MTL - Warship of Great Power-Chapter 8 All the way north

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  Chapter 8 All the Way North

  Wang Jianguo had no choice.

There are so many people in the factory who are waiting to be paid their wages. After so much turmoil, it is easy to have hope. If this hope fails again, he can imagine how those people feel, and they will definitely eat Wang Jianguo alive. You can eat him raw without soy sauce or vinegar.

  Anyway, we have reached this point, so we can only follow Qin Tao, maybe we can really find a way out.

  Wang Jianguo found a phone booth and called the factory, so as to save him from having trouble getting the check and withdrawing the money tomorrow.

  This Qin Tao has been a good boy since he was a child. Why is he so bold in what he did this time?

   After all this was done, Wang Jianguo climbed onto the cargo box again. There was no turning back anyway, so he simply put down the burden in his heart and fell asleep.

  In front, Wang Erzhu was still driving the vehicle along the national highway, but when passing Huating, he didn't enter Huating, but went north along the outer ring.

  Crossed the Yangtze River, crossed the Yellow River, crossed the Haihe River, and entered the three eastern provinces.

   Along the way, the scene along the way was constantly changing. Nie Shiyu, who was traveling far for the first time, was so happy that he kept looking at the scene outside and pointing.

"When I was a soldier in the army, I often ran in the south, and this is the first time I have come to the northeast." While driving, Wang Erzhu was also feeling emotional: "I thought it was so cold, isn't it similar to our Mingzhou. "

   "This is summer." Qin Tao said, "If it's winter, the snow will cover the calves."

   "Really? Brother, when it's winter, let's come too, okay? I've never seen snow before." Nie Shiyu looked forward to it.

   For any southerner, snow is a rare event, and as for snow tens of centimeters thick, that is even more rare.

  Qin Tao nodded helplessly: "Well, if I have time, I will bring you over in winter to have a look. If our road works well, we may come here often in the future."

   "Okay, brother, let's make an agreement!" After speaking, Nie Shiyu stretched out her finger, and was about to hook up with Qin Tao.

  Nie Shiyu looks like a mature and **** female secretary at this time, but her heart is still a girlish mentality.

   After pulling the hook, Nie Shiyu continued to ask: "We have already reached the northeast, how far is the Fen River?"

   "Well, depending on the road conditions, if you hurry up, you can arrive before tomorrow night."

   "What kind of place is Fenhe, and why do we go there?" Nie Shiyu asked diligently.

  This is a long story.

  First of all, from the geographical point of view, the Fen River is the border area of ​​HLJ, which directly borders the Primorsky Krai of Lao Maozi, and has a 27-kilometer-long border line. In particular, there are railways and highways, and the transportation is very convenient.

  So, after the country was liberated in 1945, Finhe assumed the important task of importing and exporting with the Soviet Union, and a large number of goods were transported every year. But later, due to well-known reasons, the entrance and exit passages were closed here, and heavy troops were even deployed.

In this way, until five years ago, the relationship between the two parties gradually relaxed, and Finhe became active again. In 1987, Finhe signed a cooperation agreement with Gecheng on the opposite side. In this way, the trade between the two sides opened up. curtain.

Qin Tao is also very interested in the losers in the 1980s and 1990s. In his previous life, he met some losers and knew the way of them. Therefore, in order to help Mingzhou Garment Factory get out of the predicament, he brought the goods to Fen the river.

  Actually, the highlight of the international bad guys is the Sino-Soviet international train, which is sent from the capital of one's own side to Moscow, and the people in the entire train are almost all bad guys. In this era, long-distance transportation is still convenient for trains.

But, Mingzhou is in the south, so it is impossible to get a ticket for the Sino-Soviet international train. Even the train from Mingzhou to Fenhe is not enough. Fortunately, there is this Dongfeng 140 from the Mingzhou Garment Factory, which is of good quality. of. Qin Tao took away his family's savings in advance, and it was okay to eat and refuel along the way.

   Chartered cars like Qin Tao are very rare, because even if you are rich these days, it is difficult to hire a car for long distances.

   "There, there is gold everywhere." Qin Tao said: "There are beautiful women everywhere, by the way, Brother Zhuzi, are you not married yet? Do you want to bring an old woman back to live?"

  Wang Erzhu glanced at him: "Taozi, are you happy with your brother Zhuzi? If you bring a foreigner back, you might give birth to some monster."

   "Brother Zhuzi, it would be good-looking if she was a blond woman." Nie Shiyu was full of smiles, and made jokes with Qin Tao.

   "Don't talk about those other things, when we get to Fenhe, who shall we sell the goods to?" Wang Erzhu asked Qin Tao.

"Of course it was sold to Lao Maozi." Qin Tao said: "After we go, let's find a hotel to stay. The four of us, two of them will apply for a four-day passport and go to Gecheng to find a buyer. The other two Personally, stay and look at the goods. When we go there, there must be many local merchants, we must pay attention, and we cannot hand over the goods directly to them."


   "Because it's easier for your own people to lie to your own people."

  Being an international loser, dumping materials is very profitable. At the same time, when the profits are huge, all kinds of messy things will come. Being deceived happens from time to time, and most of the people who deceive people are their own people.

   "Like we are in the Mingzhou garment factory?" Nie Shiyu said.

   "Shi Yu, what you said is wrong. We are here to help the Mingzhou Garment Factory get out of trouble. Those other people are here to empty the pockets of the compatriots around us. Can this be the same?"

  Nie Shiyu stuck out her tongue, her expression was extremely cute.

"There are four of us, if brother Zhuzi wants to drive, he must stay to look at the goods, and brother is going to talk to Lao Maozi about business, so, Uncle Wang and I, one of us has to stay. Brother, I want to be with you! "Nie Shiyu began to think again.

  At this time, Qin Tao was also a little embarrassed.

To go to Gecheng, it is best to be physically strong. On the one hand, it can carry enough goods, and on the other hand, it is easy to protect itself. The girl Nie Shiyu is only fourteen or fifteen years old. Although her body has grown, her physical strength is definitely not enough. .

  Let her go with me, afraid that she will suffer, and even more afraid that she will have an accident!

   "Brother, it was you who said at the beginning that you wanted to show me to the world, you won't deny it now, will you?" Seeing Qin Tao's embarrassment, Nie Shiyu pouted.

   "Well, we might suffer, though."

   "I'm not afraid." Nie Shiyu laughed.

   PS: Thank you old friend l599xl for your reward, thank you friends for your clicks, favorites, recommendations, all kinds of requests!



  (end of this chapter)