MTL - Warhead Pet Hamster-Chapter 66 Lost the mouse ball? !

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In the main battleship of the Tate, Tatu Muge looked at the scrap iron ball separated from the battleship. The face covered with green scales twitched, trying to maintain the calm of the surface, and the eyes looked gloomy. Detect the composition of the scrap iron ball.

He did not believe that the wild people who did not even have the aircraft that crossed the galaxy would have such a powerful weapon, and actually destroyed one of his relatively strong defense ships.

What he is most worried about is that perhaps another space civilization has discovered this resource star, trying to **** this huge and rare resource that he has on his knees.

"Reporting Marshal, this ball has been compressed with high strength, the hardness exceeds the maximum strength of our warships, and its speed is very fast, it is really easy to destroy a warship."

"And... Marshal, before the ball was compressed, it should have been the remnant of the warship of my family that fell on this planet. According to the orbital demonstration, the ball was indeed launched from that planet."

Tatumug looked at the blue planet on the center console and the energy stone sample suspended on the desktop of the main control room.

The face of the green scales flashed a trace of madness.

He doesn't think that the people on this blue planet can have any powerful weapons.

To be able to do this, the designation is the power of the energy stone.

Tatu Muge’s eyes are more and more greedy, once he has acquired the energy stone on this planet...

Tatu Muge licked his own fangs and turned to the adjutant. "All battleships go to the third planet!"

He does not believe that under the pressure of absolute scientific and technological power, these primitive races can still survive.


At this point, a rat ball nested in Chen Chengzhen's pocket and snorted, and the bulging belly was together.

At the same time, the small gang of the mouse ball changed rapidly.

The drum is still bulging.

Only gradually develop in the normal direction, slowly calm down, as if the things inside are no longer full of mouse ball gangs, the space in the cheek pouch is expanding.

At the same time, Professor Wei has already obtained the effect of Shi Rui combined with several strengths of the team, which kicked the ball.

A professor didn't hold back and slammed the table and laughed. "Although this is a bit of a waste of power, but the power is not normal, killing the gangster."

Chen Chengyi looked at the data and slightly absorbed God.

Although the effect is remarkable, it is very resentful. However, this is not the way they can take the battle in the future. It will take a long time and it will suffer.

Earth-to-space has always required a lot of precision, not to mention that they are ground-to-space.

Even if Professor Wei gave a clear comparison of the coordinates, the Honeycomb Energy Network gave certain guidelines. However, the ball that Shi Rui kicked out was not navigation after all. It was largely blind and could destroy one of the battleships. It is good luck.

Chen Chengyi looked down at his pocket and couldn't help but rely on his mouse to cheer all the fighters.

That is not to ruin him.

Xiaohui is still better tired by him.

Chen Chengyi looked at Professor Wei, "Trouble Professor, designing an aircraft or weapon capable of combat as soon as possible."

Professor Wei took off his glasses, wiped the water traces from the corners of his eyes, and nodded. "This is no problem. There are several versions of Peng Peng's graffiti design, but we need you to assist the arranger."

The traditional way of manufacturing can no longer meet the needs of the present, Professor Wei needs a large number of abilities to assist him to make weapons.

Chen Chengyi nodded and proposed several ideas about weapons.

Just as the two spoke, the terminal of the Honeycomb Energy Network suddenly obtained data on the large-scale approximation of the Tate warships.

Professor Wei looked at Chen Chengyi. "This is estimated to be a war."

Going to war?

I have to fight!

This can't be without me.

A war-torn mouse sleeping in someone's pocket, the back paw suddenly slammed and suddenly opened his eyes.

Then, the mouse ball that stepped on the sand was completely stunned.

Is he dreaming?

The mouse ball lifted its claws and blinked, then continued to look at the situation in front of the petrochemical.

Nearly white sand beaches.

The distance is turbulent.

The sound of the waves is in the air, and the sea breeze can blow off his small body...

At the same time, Chen Cheng in the lab was in a stiff state, suddenly looked down at his pocket, and quickly reached in and grabbed a hand.

In the pockets of the combat uniforms, except for the small bed made by the alloy of the mouse ball mat, it is empty.

Chen Cheng's face changed instantly, and a raging suffocation appeared at the bottom of his eyes.

Just now, his mouse stretched his hind paw and licked his chest.

He had thought that the mouse ball would wake up, and he would look out with his pockets and look at the black eyes that he knew after waking up.

However, all of a sudden, the sense of bulging in his pocket disappeared.

The mouse ball suddenly disappeared under his nose.

Professor Wei has never seen Chen Chengzhen, who is so heavy, "What happened?"

