MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1378 Salvation

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"You say I'm ... the savior?"


"Well ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

At this moment of seriousness, Lin Chi suddenly bent down sharply and laughed while covering his stomach.

The "forbidden" observer and silent designer stared at this man who laughed more than words. Lin Chi laughed so much that tears were coming out, and finally he managed to suppress the laugh, his hands were still shaking, and he said out of breath:

"Did you ... find the wrong person?"

Obviously, the creators of the paradise of war have lost their way before using the last resort. However, the person chosen as the "savior" did not seem to fit into such a tall title.

——Besides playing games, he is “paralyzed” at home. Lin Chi, who often spends his time through sleep, is an old salty fish that can't be salted anymore.

The thought of such a guy being chosen as the savior, a smile can't help but appear on Lin Chi's face: Anyway, this candidate is too casual.

After about two minutes, Lin Chi, who was about to laugh, was finally laughing, and finally asked, "Did you decide by lot?"

Looking at the unreliable appearance of the "Savior", the designer sighed longly: "Don't make a joke at this time, we naturally have to go through a lot of calculation and strict selection during the selection stage."

"So how did you choose a person?" Lin Chi smiled. "Is it because of my handsome appearance or magnetic voice?"

The designer's expression was serious and completely meaningless, but he whispered to explain: "First of all, we need a real human, not a half-man, half-machine that is assisted by AI, nor is it born in this world. ' Aboriginal people. "

"You are also human supremacists?" Lin Chi asked.

"The human brain is indeed unable to compete with quantum computers in terms of computing speed and memory." The designer's statement was very straightforward: "But the human brain has a part that is difficult to simulate with a quantum computer. What we lack is exactly that part. It's 'perceptual thinking.' "

After hearing this, Lin Chi laughed again: "Then you may have found the wrong person. It is said that women have more emotional thinking."

The computing power of quantum computers has completely crushed the human brain, and is more meticulous than humans in all kinds of logical thinking, that is, rational thinking.

But what these creators lack is the emotional thinking ability that many people ridicule. In other words, it is the ability to "focus on the heart and do whatever you want" that only humans have.

"Isn't this purely emotional thinking?" Lin Chi glanced at the war observer.

"No, he is just in a mess of logic and has nothing to do with 'perceptual'." The designer shook his head: "Human emotional thinking and intuition are exactly what we need first."

"Even if we have powerful computing capabilities, everything we do is based on logical operations. The ability of humans to seem to be casual but to draw correct conclusions is completely impossible for us."

The designer looked up and stared at the bright starry sky: "That's why we need a real human being. He must have both the ability to think emotionally and reasonably, and not to be mentally ill or paranoid."

"What about other requirements?" Lin Chi narrowed his eyes and looked at the old man.

——There are still very few "monsters" in the world who rely on rational thinking, and most of them are often emotional. The two conditions of "perceptual thinking" and "mental normal" can be satisfied by most players in the game.

After he asked the question, the designer was silent for five seconds and said again: "Second, he must be a true 'virtual world visitor'. He believes that there is really 'artificial intelligence' in this world, not to put Everything is treated as a designed program. "

"Ha, I really thought at the beginning whether this would be a plot designed by Pulse Entertainment. Will there be any prizes for completing the hidden task chain?" Lin Chi smiled.

Even today, even if all kinds of automatic robots have become standard in the service industry, many people still do not believe in the existence of artificial intelligence.

In their opinion, all robots are slaves driven by programs. Robots cannot have any consciousness, nor can they think and generate emotions.

——The occurrence of artificial intelligence in imaging games in the brain is just a joke to most people. Even in a "game" like War Paradise, there are a large number of players who think that everything that happens in the game is just a plot designed in advance.

Lin Chi has also considered this kind of problem, and he naturally knows that he may just be playing an ordinary game. With the computing power of supercomputers, it is possible to simulate this kind of game plot.

But in the end, he chose to believe that artificial intelligence really exists in the game. As for why they are so convinced, it is probably because of what designers call “perceptual thinking”.

"I'm willing to believe that there is real AI here." Lin Chi said softly.

"Yes, that's it!"

The war observer who broke the shackles again shook his body and looked like he almost fell: "So we can communicate with you! Only those who see through the appearance can reach the inner truth! You are really resourceful Brave friends-- "

The designer glared at the observer, interrupted the guy's speech, and continued: "Third, he must uphold justice and treat humans and AI equally."

"He doesn't hate all human beings, nor despise the lives of artificial intelligence. He can fight for the lives of human friends, and he can save the" heroic followers "in the virtual world."

"Did Jane have designed it for you?" Lin Chi's tone was suddenly low.

"It was just an accident, but we witnessed your bravery in that incident." The designer's expression softened: "You are willing to risk your life to save that boy, which is one of the reasons why I chose you. "

"In other words, I must have feelings for the followers here, right ..." Lin Chi said.

"That's right." The designer nodded: "I can't put the savior's responsibility on someone who has no feelings for this place, even if the world is destroyed, it doesn't matter. You have important partners here. If they destroy here, they will Will disappear with it. "

Hearing this, Lin Chi's expression went dark: "So you are threatening me?"

"No, this is just the bargaining chip." The designer calmly said, "By the way, I remind you that the 'Frankenstein' you have taken in is actually the 'true AI' born in this world. Its consciousness may also collapse. "

"He's threatening you!" The observer roared. "Get rid of him!"

Ignoring the roaring mental patient, Lin Chi died staring at the designer's old face, gritted his teeth and said: "The Frankenstein program has been transferred outside this world, even if it is destroyed here-"

"It's back now." The designer waved his hand, and a thin figure in a rag cloak suddenly appeared in front of Lin Chi.


Lin Chi and Frankenstein were silent when they saw each other.

"It was the messenger who brought it here," said the designer.

Seeing the familiar "humanoid monster", Lin Chi clenched his fists, and a little anger rose from his heart:

"Let her leave here, it's none of her business."