MTL - Weak A, She Just Wants To Live To the End-Chapter 109

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But couldn't cry.

Although she was also very uncomfortable, she still stretched out her arms to hug Wu Xixi and comforted: "I'm sorry Xixi, everything happened because of me, it's me, I'm hurting you, I'm sorry..."

Wu Xixi suppressed her tears, crying very desperately: "An An, I don't blame you, I expected this result."

"I knew Chen Mi was such a scheming person, I shouldn't have been close to her, I couldn't control myself and I chose to believe her, but I know, I once I knew from the beginning that there would be no result between me and her, I knew..."

"But my heart hurts so much, I can smell her pheromone, An An... I can smell a little sweet mulberry, I can smell it!"

"But I never dared to tell her, I knew we wouldn't end up...I knew from the beginning..."


She bit her lip and said nothing, smoothing her back for Wu Xixi, but at this time, her phone dinged at an inopportune moment, and received a message from Yu Nanxi.

Lin Anan released Wu Xixi, unlocked the screen lock and clicked on the message, and the content popped up: Anan, are you back? Come by.

She stared at the text message for a while, but felt that her fingers didn't have the strength to type. She stuck with the phone for a while, and finally turned off the phone screen and didn't plan to pay attention.

She just put down her phone, and Yu Nanxi's text message came after him: Chen Mi asked, how is Wu Xixi now, she said that you blocked her contact information, and Wu Xixi's mobile phone was also turned off, She dare not contact you.

Lin Anan forced herself to cheer herself up and typed with her trembling fingertips: Xixi is fine, don't contact him yet.

After Yu Nanxi received her message, she returned the message within a few seconds: An An, come to me.

She managed to calm herself down and forced herself to continue typing: No, I don't want to go.

After this message was sent, it finally entered the sea like a mud cow, and nothing came back.

Lin Anan held the phone and waited for a while, and after confirming that no more messages would come, she bit her lip and smiled bitterly, and put the phone that suddenly became heavy in her hand back on the bed , She had to close her eyes first because of the pain in her eyes.

Wu Xixi said she was being cheap, so why not?

Wu Xixi had a formal relationship with Chen Mi, and she also got the love that Chen Mi personally promised, and even made a wedding ring for her.

And she?

Yu Nanxi has never admitted that he likes her, and even they have done so many things that couples get along with, but Yu Nanxi has never said that he likes her.

And just now she even expected Yu Nanxi to explain a thing or two to her through her mobile phone, even if it was just a sentence or two, but Yu Nanxi didn't say anything. Also let her go.

Lin Anan covered her face and leaned on Wu Xixi's shoulder in a disheartened manner.

Lin Anan was just leaning in when there were a few not-so-heavy knocks on the door, which seemed to be because there was no one waiting to open the door, the man reached out and knocked a few times, with some movements impatient.

Wu Xixi's pear blossoms and rain look naturally can't see people, so she can only open the door.

She took out a tissue, pressed her sore eyes, rubbed her decadent face, and tried to look as natural as possible before opening the door.

I didn't expect that the person standing outside and knocking on the door was Yu Nanxi who had sent her a message earlier.

Yu Nanxi was still wearing a nightgown at this time, only a coat was casually put on outside, and she was wearing one-time off shoes from the hotel on her feet. of cold wind blowing.

Yu Nanxi saw Lin An'an's obviously haggard appearance and reddish eyes, frowned, and said in a soft voice, "Go to my place, I have something to tell you."

Seeing that Yu Nanxi came to look for her dressed like this, Lin Anan suddenly felt some grievances, her heart was sour and astringent, and she said stubbornly, "I don't want to go."

Yu Nanxi glanced into the house through the crack of the door, and his voice became stronger: "I think you don't want me to go in now. If you don't want me to go in, just go to my place."

Lin Anan groaned, turned to look at Wu Xixi, who was still crying silently, and compromised: "I'll go, you go back first."

Yu Nanxi didn't force it any more, "um", turned around and walked to his room.

Lin Anan closed the door, stood at the door to sort out her emotions, then went into the bathroom and twisted a hot towel for Wu Xixi.

She walked up to Wu Xixi and handed a hot towel to Wu Xixi: "Xixi, stop crying, quickly wipe your face, then have a good sleep, and when you wake up tomorrow, it's a new day. "

"No matter what decision you make in the future, I will always be with you, don't be afraid."

You're right, tomorrow is a new day."

After she finished speaking, she took the towel from Lin Anan's hand and wiped it twice before asking, "Just now, was it Yu Nanxi outside the door?"

"Yeah." Lin Anan replied softly, and added, "She said, ask me to come over."

Wu Xixi paused for a moment, stood up and walked to the bathroom: "Then go, you should also listen to Yu Nanxi's explanation, my words are the same as you, no matter what you do Whatever decision you make, I will support you."

"But I hope every decision you make is well thought out."

Lin Anan answered the word "um" indiscriminately and stood in place, her heart was in a mess.

When Wu Xixi got out of the bathroom, Lin Anan also went to the bathroom. She washed her face first, and then put a cold towel on her sore eye sockets to make sure she looked okay. It was normal, so he said goodbye to Wu Xixi and walked to Yu Nanxi's room.

Yu Nanxi's door was still open, maybe it was Yu Nanxi who had been open since she came back.

When she pushed the door in, there was no one else in the room except Yu Nanxi, so she naturally knew that Yu Nanxi's door was reserved for her.

At this time, Yu Nanxi was standing not far behind the door, making a phone call, he should have been waiting for her just now, when he saw her come in, he said something to the person on the other end of the phone " Got it" and hung up the phone.

Lin Anan closed the door, turned around and did not move forward, whispered: "You are looking for me, what's the matter?"

Yu Nanxi put the phone on the cabinet next to her, walked slowly to Lin Anan, hesitated and asked, "You should already know about Wu Xixi and Chen Mi, right?"

Lin Anan nodded, trying to keep herself calm: "I already know."

"Then don't you have anything to ask me?" Yu Nanxi's voice was soft and coaxing, "Or, don't you want to hear my explanation?"

The dry pain in front of Lin An'an's eyes, which she managed to put on cold compresses, slowly surfaced again. The pain was a little itchy. She lowered her head and shook it, not wanting to make a sound.

Yu Nanxi waited for a while, but did not wait for an answer, so he said, "Then let's go and sit inside, and I'll explain to you inside."

"I don't want to go in." Lin Anan lowered her head, bit her lower lip and refused, then took a step back and leaned against the door, "If you have nothing to do, I want to go back first already."

Yu Nanxi didn't rush to explain to her, she knew that what Wu Xixi said was true.

Even though she knew that she was wrong first, knew that she deserved to be trampled on like this, and knew that she couldn't control herself first and fell in love with Yu Nanxi, she deserved the torture, but she deserved it. I still feel very aggrieved.

They were still sleeping together last night, Yu Nanxi hugged her and kissed her, saying that she tasted delicious, and even touched every inch of her skin, but now all this All turned into lies.

She was afraid that she was the only one who took this relationship seriously from beginning to end, and Yu Nanxi was just playing on the scene.

She was so afraid that the mouth who said she was delicious would tell her that all this was fake, all this was revenge for her, those sweet pasts were just a perfunctory cooperation to investigate the truth .

She was afraid that for Yun Nanxi, she was just a doll delivered to her door, she could be used as an inhibitor, and when she was in a good mood, she could also be used to satisfy her cravings and adjust her life.

Although she is right, she also has a heart that will hurt. She doesn't want to hear the truth that has been wrapped up again, and let her heart be delayed again.

Seeing Lin An'an's grievance, Yu Nanxi sighed, and without giving her a chance to escape, he took a step closer and said, "An An, I admit that most things are indeed like Chen's As Mi said, I have no objection, but I still want to explain a little what Chen Mi didn't say."

"First of all, Chen Mi and I know that you and I are so compatible, we do not think it is normal, but I signed a pheromone contract with you, the biggest original intention is actually for Heal my body."

"We did investigate all the backgrounds of you and Wu Xixi, but we were based on wondering if you were the Beta that tagged me, and we didn't want to do anything else."

Yu Nanxi paused for a while after speaking, closed his eyes and tapped his forehead with his index finger: "Later, Chen Mi really suggested that I get your comforting pheromone again as soon as possible, or better have You made a tentative mark, but I refused."

"There is also the matter of Chen Mi's investigation of Tang Xin. In fact, in addition to wanting to know the grievances between you and Tang Xin, Chen Mi's biggest original intention is also to protect you, fearing that you will be in danger again, but I happened to find out what happened to Bai Yunshuang and you in the past."

"Then Chen Mi felt that something was wrong, so he went down and checked, and found those."

Lin Anan endured the pain in her eyes, still lowered her head, and whispered: "Then...why are you hiding these things, you can say it before."

"Actually, it's not Chen Mi's fault, I asked her to tell her that reason first." Yu Nanxi rubbed his temples and continued, "It's really my fault, An An, sorry."

"Although we are investigating you deeply based on trying to find the Beta who tagged me, this is really something we are doing wrong, we should not be deliberately approaching you, and when we are so close to you, we are still Lack of trust in you and deliberate concealment."

