MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1299 Biped walking beast

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The carriage travels up the muddy mountain road, and the muscular driver tries to control the direction and avoid falling into the abyss of the roadside.

The wooden rear compartment kept bumping, and the two ragged slaves were tied hands, lying in the carriage and swaying, and even their eyes were covered with black cloth.

From the perspective of the size of the slave, it is obviously a child of up to ten years old. As for the slave owners who are selling them, they are sitting next to the driver.

"How far is it..."

The bald old man with his eyes closed, his open mouth screaming and screaming.

The driver took a look at him and looked at the rough road ahead. He said loudly: "It’s coming soon."

He is an ordinary person from the slums of Yanfeng City. Because he has two horses and a broken carriage, he is considered a "rich" in the residents of the area.

For a long time, these slave traders who sold the children of the flames to the field, the driver has an attitude of extreme hatred. However, in order to earn money to support his family, he has no other way. He can only surrender to money and become the "bodyguard" of this person.

Looking at the weak side, like the old man who could die at any time, the driver did not ask for a good breath: "Is that two children your home?"

"Of course... no." The old man grinned. "I am just a businessman, doing a small business."

Hearing the unconfident confession of the other party, the driver resisted the urge to throw the other person off the cliff and whispered: "You have always relied on this to make money?"

"No, only occasionally." The old man replied twitchingly: "The field has been sluggish recently, I have to eat too. It can only be like this."

- This guy doesn't seem to be a recidivist...

Realizing that the other party seemed to be compelled, the driver dismissed the idea of ​​throwing the old man off the cliff and looked back at the carriage: "Don't do this kind of thing next time."

"I... is a last resort," the old man said softly.

The carriage behind the carriage is not so much a carriage, but rather a broken cube made of four planks and two wheels. The carriages used to pull goods on weekdays carry two young "commodities" today.

What is the experience of being sold to the War Mark City...

The coachman was thinking about it and continued to drive the carriage to the high slope.

At the same time as the battlefield plateau is approaching, the air is also becoming thinner. For the first time guests, the symptoms of altitude sickness are also coming soon.

The driver looked at the old man and found that the other person’s expression was still as usual. He asked: "Old man, can you do it?"

"My body is very tough." The old man said that he coughed hard.

"Don't die, you haven't paid." The driver was disgusted to avoid the sight of the slave trader.

The old man’s eyes seemed to be fake eyes, and it seemed to be exceptionally godless. He could not help but wonder how he should act on his own. But in this way, the two little slaves may be able to escape by themselves...

Thinking of this, the driver’s rough face reveals an imperceptible smile.

After a difficult trek, the road ahead was finally wide, looking at the blue flag hanging on the side of the road, and the flock of sheep grazing on the grass not far away. The driver reminded: "It’s coming soon."

"Yeah." The old man nodded.

"Now the battle mark city is very strict. I can't enter the city with the carriage. You will take the two children... the slaves will go in." The driver reminded: "At this time, I can still enter the city. Only the **** slave trader."

"um. Thank you."

The old man said hard, taking a few silver coins from the bag hanging around his waist and handing it to the driver.

Then, with the help of the coachman, he found the rear compartment and grabbed the ropes of the two small slaves. He said, "It's time to go!"


The two little slaves, who were blindfolded, were dragged off the car by the old man. Looking at the two children who fell on the ground, the driver’s brow was locked and the old man spoke first:

"Please remove the cloth that is covered on both of your eyes, can you?"

The coachman bent down in silence and tore off the black cloth that was on the eyes of the two slaves.

These two dirty children, who seem to be a man and a woman, may not realize the seriousness of the matter. Their expression is more curious than the fear they should have.

Looking at the two children's innocent look, the coachman sighed again. I did not intend to continue to help the slave trader, leaving the road when driving along the carriage.

"This is... the battle mark plateau!"

The little boy standing on the left looked up at the extraordinarily blue sky, and the small face stained with black and gray was full of expectations: "I am still here for the first time!"

"We are not coming to travel." The long-haired girl next to me whispered.

The two children were still talking, and the old man slammed the ropes that held their hands, and the powerful force brought the two almost to fall.

"From now on, forget your past identity. You are now the slave I want to sell." The old man snapped.

"Yes." "Know." The two children quickly nodded.

"Get ready to go in, I can't see anything, you help me guide."

When I heard the command of the old man, the two children were obedient and walked in front, slowly entering the vast prairie along the road.

In the distance you can see the spires, several shepherds riding horses, and the flocks that are grazing. It looks peaceful and peaceful here, completely unlike the fierce "city of war."

However, even if the two children came from the slums, they had heard about the horror of the War Mark City.

It is said that the most effective warfare on this continent is the terrorist war. These nomads are fierce in battle. Their fighting power is not only the soldiers and all kinds of large weapons, but even the mounts that the soldiers are riding have fierce power.

According to historical records, the war-scarred wolf cavalry has swept half of the mainland. If it was not finally played back by several lords, these fierce warriors might have conquered the world!

The three men walked slowly along the road, and the two children who set foot on the plateau for the first time curiously watched the scenery around them. If not both hands are tied, Shu Shu and Shu Yao may have been lying on the grass.

"Come on, take me to guard there." The old man whispered, "Don't go the wrong way, stepping on the road or the grass, I can still feel it..."

"I don't worry anymore, play here for a while?" Shu Yu looked forward to staring at the distant flock.

"Flame Wind City is in danger." The old man's tone is very serious: "Intelligence is crucial. We are a little late, maybe it will cause hundreds of soldiers to die."

