MTL - What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?-Chapter 778 fairy fight

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  After the film project was established, Qi Lin quickly began to determine the cast, and sent out interview invitations one after another to see if the other party had time.

  Some shooting locations that need to be used have also begun to be built, and other locations that need live shooting have also begun to contact each other to determine the shooting date.

  As for the director, of course it is Han Guanqi!

  If my confidants don’t use it, who do I use?

  Besides, in this period, if you use a foreign director Qi Lin, you will not be at ease.

  Who knows if he will be bought?

  If Han Guanqi is bribed, then Qi Lin will also admit it, and he can only say that he is inaccurate in judging people! Purely for my own reasons.

  Han Guanqi didn't say anything after hearing the news, but stepped up the filming process of the film in hand. The actors and staff began to work overtime one after another. Of course, the money that should be given to them will not be short of a penny.

  Han Guanqi must squeeze out time and spend more time on "Inception", because he knows very well that this competition is extremely important!

  Because Director Zhang has been almost the top director in China for a long time.

   Kylin Media is a product of the new era, if Director Zhang won this time.

  His reputation will be even greater! Maybe retire with a legend.

   And if Qi Lin wins, it will announce the advent of a new era.

  Han Guanqi is naturally on Qi Lin's side. Like Qi Lin, he also feels that after the predecessors have made achievements, they should still give way.

   You haven't changed in that position for a long time, so why not give the new guy a try?

  You have been pressing on the top, how can newcomers get ahead?

  Qian Yingjun didn't think about it so much. Ever since he knew that Director Li would release a gangster movie at the same time as him, Qian Yingjun's eyes were red all this time.

  He is different from directors like Han Guanqi who have made many films. This is his debut film, so there is only one idea in his mind.

   Kill him!

   Kill them all!

   Get rid of the old gods and prove my way!

  Qian Yingjun is crazy, so much so that the actors under him are almost driven crazy by him.

  Especially for the lead actors Wang Qianyuan and Bao Er, who felt good about themselves, were rejected by Qian Yingjun.

  In the end, the actors themselves didn't know how to act well.

  Seeing this, Qian Yingjun stood up directly, and after demonstrating it himself, he asked the actor to act according to his state.

   I have to say that there is something about Qian Yingjun, the actors were stunned after performing a circle according to his acting method, only feeling that the tension of the character has risen to a new level!

  Under Qian Yingjun's high pressure, the actors all broke out with all their strength!

  In the end, those actors even decided to work with Qian Yingjun as little as possible in the future, because it was really tormented.

  Since Kirin Media announced the approval of the film project, and Director Zhang also announced the approval of the film project, the two of them didn't care, but other media companies panicked!

  When gods fight, mortals suffer!

  In history, there are many examples of the boss and the second fighting and killing the third.

  You only say that there are movies with an investment of more than one billion yuan, but you have set the schedule!

  You have set the schedule, let's go!

  And those summer movies that were released in July and August this year have already been flattened. I thought this year's summer movie would be good.

  But who would have thought that so many war gods would be killed halfway?

Needless to say, Han Guanqi is Qi Lin's confidant and favorite general. Whether it is "Charlotte Annoyance" or "Chasing the Dragon" before, they have killed the Quartet, let alone "Legend of Shushan" and "Scorching Sun". !

  Although it is said that Han Guanqi has never won the grand prize, but this year he has been shortlisted a lot!

   And even if he didn't win the grand prize, it wouldn't affect his status as a great director!

   Not to mention anything else, now that Han Guanqi goes out to film, he can take 20% of the net profit without counting the basic salary!

   Even so, there are countless people throwing olive branches!

   In Kylin Media, he only had a basic salary plus a bonus, but even so, he still didn't quit!


  One is because he is a smart person, he knows what is the reason for his success!

   Even many people supported him because of Qi Lin.

  If it is said that he leaves Qi Lin, Qi Lin only needs to issue a statement, and he will be labeled as ungrateful, and he may not be able to take it off for the rest of his life.

  The second is that human hearts are made of flesh.

  Qi Lin has so many good opportunities and so many good scripts, but he shoots them all by himself.

   There is even a feeling that if he does not win the prize, then this kind of treatment will not stop!

  In the whole world, apart from Qi Lin, there is no other person who can treat him like this!

   Just this treatment, the eyes of countless people who are envious are red.

  Not to mention anything else, now Qi Lin only needs to go out and say hello, saying that Han Guanqi's treatment will be given to others, and those directors will be able to compete for this opportunity in an instant.

   And this is what only Han Guanqi can enjoy, the confidant treatment!

  This time "Inception" is the best example!

   And director Zhang on the other side, let alone, how many people nowadays grew up watching his movies.

   For a long time, director Zhang's movies have represented Chinese aesthetics!

   Nowadays, who is not afraid of the collision between the new gods and the old gods?

  In the end, these two may not hurt their muscles or bones, but the little miscellaneous fish around them can't stand it!

  All the movies that were originally supposed to be released in the summer are crazy, and they went to the theaters to strongly demand a change of schedule!

  Although other schedules are not as crowded as the summer schedule, the competition is not as fierce as the summer schedule!

  In the gap between these four movies, what kind of movie can survive?

  However, there is a limit to the number of films scheduled in theaters. They can only adjust a few films, but there are still many left.

   And for those few places, the investors were almost beaten to death.

  Yanjing, Kylin Film and Television City.

  Nowadays, Kylin Film and Television City already has a good look, and even some small crews have come here to start filming.

  However, so far, Kylin Film and Television City has not built buildings in the style of Ming and Qing Dynasties.

   After all, there are simply too many buildings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The crew can go to Hengdian. The technology of the film and television city is still mature, so it is not worthwhile to come here.

  So most of the buildings that are mainly put into use now are in the style of the Republic of China!

  At this moment, in the corner of the film and television city, the construction of European and American buildings officially began.

  Qi Lin and Wang Xiaohua attended in person, and after the ribbon cutting, the workers started working again.

   This time, it is almost a one-on-one panorama, which will occupy a very large area. For this reason, Qi Lin and Wang Xiaohua began to consider at the same time, should the land of the film and television city be expanded?

   It’s better to get things done now that you have money in your hands, because Qi Lin might spend the money someday.