MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 20

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At noon, Jiang Shuyi arrived at the cafeteria.

After ordering, she raised her head with the plate in her hand, and immediately saw Wen Yao who had already sat down.

It's just that she was grabbed by a hand before she could walk over.

Jiang Shuyi stopped and looked beside him, and found that it was Yan Jingshu.

Yan Jingshu looked at Jiang Shuyi with a confused expression, "Shuyi, I just went back to school, and I forgot to beg for my meal card at school."

"Oh." Jiang Shuyi nodded, didn't say much, and wanted to continue walking towards Wen Yao.

Yan Jingshu was stunned for a moment, but she didn't show it. She still kept her bright smile, "Can you lend me my meal card? Jiang Shuyi."

Wen Yao raised his head and found Jiang Shuyi and Yan Jingshu standing together at the cafeteria window.

Yan Jingshu held Jiang Shuyi's wrist, talking with a clear expression.

The chopsticks in Wen Yao's hand stopped in the air. After a while, she lowered her gaze and began to slowly put the noodles into her mouth.



Jiang Shuyi swiped his meal card at the window of the cafeteria.

"Thank you." Yan Jingshu smiled like a doll, and took the plate.

"It's okay." Jiang Shuyi put the meal card into his coat pocket, and said in a very natural tone, "You can give me cash or transfer money."

After hearing Jiang Shuyi's words, Yan Jingshu was stunned.

She raised her head slowly, as if she smiled casually,

"Jiang Shuyi, how long has it been since we last saw you, have you become so fussy about me?"

Although Yan Jingshu's family is not as wealthy as Jiang Shuyi's family, she never cared about money.

It was only the first time that Jiang Shuyi divided her as clearly as today.

Jiang Shuyi was also stunned.

What Yan Jingshu said just now was to borrow a meal card, and she didn't say that she should treat herself.

Jiang Shuyi didn't care about the money for a meal, but she was not a silly child of a landlord.

Her mother told her since she was a child that some things must be clearly divided, otherwise people will push her in.

If she always treats guests, she will be taken for granted by some pushy people, which will cause some unhappiness instead.

In this way, she is not straightforward, but easy to bully.

Of course she was not someone to be bullied.

Although the original owner liked Yan Jingshu and never cared about these things, but in Jiang Shuyi's heart, Yan Jingshu is no different from other classmates.

So Jiang Shuyi was silent for a moment, intending to speak clearly, "Yan Jingshu, I'm not fussing over every detail, I was nice to you before because I like you."

"But I don't like you now, so you can't ask me to treat you like I did before."

Jiang Shuyi continued word by word.

After Yan Jingshu heard this sentence, her usual smile became much colder, but she still pursed her lips and said with a smile:

"Jiang Shuyi, are you angry that I want to study abroad?"

"You also know that I like the violin, how important music is to me, don't be willful to say something that hurts our feelings, okay?"

Yan Jingshu's smile was still exquisite.

"..." But Jiang Shuyi felt that she didn't seem to understand what he meant, "I'm not angry, Yan Jingshu."

"Then why do you say you don't like me anymore? Aren't you just being angry?"

Although Yan Jingshu smiled, her eyes were much colder.

She thought that she knew Jiang Shuyi better than anyone else, so she didn't believe that Jiang Shuyi didn't like her anymore.

She believed that Jiang Shuyi must still be angry.

But Jiang Shuyi denied her very simply, "Yan Jingshu, I'm not angry, and I don't like you anymore, I'm serious."

Seeing Jiang Shuyi's serious eyes, Yan Jingshu smiled carelessly, "...Really? Do you really think so?"

Jiang Shuyi nodded.

Yan Jingshu didn't understand what mood she was in for a while, so she smiled.

"Really, then you can go."

Jiang Shuyi nodded again, turned around and left.

Listening to the sound of footsteps, Yan Jingshu left and looked back, Jiang Shuyi had gone far away.

She didn't expect that Jiang Shuyi would really leave, and it took a while before she came back to her senses.

She was silent for a moment, and seemed to be a little careless, carrying the plate to the exit and pouring it out.

