MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 30

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The so-called "incentive mechanism" is actually a very indifferent mechanism to Jiang Shuyi.

As early as when she was in elementary school, her parents sugar-coated her temptations, trying to get her to show some motivation.

"Xi Yi, as long as you get 90% in this exam, dad will buy you the latest game console, okay?"

Father touched her head and said to her with loving eyes.

Jiang Shuyi looked at his father's face and was silent for a while.

She shook her head, and said in an evasive gesture: "Actually, I don't want the game console that much, and it's okay if I don't."

She just gave up!

"As long as you get as many points in the test, we will buy you something" is not feasible for Jiang Shuyi.

The latest game consoles, limited-edition toys, clothes, direct money...all of which are meaningless to Jiang Shuyi.

She can be very firm and unmoved, she has never worked hard for these rewards, and she is firm in her rejection attitude.

The reason why she is so determined is that her life is never lacking.

In such an environment, if she really wanted these things, her parents would still buy them for herself as long as she said a few words and acted like a baby.

She didn't have to do much, and she didn't have to achieve anything spectacular.

And learning is endless suffering.

Learning means sitting at the desk for a long time, knocking knowledge into your mind like a nail.

Why bother? Jiang Shuyi always thinks this way when he sees those people who are writing hard and writing desperately.

If it's so painful to get something within his reach, Jiang Shuyi thinks it's better to take it easy and not make himself so anxious.

Therefore, Jiang Shuyi hardly studied seriously before he was admitted to university.

It's just that, in the year when she was admitted to the university in the third year of high school, she was admitted to a good university with a miraculous luck.

Then, without listening to the advice of his predecessors, he entered the laboratory of Professor Bingshan, and began to study painfully.

Therefore, the reason why she started to work hard in her studies was not for the study itself.

At first, I just thought, don't embarrass me too much, don't bother my professor.

But she still doesn't want to study in essence.


"I remember that you seemed to want to go to the amusement park a while ago."

"If you do well in the exam, let's go together."

Wen Yao stopped and turned to look at her, "Take it as a reward for you."

Jiang Shuyi took a breath.

The amusement park heats up.

Putting these two words together makes Jiang Shuyi feel very different.

Everywhere is very unusual, just thinking about it feels like it is shining.

She was looking forward to going to the amusement park with Wen Yao.

As a student who had never had any illusions about the exam, for the first time she sincerely expected the exam to come soon.

Therefore, when Jiang Shuyi returned home, he immediately carried the little physics book that Wen Yao gave him and memorized it. Until she accidentally fell asleep, she was studying tirelessly.

For the first time, Jiang Shuyi felt the joy of learning from the bottom of his heart.


But happiness is short-lived.

"Summary the problems in this place in the wrong question book. I just revised the value. You can write the process again in the draft book, and then you can go to dinner."

Jiang Shuyi looked at the hour hand that had reached "seven", and gave a pitiful hum.

Her biological clock ticked.

She usually eats dinner at five o'clock, but now it has been two hours.

Wen Yao put away his pen and continued to read the book calmly.

When Jiang Shuyi was doing the set of physics training questions for the second year of high school, Wen Yao had already done a set of self-enrollment exam questions, and now he was reading a very headache-intensive philosophy book.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the familiar title of the book and hissed.

She has also read this book.

It's just that what she read was translated, and she was still a little confused after reading it twice.

And Wen Yao has already read the original version... Should I say that she really deserves to be her?

"Don't peek at me, read the question, Jiang Shuyi." Wen Yao said without raising his head.

"..." Jiang Shuyi turned his head to the physics problem in front of him without saying a word, and glanced at Wen Yao's house from the corner of his eye.

Yes, Wen Yao's home.

As for why she is sitting here now, the reason is actually very simple. They usually study in the city library on Saturdays.

But because today is the first Saturday in December.

The weekend of the first week of each month is the closed day of the municipal library.

So today the municipal library is not open.

"Then you can come to my house." Wen Yao said to her calmly.

So it became what it is now.

Before coming to Wen Yao's house, Jiang Shuyi had some inexplicable expectations.

And those expectations were obliterated by the whole day of study.

very hungry. Jiang Shuyi wiped away tears in his heart.

Aggrieved, Jiang Shuyi wrote a few derivations in the notebook.

When she found that she had written the easiest step in the problem-solving process in the scratchpad as 'spicy chicken', she admitted that she was starving to death.

She couldn't help but put down the pen in her hand, and said pitifully, "...Wen Yao, I'm hungry."


I want to eat.

eat now.

eat right away.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao helplessly.

The words 'I want to eat' were written all over her face.

Jiang Shuyi felt that there was nothing he could do if he was hungry.

She is an Alpha, and she consumes it much faster than an Omega. Concentrating on studying for a whole day consumes more physical and mental energy than exercising for an outdoor Alpha like her.

But Wen Yao listened to her accusation, and only flipped through a page of the English book, and said flatly, "Well, I'm a little hungry too."