Chen Chengyu’s voice had a moment of stagnation, and he slowly took back his fingers. “Xiaohui is gone.”


Professor Wei stayed for a while and said, "He just didn't sleep in your pocket?"

Chen Chengyi clenched his fist tightly, and all the things in his head passed through this moment, and he analyzed the abnormalities extremely carefully.

There was nothing unusual about the paw that was pulled out before it disappeared.

In addition to the mouse ball full of stones, the sleepy look of the lameness is often different.

Stone is an energy that neither the powers nor the war pets can absorb.

The healing ant millet grain is only using the power of the stone, nor is it absorbed.

Therefore, before Shu Xiaohui melted so many stone powers, would it be possible that he would not absorb it at all?

Instead, the antiquities that merged in his cheek pouch position?

Will it be that the antiquities have absorbed enough power to make the mouse ball suddenly disappear.

Is it disappearing, or is it not there...

Chen Chengzhen’s mood is somewhat unstable.

The surrounding metal elements change rapidly.

Professor Wei feels that Chen Cheng's abilities have an abnormal outbreak trend... Does this person know how powerful his strength is, is this going to ruin his experimental building?

This building is his hard work... Destroy it and let him pay for it!

The premise is that when someone breaks out, they can still survive.

Professor Wei picked up and followed Xiaopeng, who was in a hurry, back a few meters, and his eyes were nervously watching him.

This person can't calm down, and if he hasn't figured out the situation, he will break out!

The hamster's ability is a lucky blessing, how can it not happen?

Chen Chengyu took a heavy breath, regardless of Professor Wei, who had already shrunk to the corner of the wall, and walked straight to the front of the hive energy network terminal to start the hive energy network to search for Shu Xiaohui's whereabouts.

Just, the world is so big.

The mouse ball is so small.

Just then, Chen Chengyi felt that his pocket was sinking.

Then, something appeared in it, and Chen Cheng’s urgent mood suddenly came up.

However, it wasn't the mouse ball that fell in the pocket, but some small packages of materials, and then the things that couldn't fit in the small pockets fell off the ground.

Chen Chengyi reached out and caught one of them.

It was an all-terrain tank in the complete set of ordnance models he made for his mice...

This is something that the mouse ball carefully collects in its own space.

The pile on the ground is all the treasures of his family's collection of mice. It is a thing that comes back and forth three times from his cheek pouch by his fingers.

There are also a variety of things he has done for the mouse ball, ordnance, war pet space suits, luxury home training grounds or something.

Chen Chengzhen holds the metal sculpture of the size of the mouse that fell out of the last, which is the rounded hug of his family Xiaohui.

Professor Wei slowly moved his steps.

Chen Chengyi looked up at him.

Professor Wei immediately stopped and said, "I came over to check the situation."

Chen Chengyi turned back and stared at the things on the ground.

The mouse ball in the pocket suddenly disappeared, but the things in his space suddenly appeared.

Professor Wei and the worried Xiao Pengpeng squatted in front of the pile of materials.

After the meeting, Professor Wei said that Chen Chengyi’s voice was slightly dry. “Is it an ability?”

Professor Wei looked up at him.

Chen Chengyi looked at the things on the ground and said, "Although no one is a dual-system ability at the moment, Xiaohui is different. His cheek pouch originally had an independent space."

Professor Wei pushes the glasses. "So, what do you mean, the energy of your little hamster's body is soaring, suddenly triggering a second ability, such as teleportation or space jump?"

"For the first time, he can't master it, he will suddenly disappear and drop the things in this place."

This is the best guess that Chen Chengzhen can imagine.

Professor Wei looked at the things on the ground, "It is possible."

At this point, the hive energy network was also searched, and the two results were swaying.

Check no such person.

Check this mouse.

Professor Wei quickly stood up. "You don't worry, it may be that the power of the little hamster is stronger than the energy net, and the energy net cannot find his position."

Chen Chengyi tightened his jaw and suddenly looked at the circular fish tank that Professor Wei had placed on the table.

Above the fish tank, the zebra, who is still in a mood with Professor Wei, spits bubbles and swims around the fish tank.

Chen Chengyu said, "Professor Wei, can Zebra sense Xiaohui?"

Xiao Pengpeng suddenly grabbed the sleeves of his combat uniforms, looked up at his head and looked at him with his dark eyes. He said, "Can! Big white tells me that their king is still there."

Chen Cheng licked Peng Peng's hair.

Just how he should find Shu Xiaohui.

Now all the supplies are left by the mice here.

What if he is hungry? What if I get cold?

Read The Duke's Passion