MTL - What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?-v2 Chapter 476 reinforcements have arrived

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  Chapter 476 The reinforcements have arrived

   Four of the Twelve Golden Immortals ran out to attack Tang Lin when he was alone, and they also specially brought Fear Liusun who could restrain the earth escape technique. It was clear that Tang Lin was about to die.

  Actually, these people not only cut off Tang Lin's ability to escape from earth, but also teamed up to set up a huge and hidden magic circle. Where the dark clouds shrouded, Tang Lin couldn't even send a message out.

  All the spells of sound transmission or flying sword transmission will be blocked. It is certain that Tang Lin will not be able to notify the reinforcements who intercepted the teaching.

   In this way, Tang Lin will have to face the Dragon King of the Four Seas, Jia Chanjiao, the four golden immortals, and a top mt Yang Jian. There are meat, control and auxiliary weakening, and the other two golden immortals who don't know each other should be responsible for the output.

   Tang Lin clasped his hands and said, "Dare to ask, who are the other two golden immortals besides Daoist Yuding and Fear Liusun?"

   "Poverty Dao Guang Cheng Zi."

   "Poverty real Huanglong."

  The two Taoist priests replied.

   Tang Lin was also shocked when he heard Guang Chengzi's name. This one can be called the head of the Twelve Golden Immortals, and a Fan Tianyin is infinitely powerful. But when he heard Huang Long's name again, he couldn't help laughing.

  Guang Chengzi can be said to be the strongest among the Twelve Golden Immortals, while Huanglong Zhenren is the weakest one. He has been defeated repeatedly on the Conferred Gods Battlefield, and basically has never won anyone.

  The strongest and weakest partners come together, which is really a bit of joy.

  Seeing that Tang Lin still had a smile on his face, the Dragon King of the Four Seas and the four golden immortals were a little startled and angry. They were already on the verge of desperation. How could this man still smile?

Seeing that the sword was on the verge of breaking out, Ao Bing quickly flew into the air and said to Ao Guang: "Father, this matter is caused by the child's greed for a while. Now the child has settled his grievances with Taoist Li Huo, and please father to stop. "

  Just now, the dispute between Tang Lin and Yang Jian was shattered, and Ao Bing didn't dare to approach him, for fear that the aftermath would crush him into meat paste, so he took advantage of this opportunity to persuade him to fight.

  However, before the Dragon King of the East China Sea spoke, Tang Lin had already said: "Ao Bing, look at those four golden immortals, do you really think they came to help your Dragon Clan of the East China Sea? This matter has nothing to do with the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea."

Tang Lin hung his five-spirit sword behind his back like a peacock spreading its tail, and in his hand he added a long, slender knife. The blade pointed directly at Guang Chengzi and said, "I heard that Taoist friend Fan Tianyin of Guang Chengzi is very good. Let me learn from you!"

  The five swords flew across the sky, flying towards Guang Chengzi with a bright light.

  The five-handled flying sword is so powerful that even Guang Chengzi dare not take it hard. But at this time, he has all his juniors by his side, so there is no need for him to do anything. The other three golden immortals made their own moves and stopped the five flying swords.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Guang Chengzi also sacrificed a magic weapon, but it was not the famous Fantian Seal, but a huge bronze bell.

  When the bell came out, it was clanging to block the loud noise, and the circles of ripples seemed to have spirituality, and they were put on Tang Lin's body.

  The Falling Soul Bell is a very powerful treasure. In the original book, Yin Jiao studied with Guang Chengzi for a few years, and holding the Falling Soul Bell knocked all the generals of Xiqi into a coma. Only Nezha, the lotus incarnation, survived.

  At this time, the Soul Falling Bell is controlled by Guang Chengzi himself, and its power is naturally more than ten times greater.

   Changed to an ordinary immortal, even if the five qi and three flowers gather at the top, I am afraid that I will be dizzy for a while. This moment of effort is enough to kill these golden immortals several times.

  But Tang Lin's soul has been trained in the plane of death, and it is much stronger than ordinary souls. He can even slash people with a knife when his soul leaves his body.