"But we didn't want to deceive your feelings. Originally, we just wanted to slow down a little bit and talk to you when we find a time. I didn't expect it to happen so suddenly."

In the beginning, Chen Mi gave Yun Nanxi the information she had investigated. Because Yu Nanxi wanted to wait for Lin An'an to "turn himself in", he asked Chen Mi to keep these things secret first.

She wanted to wait for Lin Anan to tell the story, and then find another opportunity to tell the two little ones what they had investigated before.

Who knew that Lin Anan didn't say anything, so she had to bring things up first.

So before looking for Lin Anan to showdown, Yu Nanxi discussed with Chen Mi what reason to use to bring out the truth of the one-night stand. The two finally discussed and decided to choose the one with the least lethality. That's why they passed the blood test.

For other reasons, they want to deduct it first, and then explain it to the two boys when they find the right time.

But what I have done now has no regrets, and all I can do is try to compensate and appease.

Hearing Yu Nanxi's explanation, Lin An'an's eyes finally broke through the pain, and tears gushed out like a flooded river.

She suppressed her tears, cautiously not wanting to be heard by Yu Nanxi: "So...Chen Mi said that you would go crazy and die, but she was actually trying to test me, right? She just You just want me to sign a contract, don't you?"

"Yes." Yu Nanxi softened his voice distressedly, but did not dare to step forward, "But at that time, only you could really treat my body."

The choking in Lin Anan's throat was shaky, she squeezed it carefully and whispered: "So you too? It's just an investigation, isn't it?"

Yu Nanxi hesitated and said honestly: "Yes... I won't lie to you, but that's just the beginning, now I..."

"What about now? You just think I'm new." Lin Anan snatched Yu Nanxi's words, and couldn't hold back her choking anymore, so she cried, "You just think I'm new now. It's fun, I think I'm so foolish and obedient, so I'm just playing with me, right?"

"It just so happens that I feel guilty for you again, I want to bite you, I want to bite you, I want to accompany you to bed, I will accompany you to bed, whatever you say is I will force you, you are not at all It's a lie!"

"You are just trying to deepen my guilt, to make fun of me, to play with me, I checked with my mobile phone, it's not like that at all..." Lin Anan cried heartbroken, a picture of The little face was full of tears, "You lied to me too, you lied to me even about this kind of thing, I just foolishly believed your words, and felt extremely guilty in my heart, do you think I'm funny when you see me like this? Think I'm stupid?"

"You just think I'm a liar, but my heart is also made of meat. I know I was wrong before, but it will hurt my heart!"

Lin An'an's tears seemed to fall on Yu Nanxi's heart, and she felt distressed, she took a step forward and explained: "An An, I just hope you can be at ease. Stay by my side, don't dodge any more, I have no ill intentions, and I didn't deliberately play with you, I am true..."

"Forget it, Yu Nanxi." Lin Anan sniffed and forced herself to calm down: "You don't need to explain to me, I know that now all of this is my fault."

"Give me time to calm down, I'll be fine soon, sorry..."

After Lin Anan finished speaking, she opened the door and ran out.


The author has something to say:

---Explain a lot of the little cute questions, everyone will say, Yu Da is asleep and can't investigate?

Let me explain it this way, Yu and Chen were suspicious of Lin and Wu from the beginning, and their investigation was right, but when they clearly suspected each other, they deliberately fell in love with them while investigating. is deceitful feelings.

And when the two found out that they also liked Lin Wu, the investigation was not over.

I will give an example, if you took something from your girlfriend before you were with her, she suspected that you took it, but she had no evidence, she would deliberately approach you , chasing you and you to become a lover, while secretly rummaging through your house to see if you took it, while going up to you, telling you that she loves you the most, but you don't know that she is digging through your things every day, naively believe She really loves you, and you love you more and more deeply. In the end, you find that in her eyes, you have long been a thief. She has always looked at you with the eyes of a thief. as a fool.

Is this more understandable?

Although An An was at fault first, it was exploiting, deceiving, concealing, and distrusting.

And after Yu and Chen found out that the two were weird, not only did they not say it, but they continued to lie to them in love.

This will make Lin and Wu feel that I am seriously in love with you, but you are looking at me like a prisoner, deceiving me while investigating me, saying that you love me.


---In addition, explain why Chen Mi insisted that Wu Xixi smell her pheromone, because in chapter 42, when they were in the car, the doctor said that if Beta was attracted to the other party , will also smell the other party's smell, feel the other party's smell is good.

Reverse reasoning, if Beta can't smell it, it means that Beta is not too attracted to her.

Seeing An Anzi like this, the author is also a little uncomfortable. Okay, let's be careful, little cuties, I'll go and feel uncomfortable for a while.