MTL - What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?-v2 Chapter 431 In Zhouying, in business

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  Chapter 431 I am in Zhouying and my heart is in business

  Real Taiyi ran away again, leaving another arm behind.

  The main reason for losing so quickly was that Daoist Taiyi's IQ was affected by hatred, and his teaching spells were useless, so he stabbed Tang Lin with a pointed spear. As a result, Tang Lin's magic weapon was so sharp that Taiyi Daoist couldn't react at all, so his arm was cut off.

   It was also fortunate that he woke up in time and ran away, otherwise his whole body would be burned to ashes.

  Fearing Liusun just blocked the white tiger that was rushing towards him, he didn't expect his junior brother Taiyi Zhenren to run away, the defeat was too fast, and he couldn't cope at all.

   "Dabai, come back."

   As soon as Tang Lin greeted, the white tiger of the prehistoric beast flew back.

  Fearing to leave grandchildren, it was only then that he saw Tang Lin's real body clearly, a giant several tens of feet tall, no wonder the mount was also a prehistoric giant beast.

   "Afraid of keeping grandson, Taiyi has already run away, leaving this arm behind. You dare to plot an ambush here with Taiyi, are you going to leave an arm or a leg?" Tang Lin asked.

Seeing Tang Lin's oppressive real body, he was afraid of leaving his grandson without any fear, and said calmly: "Junior Taiyi has hurt his roots, and he has karma. I'm afraid there is no hope for the road. But Pindao's physical body is still useful, If you want to prove the position of Daluo Jinxian, you can't do any harm. If fellow Taoists think that there is a magic weapon that can be fierce, you will underestimate the poor Taoist."

   Fear Liusun stretched out his finger, and the white cloud standing under his feet exploded, and the color and shape began to change.

  The originally white floating clouds turned into groups of Qingyun exuding colorful rays of light. Not only did he not run away for fear of keeping his grandson, but he also controlled these Qingyun to fly towards Tang Lin.

   Tang Lin concentrated his mind and calmed down, not daring to be careless.

  Fearing Liusun is one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, but there is not much description in Fengshen Yanyi, at most it shows the means of crushing when beating Tu Xingsun. But the master's beating of the apprentice should be crushing, and there is no way to see that he is afraid of keeping grandchildren.

  Tang Lin didn't dare to let Qingyun get close. The ghost knows there is something in the cloud. The Fire Spirit Sword flew out, turned into a sky-filled flame and collided with Qingyun.

  However, the flame of the Fire Spirit Sword didn't seem to have any effect on these Qingyuns. The two merged together, but they couldn't stop Qingyun from spreading.

  While the Fire Spirit Sword is submerged in it, there is still a sense of stagnation in the mud. Afraid that the magic weapon might be lost, Tang Lin quickly took the Huo Lingjian back. Unexpectedly, when the Fire Spirit Sword flew out of Qingyun, a small golden light flew out from the huge sword and pierced into Tang Lin's chest.

  The golden light was too thin, and it was hidden in the shadow of the Huo Lingjian at first. Tang Lin didn't react at all, but was pierced into the chest by the golden light.

   This is a flying sword that is afraid of leaving grandchildren. Although it is not even mentioned in the original book of Fengshen, its power should not be underestimated. Although it may be as small as a hair to Tang Lin, the golden light will bloom in all directions after piercing into Tang Lin's body, just like the rumored Dum bomb, trying to tear Tang Lin's internal organs into pieces.

  Among the Qingyun, Fear Liusun smiled. Qing Yun came out, lured the opponent to draw the sword, frightened the opponent to take back the magic weapon, and then took the opportunity to kill him with a blow, everything was in his calculations.

  This trick seems to be an understatement, but it condenses countless years of fighting experience that is afraid of leaving grandchildren.

  Even if the person's body is ten times bigger, and the internal organs have been chopped up by the sword light, this physical body will definitely be destroyed, as long as Qing Yun is unfolded to prevent the opponent from escaping from the Yang God.

   Sure enough, the giant screamed and fell on the back of the huge white tiger, even the flaming flying sword. The white tiger also felt that its master was invincible, and it was about to run away with a flap of its wings.

   Fearing that the grandson would cover Qingyun, completely blocking Baihu's back path, no matter which direction he flew, he would be blocked by Qingyun.

   "Hehe, how can I let you run away. Sinister, you don't know the destiny. If you are willing to worship my teaching wall, I can spare your life." Fearful Sun said to Bai Hu.

   This white tiger is a wild alien species. If it can be recovered, it will definitely become a help, and it will be more sure to overcome the catastrophe in the future.