  The vibration of the falling soul bell only made Tang Lin feel a little headache, but it didn't affect his reaction at all. Tang Lin's gigantic figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the real Huanglong.

  Realist Huang Long blocked Tang Lin's Earth Spirit Sword just now, but in the blink of an eye Tang Lin took the place of the Earth Spirit Sword, slashing at him with a strange long knife in his hand.

   Persimmons should be picked softly. Tang Lin knew that he could not withstand the siege of the four golden immortals, so of course he had to find the weakest one. It is better to cut off one than to hurt ten fingers.

  Person Huang Long is worthy of being the weakest Golden Immortal. Seeing Tang Lin slashing at him, he couldn't react immediately. In Tang Lin's hand, Zhanpakutao Senluowanxiang was extremely huge, and this cut was not a matter of splitting it in half, but was directly crushed into a meat paste.

   Fortunately, Guang Chengzi responded in a timely manner, and this time he finally couldn't help but take out the strongest magic weapon, Fan Tianyin, to deal with Tang Lin. A golden seal the size of a palm, when Guang Chengzi tossed it, became as big as a mountain, just collided with Tang Lin's Zanpakutao.

  Tang Lin felt his mouth go numb. The power of Tianyin was so great that he couldn't grasp everything.

  Seeing Tang Lin being repelled, Guang Chengzi felt that he had saved his younger brother, Master Huang Long. The next moment, Master Huang Long felt tightness in his chest, and blood came out from the corner of his mouth.

  Reincarnation of life and death, Tang Lin transferred the power of the Heavenly Seal to the real Huanglong. Although only a small part was transferred, this is worthy of being the weakest golden fairy, and he was directly injured by the shock.

  Tang Lin retreated with one blow. Although he had a slight advantage, he failed to kill Huang Long. After the opportunity was missed, it would be a bit troublesome.

  Tang Lin returned to the ground and confronted the four golden immortals.

Fearing Liusun holding the immortal rope for several days, he said to Tang Lin: "Taoist Lihuo, today is your doom. You destroyed the body of my junior brother Taiyi, we will not kill them all today, if you want At your own expense, we can reincarnate you. If you still resist, we will destroy you physically and mentally."

   Tang Lin smiled and said, "What if you can't do it?"

   Fearing that his grandson would not accept this provocation, he said without any hesitation: "Then your life should not die, but under the catastrophe, you will only live a few more days."

   "Understood, regardless of whether I die or not, it is destiny anyway. But have you ever thought that maybe the one who is doomed to die today is the one who is doomed to die?" Tang Lin asked.

   "Hehe, I'd like to see how you can kill our senior brother?" Ji Liusun laughed.

   Tang Lin smiled without saying a word, and pointed to the sky.

   Fearing Liusun raised his head in doubt, and saw a slender figure in the sky.

  The Empress Shiji stopped in the sky on a white cloud, and said sharply: "Golden Immortal who explained the teachings, the four of them joined hands to deal with my junior brother? Do you really think that no one will stop my teaching?!"

  The four golden immortals were all shocked. They had already sealed a hundred li radius. How did Taoist Lihuo notify others to come to rescue them? How did they know that there are such things as mobile phone text messages in this world.

  The magic circle shields the mana transmission. As for the tiny electromagnetic wave, I'm sorry, a few golden immortals have never even heard of it.

  Niang Shiji shot directly, throwing a green five-poison pearl, hitting Guang Chengzi. Guang Chengzi also sacrificed Fan Tianyin to smash the five poison beads.

  However, when the two magic weapons collided, Guang Chengzi felt an incomparable and powerful magic power rushing in, which knocked his Fan Tianyin back upside down. The power of the Five Poison Pearl did not decrease at all, it broke through the defenses and hit Guang Chengzi on the shoulder.

  In a short time, Guang Chengzi's shoulder collapsed, and there was a highly poisonous substance remaining in the wound, which made Guang Chengzi tremble with pain.

   "Shiji, you actually beheaded three corpses and became a Daluo Jinxian?!" Guang Chengzi gritted his teeth.

  (end of this chapter)