MTL - Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit-Chapter 265 Godhead fusion 300 points, the new governor of Storm Island

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  Chapter 265 Godhead Fusion 300 Points, New Governor of Storm Island

  【You killed Penrose Fell and Marthas】

  【You got the core of the earth from Penrose Fell and Marthas】

  【You obtained half of the godhead of Penrose Fell and Marthas】

  【You get a reward: the permission to exchange Godhead for Godhead fusion degree once】

  【The exchange is successful, you have obtained 100 points of Godhead fusion, do you want to apply it? 】

  【You have applied 100 points of godhead fusion, and the current godhead fusion is at 300 points (30%)】

   At midnight on October 1st, the thirteenth game cycle, the endless sea world.

  Penrose Fell's body was burning with the flames of the dragon. The embers of the flames dispelled the darkness and illuminated the basement of Storm's End. After the previous battle, there were not even broken walls left.

  The system prompts that Penrose Fell and Marthas are dead, and Li Feng got half of their godheads.

   Without further delay, Li Feng applied the 100 points of divine fusion that he had just redeemed.

   Waited carefully for a while, unlike the last time when the fusion reached 200 points, this time the system did not prompt him, and he obtained the power of the second stage of the gods.

  ‘It seems that 300 points are not enough, it makes sense, after all, the first stage requires 200 points of integration. '

  Because the power of the gods in the first stage is amazing, Li Feng also used it to dispel the intention of the research institute, so he has been looking forward to the second stage for the past few days.

   But now it seems that we still need to work hard.

   After finishing all this, Li Feng returned to the present moment and walked through the firelight, he wanted to see how Xi Ya was doing.

  However, at this moment, a black shadow rushed over, and Li Feng felt like an orange cat jumped into his arms, except that the orange cat was black and had two wings.

   "How are you? Is it okay?"

   "Ermm...I'm fine."

Xi Ya seemed to be frightened and cried. Li Feng raised his hand and patted the young dragon's head, trying to comfort him, but found that what Xue Yu said was true. The dragon's scales were really hard, and the edges were very sharp and piercing. .

   "'re a bit prickly."

  Looking at the baby dragon in his arms, Li Feng couldn't let go.

  Sia:? ? ?

  Xia was a little confused by Li Feng's words.

  ‘Where did I stab someone? No, is now the time to talk about this? '

  The nervous and worried mood just now was destroyed by Li Feng's words. Xia lowered her head to check the wound on Li Feng's abdomen.

  She remembered clearly that just now she clearly saw Penrose Fell's sneak attack, the sharp arrow directly penetrated Li Feng's abdomen and was pierced, blood was scattered all over the ground in an instant.

   If it weren't for the flames now burning Penrose Fell's body, the air would still smell of blood.

  However, what surprised Xiya, but also inexplicably, was that Li Feng's abdomen should have been huge, but the tragic wound healed.

  If it weren't for the large amount of blood on his clothes, Shia would have felt that she must have made a mistake just now.

  ‘No matter what, it’s good that he’s fine. '

  Xia breathed a sigh of relief and settled down.

  Since Li Feng is fine, Xi Ya immediately became curious again, what happened just now?

  In the battle just now, the two of them clearly lost to Penrose Fell.

  Just a few minutes ago, the dragon flames that he released with all his strength could not hurt Penros Fell at all, and at the same time Li Feng was seriously injured.

  However, in just a few sentences, why did things turn around completely.

   Li Feng was fine, but Penrose Fell died, and he still died under the flames of his own dragon.

   Remembering that Li Feng told him to "wait a little longer", Xi Ya seemed to understand something, but after thinking about it, there were more problems.

   Lifting her head, Xi Ya wanted to ask what happened just now, and at the same time, she was also worried about Li Feng, whether he used something like Moon Shadow Potion again.

   But when she raised her head, she noticed that Li Feng was looking at her seriously, as if studying magical creatures.

   Seems to have finally found a place to attack, Li Feng touched Xi Ya's horns, and at the same time concluded:

   "Well—it's pretty smooth here, not sticky."

