MTL - What is the Experience of Being Stronger Than Saitama?-Chapter 327

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Scarface and others were a little embarrassed. They couldn't understand what the Lord's Army was.

It's a pity that they couldn't change these things at all.

Dixiongxing helped Zhong Li to the seat, and said lightly: "Miss Zhong Li, don't worry, although my mission is only to send you back to Milk Beer Island, I will seek justice for you about your parents. "

"Please trust our adjudication organization."

536 I want to go with you

Dixiongxing motioned to the other people to wait a moment, and walked out of the reception room by himself.

As the breeze blew, the oppressive feeling just now faded a little.

Looking at Zhong Li, who was a little lost in the room, through the glass window, Dixiongxing landed in Genting Space.

"Master Suzaku, there is one thing I want to report to you..."

Although the heart has decided to help Zhong Li take revenge, but according to the new version of the rules and regulations, actions beyond the mission requirements, if conditions permit, need to be reported.

After getting the information from Dixiongxing, Suzaku informed Yang Xi.

Yang Xi, who was comprehending the profound meaning of the law, slowly opened his eyes.

Afterwards, he sighed, "There are still many areas for improvement in Chaos Sea. We must use stronger means to gather the scattered powers of power users, and at the same time attack the remnants of the lord's army, it must also be put on the agenda."

"Let's leave this matter to the constellations. With their current strength, if they can't get out of Tier 4, no one in Chaos Sea should be their opponent."

Yang Xi even felt that her Bi Yuewu clone could temporarily retire.

But considering the entanglement between this avatar and the two women, Yang Xi felt that he could slow down.

"Yes, as you wish."

Suzaku's figure disappeared in the Temple of Void Realm.

Yang Feifei, who was cultivating, also woke up and said with a chuckle, "Do you want me to watch?"

The ruling organization's Mr. Maotu stretched out his body lazily, and even in the large black robe, he could vaguely see the curves of the first sight.

Yang Xi sighed secretly, her sister still grew up after all.

"It's not the same thing with my brother and I nesting in the Temple of the Void Realm all day long, it's better to go out for a walk."


Milk Beer Island.

After getting Suzaku's affirmative answer, Dixiongxing's eyes became sharper.

After so many missions, he was no longer the second island chain of the Freedom Alliance, the young man who was scolded by his boss all day long.

He said to the five power users under him: "Let's go."

But unexpectedly, Scarface stepped forward and said softly: "Sir, can you take a step to speak?"

Dixiongxing frowned, but in the end he didn't lose his face in front of everyone.

He was leading a team for the first time. He had done a lot of homework before, and he knew that running in was a long process.

You need to respect your own opinions.

"Tell me, what's the matter."

Under the willow tree, Dixiongxing's powerful suit made a sound of hunting.

"My lord, didn't we have reached a consensus before, as long as we complete the task, don't we cause too much trouble?"

"There are three power user organizations on Milk Beer Island. As for the ghost knight you are looking for, it is an A-level power user of the same rank as you! If you are not careful, brothers will suffer casualties!"

Scar's face was sincere.

If it was the heyday of the lord army, as long as he was wearing that suit, even if he was alone, Scarface would dare to trouble them.

But now he doesn't have the tiger skin of the lord's army to pull away, and Scarface has no idea.

Dixiongxing pondered for a while, patted Scarface's shoulder and said, "I know what you are worried about, but you must know the difference between our adjudication organization and the lord army."

"We can't do things just for profit. There are many more important things in this world."

"If you don't understand this, I suggest you retire early."

Scarface was a little aggrieved. He also thought about it for the team. If there were casualties in the first mission, they were already weak, and they would not be taken seriously in the Tianzi Department.

Now Scarface is very regretful, maybe, he shouldn't be with this Lord Earth Hero.

At the beginning, I thought that a person with the appearance of Dixiongxing would be relatively stable, and then his Scar would be able to retire in the Judgment Organization safely.

But I didn't expect this guy to be so reckless.

Why for more important things, I think you are greedy for the body of a little girl?

Scarface shook his head, his opinion of the Judiciary changed.

Maybe the above zodiac adults are the best in the world, but the quality of the randomly selected earth shackles below is somewhat uneven.

"grown ups……"

For the sake of his own life, Scarface also intends to make the last effort.

But who knows, the gentle and amiable Dixiong Xing turned around suddenly.

His sharp eyes were like a knife scraping the skin of a scarred face.

"Scar, find out who you are!"

Dixiongxing beckoned to the crowd, and before the crowd gathered around, he added to Scarface: "I have obtained the approval of Lord Suzaku for this action!"

After hearing the words "Lord Suzaku", Scar broke free from the chill like falling into an ice cave.

"Lord Suzaku? Hiss..."

Scar made up for the intelligence of many adjudication organizations, and he knew that Suzaku was one of the four elephants of the organization.

It's just that unlike several zodiac positions that have already appeared, there is only an adult like Suzaku in the four-sign position.

And the description of this adult in the intelligence is only one sentence - incarnation is ten million, unfathomable!

It is unclear to the outside world, within the adjudication organization, whether the status of the zodiac adults is higher, or the status of the shabby adults is higher.

But one thing is certain, as the four-signature Lord Suzaku, his authority is not something that an ordinary member like his Scar can speculate.

