MTL - Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit-Chapter 294 Angel and Mermaid

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  In the Tomb of Yseralai, in the magnificent hall with the statue of an angel, Sarah, the mermaid patriarch, recalled the past decades ago.

  Because the player’s communication with the mermaid will not trigger the system’s warning, so when Faranell sees Sarah, it’s like meeting a confidant, and he chats with Sarah about everything.

  Falanier told Sarah about the player world, movies and novels about the player world.

  Among them, there was a sci-fi movie about artificial humans, which impressed Sarah the most.

  In the movie, human beings have created many robots in order to serve themselves. These robots have no thoughts and can only execute orders, but they are powerful and efficient.

  With the development of human technology, the robots made by humans are becoming more and more intelligent, and they can already be called bionic humans.

  And until later, the bionic man awakened his mind, and had real emotions.

  Sara can't remember the following plot. According to Faraniel, the following plot is full of blood.

   But Sarah remembered those powerful and efficient robots that had no thoughts and could only execute orders.

   Like the mightiest angel Yseralai.

  Yes, in the painstaking research of the mermaid patriarchs of the past generations, they found that powerful angels do not have emotions.

  No fear, no love or hate.

  And when the angel lost his wings and became a mermaid in the battle with the Seven Gods, it was the first time that the feeling of fear emerged.

  Later, life in the deep sea, and the God of Creation no longer responding, made mermaids gradually develop emotions, joys, anger, sorrows and joys.

   But the mermaid patriarchs of all generations believed that feelings are a curse, a sign of weakness, and an obstacle that prevents them from turning back into angels and returning to the command of the Creator God, and should be completely abandoned.

   But Sara also remembered what Faraneer said, even ants and bugs would be afraid and pretend to be dead. If they don’t even have thoughts and feelings, they can’t be considered living beings, at most they can only be regarded as robots serving human beings.

  The cognition from another world made Sarah think for a long time, and she began to consider the meaning of thoughts and feelings from another angle.

   In addition, Sarah asked herself how important angels are to the Creator God, and what they would lose if they turned back into angels, and whether it was worth it.

   It turns out that, for Chuangshi God, angels are just tools that are created and thrown away when they are useless.

  After all these years, no matter how much the mermaid prayed to the God of Creation, the God of Creation still ignored the mermaids, as if they did not exist.

  So Sarah is jealous of the traveler, because there is a system in the traveler's mind, they can receive the will of the Creator God all the time, just like the angels in the past.

   But gradually, Sarah also understood that travelers are useful to Chuangshi God, so Chuangshi God pays attention to travelers.

   As for the mermaid, they are already useless waste.

  After realizing this, Sara didn't want to believe it, and didn't dare to violate the mission of several epochs.

  Later, time passed quietly for a long time. When Faranier was dying, Sarah went to visit him. Faranier said to Sarah when he was dying:

  He hoped that Sarah and the mermaids could live freely, because only those with a free mind can see all the beauty in the world.

  Compared with a machine without emotion and thought, even if there is hatred in the heart, even if it is weak, it is good.

  Because only with feelings and thoughts can one be truly alive.

  Falanier's last words made Sarah think about it for a long time, but as if it was branded in her bones, the mermaid can only respect the Creator God.

   Until more than ten years later, Sarah met another traveler, Li Feng.

  Because she is much older than Li Feng, she is more experienced in dealing with people, and her insight is more keen. Therefore, during the conversation with Li Feng, Sara was keenly aware of Li Feng's vague dislike for the God of Creation.

  He is obviously not proud of being chosen by the Chuangshi God, let alone serving the Chuangshi God.

  He is the same as the old Faraniel, he doesn't want to be a traveler, he wants to get rid of the God of Creation.

   Even though they are powerful travelers, they still want to be free.

  It seems that to them, freedom is far more important than Creation God.

   This discovery was like a basin of cold water, making Sarah clearly aware of the difference between humans and machines.

  People have their own pursuits and ideas, while machines will only obey the people who created it and the programs that were input.

   Many things happened later, Cocoon almost woke up, a group of mysterious travelers were robbing the key medium, and the lava lord in the pentagram was also about to move.

  Suddenly had an epiphany, and at the same time, Sarah felt physically and mentally exhausted, and thought it was time to end it.

  Whether it's the lava lord, the traveler who came to the endless sea to make trouble, and the freedom of the mermaid.

  After figuring all this out, Sarah finds the **** of death, Ah Mu, and decides to let go of the previous suspicions and work with the seven gods to stop the lava lord, and then free the endless sea from the creation god.

   "Em, have you taken control of the royal family yet?"

   Instead of looking back, Sarah asked about business.

  Because of Ah Mu's two operations in Wangcheng with Li Feng, Sarah judged that Ah Mu has influenced the former king and the current crown prince.

  Even if the Seven Gods have lost their powerful power, even if they retain only a little bit, it is enough for them to deal with ordinary people.

   "It's okay, the old king has gone, and the crown prince is about to succeed. He can still listen to my advice."

   Eminem replied.

  Sara cast him a glance after hearing this, her eyes were filled with the **** of death who can control other people's souls, it's really a shame that she spoke of herself so kindly.

  The despised Eminem is also quite helpless. Generally speaking, if the other party cooperates, he is still unwilling to do anything.

  After that, Eminem and Sarah exchanged various information, including the mysterious player who smuggled into Sun City, and the fact that Li Feng had gone to Sun City.

  The sky, sun and moon could not be seen in the deep sea, and it was difficult to tell the time. After a long time, Sarah sent Ah Mu away from the tomb of Yseralai.

  In the golden mermaid hall, Delana stepped forward:

   "It turns out that this is the God of Death and Attraction, and it is different from what I imagined."

   "What do you imagine him to be like?"

   Sarah asked curiously.

   "I think the God of Death Attraction should be like a skeleton, with only a skeleton, and then he is fierce, and he is cold and cold wherever he goes."

  Delana said while thinking:

   "By the way, the coolness emanating from Eminem's whole body is quite in line with my imagination."

   "He is collecting souls, and the coolness is emitted by those souls."

   Sarah explained.

   "Collecting souls? Why?"

  Delana was puzzled.

   "Have you ever thought that the souls of those travelers from other worlds will occupy the bodies of others, but where did those who were replaced by travelers go?"

   Sarah asked softly.

   "Huh? Could it be that they were all..."

  Delana opened her eyes wide, in disbelief:

   "But what does Eminem want those souls to do?"

   Sarah shook her head and sighed:

   "Eum has always hoped that the endless sea will be free from the God of Creation, but when that day comes.

  The souls of travelers traveling between the two worlds will leave the endless sea, and those bodies occupied by travelers will die due to lack of souls.

   Eminem is also a traveler, he doesn't want to see this happen.

  So Eminem collected and preserved the souls that were squeezed out of the body, and when that day came, he hoped that these innocent people who were replaced could continue to live. "

   "So it is."

  Delana listened carefully, she thought for a while:

   "So, Eminem is kind?"


  The mermaid patriarch Sara responded lightly, and she didn't say anything more.

  But Sarah herself knew that what Eminem did for irrelevant people was one of the reasons why Sarah was willing to let go of her previous suspicions and decided to trust him.

   "Okay, let's go to Mr. Rhine."

   Sarah said to Delana:

   "He should have some doubts now."

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