MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 8 King of killing

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"Idiot, don't fight, it's time to go!"

Seeing the black guards on the street began to wrap themselves around, the player who just shot and shattered the glass shouted and ordered the two men to take up the weapons.

Although he wants to get rid of the confession that hides in the gun shop, he knows that if he doesn't run now, the only thing that will be killed is himself.

So now, I can only retreat first.

With this in mind, this handsome, cool-looking man turned his head and looked at a black sports car parked in the alley.

Before he stared at the player, he had already prepared the evacuation route in advance. Now, as long as the guard gets on the bus before grabbing himself, you can leave the place safely.

However, as soon as I thought of the guy’s ridiculous face, there was another anger that rushed into his heart.

Before leaving, he cocked his **** at the broken glass of the gun shop and shouted:

"Miscellaneous, give me a wait..."


A gunshot interrupted his curse, and the burning sensation passed from the fingertips to the whole body.

The "sportsman" who was already stunned was surprised to find that the **** he had erected had disappeared!

"I rely on..."

He did not expect that the other party dared to shoot. He was shocked and angry at the same time. He used his left hand to pick up the pistol that had just been put into the pocket. He almost did not aim, and he pulled the trigger against the humanoid shadow standing at the door of the gun shop.

This time, he was lucky enough to hit the other's chest, but it was not the sound of bullets tearing flesh and blood, but the crisp crash.


The player who just shot was unable to stop, because the one who came out of the gun shop was not the bastard.

A strong man with a black scorpion strode out. The eyes under the sunglasses seem to have a smattering of blood. He wears a heavy helmet on his head. The heavy equipment on his body is more like a bullet-proof vest. It is more like an ancient one. Heavy armor.

The bullet that just happened didn't even leave any traces on the bulletproof board of the brawny chest.

"Is you shooting at my store?"

The brawny man with the bullet band on his shoulders said that the light machine gun painted in the desert camouflage was different. Unlike the ordinary machine gun, the front end of the gun body was decorated with a thick fan-shaped glass casing, like a transparent one. Shield.

Seeing the full-armed, oppressive "killing machine" standing in front of him, the player was silent. Then, after seeing the "heroic character" prompt on the other side of the head, you can run without saying anything!

Unfortunately, his movements are of course faster than bullets.

The black beard with heavy armor shook his head, and the deadly flame tongue was ejected from the gunshot of his machine gun. He instantly blasted the player and the two men around him into a sieve, and fell to the ground with blood. , no longer move.

With the death of this player, the remaining players in the City of Chaos are in sight, and the system announcement appears again:

"The player 'lives under his arm' is killed by npc!"

"Friend, your name is not as random as it is." Lin Chi shook his head.

At this point, he had already taken advantage of the opportunity of the guards to focus on the black beard, and he sneaked into a small cafe on the street, sitting at the window and ordered a latte. Interested in planning to watch the fun.

If you "live under your armpit" and see Lin Chi's current situation, you may be angry with heart disease.

Looking at the tension in the street, Lin Chi took a sip of the coffee cup in his hand and the same taste as the real world, filled the mouth of the virtual character.

Eating and drinking in the game, naturally can not fill the stomach, in practical terms is completely useless.

However, being able to experience the food in the real world is also a good adjustment in the game process. For this reason, the brain-based imaging game now basically adds the function of diet.

"It turns out that the gun shield is like this..."

Seeing the light machine gun with a "shield" in the black beard, Lin Chi finally understood the origin of the black-bearded "gun shield" title.

Because of this npc with a machine gun on the street, it attracted all the hatred of the guard. The original wanted level of Lin Chi’s body has disappeared at this time.

Therefore, now he is also sitting in the coffee shop with peace of mind, waiting for the opening of the show.

After all, the battle that erupted in this virtual reality is much more exciting than the Hollywood blockbuster!

The gun shop owner who was armed to the teeth was like a fear ring, which made the pedestrians on the street start to run away again. Only the city guards wearing black trench coats stayed in place, and they pulled out their pistols. black beard.

"Let the gun down, raise your hand and surrender!" shouted one of the guards.

"Who are you talking to?"

The black beard licked his mouth and suddenly began to sweep again without warning. The three guards standing at the front did not have time to react, and the bombs that had been blown up were rags.

"Who do you think I am? Laozi is retired from the seals!"

The black beard roared and slammed bullets on the guards on the street. The fierce squeak even overwhelmed the gunshots: "Do you think I will continue to endure? Let the **** weaken me again and again? You can see these wastes clearly! This is the complete form of the 'gun shield'!"

