MTL - What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?-v2 Chapter 449 bigger pit

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  Chapter 449 Bigger Pit

  Before Tang Lin saved Su Quanzhong's life, he nonsensically said that there will be retribution on Su Daji, and asked Su Hu to send his daughter to Chaoge as soon as possible, so that Tang Lin could help her eliminate the disaster.

   Does it sound like a magic stick, asking others to send their wives and daughters to the "master" to exorcise demons, and then perform various indescribable operations. However, Tang Lin had rescued Su Quanzhong, who had thrown his brains out in front of Su Hu, and Su Hu believed Tang Lin's words.

   It’s just that Su Daji went to fight before arriving at Chaoge Tanglin, so he could only leave a few robots waiting at Chaoge’s side. As soon as he found out that Su Daji had entered Chaoge City, Tang Lin rushed back as fast as he could.

  Tang Lin directly came to Chaoge City with the earth escape technique, switched to the sand puppet form, and was about to enter the city to find Su Daji. Even Chaoge City is also protected by luck, and ordinary spells cannot sneak into the city directly, otherwise Tang Lin would fly directly to the place where Hou Jizhou stayed to find Su Daji.

  Tang Lingang called out the white tiger, shrunk the mount and let himself ride into Chaoge City. Although he was eager to solve Daji's matter in his heart, he still had to pretend to be a fairy, otherwise Su Hu felt that he had lost his demeanor and became suspicious, and all the previous arrangements would be in vain.

   Just as he reached the road in front of the city gate, a convoy stopped in front of Tang Lin.

   Tang Lin was a little anxious and wanted to push his mount, but was immediately stopped by the knight next to the convoy.

   "In front is Xibohou's carriage, and the idlers retreat."

   Lord Xibo?

   Tang Lin suddenly realized that he and Wen Taishi had just set off for the war not long ago, and the princes' visit to the court song was not over yet, Xibohou Luyuan, unexpectedly it was Chaoge who had just arrived at this time.

But Tang Lin was in a hurry to meet Su Daji, no matter whose team it was, the lotus flower was unfolded, the spiritual power of the fire spirit sword was activated, and a large flame was burning on the lotus flower, scaring the knights to raise their spears Aim at Tang Lin.

   "Pindao has something important to enter the city, everyone, please make it easy, otherwise don't blame the poor dao for breaking in!" Tang Lin urged the white tiger under his seat.

  Although this winged beast has become smaller, it is still much taller than the horses of these Xiqi knights. Tang Lin's condescending shout made these knights feel a little timid.

  The turmoil here naturally attracted Xibohou's attention, so he asked the servant driving the car, "What's going on outside?"

  The waiter replied: "My lord, there is a Taoist priest riding a tiger outside the city gate. He wants to enter the city and is arguing with the guards."

   "Taoist riding a tiger?"

  Hsibohou lifted the curtain of the car, just in time to see Tang Lin riding on the winged white tiger, holding a ball of divine fire that seemed to be able to melt gold into iron, looking majestic.

  Such a capable person, Xi Bohou was a little surprised when he saw it. Xibohou was also a man who could respect the corporals, so he quickly ordered the guards to make way for Tang Lin to pass.

   Tang Lin didn't expect Xibohou to be so easy to talk, he deserves to be known as the wise "King Wen". Therefore, when Tang Lin passed by Xibohou's carriage, he said loudly: "Thank you Xibohou, there will be rich rewards in the future."

  Hsibohou smiled, and if he was able to be kind to others, Xiqi would naturally become more prosperous. But Tang Lin really impressed him, especially the white tiger with two wings, which is rare in the world.

  Marquis Xibo had a feeling that this favor might be of great use in the future.

   With this in mind, Xi Bohou quickly ordered people to find out the identity and origin of the Taoist riding the tiger just now. Putting aside the matter of Xibohou's inquiring about Tang Lin's origin, Tang Lin rode a tiger and went straight to the place agreed with Jizhouhou. Su Daji should be in the guild hall where Su Hu was temporarily staying.

  However, when he arrived at the place, Tang Lin found that none of Su Hu's family was in the guild hall. After inquiring around, it turned out that it was King Zhou who invited the four princes and eight hundred guards to visit his Lutai Palace. He wanted to hold a banquet for ten days and ten nights in the Zhaixing Tower to entertain everyone, and he could bring his family members to attend.

"No way?"

  Tang Lin really didn't expect Su Daji to meet King Zhou after all his calculations. Although he didn't know how outstanding this ancient beauty was, Tang Lin's first feeling was that something would happen.

  Leaving Chaoge City again, Tang Lin directly came to Lutai Palace with earth escape technique. I haven't seen him for a few months, but this palace seems to be much more gorgeous. King Zhou often spends the night here, and many treasures in the palace have been moved here.

  At this time, singing and dancing are taking place on the Zhaixing Building, and various running water seats are on the ground one after another.

  Tang Lin glanced at it, and found that it was still the dish recommended to King Zhou before. Those Chinese and foreign chefs had passed on their superb cooking skills to the imperial chefs in the palace, and now they are still cooking well.

   Seeing such excitement, Tang Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

  No matter how lecherous King Zhou was, he couldn't marry Daji in front of so many civil and military officials, so that he wouldn't force against Su Hu in public, there should be still time.

  When Tang Lin came to the star picking platform, he was even more relieved. King Zhou was showing off to the civil and military officials what is called an imax screen, and was broadcasting a movie to the civil and military officials.

  Although all the people above are blond and blue-eyed, the civil and military officials are still fascinated by it.

   Tang Lin blended in the crowd indiscriminately, trying to find Su Daji's location, but the building was overcrowded, and the light was dim when watching a movie, so he couldn't find it for a while.

   Just looking for it, suddenly the crowd burst into exclamation, as if the movie had reached a wonderful moment. Tang Lin didn't know how they understood the subtitles, or whether Tony Stark translated the text and dubbing for them when he left the movie.

  Curious at this time, Tang Lin also looked at the movie screen.

   Then I saw a group of people dressed as warriors come to a broken temple to fight a snake-haired monster.

   "Medusa? Is this "Clash of the Titans"?" Tang Lin had to say that Tony Stark would choose the movie.

  People in this world should also like this kind of mythological movies, after all, gods and monsters will look super substituting.

  However, after taking a second look, Tang Lin felt something was wrong.


  A snake tail?

  After being indescribable by Zeus in front of the Temple of Athena, Athena turned him into a half-human,

   Tang Lin only felt a chill rising from his toes to his forehead.

   In front of all civil and military officials, watching this kind of movie that vilifies half-human, half-snake creatures is even worse than inscribing poems in Nuwa Temple? !

   What the hell? The mechanism was too clever, and a bigger hole was dug out. Tang Lin looked around, and it was impossible to silence him now. But the people around didn't seem to realize that this movie insulted the saint Nuwa, can they find a chance to fool them?

  He was thinking about this question quickly, but Tang Lin heard Su Hu's voice behind him: "Immortal Elder, I finally waited for you to come back. This is the little girl Daji, hurry up and greet the Immortal Elder."

  Tang Lin turned around, and saw a stunning beauty standing in front of him. At this moment, everything around him seemed to disappear from Tang Lin's eyes. Tang Lin had only one thought left, is there such a beautiful woman in this world?

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion