MTL - What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?-Chapter 837 obvious gap

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  Chapter 837 The gap is obvious

  The other party is fighting back frantically, trying to lead the comments in delusion.

   I have to admit that what they did has some effect, and some viewers who don't know the truth will believe it and will go to the cinema to watch "Gluttony Crisis".

   But in the end, it is still a desperate struggle. After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see the gap in the quality of the two films.

   Unsurprisingly, some theaters came to the door, hoping to change the number of films scheduled.

   Kylin Media certainly has no objection to this, but the condition you gave before is to dream!

   For this reason, many theaters also gritted their teeth and admitted it!

   No way, now who can't see the fire of "Inception"? If we don't negotiate with [Kylin Media] as soon as possible, I'm afraid it will be more difficult later.

   As for the small circle, what should I say?

  After this incident, there may be no small circle in the future.

   One day later, the box office for the second day was released.

   "Gluttony Crisis" premiere box office, 480 million!

   "Inception" premiere box office, 350 million!

  Although the box office of "Glutton Crisis" has not dropped much, the distance between the two parties is getting smaller and smaller.

  And as the release time of the movie lengthened, the word-of-mouth of the two movies became more and more polarized!

   Audiences are not fools, especially when the difference in quality between the two films is obvious! Can't you really tell the difference between good and bad?

  From this day forward, the box office contrast between the two is stark.

  The box office of "Inception" continues to rise!

  The box office of "Gluttony Crisis" continued to decline!

  Finally, on the fourth day, the box office of both sides reversed!

   "Gluttony Crisis" premiere box office, 300 million!

   "Inception" premiere box office, 510 million!

   Qi Lin's fans ridiculed upon seeing this, and reposted the previous small circle propaganda.

  # "Gluttony Crisis" beat "Inception" at the box office! #

  #"Inception" has a great reputation, why is the box office completely crushed? #

  #Box office proves everything, the audience’s eyes are discerning.#

   And leave a message below to ask why they don't promote it.

   "Hey, hey, didn't you ask why "Inception" was completely crushed at the box office? Yes, tell me why?"

   "That's right, right, don't you say that the box office can prove everything? Then I want to ask, let's see what it proves now?"

   "That is to say, is it possible to say that "Gluttony Crisis" is **** now? How dare you say so when it beat "Inception" at the box office!"

  The ridicule of netizens covers the sky, but people in the small circle turn a blind eye to it. They only have one idea now, to publicize it as much as possible, and then save money!

  Director Zhang has now placed his focus on foreign markets. Looking at it now, the domestic box office can't even guarantee its capital.

  He invested all his wealth in this movie, and now it seems that it is difficult to make money, so he has to do his best to study how to save money!

   Not long after, the overseas box office also reported back.

  "Gluttony Crisis"'s overseas premiere box office reached 200 million US dollars!

  And "Inception" is only 130 million US dollars!

  Of course, this is still just the box office on the first day.

  Because even in foreign countries, the box office of "Inception" is several blocks away from "Gluttony Crisis"!

   And with the fermentation of word of mouth, this gap will only become more and more obvious!

   Now Qi Lin is no longer worried about whether the box office is not box office, because they have already won half of this movie war!

  And from the third day onwards, some attentive viewers noticed that the film schedule of "Inception" began to increase, from the original two a day to three!

  The "Glutton Crisis" has changed from five games to four, the meaning of which is self-evident.

  So the netizens were even more happy to ridicule, the thing that Director Zhang was most worried about happened, and it will not be guaranteed at the end of the festival!

  Originally he planned to shoot a blockbuster film with special effects as the curtain call of his directing career, but now it seems that he can't give up so easily, he can't retire with shame!

   Soon, a week has passed.

  The box office of "Glutton Crisis" has reached the beginning of 100 million, and it looks like it will drop to the 10 million mark tomorrow.

  However, the box office of "Inception" is still strong, even a bit scary!

   This shocked some people in the circle. I wondered if this would create a new box office record in China?

  Thinking of the foreign box office, they were even more shocked.

   It may not only be the domestic box office record, but the foreign box office record will also be broken!

  At this moment, Qi Lin was looking at the script in his hand.

   "Me and My Motherland - Encounter"!

  The content on the script is very simple, without even a name, but Qi Lin understood it in seconds after reading it.

  Because this protagonist represents not one person, but countless unsung heroes who fought for the motherland.

  After reading the script, Qi Lin's only thought was that he must not disappoint the script, otherwise, he would be a sinner!

  He took out his mobile phone and dialed Han Guanqi's number.

   "Watch chess, come to my office."

   "Good boss."

  A few minutes later, Han Guanqi came to Qi Lin's office.

   "Have you read the script?"

"seen it already."

   "Tell me what's on your mind."

  “I think this script can be shot from another angle. The movies made by many people before kept pushing up unsung heroes, even treating them as saints.”

   "I think we should change the angle and let the audience know that these unsung heroes are also ordinary people, and they also have their own families and live by themselves."

   "It's just that they have to give up these for the sake of the country and the nation!"

  Qi Lin nodded after listening, indeed, no hero is born.

  They are also ordinary people, but they do extraordinary things, which makes them more respectable.

   "Your idea is very good, what about the actors?"

   "This is the cast list I prepared, take a look."

  Han Guanqi handed over the cast list. Almost all the artists on it belonged to Kylin Media, and all the artists had the right to use them, and they would be voided after the expiration date. Han Guanqi obviously did a good job in this regard.

   Some of the characters who showed up a lot were also separated by Han Guanqi. After all, cakes are not as good as eating by yourself.

  Especially after Kylin Media went to war with the small circle, it was even more difficult to eat the cake by itself.

  After reading it, Qi Lin frowned and asked, "Has the invitation been sent out?"

"not yet."

   "That's good, replace the heroine."

  Han Guanqi's eyes suddenly widened. This heroine is also a first-line female artist in the company, and the audience's reputation is quite good. How can she be replaced?

   "She is not suitable for this role, she is too beautiful."

  Han Guanqi was a little dazed, thinking when is it a sin to be beautiful?

   "And it can't be an old face, otherwise it will be easy for the audience to play. Find someone who is ordinary and has acting skills."

   "What about age?"

   "You can figure it out. If you are too old, you must not."


  (end of this chapter)

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