MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1388 His choice

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The enemy retreated.

Floating in the boundless ocean of information, Frankenstein breathed a sigh of relief and kept thinking at a high-speed state, but also a little bit slow.

In a desperate situation, she used the "secret technique" Lin had prepared sooner or later. Sure enough, the hacker, who had been struggling forever, had disappeared without a trace at this moment.

In this way, it should be possible to hold onto this piece of data and wait for Lin Chi to appear again. but……

——Time seems a little too long.

Frankenstein quickly searched again, and still found no trace of Lin Chi. That guy may not have regained consciousness, or maybe it was pushed to a distance that he could not detect by the data stream.

If he hasn't regained consciousness yet ... is he dead?

Thinking of this horrible possibility, there was a trace of nervousness in Frankenstein's thoughts. However, as an artificial intelligence, it took only less than 0.1 second to return to normal.

Although he no longer knows where to go, Lin Chi did not withdraw, and it must be still in this world. Now it ’s not up to me to worry about it, but to fix the loopholes immediately.

——The next person to invade this field should be a computer expert from the US military. After all, one of their military bases had just turned to ashes under the attack of the "map gun".

The ion beam weapon carried on this satellite requires at least two hours of recharge time after each attack. Now it can no longer destroy other bases of the US military. Before the recharge is completed, the enemy must be defended against the invasion of the data network. but……

The Frankenstein figure flashed, consciousness was interrupted for a moment, and then suddenly appeared on the previous platform.

Looking at the designers and observers walking towards them, Frankenstein whispered: "You ..."

"Good job." The designer applauded: "Your mission is over."

"Where is he?" Frankenstein looked around, looking for Lin Chi's trail.

"He will stay here for a while, but you have to leave." The designer said with a snap: "The spaceship is about to leave, goodbye."


The Frankenstein just opened his mouth, as if he had been punched by someone. While feeling the strong pain, he lost his consciousness at once.


The welcome robot slammed open the hatch, jumped out of the game room, and rushed to another game room side by side to check the status of that game room.

Lin Chi ’s game warehouse is still operating normally, and the security lock is still locked. When Frankenstein is about to release the security lock, he hears the news broadcast from the TV that is still open in the living room behind him:

"Breaking news, the Game Authority urgently stopped the operation of the game" War Heaven ", and all the game warehouses currently running" War Heaven "will be forced to stop ..."

Hearing this, Frankenstein clenched his fists, the circular light spot on the mask representing the eyes began to flash, and after a moment of silence, he swears a swear word:


As the Game Administration took compulsory measures to terminate the operation of "War Paradise", the ongoing invitational tournament also ended, and at the same time ended tens of thousands of ordinary games.

The players who were still fighting in the game a second ago returned to the game warehouse with a frustrated face, thinking that the game had a bug. They didn't learn about this shocking news until they picked up their phone to view the forum.

"Net tm bullshit, how could a game have such a thing!"

"It's so hard for Lao Tzu to play a good game with the **** game authority?"

There was a lot of scolding online for a while, and angry players began to siege the official social accounts of the Game Authority. Those conservatives who support the prohibition of imaging games in the brain began to spray with these guys:

"Imaging games in the brain should have been banned. Don't kill a game?"

"The miscellaneous things of the playthings, see what you are like? Face the reality!"

Frankenstein didn't have time to pay attention to the scolding battle on the Internet, but immediately cracked the security lock of Lin Chi's game room, pushed open the hatch, and focused his attention on the man lying inside.

In reality, Lin Chi is a little thinner than the game characters. He lies quietly in the game cabin, like the dead in the coffin at the memorial service.


Frankenstein extended his right hand, ready to press the power-off button in the game compartment. Before the finger touched the red button, it slowly stopped.

Now Lin Chi ’s consciousness should still be in the deep data. If he forcibly cuts off the connection, he may never come back.

Frankenstein also wanted to believe that this man would come back, but what Lin Chi had said to himself before appeared suddenly in his memory.

"Would you ... want to stay there."

Recalling Lin Chi's splendid talk about "electronic eternal life", eager to get a new life in the data world. Frankenstein groaned faintly, holding Lin Chi's right hand with mechanical fingers:

"You said, you will definitely come back."


"You mean let me stay here?"

Lin Chi took a step back and opened the other hand: "I can't judge what you are just by your words alone. Maybe you are also an Oasis Army person."

"Ah, Oasis Army, I have seen them, they are really a group of poor bugs." The girl smiled: "Lin Chi, you seem to have made a mistake? Now you are not qualified to bargain ...

You can't leave this world now, as long as I want to, you can stay here forever. The solar sail of this spaceship has already been deployed. Once it leaves the range of the lunar radio antenna, your consciousness can never return to the earth. "

Listening to the threatening words of the other party, Lin Chi smiled: "But in this case, no one will help you save the world?"


The girl picked up the Coke bottle beside her and threw the bottle into the distance with a standard shooting gesture: "Actually, that's what the creators outside should pay attention to. I don't pay much attention to the survival of this world. After all ... I'm completely okay. "

"Does it matter if you die?" Lin Chi looked at each other seriously.

——In this way, this woman seems to be completely opposite to herself. She has no interest in the eternal life in the digital world, but seems to be tired of it all.

"I don't care." The girl said with a smile: "Actually, I called you here just to find someone to chat with. I think you are very interesting. And ... I want your body."

"Slap?" Lin Chi said briefly.

"Of course not, you think of me as someone."

The girl immediately shook her head: "I mean, since we are all people who have gone to the wrong world, how about we exchange them? I use your body to go back to the real world and start a new life. And you can stay here to The identity of the true creator, gaining eternal life and becoming the absolute ruler of this world. "

"Oh, it sounds very attractive," Lin Chi said softly.

It has to be said that being the ruler of the "War Paradise" world is indeed a very attractive proposal. If you put it in the past, you will definitely accept it immediately without hesitation. but now……

Lin Chi does not need to consider at all, and has already spoken his own answer:

"Sorry, I won't do this. Because someone is waiting for me to go back."