It's just that a person who likes me doesn't like me anymore, so why should I care?

she thought.

However, thinking of what Jiang Shuyi said just now, Yan Jingshu still lost her smile.


Jiang Shuyi sat across from Wen Yao with a plate in his hand.

Wen Yao didn't respond much, and looked good as usual.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at the plain noodles that Wen Yao was eating, and put the fried soft chicken with lemon on his plate into Wen Yao's bowl.

In the past, although Wen Yao didn't speak, she would still eat the food he gave her.

But today, Wen Yao ignored it.

Jiang Shuyi watched her hesitate to move the chopsticks, with a stiff expression on his face.

After a while, Jiang Shuyi felt that Wen Yao might not want to eat meat dishes today.

After all, occasionally I just want to eat some refreshing vegetables.

So Jiang Shuyi took a look at the vegetables in his bowl, and gave Wen Yao the not greasy cucumber salad.

Wen Yao still didn't touch the food she picked up.

She even put her chopsticks aside neatly and stood up as if she was going to leave.

Jiang Shuyi was stunned for a moment.

"You don't want to eat now?" Jiang Shuyi looked at her.


Wen Yao calmly replied with one word.

Jiang Shuyi obviously felt that this was the beginning of their conversation today, but it seemed that there was a faint tendency to end it.

"..." Jiang Shuyi glanced at his full plate, and quickly stuffed the food into his mouth, "Then I'll go with you too..."

"No need." Wen Yao stood up alienated, she ignored Jiang Shuyi and left indifferently.

Jiang Shuyi's mouth was full of food, looking at Wen Yao's back, he felt like returning to the starting point for a moment.


Wen Yao walked out of the cafeteria and returned to the classroom.

She spread out her exercise book and just did a few questions, the image of Yan Jingshu and Jiang Shuyi standing together appeared in her mind.

The way the two chatted and what Zhou Jingtang said kept appearing in her mind.

Wen Yao tightly gripped the pen in his hand, feeling a little irritable.


Evening self-study.

Jiang Shuyi felt a little cold at his fingertips, and instinctively looked out the window.

It seemed to be raining lightly outside the window.

When she took a closer look, she realized that it wasn't rain, it was snow, to be precise, it was sleet.

Huanshi is actually not a city that often snows.

This snow must not accumulate. Jiang Shuyi thought.

However, this did not hinder the get out of class, and the students in the class gathered around the window to watch the snow.

Wen Yao didn't seem to be interested in these natural things, she sat in her seat to study as usual.

"..." Jiang Shuyi walked out of the classroom.

When she returned to the classroom, the classmates were still looking at the snow outside the window.

"Will the snow pile up?"

"Shouldn't it be possible?"

"But the grade director's cars turned white."

"It's over, my bicycle is parked outside."

"...You won't be able to ride back anyway, so wait until the weather clears before riding back."


Jiang Shuyi took a bottle of hot lemon tea and sat in the vacant seat in front of Wen Yao.

"I bought this just now, hold it to warm your hands." She brought the lemon tea to Wen Yao.

Wen Yao lowered his head as if he didn't hear.

"I think your hands must be cold..." Jiang Shuyi looked at her cold look and added as if he didn't know what to say.

Wen Yao still didn't answer.

"...Lemon tea has the effect of preventing colds."

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao eagerly.


"Did I make you angry? Wen Yao." Jiang Shuyi asked with his head down.

Hearing her words, Wen Yao raised his head as if he finally had the intention to communicate.

She said calmly: "I'm not angry."

Jiang Shuyi looked at her with disbelief, "Then why didn't you answer my words?"

The class bell rang.

"Class is over, Jiang Shuyi." Wen Yao sent her off in a cold tone without answering her question.

"..." Jiang Shuyi glanced at Li Roujia who walked in, put the lemon tea by her hand, and reluctantly returned to his seat.

After the evening self-study get out of class, Wen Yao left early.

Jiang Shuyi looked over at her seat, the lemon tea was still there without any sign of moving.

Even, no one has opened it.

Jiang Shuyi walked over and picked up the bottle of lemon tea.

Has become cold.