It is said that Lord Suzaku is the closest existence to the mysterious leader within the ruling organization.

Considering her suffocating figure, the credibility of this rumor seems to be quite high.

Only this goddess-level existence can accompany the leader of the ruling organization.

"It seems that you have no objection."

Dixiongxing said lightly.

The fierce aura on his body was taken back again.

Only then did Scarface feel that this year's Lord of the Earth might not be an easy-going person.

The adjudication organization is so terrifying!

"My subordinates know their mistakes, and ask the adults to punish them!"

Scarface lowered his head decisively.

Dixiongxing raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect the oldest "Thornhead" in the squad to be so soft.

But this is also a good thing, at least it won't hold him back.

"Let's go."

Dixiongxing turned around and left. He has extracted the information of the three power user organizations on Milk Beer Island from the intelligence database of Genting Space.

Even Suzaku-sama also provided, how to pin the action policy of the Peacock Organization, the Black Riders Organization and the Cat's Ear Organization - to be able to make good use of the services provided by the organization, is a qualified member of the position.

And these are the permissions that the following minions do not know at all.

This is also the reason why Dixiongxing dared to do so.

At this moment, Zhong Li, who was left in the reception room by everyone, rushed out.

She ran to Dixiongxing and opened her hands, "I want to go with you!"

The 537 ruling will unify the sea of ​​chaos!

Dixiongxing stopped and frowned, "You?"

The scarred face that pinpointed the meaning of the captain's words quickly said: "Miss Zhong Li, you are just an ordinary person, it is too dangerous to follow!"

Later, I have to fight against the Nether Knight, a Grade A ability user, let alone Zhong Li. Even a Grade A ability user may die in the aftermath. ajaig

As long as people with a little brain, they will not think about joining in this fun.

But Zhong Li smiled miserably: "Several, do you think that after hearing about my parents being persecuted like this, I can still stay here with peace of mind and watch you take risks for me?"

"If I can't watch the Nether Knight fall, my life is meaningless, so it doesn't matter whether my situation is safe or not."

At the moment, even if the old lady died, she would join in the fun.

I didn't expect this little girl Zhong Li to be so stubborn!

Dixiongxing looked seriously at the girl whose chest was rising and falling because of her clear excitement. In the end, he nodded, "Keep up, but you have to remember that if you die, our mission will fail."

He could understand Zhong Li's mood, and it would undoubtedly be torture if he let her wait for news at the back.

For some people in this world, some things are more important than life.


The White Horse Club is an entertainment venue under the Black Riding Organization.

The third underground floor of the clubhouse is really the headquarters of the Black Knights Organization.

At this moment, on a green leather sofa chair, a Nether Knight with long black hair hugged two young girls and was having fun.

Under the stimulation of alcohol and light, the two-meter tall man was breathing rapidly.

But just as he was about to strip the two girls into naked lambs, the locked metal door was kicked open.

The metal door remained unabated, rushing towards the Nether Knight and the two girls. If an ordinary person was hit, he would definitely be slapped into meat sauce by such a violent metal door.

But Nether Knight, as an A-level bloodline power user, held the metal gate with only one hand.


The strong impact made the metal door twist, and the footprints and palm prints on the door accused the door of what kind of torture it had suffered.

The Nether Knight's angry voice sounded: "Do you know how much this door is worth?"

He looked at the deformed metal door with heartache. This was custom-made by a well-known designer on the lord island. The design cost alone was as high as 104,000 yuan. Counting the material, transportation and installation costs, this door It cost him a total of 554,000 sea coins!

He grimaced and said: "No matter who you are, if you don't lose money, you will die!!!"

However, the well-dressed man who came out of the smoke said indifferently, "I'm sorry, I just want to kill people, I don't want to lose money."

Behind him is the small and exquisite Zhong Li, who is staring at the Nether Knight with incomparably hateful eyes.

"Who are you?" The Nether Knight pushed the two white and tender girls away and looked at Di Xiongxing and Zhong Li with some doubts.

He doesn't remember ever offending this combination.

"You don't deserve to know my identity for the time being." Dixiongxing pulled Zhong Li, "but I have to remind you of the sins you committed."

"Seven years ago, after Miss Zhong Li was kidnapped by the lord's army, she killed her parents because of your greed and domineering..."

The Nether Knight looked at Zhong Li's pretty face, even a prodigal son like him who played with all kinds of girls, he had to admit that the appearance of the girl in front of him was indeed surprising.

But he has bullied a lot of people in his life. Whether it is an ability user or an ordinary person, he has been extorted by the Nether Knight, and there are not a few people who have caused lives.

For a while, he really couldn't remember Zhong Li's parents.

But the time of seven years gave him a little hint.

Suddenly, his face showed exactly the same expression as the security guard Lao Liu, as if he had seen a ghost: "How is it possible, seven years have passed, and you haven't changed at all!"

As the leader of the Black Knights superpower organization on Milk Beer Island, he naturally knew the facts of what happened on Lord Island, and he immediately guessed the identity of Dixiongxing: "Your Excellency is a member of the Judgment Organization?"

Dixiongxing's identity was guessed, and he stopped wearing it, took out the Disha mask and put it on his face.

"You're not too stupid."

"Earth... Earth Hero Star!"

Read The Duke's Passion