MTL - Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit-Chapter 243 Huang Yanyan's letter

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  Chapter 243 Huang Yanyan's letter

   "Okay, I know everything, go back to your room and rest."

  In the Wharf area of ​​Wind's Rest, the house newly bought by the Warner family and used to run a free school.

  Huang Yanyan said to stowaway X.

  Just now, she finished asking all the questions she wanted to ask.

  X, who was afraid of being tortured, also told about all his knowledge and experiences in the basement of Storm's End.

   Also about cocoons, third-level players, godheads and things like that.

  Looking at X who was suffering from the saplings in his body, Huang Yanyan handed him a glass of water blessed by the praying man, and continued:

   "Don't be clever, I don't want to go too far."

   Probably because he was really afraid of the saplings in his body. When X saw Huang Yanyan approaching with water, he was instinctively startled.

  Now, the sapling in his body is like a Gu waiting to explode, and Huang Yanyan can control this Gu.

  X understands that as long as this girl or the research institute behind her needs it, they can make their life worse than death.

  Almost all hope is lost, but X, who has seen the world and been to many worlds, has long secretly left a way out for himself.

  He knew that there were no second-level players in the research institute, and the information they knew was just forced from his own mouth.

  So, through the information gap, there is still room for maneuver in this matter.

   "Then what..."

  X organizes the language:

   "You also know that smuggling is physical smuggling, which requires a four-day time difference.

  So look, sister, how about I sneak back to your player world now.

do not worry! I must show up in four days. "

  As if he was afraid of Huang Yanyan getting angry, when he said this, X immediately added:

   "I already have this tree seed in my body, how dare I lie, if I don't show up when the time comes, think about it, my life would be worse than death."

  Before X smuggled into the Endless Sea, firstly, he really wanted to contact people in his own world and also meet people from the Harvest Alliance, so some time had to be delayed.

  Secondly, X deliberately kept his eyes open at that time.

  There are no second-level players in the research institute, and they will not know the real effect and usage of the world ladder.

  So X deliberately delayed for four days to lie to the people in the research institute.

  Actually, X intends to set aside four extra days for himself. In case of any difficult problems, he can use these four days as a buffer.

  Combined with the current situation, X intends to use these four days to sneak into his own world first, and use the technology of his own world to take out the tree seeds hidden in his body.

  If the technology in his own world doesn't work, he will grit his teeth and go to Tanlang, the leader of the harvesting alliance.

   Tanlang is a third-level player who possesses the godhead, and it is said that he has integrated the godhead to more than 500 points. As long as he can be valuable to Tanlang, he will definitely be able to take out the tree seeds in his body.

  As long as I take out the tree seeds, I will no longer be under the control of this person in front of me, and that research institute.

  In this way, X understands that as long as he finds Tanlang, his debts to Tanlang will only increase.

   Moreover, it will only become more and more difficult to get rid of the powerful and tyrannical organization of the Harvest Alliance.

  However, with the tree seeds in his body now, X feels annoyed, and he can only drink poison to quench his thirst.

  X was planning for himself in his heart, and at the same time, he expressed his request to Huang Yanyan with extreme sincerity.

   Ironically, X thought he was too cautious when he chose to set aside four days for himself.

   It's just that he didn't expect that he had fallen into such a situation now, and it was the four-day buffer time that could save him.

  The afterglow of the setting sun outside the window fell into the room, and after listening to X's request, Huang Yanyan just remained silent.

  She sighed in her heart. During the years of forensic medicine, she had seen all kinds of inhuman cases, and she had seen too many corpses that were brutally treated to the point of disfigurement.

   I really hate and disagree from the bottom of my heart, those criminals who tortured fellow human beings, but...

  Huang Yanyan shook her head slightly, she turned and walked to the window, still saying nothing.

   Just behind her, X's painful screams filled the room again.

  The sapling that had just been quiet in his body was controlled to start a new round of growth.

   "Sister! Auntie! Ancestor! Ancestor! Everything I said is true."

  X didn't understand why she put pressure on her suddenly, and just defended in pain.

   "Is it all true?"

  Huang Yanyan turned around. She frowned and looked at X, who was tortured to the point of being almost out of shape by the saplings growing inside her again, her eyes were full of disappointment.

  At the beginning, when Qi Heng wanted her to add tree seeds to X's meals so that he could control X in the future, Huang Yanyan objected in her heart.

  Although she doesn't trust X, Huang Yanyan also opposes the use of "poisoning" as a very disgraceful and utterly unjust means.

   But at the same time, she knows that X must have his own purpose. If you want to avoid the player world from being harmed, poisoning is the best way when there is a gap in strength.

   Besides that, this is also an order from the research institute. As a member of the research institute, Huang Yanyan must absolutely obey.

   But being obedient doesn't mean she's willing to do this kind of thing. Although torture X made his cooperation very effective and the results were remarkable, Huang Yanyan still felt that she had done an unjust thing.

  Recalling the letters between him and No. 67, Huang Yanyan remembered that No. 67 once said: Sometimes, what is right is not necessarily just.

   I remember that when Qichu saw this sentence, Huang Yanyan instinctively wanted to refute, but now it seems that there seems to be some truth.

  Listening to X's painful but persistent justification in his ears, he thought of number 67 again.

  Huang Yanyan realized that it was fortunate that No. 67 was there, otherwise, she would really have been able to trick her today.

   A few days ago, after No. 67 became a second-level player, he told her all the extra functions and details in the second-level player system through letters.

   This includes instructions for using the world ladder used for smuggling.

  When using the world ladder, you need to choose the world you smuggle to and the location you smuggle to.

  As long as these are selected, the stowaway can arrive immediately, there is no such thing as four days.

  Obviously, the four-day time difference is simply another trick of X's self-righteousness.

   "I know how to use the world ladder, and I don't want to go too far, so don't be too clever."

   Facing the painful and stubborn X, Huang Yanyan just said lightly.

   On the other side, X couldn't believe what Huang Yanyan said.

  He clearly remembered that Huang Yanyan's research institute was full of first-level players.

  At that time, they hadn't even heard of the term that players could level up, and there were second-level players.

   At that time, in order to pretend to be mysterious, X did not mention how to sneak in at all, let alone the props such as the world ladder.

  But now, how could Huang Yanyan suddenly and accurately say the World Ladder and know how to use it.

  X couldn't think of the reason, but his mind was dazed and his back was chilled, because he knew that his wishful thinking was shattered.

   On the other side, Huang Yanyan no longer cares about X.

  She walked to the desk, took out a pen and paper and began to write a letter.

  Huang Yanyan knew that No. 67's mission was the same as X's mission. Since X's mission to extract the godhead failed, then No. 67's mission to extract the godhead would definitely fail as well.

  ‘Anyway, you should tell No. 67 these things. '

  Huang Yanyan thought so.

  She just saw through X's tricks because of the information No. 67 had disclosed to her, and avoided possible mistakes.

  So now, when Huang Yanyan learned about the information related to No. 67, she first thought of writing to him.

  As the sparks splashed and the paper disappeared, the tongue of fire spit out by the fire seal orb sent the written letter.

   Thanks to book friend 20220519095005532 for the 1000 point reward

   Thanks for the 500 point reward from Aisi jelly beans

   ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion