MTL - What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?-v2 Chapter 499 World War I

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  Chapter 499 One battle will determine the universe

  When Chang Er Ding Guangxian heard Tang Lin's shout, he raised his leg and kicked without any hesitation, but he didn't kick Tang Lin, but Taoist Duobao.

  Among the people present, Daoist Duobao had the strongest magic power. As long as he could repel him for a moment, Immortal Chang-Eared Dingguang would be sure to escape.

  Having been in Jiejiao for so long, Chang-eared Dingguangxian is also very familiar with it. This kick went straight to the leader of Taoist Duobao Liuyang, forcing Taoist Duobao to raise his sword to block. He is different from Tang Lin, who can't be killed no matter how hard he fights. Da Luo Jinxian's body is fragile, and if his head is broken, he can only be reincarnated or be listed on the list of gods.

  Chang Er Ding Guangxian was extremely fast, and after forcing Taoist Duobao back, he rose directly into the sky, so fast that others couldn't react.

   As expected of a rabbit spirit, this running speed is not so fast, Tang Lin can't see clearly, only an afterimage left in the sky.

  Probably because of this speed, he is confident, and Chang Er Ding Guangxian has the confidence to protect himself when the saint is not allowed to take action himself. It's just that Chang-er Dingguangxian didn't know that when Tang Lin crossed over, he had already identified him as a young boy.

  After joining Jiejiao, all Tang Lin thought about was **** this boy. In Chang Er Ding Guangxian's view, Tang Lin was just retaliating because of the previous conflict.

   Therefore, Chang Er Ding Guangxian had no idea how much Tang Lin had put in to kill him.

  Gangfei smashed through the roof, rushed out of the clouds but accidentally hit his head on a hard object. There was a loud bang, and Chang-eared Ding Guangxian found himself bumped into a thick rock formation.

  At night, who would cover a rock shell outside?

   "Li Huo!" Chang-eared Ding Guangxian gritted his teeth and spit out the word.

  Of course it was prepared by Tang Lin. He made this mask before the meeting. Of course, it is impossible to completely stop Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal, but it is enough to hinder him for a while.

  Because when Chang-eared Dingguangxian was about to kick this layer of rock, he saw a white divine light sweeping past, trying to capture Chang-eared Dingguangxian into it.

  In addition to making this shell, Tang Lin also ambushed Kong Xuan here, just to let him catch Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal.

  The speed at which the five-color divine light spreads is the speed of light, but the sweeping past depends on the speed of Kong Xuan's hand that brushes the light. Although it was only for a brief moment, Chang-Eared Ding Guangxian escaped at the last moment.

  At this time, Tang Lin and the Jujiao people had already flown into the sky, and surrounded Chang-Eared Dingguang Immortal.

   "You rabbit, you can run quite well." Tang Lin said with a smile.

   This time, everyone has already made preparations, and Immortal Chang-eared Dingguang is doomed to escape. Jiejiao everyone holds a magic weapon one by one, and can smash him into powder at any time.

   Seeing everyone staring at him, and the five-color divine light shrouding his head, it doesn't matter how fast the long-eared Dingguang Immortal is, any direction is a dead end.

   "Dingguang Immortal, let's capture it! The saint reads for your many years of service, maybe he will spare your life." Taoist Duobao said.

Chang Er Ding Guangxian heard this, and also had some hopes, and quickly said: "I do have a connection with Chanjiao, but this battle was originally provoked by Lihuo. Our two religions have no deep hatred, so why bother to become gods?" It is a matter of life and death. At that time, the two sects will definitely suffer heavy casualties, and I have an agreement with Jiang Shang..."

In the middle of speaking, Tang Lin interrupted him and said: "The agreement is to send me to the list of gods, and then the two religions will stop fighting. If you don’t listen to the announcement, continue to enjoy yourself.”

   "How do you know?" Chang Er Ding Guangxian said in shock.

"Not only do I know this, I also know that your long-eared Dingguang Immortal did not dare to meet directly with Chanjiao. Because he hated me deeply, he believed Jiang Ziya's words, thinking that killing me would be enough." Tang Lin said disdainfully.

   "That's the fact, we have no two religions..." Chang Er Ding Guangxian wanted to continue.

   "Idiot, the battle of conferring the gods is the lack of the way of heaven. After the establishment of the heavenly court, the stars have no subordinates. This battle must appoint all the star officials for the heavenly court, but they must work for the heavenly court.

"You still want to listen to the tune and not listen to the announcement. If so, why does the saint bother to make a list of gods. If hundreds of thousands of righteous people are not killed or injured in this battle, and they fill the list, the battle of gods will be impossible. It's not over."

  Tang Lin sighed. Although he revived thousands of dead people and disturbed the heaven, the result is still ignorant. Chang-er Dingguangxian hated himself deeply, and ended up being fooled by Jiang Ziya.

  It’s obviously a lie that can be broken at once, but as long as the deceived person is willing to believe it, he will make up various reasonable explanations by himself. Just like those who are scammed by phone calls, whether it is a **** who can move mountains and seas, or a mortal doctor elite, there will be times when they are stupid.

   Speaking of this, Tang Lin didn't want to talk any more with this idiot, and raised the talisman bestowed by the saint, shining brightly in the dark night.

   This is not a magic weapon, but just a symbol, which symbolizes that Tang Lin represents the will of a saint and can order to stop teaching everyone.

   "Everyone listen to the order, kill the traitor and clean up the family."

  When Tang Lin said this, many people frowned. They also hated the long-eared Dingguangxian for betraying and intercepting the teaching, but the time they spent together was very long after all, and even Taoist Duobao just wanted to arrest him and let him be judged by the saint.

  But Tang Lin actually ordered them to kill people directly, which is unacceptable.

  Lingya Fairy, one of the Seven Immortals accompanying Chang-er Dingguangxian, pleaded: "Lihuo, Dingguangxian and I are brothers and sisters, and we have worked together for thousands of years. Even if there is a mistake, the crime is not worthy of death, right?"

Tang Lin said with a smile: "In this case, Lingya Fairy, you step back for now, you don't need to be in a dilemma about beheading Dingguang Fairy, just let me do it for you. Among you, whoever doesn't want to be stained with the blood of the same family can do it. Just back away, and I will never stop you. If you want to find a saint to reason with, please feel free.

   "But I told you from Lihuo that Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal will die today, and no one can save him. Even if the saint tells me to stop, I will never spare his life. If you don't believe me, just try."

  As soon as these words came out, even Taoist Duobao and other direct disciples frowned, just because Tang Lin's words were too disrespectful to saints. Can't even save the saint? Taoist Li Huo was too arrogant.

   "Junior Brother Lihuo, this matter can be discussed in a long-term way, there is no need to do so." Taoist Duobao persuaded him.

   "Brother Duobao, you naturally have a way to connect with the saint, so you might as well pass on what I said. Just like what you said, the saint has his own decisions."

   Seeing Tang Lin's confident appearance, Taoist Duobao naturally spread the matter to Biyou Palace by means of communication. But after a while, the sage only sent back a sentence: "All affairs of the interception are decided by Lihuo."

  Daoist Duobao was shocked. How much did the sage trust the sixth junior brother? Chang Er Ding Guangxian had followed the saint for many years, but Tang Lin said that he would kill him if he said he would kill him?

  The other six people who accompanied the Seven Immortals sighed and left directly. They were unwilling to kill Chang-er Dingguang Immortal, but they could not disobey the saint's order.

  As soon as the six left, Taoist Duobao also shook his head and said, "Junior Brother Lihuo, the Dao of Heaven also has a glimmer of life, so please think about it."

   After saying this, Taoist Duobao also flew away, accompanied by a large group of Intercepting disciples. Daoist Duobao is the first disciple of a sage, and his statement naturally influenced many people.

  In addition to what Tang Lin said just now, leaving now is not considered a violation of orders, and many people followed suit. In the end, only a few remained beside Tang Lin.

Empress Shiji has always supported Tang Lin, and the second one is naturally Kong Xuan, who can't run even if he wants to. He condenses the five-color divine light on the sky. Take him first.

   This is Kong Xuan's main task. Once this guy runs away, Kong Xuan can be sure that his master who looks grand but is actually super vengeful will not let him go.

   Didn't you see that after Chang Er Ding Guangxian offended Tang Lin, he couldn't even save a saint? It's better to be careful yourself.

  Then is Yu Yuan and Yu Hua, the master and apprentice pair. Yu Hua and Tang Lin had cooperated once, and cheated and taught the two golden immortals. Naturally, they have an unusual relationship. Yu Yuan is Yu Hua's master, and seems to be persuaded by his apprentice to stay.

  The last one was really beyond Tang Lin's expectation, it turned out to be the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit among his personal disciples.

Tang Lin had no friendship with this man, and it can even be said that he didn't even say a few words. Only when the long-eared Dingguangxian made things difficult for him for the first time, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit said, telling them not to be in Biyou Palace. Internal quarrel.

  Tang Lin can now be regarded as offending most of the Jujiao people, how could the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit stay here.

   Seeing Tang Lin's puzzled eyes, the Holy Mother of Jinling explained: "I am a disciple of a saint, so I naturally obey the orders of the saint. The teacher said, stop teaching everyone to obey your orders, so naturally I will not leave."

   "Thank you, Senior Sister." Tang Lin thanked him sincerely.

  Niang Shiji glanced at the two of them, and threw the five poison beads in her hand, dangling in front of Chang-Eared Dingguang Immortal, ready to hit him at any moment.

  For a while, nine out of ten disciples of the Jiejiao disappeared, but Tang Lin's time in the Jiejiao was still too short, and he couldn't manage his own power at all.

  However, the few in front of him are enough to kill Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal.

  But just when Tang Lin started to attack, there was another setback.

  A loud voice came from above the sky: "Taoist Lihuo, you said that even a saint can't save him, so what if we want to save him?"

  Tang Lin raised his head and saw more than a dozen rays of light passing by, but surrounded Tang Lin inside.

Tang Lin looked around, and called each one by name: "Taiyi real person, Fear Liusun, Yuding real person...the twelve golden immortals are all together, and the remaining two are probably Yun Zhongzi and Randeng Taoist. Explain the teaching Ladies and gentlemen, it's almost seven or eight."

  In fact, there are not only these few, but also many guards sent by Chaoge, such as Tang Lin, who has a particularly recognizable appearance like the fourth general of the Mo family, naturally also recognizes them. These few people are not those who intercepted the teaching, but those who directly obeyed Chaoge's orders.

  Now the Battle of the Conferred Gods is reversed, and it has become Jiejiao helping Xiqi play Chaoge, but guards like the Four Generals of the Demon Family will not change camps because of this.

   Seeing this situation, Kong Xuan had no choice but to take back the five-color divine light and protect his own people first. Otherwise, if these people fight together, he will be unlucky.

At this time, Chang Er Ding Guangxian said triumphantly: "Lihuo, you have betrayed your relatives and fallen to your own death. Do you really think that I will sit and wait for death? When you were complacent, I had already reported what happened here to Sishuiguan Among them, now you have become the turtle in the urn."

  Long-eared Ding Guangxian didn't want to be complacent, but the situation was reversed in an instant, and he was simply elated. In Chang Er Ding Guangxian's view, if this Taoist Li Huo hadn't wholeheartedly wanted to kill him, he would have been sent to Biyou Palace long ago.

   Taoist Lihuo is too conceited, thinking that he can do whatever he wants with a sage talisman. Don't he know that the real enemy is not far away at Sishui Pass?

   Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal can't run away, but it doesn't affect him to use the message spell to call for help.

  His identity as a spy was found out, but most of the Jiejiao people left because of Tang Lin's blind manipulation. Isn't this the best time to kill Tang Lin directly. Without this key figure, teaching is half the battle.

  However, doing so can be regarded as a complete betrayal of the teaching. If the long-eared Ding Guangxian in the battle of the gods wants to live, he can only completely turn to the teaching. However, the words of the sage also chilled Chang-er Dingguangxian. He had followed the sage for thousands of years, and let this newcomer Li Huo kill him like this. He didn't have the psychological burden of apostasy.

   But Chang Er Ding Guangxian didn't chatter for a moment, but found that Tang Lin didn't panic at all.

  This junior, do you have any backup?

  Just wanting to get the person who explained the teachings to do it as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams, what he saw was Tang Lin waved his hand, and tens of thousands of sword lights and dark winds gushed out from the ground, immediately enveloping everyone.

   Just when everyone was surprised, four dazzling swords flew into the air, and the sword energy connected into a murderous mysterious formation.

  A sword of killing immortals is hung on the east, a sword of killing immortals is hung on the south, a sword of trapping immortals is hung on the west, and a sword of immortality is hung on the north.

   Under the division of the sword light, everyone lost their way. Immortal Chang-er Dingguang saw clearly that this was the Zhuxian Formation, the killing formation created by the Master Tongtian. If the saint presides over it himself, without more than four saints besieging it, it is absolutely impossible to break the formation.

