MTL - What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?-Chapter 6 Heart of Stone effect

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  Chapter 6 The Effect of the Heart of the Stone Man

  Seeing these three skills that can be exchanged, Tang Lin finally understood what those wishes were useful for.

   There seems to be nothing to hesitate about the three skills. Being an omnivore is meaningless. Tang Lin lives in a society where no one will starve to death. People who say they eat dirt have never eaten bark or grass roots.

   As for traveling to another world, Tang Lin felt that two compressed biscuits would be enough.

  Exquisite craftsmanship doesn't mean much. Tang Lin doesn't plan to become a craftsman. He didn't even like to play with building blocks since he was a child. And according to the experience of this time travel, craftsmanship is useless in the giant state. The weapons and armor of the dwarf kingdom are all melted. I don't know if it is enough for Tang Lin to make a hammer.

  So, the only choice is the Heart of the Stone Man. Fortunately, the dwarves were very satisfied with Tang Lin's service, so they gave them extra rewards for their wishes, otherwise Tang Lin wouldn't be able to exchange them.

  The reward for summoning is not low, the requirements are few and easy to meet, and they are willing to give large tips. These dwarves are really perfect summoners.

  Tang Lin sighed with emotion after exchanging the skill Heart of Stone Man, only one hundred wishes left.

  There was no light and shadow effect, and there was no feeling of a surge in strength. Instead, Tang Lin felt that his body seemed to be a little heavier.

  Trying to jump on the spot, there seemed to be no change. After a while, the heavy feeling disappeared, but at the same time Tang Lin didn't feel any changes in his body.

  Tang Lin began to worry that this might be a counterfeit product, so he looked carefully at the description.

   "Obtaining the favor of the earth, standing on the ground will gain obvious strength and recovery bonuses."

  Tang Lin seems to understand the problem. His house is on the twelfth floor, which is too far away from the ground.

  It's two o'clock in the morning, and I can't go downstairs to verify the effect, so I have to wait until tomorrow.

   Checked the system interface again. In addition to harvesting the wish power, Tang Lin also obtained 172 dwarf gold coins. This was agreed upon by the dwarves when they summoned Tang Temporary, at the cost of half of their wealth.

   However, the size is still the standard of another world.

  More than one hundred gold coins, each small enough to pass through the eye of a needle, do not know if the sum is enough to weigh one gram.

   This little gold, even if it is pure gold, is only more than three hundred yuan. Although Tang Lin was a poor student, three hundred yuan really didn't excite him much.

  Tang Lin took out a necklace from the drawer. The pendant was in the shape of a rather delicate treasure chest and could be opened. This is a gift I planned to give to someone a long time ago, but in the end it couldn't be given, so I just kept this necklace as a thought.

  Tang Lin opened the treasure chest pendant, and put the gold coins in, only to fill less than one-third of it.

  Although it is a bit rare, this function represents the possibility of plane trading. Maybe there are some treasures suitable for Tang Lin, a "giant".

   Relocking the necklace in the drawer, Tang Lin yawned and lay down on the bed. He should have slept a long time ago, and Tang Lin was already exhausted after climbing the mountain for several hours after crossing.

   Covered with the quilt, Tang Lin quickly fell asleep. This sleep was very solid, and Tang Lin didn't get up from the bed until ten o'clock the next day.

  The sound of slippers echoed in the empty house, Tang Lin's parents had already gone to work.

   Tang Lin made a face for himself, thought about it, and added one more. I have exchanged the skills of the stone man's heart, and I can be regarded as a reborn. It is written like this in the novels. The impurities in the body are excreted, the muscle lines of the body are revealed, and then the appetite increases greatly.

  However, fifteen minutes later, Tang Lin poured out the remaining half of the noodles, and cursed: "Everything in the novel is a lie!"

   After changing his clothes, Tang Lin went out with his mobile phone. He was going to try to see if the stone man's heart was a counterfeit or shoddy product.

