MTL - What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?-Chapter 847 money in place

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  Chapter 847 The money is in place

   What Qi Lin didn't expect was that when he got off the plane this time, many people came to pick him up!

  Most of them are Chinese, which made Qi Lin a little confused, and turned to look at Wang Xiaohua.

   "Sister, whereabouts did you disclose?"

  Wang Xiaohua shook her head and said, "No, but there are so many people guarding the airport, it's normal for the news to spread."

  When Qi Lin came to Hollywood before, he was picked up at the airport, but it was just two or three big cats and kittens.

  Plus Morgan came to pick up the plane and almost never stopped at the airport. This was the first time Qi Lin encountered such a scene.

  Although it was said that Qi Lin was wearing a mask and sunglasses, Wang Xiaohua, Wu Yong and the others behind him were not wearing them, and they were recognized by the entertainment newspaper reporter within minutes.

   "Qi Lin! That's Qi Lin!"

   "Mr. Qi!"

  The reporters and the pick-up personnel rushed forward, making the airport security instantly vigilant.

   Qi Lin also brought a group of private bodyguards with him on this trip. Wu Yong stood in front of Qi Lin when he saw this, and the private bodyguards formed a circle to protect Qi Lin, Han Guanqi, Wang Xiaohua and others.

   "Excuse me!"

   "Don't be crowded!"

  The security at the airport was maintaining order, Qi Lin sighed inwardly, he actually resisted this kind of scene.

  Maybe some entertainers will like it, because it proves that they are popular, and someone is willing to pick them up at the airport.

   But Qi Lin is different, so since his debut, he has been keeping his itinerary secret.

  It's not that he doesn't have vanity, but he thinks it's unnecessary, and there are too many people and it's easy to have a stampede.

   It turned out that the whereabouts were still exposed this time. It seems that even if you want to keep a low profile this time, you can't do it.

   "Mr. Qi Lin! Mr. Qi Lin! As the first Asian to be shortlisted for the Best Actor Oscar, do you have anything to say to your Asian fans?"

   "Mr. Qi Lin, what do you think is the chance of winning this award?"

   "Mr. Qi, there are many fans of yours here, do you have anything to say to the fans?"

   "Mr. Qi Lin, Mr. Qi Lin, do you have time to make an interview with us? Mr. Qi Lin!"

  The airport security guards stopped these reporters, and the bodyguards brought by Qi Lin protected him all the way out.

  Morgan looked anxious outside the door, and he was relieved when he saw Qi Lin arrive at the door. He waved his hands hurriedly, signaling the bodyguards to go up to protect Qi Lin.

   "Mr. Qi, Mr. Qi! Don't you have anything to say to your fans?"

   "Mr. Qi Lin, may I ask if you have considered coming to Hollywood to develop!"

   "Mr. Qi"

  Amidst the noise, Qi Lin hurried out of the airport.

  There were too many people, he couldn't say hello at this time, let alone sign a group photo, otherwise it would be really easy to cause problems if crowded.

   If there is a stampede, Qi Lin will feel very sorry.

  After leaving the airport, Qi Lin heaved a sigh of relief after getting into the car.

   Morgan gained a lot of weight again, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

   "Boss, you are really welcome."

  Qi Lin tidied up his clothes and said, "I was also taken aback. I don't know how this news got out."

   "The news came out three hours ago."

  Morgan took out his mobile phone, clicked on a webpage and handed it to Qi Lin.

  Qi Lin took it over and took a look. It was a photo of him when he boarded the plane. Qi Lin sighed, he really has great powers!

   "Boss, the hotel has already been arranged. Zhao Wumian and the others are waiting for you at the hotel."


  The car was speeding all the way, and it didn't take long to arrive at the hotel. Zhao Wumian had been waiting in the lobby. When he saw Qi Lin, he came up and gave him a big hug!

   "Boss! Long time no see!"

  Qi Lin also patted him on the back with a smile and said, "Yes, how is the company doing recently?"

   "Since our "Inception" was released globally, our company's reputation has grown! Now many foreign companies have come to us to cooperate, and there are almost not enough manpower."

   "If you don't have enough manpower, just recruit. There are so many newcomers in our country, so we just need to recruit and train them."

   "It takes a certain amount of time for those newcomers to grow, so I temporarily chose to cooperate with other companies. While cooperating, I also cultivate newcomers. I can't push the business out."

   "I have no objection to doing this, but you must check it out so as not to tarnish the company's reputation."

   "Boss, don't worry, our company's reputation is hard-earned, and every special effect will go through layers of checks!"

"Ah That's good."

   Several people came to the restaurant while talking, and the welcome banquet was prepared early.

  Han Guanqi and Zhao Wumian also have a good relationship. They were together almost every day when they edited "Inception".

   "Old Zhao, is there a guide who is familiar with the local area? I plan to go out for a stroll in the past two days. I have been to Hollywood so many times, but I haven't done much shopping yet."

   "Yes, I'll ask him to find you tomorrow, but it's best to bring two bodyguards. How can I say it here? It can't compare with the security in China."


  Han Guanqi also understood this point, and agreed very simply.

   After the group finished their meal, they said their goodbyes.

  Qi Lin and Zhao Wumian agreed to go to the special effects company to take a look tomorrow, which can be regarded as showing his sense of existence.

  After resting in the hotel overnight, Zhao Wumian drove downstairs and waited early the next morning.

   Qi Lin brought his bodyguards, and the group came to Qilin Special Effects again.

  When Qi Lin walked into the company, he found that the atmosphere in the company was really different.

  When Qi Lin came before, the employees were relatively leisurely. Even in front of him, the boss, there was no sense of urgency.

  But in the company at this moment, the smiles on the faces of the employees have disappeared, and they are all clacking and pressing the keyboard in front of the computer. Even when they get up and walk, they are in a hurry, as if something is chasing them behind them.

  Qi Lin was a little surprised when he saw this, and said, "What's going on?"

   "Isn't this relatively busy recently?"

   "Then their mental state is not right, why do they suddenly love work so much?"

  Zhao Wumian laughed after hearing this, knowing that Qi Lin had seen these people fishing before, which formed a sharp contrast with the present.

   "It's very simple, as long as the money is in place."

  Qi Lin suddenly realized that what Zhao Wumian said was so right!

  Is the problem solved soon after the money is in place?

  You offer someone a salary of 3,000 yuan a month, but who would be willing to let them do a job worth 5,000 yuan?

   But if you want to raise your salary, it will definitely solve 80% of the problem!

   As for the remaining 20%, you can solve most of it with a higher price increase.

  Qi Lin followed Zhao Wumian to the production room, and found that most of the people seemed to have not seen them, and were engrossed in the work in hand.

   This made Qi Lin somewhat uncomfortable. After all, when he came last time, these people really did everything, but they didn't have a job!

  (end of this chapter)

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