"Isn't that just right?" Jiang Shuyi raised his head to look at Wen Yao's unmoved indifferent face, and warmly invited, "Then let's eat!"

Hearing Jiang Shuyi utter the most emotional sentence today, Wen Yao raised his head and glanced at Jiang Shuyi, without saying a word.

"You don't mean to say that you can eat after I finish the questions?"

Jiang Shuyi said something in a joking tone, and pointed to his face with the tip of his pen.

Wen Yao didn't deny it, lowered his head, and turned a page of the book calmly.

"Wen Yao," Jiang Shuyi's smile broke, "Aren't you hungry?"

"..." Wen Yao glanced at her, "As long as you finish the questions, we can have dinner."

Doesn't that mean we have to wait for a long time... Jiang Shuyi thought aggrievedly.

"Wen Yao..." Jiang Shuyi said aggrievedly.

"'Timely encouragement, time waits for no one', don't talk nonsense, Jiang Shuyi."

Wen Yao preached to Jiang Shuyi coldly and quietly.

She tapped the table in front of her with a pen,

"Don't worry, if you don't eat before you finish your homework, I won't eat either."

This sentence is really fatal.

"..." Jiang Shuyi didn't speak any more.

She watched silently

The phrase 'if you don't eat, I won't eat' is really her nemesis.

After all, Jiang Shuyi absolutely didn't want Wen Yao to accompany him to go hungry.

The thing she is most afraid of in her life is to implicate others and drag them down.

Because doing so would really make Jiang Shuyi feel a sense of guilt.

So, what can she do?

She could only endure the hunger and quickly finish all the test questions that she disliked the most in her life...


When Jiang Shuyi was halfway through writing, Wen Yao got up and went to the stove to start cooking.

Seeing her cooking, Jiang Shuyi couldn't concentrate.

As she sat up straight, she secretly glanced at Wen Yao.

"Why did your pen stop again?"

Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi who started to wander off again, cracked two eggs into a bowl, and asked in a frosty tone.

"..." Jiang Shuyi immediately turned his head back, lowered his head, pretending to be serious, "No, no, I'm writing."

she quibbled.

"I hope you don't forget that you have to finish your homework before you can eat."

Wen Yao started to cook with a flat face, skillful and smooth.

"..." Jiang Shuyi smelled the lethal feeling of hunger in his stomach again.

She looked at the question in front of her and nodded repeatedly, "Oh."

Not long after, Wen Yao prepared a table of meals.

All she cooks are some home-cooked dishes, such as spinach omelet soup, shredded tomatoes and potatoes, and stir-fried lettuce.

And Jiang Shuyi also finished the homework assigned by Wen Yao, after Wen Yao checked that there was no problem, the two cleared the table and started eating.

The moment Jiang Shuyi put the rice into his mouth, his heart was finally satisfied.

"It's delicious!" she said frankly.

"..." Wen Yao glanced at her, nodded, and didn't say much.

For her, eating is not talking.

Jiang Shuyi put the rice into his mouth and started to gobble it up.

Seeing her eating more indecently than ever, Wen Yao ate the chopsticks in his hand.

"I've never eaten such a delicious dish." Jiang Shuyi said again.

"This is home-cooked food." Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi's sincere face, and said quietly, seemingly unmoved.

In fact, Wen Yao is very self-aware about his mediocre cooking skills.

The Alpha in front of him might be really hungry, so he had a different illusion about the food in his mouth. She analyzed it in her heart.

But I don't know if it's because of Jiang Shuyi's praise, or because the way she eats big mouthfuls infected her, there is a little smile on the corner of Wen Yao's mouth.

"But, it's delicious." Jiang Shuyi's cheeks were bulging like a hamster.

"Don't talk with something in your mouth."

Wen Yao scooped up a bowl of soup and placed it in front of Jiang Shuyi.

"Oh..." Jiang Shuyi nodded, took a sip of the soup.

Jiang Shuyi's eating behavior is one that greatly increases appetite.

Just after a while, Jiang Shuyi began to carefully pick up the vegetables and eat.

Only then did Wen Yao realize that the bowl in front of Jiang Shuyi had been eaten completely, not a single grain of rice was left.

In fact, Wen Yao didn't cook a lot of rice, he just cooked twice as much as he used to eat.

But she forgot that Alphas tend to eat more than Omegas.

Wen Yao looked at his untouched bowl of rice, and wanted to pass his bowl to Jiang Shuyi.

She felt that she didn't really need to eat this bowl of rice.

But just as she raised her hand in the air, she heard Jiang Shuyi's voice,

"I wish I could eat the food you cook every day."

"Every day..." Wen Yao repeated in a low voice, and calmly glanced at Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi was still serving food, when he found Wen Yao looking at him, he hurriedly said, "Ah, I'm just talking."

How dare she trouble this man to cook for herself every day, she is so smug.

Wen Yao stopped his hand and put the rice back in front of her.


Wen Yao replied lightly, and gave himself a mouthful of rice with chopsticks.