MTL - What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?-v2 Chapter 485 Looking for Jiang Ziya's whereabouts

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  Chapter 485 Looking for Jiang Ziya's whereabouts

  Ten names were exchanged for the soul of Bo Yi Kao, and Tang Lin didn't even have a list of gods. Tang Lin was a little surprised that Empress Nuwa was so optimistic about herself. Although he said that he has a golden body of merit, if luck can solve all problems, the two religions will not be brainstorming.

  After listening to Empress Nuwa's words, Tang Lin had a relatively clear understanding of the current situation.

  With the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the power of heaven and earth must fall into the Heavenly Court. The two religions have already divided up the power of the Heavenly Court.

   Chanjiao won, and a large number of Jiejiao members made it to the list. In the days to come, it was the Jiejiao, who was suppressed by Chanjiao, who could not hold up his head. But this is only for the two religions, what about other saints?

   Empress Nuwa caused King Zhou to set himself on fire and die, that is, to let out a sigh of relief. The two saints of the Western religion failed to obtain the authority of the heavenly court, but they obtained the qualifications to preach in the world, which added a lot of backbones in the religion and laid the foundation for the great prosperity of Buddhism in the future.

   But no matter whether it is Nuwa or Western religion, how can what these saints have obtained compare with that of Chanjiao?

  It's like two tigers fighting for a deer, and the others can only eat the rest. The appearance of Tang Lin made everyone entitled to a share of the pie. A saint is not a dead person, so how could he let this opportunity pass.

  The situation that Empress Nuwa created a situation where her brothers fought against each other is probably related to the spokesperson she chose. Maybe the demon fox Daji is the spokesperson chosen by Empress Nuwa.

Since Empress Nuwa wanted to take advantage of the wind of elucidating the teachings, Tang Lin would not be polite, and continued: "My lady, Jiang Ziya brought the list of gods and beat the gods down the mountain in the name of a saint. It is not easy to deal with. If you want to grab the list of gods, it is tantamount to To make an enemy of the entire teaching, I am afraid that the disciples will not be able to do it."

   "Don't be greedy, what you hear today is the greatest benefit." Empress Nuwa seemed to see through Tang Lin's thoughts.

  Tang Lin couldn't deny even if he thought about it, the main reason for the Tongtian Sect was to be able to tell himself these things, and he might have said it a long time ago. And what the Master Tongtian can do is to accept himself as the sixth direct disciple, so that everyone in Jiejiao can fully support him.

   It seems that these words are much more powerful than the words of Nuwa Saint, but it should also be the reason why Master Tongtian cannot explain things clearly.

   There may be little difference in personal strength between saints, but the strength of their subordinates is too far apart. Since it was a compromise among several saints to come up with this game of fighting for the right to enshrine the gods, the less powerful saints would naturally have other restrictions reduced. This is probably the reason why Empress Nuwa could chat so much with Tang Lin.

  Knowing this in advance was indeed of great help to Tang Lin. The so-called change of ten places in Boyi Examination is actually the change of ten places at the suggestion of Empress Nuwa.

  However, thinking about it this way, Yuanshi Tianzun should be the same as Master Tongtian. There are many things that cannot be explained and can only be pondered by the person who explains the teachings. But again, the freedom of the other saints is much greater.

  For example, Zhunti and Jieying, these two can be said to have half of the people under their command now. If this is inferred, don’t these two have a much greater degree of freedom?

"Thank you for your pointers, my disciples know that the nine-tailed fox demon in Chaoge is my disciple. But if I want to **** the list of gods in the future, I am afraid that there will be a lot of fights, so I might as well point out who is my own. "

   "The time has come, I will know it naturally, let's go."

  A ray of light floated from the statue of Nuwa, and Tang Lin grasped it in his hand and knew it was the soul of Bo Yikao.

  The purpose of this trip was achieved, and the harvest was not small. Tang Lin didn't stay any longer, and went back to Xiqi directly.

  Resurrection Boyi exam went very well, Ji Chang couldn't help crying when he saw Boyi exam.

   Tang Lin did not disturb the father and son, but found Yin Hong.

   "Your Highness, now that your severed arm has recovered, and the son of Marquis Xibo has also returned from the dead, is this battle still to be fought?" Tang Lin asked.

Hearing Tang Lin's words, Yin Hong laughed and said, "Why did the Taoist priest Lihuo say that? The Taoist priest can bring the dead back to life. This has already spread all over the world. To be the Taoist priest is to be invincible, and it doesn't matter whether you win or lose. Fang, maybe there is no need for any loss of life. Since we must win, Daoist, why don't you fight this battle?

   "Daoist, Yin Jiao cut off my arm in disregard of brotherhood, and killed Bo Yi Kao. He has already become a tyrant. If Yin Jiao is allowed to secure the throne, the great business for hundreds of years will be destroyed in one fell swoop."

Looking at this twelve-year-old child, Tang Lin felt nothing but surprise and admiration in his heart. When he was twelve, he would have waited to finish his homework and watch TV every day, but Yin Hong knew how to help the common people at the age of ten. At the age of twelve, he can see the general trend of the world so clearly.

  Tang Lin didn't even know whether Yin Hong was telling the truth, but anyway, His Highness the Second Highness was very determined to counterattack Chaoge and become emperor.

   Tang Lin wasn't going to persuade him anymore, so he just fought. Anyway, his target was not on the battlefield, but on Jiang Ziya.

  The number of days has changed, and Jiang Ziya may not go down the mountain according to the original time, not to mention that Shen Gongbao has been arrested by himself, and there is no such thing as Shen Gongbao tricking Jiang Ziya into burning the list of gods.

And Tang Lin, as a member of the Jiejiao, did not dare to go to the bottom of Kunlun Mountain and wait for Jiang Ziya, otherwise the twelve golden immortals would add a lamp and a cloud neutron to surround him like this, and it would be useless for Tang Lin to become a Daluo Jinxian immediately. Absolutely dead.

  Therefore, Tang Lin could only rely on Xibohou's magic calculation. Under this chaotic secret, he could still calculate the soul of Bo Yikao. Then maybe it will be the day when Jiang Ziya goes down the mountain and the road he must pass.

  Hsibohou didn't make any excuses about this, and hurriedly continued to make up his mind, but the result he got was a bit strange. Because two results were calculated this time, one is Sanshan Pass and the other is Beihai.

  "Xi Bohou, what is the explanation for this hexagram?" Tang Lin asked.

   Sanshan Pass is far from Beihai, and they are two completely different places.

   "The secrets of the sky are unpredictable, and Gu Ye can only solve two locations. Among them, I am afraid that I have to go there in person to understand the chance." Xi Bohou said.

   Tang Lin thought about it, and decided to go to both places, Beihai first, he was familiar with this place. Moreover, in the original book, Jiang Ziya went down from Kunlun Mountain to Beihai first, regained the dragon beard and tiger, and became one of Xiqi's generals.

  But before Tang Lin set off, he received a message.

Because Li Jing failed to arrest Tang Lin for a long time, Yin Jiao ordered Huang Feihu to go to Chentangguan and imprison Li Jing's family. show up.

  When Tang Lin heard the news, his face immediately became very ugly.

   "Yin Jiao, I haven't troubled you yet, you must show your presence in front of me, right? If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude."

  (end of this chapter)