"Is it dead to die?" Shu Yu said indifferently: "They have not managed us anyway."

"Don't say it!" Sister glanced at him and turned to the old man and said, "Sorry, my brother is not very good at speaking..."

However, even if I heard the complaints of Shu Wei, the old man did not mean anything to blame, but slowly nodded:

"The new lord used to be a waste wood."

I didn’t expect the old man to say this. Both children were surprised and widened their eyes: "Ah?"

"But now he is very capable, it is not the **** in the past. You two should be able to see it, right?"

"Hey, maybe?" Shu Yu wanted to lift the tied hands and ended up failing.

The two brothers and sisters who are not very old do not know what the lord who is similar to their age has done. However, even if they can see it, the lord is really working hard these days, and often he is too busy.

“Can he change the slums?” Shu Yao looked down at his worn feet: “Can everyone in the slums live a good life?”

"He is already changing the slums." The old man smiled.

Whether it is the development work of the slums or the decisiveness in the disposal of the “Sand King”, the lord has demonstrated the ability to be incompatible with age. Of course, the elderly who are the heads of intelligence agencies and "barbarians" are also very aware of the other identity of "less masters."

"He promised..." the old man muttered to himself.

"What are you talking about?" Shu Yao blinked.

"Nothing, let's go." The old man closed his eyes: "There are wild wolves on the prairie. If you want to live, you have to rush to the Battle Mark City before dark."

Under the guidance of two children, the elderly "slave dealers" marched along the road. It is a pity that there is only one darkness in front of him, and all the beauty is covered by two "slaves".

The breeze stroked over the grassland, as if it had brought green waves, the white sheep swarmed lazily on the grasslands, and the animals that had already been domesticated lost their original wildness.

The spires and domes of the tents are fixed on the grassland. From the size of the tents and the debris piled up outside, these seemingly simple tents are the homes of the war scars.

Whether it is a herder or a passerby, the skin is much redder than the flame city. The residents here seem to be much stronger than the residents of the Flamewind City, all of them are tall and tall, covered with thick animal skins.


Seeing a woman passing by, Shu Wei was surprised and opened his mouth. Shu Yao also showed a strange expression: "What is that?"

I noticed the surprise of the two children. The woman turned back and licked the beautiful brown eyes and smiled and said something, but the language of the war mark, the two children could not understand.

"%¥#." The old man replied.

Until the other party went far, the two children curiously asked: "What did she say?"

"She said that the two of you can sell a good price." The old man's answer was straightforward.

"Cut, I thought she was a good person." Shu Yan said: "What is the matter with her ears and tail?"

The woman who passed by was covered in thick fur, with a furry white tail on her back and a white ear on her head.

I have never seen two children in Yanfeng City before, or I saw such a person for the first time. When they heard their doubts, the old man whispered:

"That is the unique race of the War Marks City - 'God.'"

"Is it the animal ear?" Shu Yan grinned: "This can be!"

"Brother, you are disgusting." Shu Yao licked him.

Although Shu Yi looked forward to the look of the old man, the expression of the old man was still serious: "The beast is not what the 'beast earrings', both men and women have, and they are not what 'pets', but the most dangerous group of monsters in the war mark city. ""

"How can it be dangerous? How big is the big sister just now!" Shu Yu's eyes are shining brightly, and Shu Yao next to him gives him a blank eye.


When I heard the adjective, the old man couldn’t help but laugh out: "It’s not a ‘cute’ thing at all, you will know soon.”

As the variety of tents became denser, the number of pedestrians and soldiers on the roadside increased.

A combination of old and young, and soon arrived in front of the gap surrounded by stone walls, more than a dozen soldiers with an average height of two meters, looking down at the three "dwarves", asked in the language of the war mark city: " Where are you going?"

The two children still can't understand one sentence. The old man communicated with the other person with fluent war words, which sounds completely different from the outside world:

"I am a slave trader. I brought two goods from Yanfeng City. Please let me in."

"Oh, oh, go in, it just needs a small slave here." A soldier in front of him, smiling with satisfaction.

After some searching, they determined that they did not possess dangerous goods, and the three quickly obtained permission to enter the War Mark City. In the eyes of these guards, the old man who seems to be about to enter the ground, plus the combination of two small slaves, can not pose any threat.

"It's that simple, they will regret it!" Shu said with great enthusiasm.

But he soon realized that his poor "combat power" did not have any use in the Battle of the City:

The so-called War Mark City is actually a huge grassland with a lot of tents. On the street divided by the tent, there are some big-sized men who are two meters tall and whose arm muscles are thicker than the waists of the two children.

Cows, sheep, wolves, bears... All kinds of animals are walking on the side of the road, and they look like they are completely tamed.

Looking at the patterns on the tents, the two children seemed to enter the new world, and their eyes were straightforward.

Just as they were experiencing “exoticism,” behind a red tent, the angry beast was ringing.


Hearing the shocking and chilling voice, the two children were so scared that they quickly took the old man behind the tent.

Then they saw an amazing picture:

A "man" covered with snowy long hair, rushing out from behind the red tent, the guy's body is extremely strong, but on the human body, there is a wolf's head, and the red eyes are constantly looking around. .

"Yes... the white wolf!" Shuyao, who once saw the record in the books in the main room, made a horrified voice: "Would the werewolf not only have a full moon night to change? Why is it here? ”

"I have said that these ‘beasts’ are weapons in the war-marking city.”

The old man whispered in flames: "Only if you want to deal with them, the Flames will have a chance to win. Otherwise, we will not want to attack them all our lives."

Read The Duke's Passion