MTL - Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit-Chapter 285 New to Sun City

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  Chapter 285 First Arrival at Sun City


  Guanghui Island Sun City, in the extremely busy police station.

  Qi Heng opened the letter as soon as he received it, and read it anxiously.

  In the past few days, for Qi Heng, too many things have happened both in public and in private.

   At first, because the Guanghui vault in Sun City was robbed, he followed his mentor here to assist in the investigation.

   Soon Qi Heng discovered that the players who robbed the Brilliant Vault were actually players from Nova World.

  This discovery is very important, Qi Heng immediately reported it.

  The team leader Gao, who is also a player, attaches great importance to it, and he ordered Qi Heng to continue the identity investigation with the help of Violet Eye.

   At the same time, Qi Heng's mentor also decided to stay in Sun City to help his younger brother, who is the sheriff, investigate the robbery case.

   This made Qi Heng very happy.

   But his happiness was not entirely due to being able to successfully participate in the investigation, but also because of the person who investigated the case with him—

  An agent of the Sun City Police Department, Wood Elf Silver Moon.

   It was hard for Qi Heng to explain why. He only remembered that when he saw Yinyue for the first time, he was deeply attracted by this wood elf.

  And from then on, no matter whether she was walking, sitting or lying down, she was always on her mind.

  Qi Heng thinks that he is a rational person, and it is possible to fall in love at first sight, but he does not believe it is love at first sight, and the love is so serious.

  So Qi Heng speculated whether he might have been hit by some kind of spell.

  However, no matter what methods Qi Heng used or consulted his mentor, he didn't realize that he was under the spell of controlling his mind.

  Afterwards, Qi Heng struggled for a while, and then happily admitted that he must have fallen in love with Yinyue.

   In the next few days of getting along, Qi Heng found out.

  Yinyue is not only beautiful and enthusiastic, cheerful and cute, but also very kind-hearted, gentle and patient with others.

   And on top of that, she has shiny silver hair.

  Although her eyes are usually sea blue, as a first-order hunter, Yinyue sometimes uses a small spell to turn her eyes red.

   This made Qi Heng, who had no resistance to silver hair and red pupils, almost completely fell.

   And another time, because he was too tired to investigate a robbery case, Qi Heng fell asleep while sitting on the rocking carriage.

   And when he woke up, he saw Yinyue looking at him with a smile.

  Qi Heng was embarrassed by the look, so he asked, "Why are you looking at me?"

  However, Yinyue was still smiling, she blinked and replied:

   "Because I'm counting your eyelashes."

  Hearing this, Qi Heng blushed, and his heartbeat began to speed up unconsciously.

  The whole world suddenly brightened up.

  During those few days, Qi Heng felt like the hero in a detective novel.

  Tiantian and the beautiful detective investigate the case together, and have a secret love for each other.

   But who knows, the death of the Governor of Guanghui Island suddenly broke all the beauty.

  As a player, after the assassination, Qi Heng could naturally guess that the person who killed the governor of Guanghui Island was also a new star player.

  They committed crimes in Sun City twice, they must be looking for something and robbing something.

   Not to mention the turmoil caused by them killing the governor and imprisoning the ten extraordinary guards in the painting.

  Only the second day after the incident, when Qi Heng and Yinyue visited the murderer together, Yinyue suddenly disappeared.

   This made Qi Heng very anxious, and he immediately searched everywhere with the people from the Sun City Police Department.

   But no matter what methods they used, be it extraordinary methods or modern criminal investigation experience, they just couldn't find Yinyue.

  This wood elf seems to have evaporated out of thin air.

   For this reason, Qi Heng began to wonder whether Yinyue was brought to the new star by the new star player.

  He hurriedly recalled carefully the description of the world ladder used by players to smuggle.

  Wearing that his memory might be biased, Qi Heng wrote a letter to Huang Yanyan to inquire.

   But the final result is that the world ladder does not have the function of smuggling natives, at least the second-level players cannot.

  Qi Heng guessed again, could it be that the corpse was destroyed after the murder?

  But after thinking about it, the new star player even killed the governor so aboveboard, and was too lazy to destroy the corpse, so why would he care about a small detective?

  The search for people began to fall into a dead end, and at the same time, a colleague who knew Yinyue's relatives told Qi Heng.

  Yinyue also has a third-order hidden sister named Chenxing, who lives in the Black and White Courtyard located in the interior of Guanghui Island.

   Now that my sister has an accident, I have to contact my sister out of reason.

  And the younger sister is powerful, and she is backed by the Black and White Academy, so she will definitely help in finding Yinyue.

  Hearing this, Qi Heng immediately wrote a letter to Chen Xing of the Black and White Academy.

   It's just that, looking at the reply letter he finally got in his hand, Qi Heng was even more anxious.

   This letter was not answered by Chen Xing, but by other hidden persons in the Black and White Courtyard. He said that Chen Xing missed the letter because she happened to go to Sun City one step earlier.

   But the problem is that she did not come to Sun City to find her sister Yinyue, but to pick up a very important student of hers.

  In the letter, Qi Heng saw Chen Xing's very important student named Klaus.


  In the endless sea world, the speed of ordinary sea passenger ships is not fast.

   The stars move, the tide ebbs and flows.

  About two or three days later, at noon on October 13, Li Feng, who had changed his appearance and name, finally boarded Sun City of Guanghui Island.

   "You've come!"

  As soon as he disembarked, Li Feng heard a familiar voice among the noisy passengers.

   It was the wood elf Morning Star he was going to defect to, and he came to pick him up.

  Chen Xing remembered Li Feng's disguised appearance when he was a hidden person, so she grabbed Li Feng in the crowd of passengers as soon as she got off the boat.

   "Is the trip going well? Are you thirsty? Are you hungry? Is there anyone on board bullying you?"

  Seeing the student who has been dove over him for a long time, Chen Xing has the urge to give him a punch.

   But she was afraid of scaring away the students, so Chen Xing adjusted her mood, hugged Li Feng friendly, and asked with great concern.

   "No, everything is fine."

   Li Feng replied that he could see Chen Xing's emotions, but it's better to pretend not to see it now.

  Chen Xing nodded upon hearing this:

   "It's been a bit uneasy recently, but those things are taken care of by others, but you—"

  Wood Elf said, facing Li Feng, with his hips on his hips, showing the seriousness of the teacher, and finally asked what he wanted to ask:

   "Have you played outside enough these past few months?

  Can you feel at ease from now on, follow the guidance of the Stranger in the movie, and learn from me how to become a real hidden person? "

  Chen Xing has always been very curious. Looking back at the beginning, when she said "you think about it, come to me", it was actually just playing hard to get.

  Chen Xing thought that as a student, he would deal with trivial matters, at most he would say goodbye to a few lovers, and then he would come to Guanghui Island to find her.

   After all, this is the guidance and response of the Stranger in the movie, what an honor.

  But who knows, her student disappeared directly from the world, and there was no news of her shadow.

  Because of this matter, Chen Xing also couldn't figure it out.

   She was able to be responded to by Stranger in the Shadow in person, but she didn't take it seriously for a few months outside, what did she think as a student.


  Li Feng nodded. Although he had other goals, it didn't seem to affect him.

   And Chen Xing was very happy to see that he readily agreed, she waved her hand, as if to drive away all kinds of incomprehensible things before.

   Then he changed his serious expression and said with a hearty smile:

   "I knew you wouldn't let me down, let's go and take you to dinner!"

  (end of this chapter)