  Where is the white tiger willing to descend, its wings fan out countless whirlwinds, trying to blow away the Qingyun. The effect was not bad, actually a few gaps were blown out, it seemed that Qingyun was restrained by the wind.

   Fearing that Liusun saw this scene, he said to his disciple Tu Xingsun: "Go, take this evil animal down."

  Tu Xingsun saw how mighty the prehistoric giant tiger was, and was actually a little apprehensive: "Master, this monster is too powerful, I'm afraid I can't match it."

  Afraid Liusun waited for Tu Xingsun to take a look, and threw a fairy rope to him: "Go, catch this evildoer back."

   With this treasure in hand, Tu Xingsun breathed a sigh of relief, stepped on a Qingyun and flew towards the white tiger, with a stick towards the back of the white tiger.

  Even though Tu Xingsun is so small, the bundle of fairy rope in his hand will grow when thrown into the wind, like a giant python in the wild, tightly binding the white tiger and Tang Lin above it.

   Seeing that the bundle was strong, Tu Xingsun waved proudly, and was about to call this giant beast over. The fairy-binding rope was pulled by the magic power, and it was about to fly to the side, but Fear Liusun suddenly shouted: "Disciple, hide!"

  Tu Xingsun hasn't reacted yet, he has already been caught by the immortal rope, so what could be unexpected? Turned around subconsciously.

  He didn't want to think about how Daoist Taiyi knelt just now. When Tu Xingsun turned around, a huge slap had already stretched out, covering half of the sky in Tu Xingsun's eyes.

   Covering the sky with one hand, this palm gave Tu Xingsun the feeling.

  Tu Xingsun wanted to run, but it was too late, a large piece of quicksand flew out from the center of this hand, binding him tightly. Not only that, the moment those quicksands touched his body, Tu Xingsun only felt that his internal organs had been cut into pieces by thousands of knives, and a large amount of black blood flowed out from his seven orifices, and he was about to die .

But at this time, in the eyes of Wei Liusun, it was Tang Lin's body that turned into quicksand, flew out from the gap in the binding rope, and then turned into a giant again. Sun gave him a slap and grabbed him.

  The mysterious changes in the porch surprised Filiusun. Where did this Lihuo Taoist come from?

The fire spirit sword just now can be said to have been forged by snatching the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover from Master Taiyi. However, Master Taiyi said that this person is also good at the art of earth movement, which made Master Taiyi mistake him for the grandson of earth movement. It can turn into quicksand again, which is not something that makes sense for a monster to become a spirit. Didn't you see that Empress Shiji was **** tightly from the beginning to the end, and she couldn't even use a magic weapon?

  The first reaction of the fear of keeping grandchildren is the Bajiu Xuangong, which is a magical skill that has been widely spread in teachings. However, only one person in a million can practice it, and it must be extremely talented. Fearing Liusun as one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, he also failed to practice this magical skill.

   Tang Lin didn't know that he was afraid that his grandson would associate his Xutu spirit with the Eighty-Nine Xuangong, but he was interested in studying his grandson. The injury on Tu Xingsun's body was not caused by Tang Lin, but the injury caused by the flying sword before he was afraid of leaving Sun, but Tang Lin used "Reincarnation of Life and Death" to transfer it to Tu Xingsun's body.

   This is a spell that Tang Lin learned from the sage's preaching and then derived it. It can transfer the injuries he has suffered to others, but the premise is that Tang Lin can touch the other party.

  Just now, he wanted to fake his death, tricked Filiusun into approaching, and then tried to transfer the injury to Filiusun, and slapped him hard. As a result, this person was much more cautious than Daoist Taiyi, and even sent Tu Xingsun to die.

   Seeing that the performance could not go on, Tang Lin directly acted, and Tu Xingsun had suffered for his teacher.

   And Tang Lin also felt that the effect of the injury transfer would be affected by the other party's practice level, even if it was transferred to Tu Xingsun, only 80% of the effect would remain, otherwise Tu Xingsun would have died long ago, and now he is still half alive.

  Tang Lin didn't gather the five qi, and didn't have three flowers on the top. It can be said that he was still a "mortal body". In terms of realm, he was not even as good as the four generations of disciples who had cut off their feet. If he really seized Fear Liusun and forcibly transferred the injury, it might not even achieve 30% of the effect.

   But this was enough, in order to ensure that Tu Xingsun would not die, Tang Lin also threw Yuan Ling Xin Spell and Time Backtracking at him, barely holding him breathless.

   "Fear of keeping grandson, your apprentice is in my hands, and I use your arm to exchange his life, what do you think?" Tang Lin asked.

   "Hmph, what a despicable method, is this the way you intercept the teachings?" Fear Liusun snorted coldly.

"Hehe, you ambush me first, and you sneaked up on me with a sword just now, but now you call me despicable? Don't waste your words with me for fear of leaving grandson. I, Taoist Lihuo, can swear to the way of heaven. As long as you cut off your own arm, I promise to kill you!" Tu Xingsun has been released, and he will not even pursue the ambush feud between you and Taiyi old Taoist, what do you think?" Tang Lin asked again forcefully.

   "Who will believe the oath of a despicable person like you, disciple, don't panic, you are a disciple of the third generation of Chanjiao, and he dare not kill you. As a teacher, go ask the sage to rule, and you will be rescued."

   Fearing that Liusun finished speaking these few words, he also turned into a golden light and ran away, leaving Tu Xingsun with a face full of despair.

   Tang Lin was a little surprised, did he run so simply? It's really shameless to teach the golden immortal.

   Tang Lin looked down at Tu Xingsun in his palm. At this time, his face was as golden as paper, and his heart was ashamed. Tang Lin rolled his eyes, and suddenly he had a plan, and said to the dying Tu Xingsun, "Look, your master values ​​you more than his arm."

  When Tu Xingsun heard this, he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Shangxian, please forgive me. I, Tu Xingsun, have eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai. Please forgive me this time."

   "Hahaha, do you really think I'm going to kill you? What a fool, what good is it for me to kill you, to give Chanjiao a reason, and then the Twelve Golden Immortals form a team to find me desperately?" Tang Lin laughed.

  Tu Xingsun was dumbfounded by Tang Lin's laughter. Hearing what the giant meant, he didn't want to kill himself? Although I can't figure it out, as long as I can live, it is more important than anything else.

   "First untie the fairy rope for my senior sister." Tang Lin ordered.

  Tu Xingsun chanted a spell, and the fairy rope on Empress Shiji's body fell off automatically, and flew into Tu Xingsun's hands.

  After Tu Xingsun finished this, Tang Lin really released Tu Xingsun, and transferred half of his injuries back to himself. To Tang Lin, this kind of physical injury was no different from a skin injury. If it wasn't for Yin Ren, his body would be completely healed after transforming into a quicksand state.

  Tu Xingsun only felt that his injuries had recovered a lot. Although he was still powerless to resist, he still couldn't die. Tu Xingsun looked at the giant, feeling more fearful in his heart, this man possessed unbelievable spells, even the two golden immortals could not defeat him together, he was by no means an opponent he could handle.

  After being free, Tu Xingsun wanted to leave, but Tang Lin said, "Tu Xingsun, where are you going now?"

Tu Xingsun paused, knowing that he would not be able to go anywhere without the nod of the Lihuo Taoist, so he could only honestly say: "I want to go back to the Feiyun Cave in Jialong Mountain, and I promise that I will never be with the Shangxian again." Right."

But Tang Lin shook his head and said, "Stupid, just now your master didn't want to exchange your life with his arm, he already thought you were going to die. Now that you go back, Fear Sun might be very happy on the surface, but within three days Fear If you keep your grandson, you will find that no matter how you look at it, you don't like it.

"Because you are alive, he will remember that he was beaten by me so much that he can't even care about his apprentice. Once he sees you, he thinks of it once. From then on, you are his demon. You said, if you are afraid of leaving grandson, if you want to kill three Corpse, the achievement of Daluo Jinxian karma, can you allow a demon like you to survive?"

  Tang Lin's every word punished his heart, and every sentence dug a wound in Tu Xingsun's heart. Tu Xingsun recalled that he was afraid of letting his grandson leave. In order to achieve the status of Daluo Jinxian, the Twelve Golden Immortals did not hesitate to risk their lives and throw themselves into this catastrophe. A disciple counts as fart.

  It is precisely for the purpose of becoming a Da Luo Jinxian, so he is unwilling to exchange his arms for his grandson because he is afraid of keeping his grandson. His physical body is damaged, even if he can go further, he is just a "pseudo-immortal", just like the people on the list of gods in the future, being on the list after death and being named a **** alive are two different things.

  Although Tu Xingsun didn't know the list of gods yet, he also understood that Tang Lin was right.

   He couldn't even go back to Feiyun Cave, so what should he do? No, it's not just as simple as not being able to go back, if the master knows that he is not dead, even if he can't see him, he is still a demon, and he may "relapse from old wounds and die".

  Thinking of standing up, Tu Xingsun hurriedly knelt down in front of Tang Lin, begging: "I beg God to save me."

