MTL - Warrior’s Promise-Chapter 2898 Holding the city of time and space

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Chapter 2898 is in charge of the city of time and space

Time and space flow, millennium dream.

Sumo seems to be in the dream, he can feel the time of the whole body, fast, very fast, unimaginable fast.

It is almost a blink of an eye, and the passage of time will last for a hundred years.

This time, not in the acceleration of the passing, but in the acceleration of retrogression, in an instant, time back to the millennium ago.


When the battle turned to the stars, time changed, and Somo crossed the time and space and came to a piece of land.

He looked up to the front, there is a mountain in front of him, about a hundred feet high, it is the tip of the city in the city of time and space.

However, the mountain peaks in front of us also exudes amazing powers of time and space. Obviously, they are somewhat illusory, and obviously hidden deep.

"Here is the earth?"

Sumo looked around and his knowledge was like a tide, and it swept out in an instant, covering a billion miles.

Then he stopped.

It is indeed the earth, the earth that he lived in before.

The products of modern technology such as cars, high-rise buildings, cities, etc., are all in his sense of consciousness.

His knowledge of the whole world wrapped the whole earth and quickly found the people he was familiar with.

Everything has not changed, this is the time period of the past life.

"Come up!"

At this time, the sound of an ancient vicissitudes was uploaded from the mountain in front.

Sumo heard a glimpse of his heart. Now he has no time to look at the old people of his previous life. It is imperative to see the talents in front of him.

Immediately, he stepped out and walked through the diffuse space and walked over the mountain.

Looking up, there is a figure in the foothills of the mountain, but it is impossible to see the face.

A few steps between Sumo, he came to the foothills.

"Predecessors, are you the master of time and space?" Sumo stood behind the figure, squinting and looking at the back of the person in front of him.

However, the person in front of you is obviously not an entity, but an illusory shadow.

"Yes!" The figure nodded slightly.

"I want to know, what is going on here? Why am I born again to the wilderness? Why do you want me to be a lesser master of the city of time and space, what is your relationship with the reincarnation of heaven? Are you the time and space of the wilderness? Supreme?” Sumo went straight into the knife and asked questions in his heart.

The time and space master heard the words, slowly turned over the illusory body, the vague face facing Sumo, Shen Sheng: "This is your destiny, I just changed the roul of your destiny."

"What do you mean?" Sumo asked with doubt.

"You are the soul of the reincarnation of the gods, destined to be born again to the wilderness, your original destiny, is to be integrated with the reincarnation of the heavens." Time and space.

"What about now?" Sumo asked again, since this is the original fate, it is obviously not going to happen now.

"I have given you the unparalleled martial arts, so you have changed, you have to fight for my will." The voice of the time and space said with a low voice.

"What do you mean by saying, my martial arts, are you giving me?" Sumo heard the news.

"Not bad!"

The time leader of the time and space, the slightest jaw, immediately turned back to Sumo, the voice is faint: "The Yuan Dynasty has existed for countless years, evolved three thousand worlds, and the 3,000-day world continues to be destroyed and reborn, and it never ends. The soul of the three thousand worlds is also constantly destroyed and then regenerated; I feel deeply unfair, want to reshape the Yuan Dynasty and create an eternal world. Therefore, 60 million years ago, the soul of the tree was extracted and created. The unparalleled martial arts, this martial arts will give you."

"Why do you want to give it to me?" Sumo asked in a blank voice, he never thought of it, forbidden | avoiding the initial of the god, that is, consuming the martial arts, it was created by the time and space supreme, which simply subverted his recognition. know.

"My body, because of the damage to the soul of the tree, was joined by the other nine lords and joined forces in the tree. Now what you see is just a avatar."

The time-space lord did not directly answer Sumo. Speaking of it here, he paused a little and continued: "My body wants to get out of trouble, only to destroy the Taoist tree. Looking at the Yuan Dynasty, no one has this ability. In the past, thousands of worlds finally found the reincarnation."

"The meaning is that all this, the reincarnation of Heaven is clear?" Su Mo asked in front of his eyes, he felt that the other side said something awkward, but can not be verified.

"Slightly know one or two." The time leader nodded, then shook his head again, because the reincarnation knew little.

Sumo heard the silence, and in his mind, in the words of the other side, although the other party said that there are not many, but the amount of information is not small.

Also, why did the other party choose him to divide the soul, instead of the reincarnation of Tian Zun who did not reincarnate?

There are still a lot of places to wonder him.

"Why did you choose to reincarnate? Why did you choose me?" Sumo asked.

"Because of the power of reincarnation, among the Yuanshi mainland and the three thousand worlds, there are no more than three people in the reincarnation of the gods. The reincarnation of Tianzun is one of them, and you are more suitable than the reincarnation of heaven." The time leader said.

Sumo heard the words and bowed his head. Is this really true?

"Since you have a avatar, why not do it yourself?" Sumo asked again.

"Oh, powerless!"

In the face of Sumo’s inquiry, the time-spaced sigh sighed and continued: “Go back, take the city of time and space, step into the realm of the Taoist, smash the tree, let me get out.”

"Predecessors, you don't worry, after I become a Taoist, I will not respect your will?" Sumo asked with no expression, he would not fully trust the other party's words.

There is no alms for no reason in this world.

"You don't have to respect my will, just honor your own will!" said the time leader.

"Predecessors, you...!" Sumo wants to continue to ask, but the time-spaced master interrupted his words by wave, saying: "The only thing that can tell you is what will happen in the future. It depends on you."

In a word, he waved his hand and the power of time and space was incomparable.

Between the time of the battle, the battle moves to the stars, and the time and space are vast.

Then, Sumo discovered that he had returned to the city of time and space. The six elders and the old road were standing in front of him, and in the back of the two, there were tens of thousands of people gathered together.

Sumo frowned slightly. He still had a lot of questions. He didn't ask the time and space leader. Why is the other party eager to let him back?

He felt that there were a lot of unusual things in it, and he seemed to feel the taste of conspiracy.

However, with the ability of the other side, there is no reason to give him such a small design conspiracy.

"Sumo, this is all the veterans and core disciples in the city of time and space." The old way of Hefa's childish face, pointing to the people behind him, said to Sumo.

Sumo looked around at everyone. These tens of thousands of people are really a terrible force. The people in the Tao are full of thousands, and the rest are all people who make the land.

However, although there are many people in the Tao, the number of people who make the land is still too small, even worse than the Temple of Heaven.

The Wangtianjing Palace in the district has more than 100,000 people who have been cultivated and cultivated, but only a few powerful people.

"You, this is Sumo. From today, he will become the young master of the city of time and space, and the emperor will be in charge of the city of time and space." The old man turned around and looked at everyone, and said aloud.

The voice of the old road is not big, but it is resounding in every corner of the city of time and space, shaking the hearts of people.

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion