MTL - Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit-Chapter 214 Obtain the chart and advance to the fifth rank

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  It was difficult for Li Feng to explain what he had just experienced.

  Lightless deep sea, unrecognizable direction, slight dizziness, and pressure from all directions.

   There was an ethereal singing in my ears, accompanied by the thud of water bubbles, and the shrill cry of dolphins.

   Li Feng felt that a long time had passed, but it was probably only a moment.

  When he opened his eyes to see the surrounding scene clearly, Li Feng found that he was already standing in an extremely large and majestic palace hall.

  The hall is about several hundred meters long and wide, and more than 20 meters high.

  The ceiling on the top of the hall is painted with intricate patterns and a magnificent starry sky.

  Connecting the ceiling and the ground are more than ten stone pillars, each of which is as thick as a thousand-year-old tree.

  Looking back and looking forward, what appeared in Li Feng's sight was a metal statue more than ten meters high.

  The statue depicts a woman with a majestic and firm face, wearing armor, holding a sharp sword in one hand and a staff in the other.

   And on her back, is a pair of wings spread out horizontally, longer than her height.

   "Angel Yiseralai, she is the ancestor of our mermaids."

  The mermaid patriarch who brought Li Feng here said to Li Feng:

   "That's right, this is the Tomb of Yseralai."

  Li Feng nodded. After the initial surprise, he also wanted to understand the purpose of the mermaid patriarch.

  Snow language gave him the map to find the Tomb of Yseralai, but the mermaid patriarch didn't want Li Feng to study how to use the map.

  So simply bring Li Feng directly through Delana, without exposing the method of finding the Tomb of Yiseralai.

   Walk past the giant angel statue.

  Li Feng, Shia, Haizan, and Delana, led by the mermaid patriarch, passed through the stone gate engraved with angel reliefs and entered the Tomb of Yseralai.

  The first thing you see is a long corridor with murals painted twice.

   Li Feng took a rough look, those murals were depicting the history of the endless sea.

   From chaos and wildness at the beginning, tiny life gradually appeared in the sea water.

  ‘This point is similar to the player world. '

  Li Feng continued to look back while thinking, and on the mural, the difference between the endless sea world and the player appeared.

  In the mural, in the lava in the center of the earth, under the abyss of the sea, filthy things are gradually growing.

   Filth began to pollute the world, and the power of chaos is everywhere.

  As if sensing all this, on a certain night, seven bright stars suddenly fell on the endless night sky.

  They fell on the earth from high above, and, contrary to common sense, the stars did not start fires or stir up dust.

  In the mural, once the stars touch the ground, they are broken into thousands of fine dust.

  Blown by the wind, the dust will fall to the dirty and chaotic primitive land.

  Where they go, pure and orderly transcendence appears.

   "Forest, element, blessing, mist, dream, soul...

   These are the seven characteristics that constitute extraordinary power. "

   Seeing Li Feng watching, the mermaid patriarch explained:

   "Don't be fooled by the seven gods, they are not gods, they are just extraordinary beings who practice these seven natures.

  In order to gain more power, they changed the original names of the seven genders.

  Forest is changed to Hunter, Element is changed to Spell Weaver, Blessing is changed to Light Practitioner, Mist Shadow is the Hidden One, Dreamland is the Dream Keeper, and Soul is the Soul Eater.

   And not only that, they also took the corresponding **** names for themselves, so they just put on the god's coat in front of the world. "

   While Shia and Haizan looked at the murals in shock, the mermaid patriarch added something to Li Feng in a low voice, meaning:

   "They didn't get the permission of the Creator God, let alone the godhead left by the Creator God."

  Hearing this result, Li Feng was also very surprised.

   After all, this is completely contrary to his previous understanding of the world.

  In the cognition of the world, the seven gods are all supreme beings, and the seven extraordinary natures exist because of them.

  So in the world, all extraordinary people who walk on the extraordinary path are called followers of the Seven Gods.

  Listening to what the mermaid patriarch said, Li Feng thought for a moment. He didn't have a sense of belonging to the Seven Gods, so his mood didn't fluctuate.

  But when he was about to move on, he heard Haizan ask the mermaid patriarch forcefully:

   "You say that the seven gods are false gods, what evidence do you have?"

  Li Feng knows that Haizan is rather stubborn. He has believed in the God of Dreams for so many years, and it is difficult for him to allow people to question his belief.

   "I know this is hard to take at this time."

   Facing the serious questioning from the tall troll, the mermaid patriarch smiled softly:

   "If they are really righteous gods, they really are the existences who created seven extraordinary natures.

  Then why would they allow their believers to master two traits at the same time, just like those favored by the abyss?

  Allowing one's own believers to use the power of other gods to kill and promote, but also to be on the verge of madness all the time, what kind of righteous **** would allow this to happen? "

  The mermaid patriarch's kindly rhetorical question made Haizan suddenly speechless.

