit him in the chest with a string of extremely broken fingers, causing a lot of damage to him, but Lan Di's strategy was successful!

The light cocoon began to erode Yang Xi's defense.

There was a green light cocoon in the sky in his eyes, and the third-order Ossed warriors who were watching gave a burst of cheers.

"As expected of Lord Landi, he will subdue this native as soon as he makes a move!"

"It seems that there is still a lot of gap between Lord Hongdi and Lord Landi. The indigenous fourth-order who killed him in one second is scum in front of Landi!"

"You bastards, don't know that in the plane of Ossed, Lord Landi understands the profound meaning of the lich, which is also a very high-rank existence, and how can the aborigines of this plane be comparable!"

Many soldiers of the Bernadotte Empire breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Landi solved the murderer, their crime of ineffective protection of the master might be punished lightly.

After all, no matter how many of them are Tier 3, they cannot compete with the super powerhouses in Tier 4.

"Landi, he really has a few brushes!"

Venerable Storm's face showed a hint of happiness.

In Yang Xi's situation, he really had no sense of security at all.

Now that he was "subdued" by Landi, he was a little relieved.

Although it is said that the latter also belongs to the enemy's side, but in any case, it can be regarded as knowing the bottom line, and it will not be killed by an instant in case of defense.

And Yang Xi is completely unknown to Venerable Storm, and if he is not careful, he may follow in the footsteps of the Red Emperor.

There was a hint of doubt in Norton's eyes. In his opinion, a strong person who can make him feel jealous should not be so weak.

It was very easy to see how he killed the Red Emperor, and he certainly wasn't a weakling.

"Is Landi playing some tricks, or is this You Chicken brewing some conspiracy?"

After Yang Xi was wrapped in Lan Di's lich body, he did not panic in the slightest.

Because he tested it just now, as long as he wants, he can escape through the Void World Vortex at any time.

So for him, it is already invincible.

Don't look at him being swallowed by the enemy now, but thinking about it from a different angle also means that he can attack this guy's key points more easily.

"But the effect of my Xianji collapsed fingers hitting him just now was not obvious. If I want to hurt him, I may have to use another way."

"I just collected the power of the Red Emperor. I don't know if the energy between the two brothers has anything in common."

Yang Xi activated the Red Emperor's Profound Truth Chain, "The Profound Truth of Summoning Spirits, although the road is not accessible, their cornerstone abilities are all undead magic, so there is still something in common in the essence of energy."

"I only need to understand the characteristics of these green light spots to find the weakness of Landi and even that Bone Emperor."

The three Bernadotte brothers would never have imagined that there would be someone who could understand them like their clan.

The reason why the people of the Bernadotte family can call the wind and call the rain on the plane of Osad is also inseparable from the weirdness of the undead system.

Ordinary elemental powerhouses often fall into a desperate situation without even understanding the opponent's moves when facing undead powers of the same rank.

In the end, life was easily harvested in fear.

The more this kind of thing happens, the stronger people's fear of undead powerhouses, which leads them to take a psychological advantage in battle.

Seeing that his defense made of divinely-made metal could hold up for a while longer, Yang Xi continued to show weakness and began to slowly realize the profound meaning of summoning spirits.

Lan Di, who was dazzled by hatred, did not realize that the fatal danger was approaching step by step.

559 How many punches can you hold on?

"How long did it take me to break through?"

Yang Xi asked, he did not know the specific time.

It may have been a long time, or it may have been just a short while, while swimming in the ocean of the profound meaning of law.

Yang Feifei replied: "The time for your breakthrough this time is not much worse than the second time, less than half an hour."

Less than half an hour?

Yang Xi couldn't help but sigh, the law fragments are really cowhide. In less than half an hour of breakthrough time, he has already walked the road that the fourth-order powerhouses in the outside world can't walk in a lifetime.

Could this be the gap between the gangsters and ordinary people?

Yang Xi consciously did not classify himself as a genius, which was a little unfair to those so-called heavenly seeds.

He glanced at the semi-suspended Earth Spirit Spring and said, "Feifei, this Earth Spirit Spring is a good thing. It is said that it can change a person's aptitude. Now that you have nothing to do, why not just take a dip?"

Yang Feifei had long been curious about what my brother brought into the Temple of the Void Realm, but without his orders, she honestly did not touch it.

Well... she has to admit, she just poked her finger.

Like cow's milk... Can this really change a person's aptitude?

"Should I go in and soak directly?"

Looking at the questioning sister, Yang Xi wondered: "Otherwise, do you still need to prepare any ceremony?"

Yang Feifei waved his hand, his face flushed.

She hasn't had such a cute expression for a long time since she became a Tier 4 powerhouse.

She said: "I... I mean do you want to take off your clothes?"

Yang Xi looked at her sister who was covered in black robes, and said without thinking, "Of course I have to take it off, it's good to take it off!"

"...then... well, I'll use it later, but brother, you can't peek at me!"

Yang Xi gave her a roll of eyes.

Is your little physique worth watching by your brother?

Some of the Ossed girls outside, as long as he hooked his fingers, some undressed and took them to the door.

Alas, I have to say that sometimes, Yang Xi is really speechless to the world.

Men are most interested in what they can't get. Once they can get it easily, it's boring.

This may be the desire to conquer and explore in the bones of men.

Ignoring his sister's small expression, Yang Xi's expression turned cold, and he switched to the form of a chicken vest, stepping out of the vortex of the virtual world.

The outside world had just passed half an hour at this time, and the battle for the spiritual spring of the earth just came to an end.

The president of the mercenary trade union grabbed 30%, Norton grabbed 10%, and the remaining half was split equally between the Red Emperor and Venerable Storm.

Thinking about it, there was no very fierce battle just now. After all, as the strongest mercenary trade union president, he had to maintain his apparent neutrality. As long as he didn't provoke him, he generally wouldn't kill the Red Emperor.

No way, he was also afraid of the Bone Emperor.

This is the only powerhouse in the Azure Star plane who can threaten him, and he is much younger than him.

Although youth is not necessarily an advantage for Tier 4 powerhouses, but for the president of the mercenary trade union who has run out of life, he still needs to refer to it.

If this fights, he may maintain the limit of magic power output for too long, which will consume the few remaining lives.

At this time, he couldn't help but envy the origin of the Bone Emperor, and only a big family like Bernadotte who inherited the undead magic would have this kind of method.

Alchemy of life for millions of ordinary beings, although it is against the harmony of heaven, but when the oil is exhausted, the old president feels that this is not a difficult choice.

He doesn't know about others, anyway, the longer he lives, the more afraid of dying.

Using a native puppet to collect 30% of the earth's spiritual spring, the president of the mercenary trade union sighed faintly.

Today's harvest is not bad. It not only destroyed the plan of the Bone Emperor to advance to the fifth rank, but also grabbed the Earth Spirit Spring. The only loss is that the arbitrator was captured by the mysterious Haizhu powerhouse.

Is the fourth-order aboriginal so powerful?

Even a guy like the Arbiter who comprehends 5% of the profound meaning of the law can be beaten by one move.

Thinking of the power of the Void World Vortex, the head of the mercenary guild felt a little strange in his heart.

Because in his perception, this move does not seem to be particularly powerful, but the Arbiter is so easily killed.

Could it be that the strength of this native fourth-order has surpassed his common sense?

Forget it...don't think about it so much, and after I go back, I'll think of a way to save the Arbiter.

Thinking of his brain, even if it falls into the hands of the natives, it shouldn't kill the horse, right?

Aren't the natives particularly interested in meditation?

There is no arbitrator implanted in the spirit body with the seal of confidentiality, and for them, the value is still great!

The president of the mercenary guild turned his attention to the place where he had just broken the plane space, but suddenly found that a familiar vortex of the virtual world was born again.

He was stunned, this fourth-order native, dare to come again?

But that's fine, maybe the Arbiter can be rescued!

Several people from the Red Emperor also saw the Void World Vortex that reappeared, and their expressions were different.

There is fear, and there is greed.

The strong Ossed present all know that the fourth-order space system of this human race uses the advantages of supernatural powers, but it has taken away a large number of spiritual springs!

Chances are, they can even grab the treasure!

"Hehe, this native is quite courageous. He is here this time, and he must not be allowed to escape!"

When the Red Emperor sneered, the huge Scarlet Emperor kept roaring in a low voice.

It is a pity that the only thing that can scare such a powerful undead creature is the third-order Ossed powerhouse below.

Read The Duke's Passion