  Sia: …

   Seeing Li Feng like this, Xi Ya's mood was quite complicated. She suddenly didn't want to be curious about what happened just now, and she didn't want to worry about Li Feng anymore, and even wanted to bite him.

   "By the way, when will you become an adult?"

   Studying the young dragon in his arms, Li Feng thought of "yesterday", the appearance of Xi Ya as an adult after taking the Moon Shadow Potion.

  Recalling that day, the grown-up Sia was as big as the entire City of Wind's Rest, and with a slight flap of her wings, she could create a hurricane that could destroy a city. Seeing that scene, Li Feng was really shocked.

   But now, after stroking the young dragon's horns, Li Feng looked forward to seeing Xi Ya who was not much different from the fat orange cat.

   "You... why are you asking this?"

   The young dragon was a little suspicious.

  "I read it in a book, saying, 'When the dragon spreads its wings, there is no distance in the endless sea'."

  Li Feng recalled the books he had read about giant dragons:

   "I thought it was an exaggeration in the book, but I didn't expect it to be so.

   Also, I think you're a hundred years old, so how long before you reach adulthood? "

   "Uh, that... dragons are different from humans."

  Shea turned her head and explained:

   "I still... need a while."

   "Is there no fixed age for you to come of age?"

  It was not written in the book, Li Feng was a little curious.

   "Hey... I've said it all, dragons are different from humans. How should I put it, it's a bit complicated."

   "It's complicated... well, you don't have to eat the moon to become an adult, do you?"

  Speaking of this, Li Feng suddenly thought of the player world, as well as those strange novels in his previous life.

  He remembers strange sayings in a ghost novel that when a vixen becomes an adult, he must devour moonlight to cultivate.

   Moreover, from an orange cat to a giant dragon bigger than a city, Li Feng gradually felt that eating the moon seemed not unreasonable.


  Xia obviously didn't know what Li Feng knew, she only hesitated to explain:

   "Actually... it doesn't have to be that complicated."


  The moon sets and the sun rises, and the refreshing morning light shines brightly. Accompanied by the sea breeze, it rushes into Storm Island and Wind's Rest City, and a new day begins.

  Penrose Fell is dead, but he is the ruler of Storm Isle after all.

   Internally, he is the king of an island, and externally, he is the governor of an important large island, and has an important position in the entire human kingdom.

  So his death is not destined to be simple.

   As for how to deal with the aftermath, Li Feng had considered it before.

   And because Haizan and a large number of Nusha Island trolls have replaced the important ministers, noble knights and soldiers of Storm's End, the aftermath has become extremely simple.

  In the middle of the night, Li Feng contacted Haizan, who is now the chief knight of Storm's End - Lannis.

  When Li Feng found him, Haizan had already taken the opportunity to find the list of spies that Penrose Fell placed beside the king from Penrose Fell's office.

   Taking out the list of spies, Haizan asked Li Feng if he wanted to use this list to make a fuss.

   After thinking about it for a while, Li Feng just folded the list and put it in his pocket. Penrose Fell is dead, but the surname Fell is still useful to him.

  After that, Li Feng arranged for Haizan and other trolls with the identity of Storm's End to "discover" Penrose Fell in the basement of Storm's End, and Marthas, who was wanted by the endless sea.

  After careful planning, on the second day, Wind's Rest City, Storm Island, King City, and the entire human islands in the Endless Sea all got the news.

  It turned out that the day before, Soul Eater Marthas just faked his death, and then last night, he found Governor Fell to take revenge.

   And in the final battle, because the two of them were quite powerful, they unfortunately died together in the basement of Storm's End.

  Li Feng knew that this statement was indeed too dramatic, and there were many experienced high-level transcendents in the endless sea.

  Under the relevant interests, they will try their best to enter the basement of Storm's End to investigate, but no matter what ability or experience they have, Li Feng has already dealt with it here.

   Possesses the godhead, and integrates the godhead to the level of 300 points, not to mention, Li Feng also has a lot of experience in the detective dramas of the player world.

   It is also handy to arrange a reasonable crime scene where the fire merges and both die together.

  So within a morning, Li Feng got the news from Haizan.

  The Ring of the Earth, the Purple Gold Flower Church, the Violet Eye and the Black and White Courtyard that have not yet left Wind's Rest, after all the "concerns" of these organizations, no one found any doubts.