  Hizan is clear that what the mermaid patriarch said is true, and these facts can prove one more thing.

   That is, the Seven Gods cannot control the related extraordinary nature, let alone influence his followers, such as the abyssal favored ones.

  The explanation of the world for the Blessed Ones is that they broke the rules because they were infused with the essence of demons.

   But the problem is that the Abyss Blessed One, who broke the rules, is still using the seven extraordinary abilities.

  If the supernatural beings really come from the Seven Gods, then why didn't the Seven Gods stop them, or just get rid of them.

  Haizan used to have this question, it was just a matter of the gods, he didn't dare to think about it.

   But now that he is pointed out bluntly, he can no longer refute it.

  Continue to move forward. At this time, a sea of ​​fire is painted on the mural.

  In the sea of ​​flames, there were eleven silhouettes looming.

   "They are the lava lords."

  The mermaid patriarch looked at the mural and explained:

   "There are eleven lava lords in the world, and they were all born in the filth at the beginning of the world.

  The seven pure extraordinary powers cannot kill them, so whether it is an angel or a dragon, they can only be sealed.

   In the process of sealing them, we paid a great price. "

  The mermaid patriarch led Li Feng and his party to the mural of the angel and the dragon fighting the lava lord and said.

   "It's not just the angels, our giant dragons have also paid a huge price, and you also took away the lost book."

  Looking at the mural of the ancestor fighting the lava lord, Shia talked about the mermaid taking away the treasure of the black dragon.


  Hearing Xi Ya mention this matter, the head of the mermaid patriarch froze for a moment, and she said:

  "Actually, the old patriarch didn't want to take it away, we wanted to abide by the sharing agreement, it's just...

  Because of some accident, the book was lost. "


  Xia sneered:

   "What a good excuse."

   "I can explain."

  The mermaid patriarch looked serious.

   "Okay, I have time for an explanation."

  Although she didn't want to expose the matter, Shia didn't bother her anymore.

  In the bright and splendid passage, a group of people continued.

   "He is the lava lord Cocoon, the angel Yseralai once defeated him and sealed him in the temple of Sunset Island.

  The mermaid patriarch approached a silhouette that seemed to have wings, and talked about Li Feng's current concerns:

  Unfortunately, the seal has been loosened over time, someone released the cocoon and tried to revive him. "

   Speaking of this, the mermaid patriarch was a little worried. She paused and continued:

   "I don't know how many of you remember the cocoons used by the sea pirates just now."

  Thinking of the blood-red cocoons that release many weird maggots through spells, Li Feng was deeply impressed by it:

   "Is it related to Lava Lord Cocoon?"

   "Sir guessed right, Lava Lord Cocoon is waking up."

  The mermaid patriarch nodded in confirmation:

   "He can already use his filthy ability through those who serve him.

  Because of this, I want to talk to Mr. "


   "Is Xue Yu okay?"

  Because of the topic of Creation God, Shia and Haizan had to be avoided, so the mermaid patriarch found a reason to entertain them alone.

  After receiving Li Feng's confirmation, although Xi Ya was puzzled, she didn't say much.

  Then, the leader of the mermaid clan led Li Feng to another room, and asked Xue Yu who lived alone in the world of travelers.

   "Fortunately, she can adapt."

   Li Feng replied.

  Hearing this, the mermaid patriarch turned his eyes on Li Feng's face, as if he wanted to ask something.

   But soon, she realized that it was unnecessary.

   "I've heard Delana say a lot of things."

  The mermaid patriarch switched to another topic:

   "Chuangshi God gave you many abilities, including the angel mark that can seal unknown letters.

  I also know the purpose of Mr.'s trip, so...

  As long as sir is willing to help the mermaid seal the cocoon of the lava lord again, I can send the core of the earth carrying the godhead to sir.

   But before that, Mr. must meet two conditions. "

   "What condition?"

   It doesn't sound that simple, Li Feng asked.

   "Don't misunderstand, Mister, these two conditions are not my intentional danger, but the kneeling rules set by Chuangshishen."

  The mermaid patriarch explained:

   "First, whether it is you travelers or the races in this world, if you want to use the core of the earth to obtain the godhead, your own rank must reach the fifth rank.

   Otherwise, like Xue Yu, even if she has half a godhead in her body, it is useless. "

  'Fifth order...'

  Li Feng frowned slightly, he is only at the fourth level now.

   "Sir, don't worry, since the mermaids believe in the God of Creation, and you are the one chosen by the God of Creation.

  We will try our best to help you get promoted, and if you need anything, I will also help you find it. "

  Because of the mediocre cufflinks, the mermaid patriarch thought Li Feng was just a second-tier hunter.

