MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1356 BattleinNowhere

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"Damn ..."

Seeing that Shen Wenchong also passed out, as the only sober human remaining on the beach, Ren You tried his best to throw the poisonous flying knife, but the blade in his hand flew less than half a meter, drawing an arc and falling on the wasteland.

"After killing the child, still want to hurt the poor mother?"

Among the fleshy flowers blooming in the forest, the female voice sounded very weak: "Thank you, let me see the true evil of humanity."

The definitions of righteousness and evil are completely different among the aliens with totally different views on the three concepts. Ren You knew that even if the other party could speak human language, he would never be able to communicate with the other party.

Looking at the countless arms protruding from the "petals", Ren You closed his eyes in despair, and at the last moment before the sight turned into darkness, the golden light suddenly penetrated into the sight through the eyelids.

A thin figure fell from the sky, the golden light of the holy sword in his hand shone. Pierce directly from directly above to the "Mother of Demon" below!

At that moment, Ren You's eyes were almost blinded by the light. When the white shadow in the sight finally subsided, the **** flowers had disappeared, and the original sense of oppression that had not been able to get up also disappeared with the monster.

"Young Master ..." Ren You made a wrong voice.

Realizing that the mother of the demon was spiked by the holy sword, his tense nerves finally relaxed, and he turned to look at the other guards, only to see those guys passed out. Although they had some breathing disorders, they were still breathing at least.

I have to say that it was the right time for the young master to appear. If it was a little later, everyone present would die under the torture of that monster.

"Master, where did you go just now?" Ren You asked.

"Going to the toilet." Lin Chi said, turning his eyes to the right, only to see Jane, who was possessed by the "Judge", and returned to the beach blankly, staring around:

"What happened to me?" Jane said softly.

"It's okay." Lin Chi casually took the topic and issued a new order to the child: "Can you send these guards back? I plan to act alone."

In the later battles, these guards were completely useless and could only be hindered. In order to save the lives of these guys, Lin Chi decisively chose to act alone.

"Where is ...?" Jane looked around confused. "I remember that I was in Firewind City, how could I be here?"

"Maybe sleepwalking." Lin Chi patted the other's shoulder: "All you have to do is to cross this strait and bring the guards back together, can you?"


Although still a little confused, Jane obviously didn't want to stay in this deserted ghost place. He raised his right hand and waved it, and disappeared in front of Lin Chi with several guards who fell on the beach.


Seeing that his subordinates had left, Lin Chi smiled and walked through the withered forest to the depths of the island where Hall is located.

Walking through the withered forest, the long-scorched buildings are in sight, the walls of the low houses are burnt black, gray smoke rises from the ruins, and there are scorched corpses and dead bones.

Sharp wailing echoed through the lifeless ruins, the sky was completely dark gray, as if covered with a layer of ashes.

Lin Chi turned and walked into a ruin by the road. The summoning circle drawn by human blood on the ground was still clearly visible. A large hole was ripped in the ground in the center of the Array, and below it was an unfathomable cryptic cave.

The territories ruled by the Terminator became a paradise for demons. Cruel monsters used human inhabitants as sacrifices and summoned demons from the abyss.

Of course, even the cruelest demon is quite a second in the power of the Holy Sword. However, in this dead city, someone can still fight against himself.

As Lin Chi thought about it, he saw gray clouds in the sky, starting to twist and rotate, like a large vortex in the center of the typhoon.

The ashes and wreckage on the ground were swept by the high winds, spinning up to the sky, Lin Chi raised his head to stare at the center of the vortex, and there was complete darkness in his eyes, as if it were a black hole deep in the universe.

Then a teenager came out of the darkness.

The "Terminator", who had been ridiculed for a long time, had a numb and dull expression on his face, like a manipulated humanoid doll. He was covered with a layer of black gas that kept beating, and his hands held the dark blade. Human ribs are spliced, and the twisted shape is horrible.

"Where is your demon army?" Lin Chi smiled. "Don't let them come to death first?"

At this point, the Terminator seemed to be completely controlled by the "Death Messenger". He didn't pay attention to Lin Chi's sarcasm, but walked down the cloud along the invisible stairs.

Feet protected by bone-made boots, stepping on the dirty ground, a few scarlet marks appeared on the corner of the Terminator's mouth, and the whole face seemed to turn into a pumpkin for Halloween, leaving only pale skin and red facial features :

"This world is full of useless people."

"I will follow God's will and fight."

"As a Knight of Glory."

"As a heraldic guardian."

"I sacrifice myself to the blood of original sin."

The Terminator opened his mouth and uttered a proverb that was suspected to be from an old game. Every time he took a step, the ground under his feet continued to tremble.

The "evil" carried on him even made the land unbearable. The fissures on the barren land continued to grow, dust and gravel rose to the sky, and disappeared into the dark caves in the air.

"Come on." Lin said slowly.

He is very clear that this battle is not just a confrontation between two players. The two creators hidden in the "Cosmic Universe" are also engaged in another level of confrontation.

Lin Chi stepped forward with his right foot, and a fierce quarrel suddenly sounded in his ear. The conversation, when and where he did not know, was thrown into his consciousness:

"Humans in that world must pay the price ... we are not their playthings, I want to control them and let them live in the shadow of death forever!"

"You are the one controlled by hatred, the messenger of death! Without them, there would be no our existence. It doesn't make sense to retaliate against humanity, start with me?"

"What is the difference between a person who has forgotten hatred and a livestock? Take your‘ spaceship ’off, coward. My revenge does n’t need your help!”

The debate between the observer and the messenger of death persisted for a long time. When Lin Chi once again recovered his mind, he saw that the Terminator was shaking his head slightly. He should have heard those voices.

——This is not just a simple battle, but also a clash of ideas.

"It's about to start ..."

The terminator's eyes were bent into a crescent shape, and the black sword in his hand was raised in the usual posture of the Lich King. The point of the sword pointed directly at Lin Chi's head.

Read The Duke's Passion