   Tang Lin finally showed a satisfied smile.

   This trick of sowing dissension may not be of much use to other people. After all, it is the master who teaches you how to cultivate immortals. Master and apprentice have lived together for thousands of years. But Tu Xingsun is different, he is very cold in nature, and he is greedy for flowers and sex, greedy for wealth and honor in the world, and his Taoist heart is not firm in the first place.

  It is precisely because of this that Shen Gongbao voted for the Shang Dynasty and turned against his master with a few words. It is precisely because Tu Xingsun's nature is easy to betray, Tang Lin also said a few words that made him waver.

   "Save your life? You ambushed me with Filiusun, why should I save you?" Tang Lin asked.

   "This... Tu Xingsun is willing to be a slave and a servant girl. I know the formula of this bundle of fairy ropes, so I can offer this treasure to the gods." Tu Xingsun handed over the golden bundle of fairy ropes with both hands.

  Tang Lin nodded, and then said to Empress Shiji: "Senior sister has been implicated, this bundle of fairy ropes can be regarded as compensation for senior sister."

  Empress Shiji hastily declined and said: "Senior Brother, you are serious. This time, we were able to survive because of your martial arts and mystical skills. It is Senior Sister who owes you a life-saving grace."

   Didn't expect Tang Lin to give her such a powerful magic weapon. She was **** from the beginning to the end, and she survived only with Tang Lin's help.

   "Senior sister, you can take it. This trip was originally for me to accept Li Nezha as an apprentice, and senior sister didn't need to go with me. And I have a magic weapon refined by a saint, so this thing is of little use to me." Tang Lin insisted.

  When he first arrived in the world of gods, Empress Shiji helped Tang Lin a lot. It can be said that she was his guide. If there was no Empress Shiji, Tang Lin would have been hacked to death by Daoist Taiyi long ago. How could he be where he is today.

  Besides, Empress Shiji's cultivation is not low, but she lacks a magic weapon to take advantage of. A mere five poison pearls is not enough, and this bundle of fairy ropes is just not satisfactory.

  Seeing Tang Lin's insistence, Empress Shiji is not hypocritical. Although she is not rewarded for nothing, but one more magic weapon is an extra bit of strength, and there will always be something that can help her junior in the future. If the younger brother is in danger in the future, it will be considered a risk of death... Bah, bah, it's best not to have such a day.

   Seeing Empress Shiji accepting the fairy rope, Tu Xingsun was the happiest. Now that he has accepted the baby, he must have a way to survive.

Tang Lin didn't betray Tu Xingsun either, and pointed out to Tu Xingsun: "You are a person who teaches, even if you run away, your master can catch you back from the bottom of the sky. Therefore, you can't escape. Once you betray your religion, die faster.

   "You must go back to Feiyun Cave. Even if your master has a heart demon, he will not kill you immediately, but will comfort you at the beginning. Therefore, you will not have to worry about your life for at least ten years."

  Tu Xingsun was anxious and asked, "But what about ten years from now?"

Tang Lin smiled mysteriously, and said to Tu Xingsun: "Heal your wounds well, and then wait patiently. When Jiang Ziya comes down the mountain according to the sage's decree, you go to Shen Gongbao and tell him the whole story, and he will naturally save you. When the time comes, he will save you." They will match up and make you join the Shang Dynasty, but you should remember the saying 'When you are in Zhouying, your heart is in Shang', which can keep you safe."

   After these words were finished, a muffled thunder suddenly sounded from the sky, and the rumbling sound reached Tang Lin's heart, making him a little depressed.

   Leaked the secret again, and the backlash came very quickly, but Tang Lin did not change Tu Xingsun's fate this time. Originally, he was going to collude with Shen Gongbao and betray Xiejiao together. A little bit of the future was revealed in advance, and the change of Tu Xingsun's fate is not obvious.

  Tang Lin has practiced the cycle of life and death, and has a deeper understanding of the power of karma. This time, the karma involved is very light, so it can be said that it is not worth mentioning. But if Tu Xingsun can be turned into a dark son lurking on Xiqi's side, it will have a great effect in the future.

   After sending Tu Xingsun away, Tang Lin changed into a sand puppet form again, and flew to Chentang Pass with Empress Shiji.

  Finally, it’s time to accept Nezha as a disciple!

   Sorry, I don’t know why there are always a few words missing when uploading recently

   I checked the codeword software, and I chose full copy when copying. I don’t know if it’s the codeword software problem or the author’s background problem. If you find missing words, please remind me in this chapter, and I will revise them as soon as possible.



  (end of this chapter)

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