MTL - What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?-Chapter 787 National Day file

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  By the time Qi Lin returned to China, it would already be October 1st.

  Because Kylin Media’s films are released in July and August, and Director Zhang’s films are also released in September, this October 1st can be said to be full of flowers.

   There are eight movies released at the same time, and the fight is in full swing!

   It was even dubbed the Battle of the Gods by netizens at one time!

  Although those investors said that the fight was hard, they couldn't help but feel that there is no schedule for Kylin Media, it is a good schedule!

  If they were beaten to death a few years ago, they would not have believed that a company would become the overlord of schedules in two or three years!

  But real life is often far more outrageous than fiction. The last time a company had such a dominant force seemed to be New Art City in Xiangjiang in the 1980s!

   At that time, New Art City was the same. In just one or two years, Golden Harvest and Shaw Brothers could barely compete.

  But today's Kylin Media is even more unreasonable!

  As long as it is released on schedule, it will definitely get the most film schedule, and the audience really recognizes it!

   No matter what type of movie it is, comedies, romances, police movies, as long as it is produced by Kylin Media, they will watch it!

   This made many investors in the circle sigh with emotion. This is the habit of cultivating audiences through word of mouth from beginning to end!

   It’s like some people are used to going to a small supermarket downstairs to buy things every day, so even if there is a big supermarket nearby, they will not bother to go.

  In the words of the common people, it means "going smoothly", but this is actually a habit.

  At this time, as long as the boss doesn't do any tricks, such as tricking old users, there will generally be no problems.

   At the moment, Kylin Media has this feeling! And he is not a small supermarket, but a big shopping mall, and it is a big shopping mall with high quality and low price!

   With such a company, can the movie not be popular?

   There are even experts who specialize in market research predict that the momentum of Kylin Media can last for at least five years!

   After five years, domestic films may face a reform.

   At that time, Kylin Media will either soar into the sky and become unstoppable.

  Either it falls and goes downhill like other companies.

  The insiders and filmmakers are almost dumbfounded after hearing this. If according to what this expert said, Kylin Media will fall in five years, so what should we do about it?

  Experts, is there any way to make them go downhill five years in advance?

  Of course there is such a way, as long as Qi Lin is stupid, or the house collapses.

   But the question is, is Qi Lin stupid?

  Then there is only one thing left, collapse the house!

   But here comes the problem again, Qi Lin’s character design is to be himself, how can this kind of person’s character design collapse?

   This makes some companies in the circle very uncomfortable.

  Most of the media companies use actors as their source of income. For example, they cultivate some artists, and those artists are their cash cows.

   So much so that their own company does not invest in many films, and most of them only release one film in about two years.

  Who is right with Kylin Media? They release several films a year, and what schedule is there?

   Now, they can only expect Director Zhang to work hard and defeat this 'big devil'.

   Qi Lin has watched almost all the movies released in the past two days. After all, he is also a movie maker, so he should also learn about his competitors.

   I have to admit that there are still some good movies. Although they may be worse in shooting and pictures, it still does not prevent the actors from performing the story very well.

  Qi Lin also found two good seedlings inside, and contacted Wang Xiaohua decisively, intending to let Sister Hua take the lead in poaching them.

   What surprised Qi Lin was that he also found Nie Xiaolong in it!

  Although Nie Xiaolong is only the second male lead, and even the character is not very pleasing, Qi Lin still feels a little pleasantly surprised, because he can clearly see Nie Xiaolong's progress!

  The character is not likable, that is the reason for the character!

   And being able to play the role well is the ability of an actor. There is no doubt that Nie Xiaolong has achieved this right now.

  Being able to star in such a big-budget movie is also an affirmation of Nie Xiaolong.

   This made Qi Lin start to think, should he bring Nie Xiaolong with him when filming!

  When filming "Inception", I didn't need anything else, and some small characters were fine.

  Speaking of which, now that the company is established, Qi Lin is most optimistic about Luan Yuan and Nie Xiaolong among the newcomers.

  The two of them did not live up to his expectations, and they are developing pretty well now, and Qi Lin doesn't mind bringing these two more.

After returning home, Qi Lin sat on the sofa. Today, the young master Qi can already walk slowly while supporting his things. Usually, Qi Lin intentionally lets the child move around more. When he saw Qi Lin now, the young master Qi walked slowly The short legs walked over tremblingly.

   Aunt Wang and Aunt Zhao followed closely behind, for fear that Qi Yiming would fall.

  Qi Lin waited for his son to come to the front and back of him, and immediately lifted up Young Master Qi.

  Qi Yiming giggled and laughed, showing no sign of fear at all.

  Qi Lin teased his son, spending his energy as much as possible during the day, so that he could be more honest at night.

  The father and son were playing around, Qi Weiguo came over, and naturally carried the eldest grandson into the aisle.

   "Can I take a break?"


  Qi Lin rubbed his face, but suddenly saw white hair in his father's hair, which made Qi Lin startled.



   "How old are you?"

  Qi Weiguo laughed and said: "Nonsense, I have grandsons, if this is not old, then it will not be an old monster?"

   Qi Weiguo smiled openly, but Qi Lin felt a little sour in his heart.

  He also knew that people would definitely grow old, but this kind of thing happened to his parents, which made him a little hard to accept.

  It turns out that the man who blocked all the wind and rain for him back then will also age.

  It turns out that the man who has been supporting the whole family will also have wrinkled and gray hair.

  Seeing his son's complex eyes, Qi Weiguo stepped forward and rubbed his head, just like when he was a child.

   "Stupid child, isn't this the inheritance? People all over the world are like this, passed down from generation to generation. Dad is old, but Dad's blood is flowing in you and Yiming!"

  Qi Lin was speechless, and felt that he had matured a lot.

  Men, growth often only takes a moment.

   In the days that followed, Qi Lin was free to exercise, exercise, and continue to exercise every day!

  Although Qi Lin is already thirty, he is already considered an older player among athletes, even at the age when he should retire.

   But in the world of martial arts, this is his peak period!

  Although it is said that Qi Lin has had fewer and fewer opportunities to compete with others since he entered the industry, but these years, through acting and experiencing different people's moods, his kung fu has improved rapidly.

  In ancient times, warriors sharpened their disciples and often sent them down the mountain to enter the world.

   But Qi Lin is even more amazing, directly playing the lives of different people, so that there are very few people who can beat Qi Lin in kung fu nowadays!

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