The roar of the street that broke out in the gun battle, the window glass of the coffee shop was shaking slightly. When I heard the speech of the black beard, Lin Chi finally remembered where he had seen this guy:

"Is Rainbow Six: Siege?"

Because this game is too old, Lin Chi only played a few games. I don’t know much about the characters inside. I only remember that there is a member from the SEAL. It is characterized by the ability to install a shield on the rifle. .

However, the power of the guy in the hand now is much more powerful than the assault rifle...

The deafening gunshots covered the entire street with screams. With the indiscriminate scanning of the black beard, the neighborhood suddenly turned into a **** hell, and the pedestrians who had not run far and the guards who could not escape could fall into a pool of blood.

Although the guards are also fighting back, the small pistols in their hands are unable to cause any damage to the heavy body armor on the black beard.

This is no longer a battle, but a complete unilateral slaughter!

However, city guards should not only have this combat power.

Just thinking of it, Lin Chi noticed that there were several military green shell jeep galloping, braking in the gun shop not far away, the car has not stopped, there are more than a dozen wearing urban camouflage clothes wearing Beley The cap's soldier jumped and the rifle shell in his hand flashed a dangerous cold light.

Although I can't see the status bar of npc, Lin Chi knows that the black beard's wanted level should have risen to the highest level.

After all, this time it was not a patrol guard, but a real soldier.

The soldiers who just got out of the car relied on the jeep as a bunker, raised the m4a1 carbine in their hands, fired at the black beard that was killing the guards, and sneaked into the gun shop with a black beard.

"These strips are really fierce." Lin Chi squinted at the reversal of the battle on the street.

- Fortunately, the level of wanted when I fled was only 3, and if I was higher, I would be killed if I met these soldiers without equipment.

However, now Lin Chi is even more curious, where is the other heroic npc in the gun shop?

After the outbreak of the battle, he has never seen the "rabier" Satya, who is also a heroic character. The guy is also murderous, but he has not come out. It only shows what she is preparing...

Lin Chi was thinking about it and heard the roar of black beard in the gun shop that was being fired:

"mad dog!"

"Is it a rabid dog?" The complaints of the blonde maid sounded a bit boring, like being in a confined space.

Then, the table in front of Lin Chi and the seat underneath began to tremble slightly.

He was guessing what was going on, only to see behind the iron fence door that was sealed next to the gun shop, suddenly shining bright white light -


The bang of the explosion directly shattered the windowpane around him, and the violent waves swept across the street. A jeep, along with the four soldiers next to it, suddenly disappeared into the burning fireball.

"Where, what?" Lin Chi’s coffee cup was scared.

His voice did not fall, I saw a m1a2 heavy tank, rushed out of the fence door, the track left two traces on the fragile street, the khaki outer armor, the siberian husky pattern that is sticking out the tongue.

"Is this also possible?" Lin Chi's eyes wide open.

"Go to hell!" The mad female voice burst out from the speakers installed on the tank turret. Compared with the maid who couldn’t make it, it was just two people.

I have to say that the soldiers in this game are not low. They didn't kill each other like the black guards. Instead, they saw the tank appear and immediately turned around and fled.

But... it’s too late.

After another shot, the remaining soldiers did not even have time to scream, and they were blown away by the shock of the explosion.

At this point, almost all the soldiers have been killed, leaving only a seriously injured guy, still crawling hard, leaving a long blood mark behind the body.

Seeing that there is still a live mouth, the "rabies" did not choose to come back to kill the other's life, but drove the tank and parked in front of the body of the crawling soldier:

"I will... crush you bit by bit?"

In the end, the left crawler of the 60-ton killing machine was run over the disabled leg of the soldier.

Then there was a scream of screaming and screaming.

I thought that the black beard that was slaughtered in the street was already awkward. After the "rabies" appeared, Lin Chicai realized that the real change was not the retired soldier of the seals, but the seemingly lazy maid in his shop... ...

In the pig-like roar of the soldiers, the tank retreated a little later, then moved forward again, rolling over the legs that had been pressed into pieces.

Seeing this ferocious scene, even if it is known to be in the game, Lin Chi still has a subtle discomfort.

“How did the game pass the review?” he said to himself.

Then, Lin Chi suddenly noticed that there was a dark human figure in the alley on the right side of the gun shop.

Read The Duke's Passion