  Take the elevator downstairs, and as the height descends, Tang Lin begins to feel a force slowly seeping into his body.

  Stepping out of the elevator, Tang Lin walked out of the residential building and came to the community garden, this feeling became even clearer.

  There seemed to be an upward lifting force on the ground, making his body lighter, and the small wounds on his feet felt itchy, as if they were healing at an extremely fast speed.

   This feeling is actually not very pleasant. The itching of his feet makes him want to scratch with his hands. But if you pick your toes in the garden of the community, do you still want this reputation? Tang Lin has always been a "other people's child" character.

   But he couldn't take the elevator home either. The effect of the Stone Man's Heart would be greatly weakened when he got away from the ground, and he didn't know when these wounds would heal.

  So he decided to use running to alleviate this feeling, and by the way, he could test the strength bonus effect of the stone man's heart.

   Not to mention, the effect of Heart of Stone Man is more obvious after running.

  With each step on the ground, there seemed to be an upward force that counteracted his weight, propelling him forward at a faster pace. She obviously has a puffy body, but now she feels as light as a swallow.

   Not only that, but the power seeping into the body seems to be able to quickly restore physical strength. After running three laps around the artificial lake in this community, which was a thousand meters long, Tang Lin was sweating from the run, and at the same time felt that his body was a bit overwhelmed.

  But just after walking slowly for more than ten meters, Tang Lin felt that he had returned to a normal state, and even the feeling of fatigue disappeared quickly.

   Tang Lin wanted to test his limits, so he continued to run around the artificial lake. This time, he ran even farther. It took four and a half laps before he started to feel tired.

  Then he started to slow down again, and the exhausted physical strength quickly recovered. After repeated tests, Tang Lin found that his physical fitness was improving rapidly, and his endurance and strength had both increased significantly.

  However, the power of the earth does not seem to be able to replace the effect of water. After running for so long, Tang Lin felt a little parched. Just as he was about to go home and drink some water, he suddenly heard someone shouting out of breath behind him: "Isn't this Tang Lin, you run so fast?"

   Looking back, he seemed to see a mountain of meat standing in front of him.

  This is his neighbor plus a classmate in the next class, Roshan... No, Ren Shan.

  Ren Shan is in the same class as Tang Lin, but Tang Lin is in the first class and he is in the second class. This person is indeed not an ordinary person, with a height of 1.9 meters and a weight of 350 catties, he is only a bowl of rice away from being obese.

   Tang Lin took a look at Ren Shan's appearance. He was wearing a sweatband and sportswear, and under his feet were a pair of Nike running shoes that were so expensive that he was enviable and jealous. Tang Lin remembered that this was a new model, and there were more than 7,000 pairs online.

  Ren Shan's family is quite rich, Tang Lin knew about it, but he didn't expect to be so rich. It's also out for running, do you want to be so luxurious, Ren Shan?

   Tang Lin had a lemon in his heart, but on the surface he could only say calmly: "Yes, you also come to exercise, what a coincidence."

Ren Shan didn't realize that Tang Lin was hurt by his arrogance, but he said enviously: "I just saw you ran five laps and didn't even catch your breath. Tang Lin, are you so awesome? You usually run marathons ?”

Tang Lin hurriedly said: "No way, isn't it that you are going to find something to do after the college entrance examination? Playing games at home all day feels hurting your body, so I try to exercise. I only ran for more than a week, and you Work hard, you won't be worse than me."

   "I've been running for almost half a month, look at my belly." Ren Shan pinched his nearly seven-month-old belly, with a helpless expression on his face.

  I have been exercising for half a month, what a fat man with a firm will.

   "I can't hold on anymore, I haven't lost any weight at all, and my knees are so painful, can you teach me how to run to get into your figure." Ren Shan asked.

   "Status? What kind of figure?" Tang Lin asked strangely.

  (end of this chapter)

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