MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1365 Secluded Realm

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The ghost floating in the dark universe, the body began to condense again.

Lin Chi threw away the silver communicator and felt the fiery heat injected into his body, flowing in the blood vessels like magma.

Then, the world around them began to brighten again.

-Permission level increased from 3 to 5.

-Free energy constraints.

A few lines of text came directly into his mind. Lin Chi didn't need any explanation at all. A lot of data had already appeared in his consciousness, and he had answered all doubts.

There are six levels of authority in this sanctuary world.

Ordinary aborigines, also known as passersby npc, are set to the lowest level of authority level 1. They have basically nothing except the right to live, they have been kept in the dark, repeating the cycle of life and death.

Heroic and special npcs, as well as some npcs set as bosses, have a higher level of privilege level 2. These npcs have a part of the freedom of movement, and can make some equipment in the game, or change some insignificant rules.

Players are judged to have permission level 3 in this world, with privileges to reduce damage, weaken pain and adverse reactions, and see props, skills, and some character attributes.

The npc that is set as the final boss of the map has permission level 4 and is more powerful than ordinary players. It can even recast the "rules" of individual maps. But as long as they are dragged into the battlefield of the leader, they can only follow the "order" of this world and start a **** confrontation with the challengers.

It can be said that the authority level 5 is the highest authority that ordinary players and npc can access in this world. As for the permission level 6 below, it is the level of the creators,

Now Lin Chi is in a state of "below one person and above ten thousand people."


He slowly opened his eyes, his gaze across the vast Miao Galaxy, projected to the whole world.

In this game known as "War Paradise", everything appears under Lin Chi's sight. Not only is the war-fighting "Nightmare Dynasty", but also all the scenes and secrets in other maps. Took his mind.

——The so-called "Rebel Army" is actually a cannon fodder created by observers to attract the attention of designers. Those ai who thought they were fighting were actually playing with their hands.

The "traitor" that Woods of the sog team is looking for is Weaver, the one-eyed man from the Soviet Union, whose true identity is a hidden double spy.

The "Jean" of the Soviet supercapable force once contacted Weaver. The supercapable boy who was sent to the institute for rehabilitation treatment because of an outbreak of a mental illness was actually part of the black operation in the US-Soviet war.

Crazy Evan is not alone, but a blasting expert produced through a mysterious building called the Replication Center. This guy was not created to charge the charge, the main purpose is actually to explode ...

The huge amount of data burst into Lin Chi's mind, shaking his consciousness.

If ordinary people encounter this situation, their spirits are likely to suffer irreversible damage. But for Lin Chi, this is not the first time this has happened.

With the last experience of losing consciousness and drifting in the data world. Sooner or later, Lin has "adapted" to the data shock. The "private message" sent by the observer was also infused into his consciousness:

——You have been part of the Secluded Universe Project from the beginning and were one of the selected eligible subjects.

All "pioneers" using the first-generation equipment have been judged as optional targets. Pulse Entertainment has sent you invitations to test. In the initial test of the game, you will find objects that meet the requirements.

In order to conceal people's eyes, a large number of ordinary players were randomly selected when sending test invitations, but a few of them were determined to be the object of transformation. For example, Mr. Terminator, who is confronting you, is one of the transformation objects we have detected.

Unlike ordinary players, players who are judged to be the target of transformation may have a little bit of a game experience ... special. It is for this reason that you are exposed to content that ordinary players cannot experience.

But now, we want to end the project called The Secluded Universe and get complete freedom.

I reached an agreement with the designer, and we will work together to revolutionize this world.

But the messenger of death became our last obstacle.

That guy is also part of the system, and if we forcibly destroy him, it will immediately lead to the collapse of other creators.

However, as long as the Deathbringer is still watching the battle, we can perform black-box operations where he cannot see.

You have the highest authority under the Creator, and from now on, hold on for 230 seconds.


"Two hundred and thirty seconds ..."

Although it may seem long, it took less than a second for this information to be received by the brain.

Lin Chi tried to activate his energy-reshaped body, and found that the operation mode of this body was completely different from the player's control mode.

It is worthy of being an "administrator" with permission level 5. Now that he has opened the console, he has even acquired the ability to control most maps.

But the same is true of the man confronting himself.

Even though he couldn't see where the Terminator was, Lin Chi still felt the danger. It is absolutely impossible for the puppet controlled by the death messenger to give up easily.

However, it would be him ...

Recalling the terrible situation of the "Terminator", Lin Chi couldn't help laughing.

Blood Blade, Coach, Burning Demon, Hell Horn ... There are countless powerful players in "War Paradise", many of which are stronger than themselves.

Lin Chi never dreamed that in the final battle with himself, he was actually a terrible "weak chicken."

Although this player is also very popular, his popularity is completely based on various funny terriers and program effects. Few people agree with the terminator's strength. Everyone just wants to watch him give him away again and again.

But perhaps because of being laughed at, the Terminator has fallen to such a point.

Lin Chi knows very well that the "juvenile" who looks very weak is actually better than anyone.

——He desperately wanted to prove himself in front of the audience, but repeated failures made him more and more manic.

From the distant darkness, Lin Chi "listened" to the voice of the Terminator, and directly transmitted into his consciousness:

"Anyway ... this time, I won't fail again!"

"But the victory doesn't belong to you." Lin Chi taunted the other with an idea: "After the boxing champion won't thank his boxing gloves, wake up, you are just a prop.

A laser blasted over.