  The patriarch felt regretful, but he somehow found a balance.

  'This traveler is very lucky to be chosen by the God of Creation, and according to Delana, he is also very decisive in dealing with things, and seems to be able to bear the favor of the God of Creation.

  It's a pity that our world is still respected by strength, he is only second-order, and he is still too weak.

  Although he can use the angel mark because of the favor of the Creator God, but with his strength...

   When the time comes to seal Cocoon, I'm afraid I will need the assistance of my clansmen. '

   But having said that, the mermaid patriarch continued to think about it.

  ‘But this traveler, unlike any traveler I have seen before, seems to be a talent that can be funded and invested.

  Our family helped him to advance, presumably he will be promoted to a higher level in the future, and our family will also be affected by him. '

  The mermaid patriarch thought so.

   And the other side.

  Li Feng was somewhat surprised to hear that the patriarch was willing to help him get promoted.

  He didn't expect that another request of his would go so smoothly.

   But in this case, Li Feng no longer nodded humbly:

   "Okay, I do have one thing I need.

  I heard that there is a mermaid library in the Tomb of Yseralai, and there is a sea chart in the library called the Sea Chart of Fate. I wonder if I heard it right? "

  Li Feng sometimes lamented that things were so coincidental that they were arranged.

  Of course, all of this may have been arranged.

  Opening the system panel, Li Feng made a system task appear in front of his eyes.

  【Look for and obtain the chart of fate】

  【Task prompt:】

  【It is said that the previous owner of the Destiny Sea Chart placed it in the deep sea, a mermaid library forgotten by history.

   It is rumored that starlight will guide you to its location in the vast sea. 】

  【Task Reward: On top of the original hunter rank, advance to another rank. 】

  ‘Promoting one more level, isn’t it exactly the fifth level? '

   What's more, he has found the Mermaid Library in the Tomb of Yseralai.

   Moreover, the mermaid patriarch just now vowed to help him get promoted.


  Hearing Li Feng mentioning the fate chart, the mermaid patriarch hesitated for a moment. She didn't know why Li Feng asked this suddenly.

  The Destiny Sea Chart is indeed in the library of the Tomb of Yseralai. From the outside, it looks like an ordinary soft leather sea chart.

   But it has a long history, something that already existed in the ancient angel era.

  Although no one knows what is the use of this sea chart, its long history alone is enough to make every generation of mermaid dare not regard it as an ordinary thing.

  Because of this sea chart, the mermaid patriarch is somewhat hesitant now.

  You can think of the God of Creation, and just now on the beach of Rimu Island, the mermaid patriarch saw with his own eyes how Li Feng rescued the crew and how he killed the pirates.

  In addition, what she learned from Delana made the mermaid leader decide to ask the guards to fetch the chart after thinking for a while.

  【You got the chart of fate】

  【You have completed the hunter promotion mission: find and obtain the chart of destiny】

  【You have successfully promoted to the fifth level hunter】

  【You have obtained the qualification to become a demigod】

  Confirming the prompt in front of him, Li Feng put away the chart of fate, and then he took off the relic buttoned on his cuff.

  Afterwards, in the astonishment that the mermaid patriarch couldn't conceal, Li Feng asked:

   "Now that I have fulfilled the first condition, what about the second condition?"

  The mermaid patriarch was stunned.

  'What's going on, how...he...has reached the fifth level in an instant?

  Is this too? '

   "This...Mr. Rhine, allow me to ask one more question..."

  The mermaid patriarch, who was still in shock, barely heard Li Feng's question. She was only thinking about:

   "Is this also the meaning of the Creator God?"

  Hearing her question, Li Feng thought for a while and replied:


   "My God—"

  Received by Li Feng, the mermaid patriarch was almost shocked and lost:

   "He really takes good care of you travelers, obviously we are also His believers..."

   Seeing her lost look, Li Feng was also helpless.

   Compared with mermaids, Xindao is actually more difficult for players.

  As for myself, I was just lucky and had a good talent at the beginning, otherwise I would...

   "Ah, by the way, the second condition you asked just now."

  Pick up your mood, the mermaid patriarch continued, she led Li Feng to a door:

  "The core of the earth is inside, but to get it, you must personally pass the inspection of the Creator God.

  I heard that you travelers, when you first entered our world, you will receive a gift from the Creator God. "

  ‘The ability bestowed by the Creator God? Is it talent? '

  Li Feng heard what the patriarch said, and guessed that she was referring to the talents of the players.

   "There are rumors in the clan that the God of Creation will give each traveler different abilities for some reason."

  The mermaid patriarch continued:

   "That is to say, among the travelers selected by Him, there are also those whom He particularly favors and is satisfied with.

  If you really satisfy him, I think God of Creation will offer you the core of the earth. "

Read The Duke's Passion