  Things went very smoothly, and everything was going smoothly according to his own arrangement. Li Feng was sitting at his home in the outer city, sorting out various letters in a relaxed mood.

  But what happened today was really something that was beyond Li Feng's expectations—

   is the king of the endless sea, who was found dead by the palace guards a few hours ago in the night.

  Li Feng remembered clearly that the king did not trust Penrose Fell, and Lannis was the one who installed him here, and he was recently collecting evidence of Penrose Fell's treason.

  Li Feng unfolded the list of spies he suppressed and a banknote with the king's face on it, and began to think about other possibilities of the king's death.

  At first, Li Feng really didn't think much about it. After all, the king is over sixty years old.

  And as a king, what he is good at is balancing the major forces, rather than achieving extraordinary achievements.

  So suddenly there was an unexpected accident, and it is reasonable to say that he could not live a particularly long life.

  But when Li Feng got the news this morning, Xi Ya, who had turned into a cat basking in the sun, said something casually, which made Li Feng realize another possibility.

  Sia said that the kingdom and Penrose Fell died at the same time.

  Hearing this sentence, Li Feng didn't feel that they were cursed to die together.

   What Li Feng thought of was the time of death. Early this morning, it was the day when the game cycle alternated and the players traveled back.

  ‘Is the king also a player? '

  Li Feng made this guess, but felt it was too ridiculous.

  Huang Yanyan once told him that although he didn't know why, it was based on the statistics of the research institute.

  When players travel into the endless sea, most of them will get an identity in an ordinary or even very bad situation.

  Huang Yanyan said that it was almost unprecedented for someone like her to travel to a wealthy family, so much so that the entire research institute was shocked at the time.

   And Li Feng also knew that Huang Yanyan's current identity was acquired by his father through a deal with the mermaid clan.

  Actually, Li Feng thought about telling Huang Yanyan directly about this matter, but he was afraid that she would be sad for nothing, so he kept trying to find a way and opportunity that she could easily accept.

  Back to the present moment.

  ‘So it’s almost impossible for players to become kings? '

  The words are indeed so, but the time of the king's death makes Li Feng feel strange no matter how he thinks about it.

   Contacted Haizan again. Lannis was a close friend of the kingdom. Li Feng asked him to use his relationship to find out the specific time and cause of the king's death.

   Li Feng himself went to the Baifeng Manor in the Ring of the Earth and found the Kestrel.

  In addition to finding out the true identity of the king, Li Feng has other more important things to do.

  Although Storm Island has an independent regime, it belongs to the kingdom after all, and the king has the right to appoint the governor of each island.

  Although most of the time, the governor's seat is inherited by the legitimate son, and the king's letter of appointment is just a formality, but it must be said that the king's position and opinions still have a special role.

  But for the royal family, compared to trusting and relying on the forces of the islands, the royal family believes in their own power—the Ring of the Earth.

  In the ring of the earth, the kestrel has many meritorious deeds, and has a pivotal position and influence.

  Because Penrose Fell had no legitimate son, Jory, his favorite illegitimate son, also died, and his own death was accidental, Li Feng would definitely not miss this opportunity.

  After a long in-depth chat with Kestrel on related issues, Li Feng returned home and started writing letters.

  The person who received the letter was Eminem, who was also from the Ring of the Earth. As early as a few months ago, Li Feng had boarded the Misty with him to deal with incidents related to demons.

  Since the handling of the Misty incident was completed, Eminem went to Wangcheng, but it seemed that he felt that he had hit it off, and Eminem would often write some simple letters of greeting to Li Feng.

   Li Feng naturally wrote back to him, so several months have passed, but they have not lost contact.

  What makes Li Feng feel strange is that, as a soul eater, Eminem can easily lose control. He doesn't know his past, nor what he has done.

  He is usually taciturn, and his whole body will unconsciously emit a cold breath. He seems to be a very difficult person to get along with.

   But in fact, Eminem is very kind, and he has kindness to everyone. When he was on the Misty, he also took good care of Li Feng.

   And Li Feng later heard from Kestrel that his title of free man in front of the Sea Throne was obtained by Eminem for him.

   This surprised Li Feng very much. He really couldn't imagine how Ah Mu, who had no past, had such a high status in the royal family.

  And he is usually taciturn, how did he lobby those politicians.

  But just now Kestrel told him that if Li Feng contacts Ah Mu now and obtains Ah Mu's support, then what Li Feng wants will have a success rate of more than 90%.


  Time passed quickly, because Penrose Fell died, Storm's End was in mourning, and because the king died, the whole of the Great Sea was in mourning.

  Xia stood on the roof platform and looked around. Under the clear blue sky in autumn, the whole city was filled with mourning.

  The men wore black formal suits, the girls wore black skirts, and even the various signboards on the flower street were filled with white roses.

   In this regard, Shia didn't want to stay in Storm's End, staying there, as her illegitimate daughter, she would also pay tribute to Penrose Fair.

  Xia doesn't want to wear mourning, she just wants to laugh now.

  In the past few days, she thinks every day that her long-cherished wish has finally been fulfilled, her vengeance has finally been avenged, and Xi Ya is really happy even in her dreams.

  No longer bothered to deal with the identity of the illegitimate daughter, as a spell weaver, Shea made a paper doll and stayed in Storm's End, using spells to control the paper doll to pretend to be herself.

   What puzzled Sia was that in the past few days, the noble ministers and knights of Storm's End, not only did not find any traces of paper dolls.

   Even respectful and polite to the paper figurine pretending to be himself, how should I put it, if compared with before, it is quite abnormal.

  So Xi Ya asked Li Feng about this matter. During the few days when she was not in Storm's End, Xi Ya, who turned into a black cat, stayed at Li Feng's house.

   After hearing this, Li Feng didn't say anything, only saying that it was a good thing.

  Since Li Feng said so, Xi Ya didn't bother to think about it.

  In the past few days, apart from eating the meals Li Feng cooked, she was lying on Li Feng's desk basking in the sun and sleeping.

  Her current life has basically become a cat living a comfortable life.

  But in the comfortable life, there is also one thing that puzzles Xi Ya, that is, Li Feng is always receiving and writing letters.

  Finally, on a sunny afternoon, Xi Ya, who had just woken up, saw that Li Feng had received another letter.

   And unlike before, Xi Ya found that Li Feng was obviously satisfied when he read the letter.

  Really curious, Xi Ya, who had been huddled on the table, rolled over and occupied the table in front of Li Feng.

   With Li Feng's arm resting on her head, Xia lay flat, using her furry paws to grab the letter in Li Feng's hand:

   "Please show me what is written in the letter."

   "It's Wangcheng's decision to appoint you as the governor of Storm Island."

  Seeing that Xi Ya finally asked, Li Feng gave the letter to Xi Ya, and continued:

   "They replied to me privately. The edict for your public appointment will arrive soon, oh yes..."

   Li Feng said, rubbing Xi Ya's fluffy and round cat head, and said with a smile:

   "When accepting the letter of appointment, remember to change back into a human being."

   Seeing that everyone said that the last chapter was lame, I actually meant to think about it, because the role of Shia, from her appearance to the present, all her purpose is revenge.

   From her point of view, it is obvious that she is not strong enough and will fail. For her purpose, she should not show up blindly and expose her identity.

   If it is easy to do this, it will definitely defeat her previous purpose.

   So from contacting the troll to help Li Feng escape, until he failed to contact him, he found a way to help him escape

   When I found out that the battle had begun, whether I should show up, and what to do after I showed up, from my perspective, I wanted to make her change more reasonable.

   Li Feng is very important to her, but this kind of importance should not cause her to be brainless. Doing so is a bit out of character.

   Even if she is self-persuading, she must have a reason to persuade.

   But in the end, I wanted to write clearly, but I fell into the details, too many previous things, and it was water.

   The writing skills are still too weak, and I can’t write what I want to express in a few sentences. I especially understand this when I read classics and everyone’s traditional novels.

   In short, we still have to study hard and make progress.

   Finally, I would like to thank everyone for your suggestions, which gave me a clearer direction for learning.



  (end of this chapter)

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