   Those who join the battle will almost certainly die if they are pierced by thousands of swords.

   At some point, Tang Lin set up such a terrifying killing formation in the camp without alarming anyone.

  Long-eared Dingguangxian was naturally also trapped by the formation, but he was not completely divided. Tang Lin was still in front of him, and he was no longer the incarnation of a sand puppet, but stood directly in front of him with his real body.

   "Aren't you surprised, are you surprised?" Tang Lin smiled and asked the newborn Ding Guangxian.

   "Li Huo, today's events are all in your calculations?!" Chang-eared Ding Guangxian said through gritted teeth.

"Of course, I'm not a fool. I have to offend other colleagues to execute you? A traitor is useless after being discovered. Do you need to force others to stand in line if you want to kill him?" Tang Lin proudly said Long-eared Dingguangxian said.

   "In order to kill me, you have thought so hard to use Zhuxian formation?! How could the saint lend you the four swords and formation diagram of Zhuxian?!" Chang-er Dingguangxian was shocked. Could it be that the leader of Tongtian already knew that he had betrayed.

  No, it’s only been more than a month since I apostate. How could Taoist Lihuo arrange so much in advance.

   "I don't need Zhuxian Formation to kill you, Ding Guangxian, you are just my chess piece to deal with Chanjiao. You may not believe it, but before joining Jiejiao, I have been thinking about how to deal with Chanjiao.

   "The so-called Conferred Gods List and Beating the God Whip are actually means used by Yuan Shi Tianzun to divert attention. You see, the teacher never said how important the Conferred Gods List is, and how it cannot be lost. He only said that I have full authority to handle the matter of conferring the gods.

"I didn't understand at first, but Jiang Ziya couldn't find it, and the list of gods and the whip of the gods couldn't be found. I began to think about how to deal with Chanjiao without these two treasures. Finally, I came to a conclusion. It can't be solved at all.

   "But we, Xiqi, are on the offensive side, and the Zhuxian formation cannot be moved even with the formation map in hand. The only way to do it once and for all is to introduce Chanjiao into the formation.

   "The shelling before the battle is just a means to cover up my formation. It's just an opportunity to lure the snake out of the hole." Tang Lin paused on purpose when he said this, and looked at Chang-eared Ding Guangxian with a half-smile.

Chang-eared Dingguangxian was stunned at first, but immediately realized something was wrong, and quickly said: "Impossible, if Tu Xingsun hadn't been captured, how could you prove that I'm a traitor? Without this show, how could you have lured everyone from Sishuiguan Come out? Could it be that Tu Xingsun was also arranged by you?"

"Ding Guangxian, you still forgot what I said. Before Tu Xingsun came, I knew you were a traitor. I knew that you and the Dragon King of the Four Seas planned to murder me. If Tu Xingsun didn't come, I could Designate you as a traitor, but the timing is not so coincidental, and their chances of being fooled will be lower." Tang Lin said.

  The appearance of Tu Xingsun was indeed a coincidence, but when Tang Lin caught Tu Xingsun, he thought it was a wonderful opportunity.

  Tu Xingsun's capture was an accident in the first place, and Tu Xingsun's swaying left and right would also distract the attention of explaining the teachings. In addition, Tang Lin identified Chang-er Ding Guangxian as a traitor, plus the drama of intercepting the teachings.

  The time is too short to allow everyone to think, and the chance to kill Tang Lin is fleeting. Will they pass up this opportunity?

   Tang Lin felt that these so-called gods had an 80% chance of being fooled, because they participated in the battle of the gods because of greed in their hearts, and they wanted to take a shortcut to kill three corpses to feel at ease.

  Unable to comprehend and understand, you will naturally lose the ability to distinguish in the face of temptation, and you will fall into a trap when you are ignorant of the altar.

   "Guess why I told you so much? Because I'm not proficient at manipulating formations, so I'm stalling for time. Now, you can die with the person who explained the teaching!"

  Tang Lin's mana merged with Zhuxian Formation, turned into endless golden light, and chopped Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal into pieces. In this Fengshen's first killing formation, Chang Er Ding Guangxian's speed was useless, and he was not beheaded even if he fought back.

  At the same time, other places in the Zhuxian Formation, the Chanjiao people were also violently attacked by Wanjian Piercing Heart. This time, Tang Lin is going to fight to decide the world!

  (end of this chapter)

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