MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1280 Silver frost, the slaughter of the flame

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At the same time that the Flamewind and the Warring Wolf cavalry were fighting, a small figure appeared on the high wall of the Flamewind City.

The "new lord" of Yanfeng City slowly stood up and took the round lens from the middle-aged man around him. Before putting on the thing, the item was first popped up in front of the eyes:

The master lens of the engineering master.

Special items.

Item Level: Epic.

Wearing the lens, you can see the distant scenery with a small night vision effect.

“Ordinary craftsmen cater to the trend, and top masters are beyond the times.”

"The Lord Lord, as long as you bring it, you can see the picture of the battlefield."

The engineering master standing on the side showed a proud smile on the thin face. Shen Wenchong, who is responsible for protecting the lord, is surprised to see the lenses in Lin’s hands:

"Is this night?"

"I can really make a night vision effect, I admire your skills." Lin Chi smiled and smiled, then closed his left eye and lifted the lens to the right eye.

This thing is not so much a telescope, but rather a magical device that adds magic. At that moment, Lin Chi immediately appeared in the distant battlefield.

The contrast in the lens is extremely high, turning the dark night into a black and white "silent film", and the figure of silver frost appears in Lin Chi's line of sight.

Although her height is not short, but compared with the fierce battle of the wolf cavalry, it still looks very thin.

However, the silver frost as a commander, facing the wolf cavalry that surrounded him, did not mean any withdrawal. As for the other soldiers in the ambush circle, they all retreated far away.

——Is it true that Silver Cream is a dozen wolf cavalry who wants to be singled out?

Realizing that the woman was going to do something, Lin Chi’s face was dignified. Just then, the silent engineering master spoke again:

"Lord Lord, are you worried about the girl? Nothing is necessary."

"Do you know her?" Lin Chi asked.

The engineering master nodded, and the white hair shook slightly with the night wind: "The flames of the slayer"... Everyone in this territory knows her name."

"So how did this name come?" Lin Chi looked at the engineering master with curiosity.

“You can see it at a glance.” The master who did not wear the lens seemed to bring his own clairvoyance, slowly raising his right hand and pointing to the position where the battle broke out.

The camera returned to the battlefield of the slums. At this time, the silver frost naturally did not know that the lord was "remotely watching." Seeing that she had been surrounded by a wolf cavalry, her left hand shook a little, and then suddenly closed her eyes.


With the screaming loud noise, the fleeting white light reflected the entire battlefield. Even the trained snow wolf, in the face of the sudden "flash bomb", the body began to violently tremble, causing the wolf cavalry to lose time. Control of the mount.

"Be careful--"

A wolf cavalry shouted loudly, but the voice turned into a strange "beep" sound in the middle.


A fragile sound, blood fluttering in the sky, splashed into the eyes of several nearby wolf cavalry, when they finally resumed their vision, they immediately saw a horrible picture:

The comrade who had just spoken, although riding on the snow wolf, his head was weakly pulled down, his neck had been torn open in half, and the torn knot was held in the hands of the female warrior.

Seeing that his comrades died in such a miserable way, the wolf cavalry who lost the captain was furious, simply jumped off the mount, waved a scimitar and rushed forward, launched an attack with his mount, and launched a **** hand-to-hand combat.

The two fists are hard to beat, and it is reasonable to say that the silver frost should be torn into pieces by the wolf cavalry and the snow wolf. But at this time, the soldiers who stood on the back and watched the group suddenly launched a "sneak attack."

The strong arm stroked a half circle and cast a spear in his hand. Three wolf cavalrymen who were besieging the silver frost were suddenly smashed, and the broken internal organs flowed out through the big hole in the chest, and the body collapsed directly. Ground.

Silver Frost threw away the **** throat in his hand and suddenly slid forward and grabbed the spear on the chest of a deceased. He pulled the spear out of the body and slammed it up.

The horrible flesh and tears resounded throughout the battlefield. A wolf cavalry’s neck was pierced and the spear tipped through the back of the head.

At this time, other people have already killed.

In the face of the seven scimitars that were cut, and the sharp teeth in the big mouth of the snow wolf, the silver cream did not retreat. She just stood up and showed the contemptuous smile at the moment when she received the tightest moment in the encirclement.

Then all the soldiers around her, as well as the weapons on their hands, disappeared.

The silver flashed, and the three thousand blades flew in all directions. The silver frost seemed to be turned into a huge "crusher". The battle marks cavalry and snow wolf around him turned into plasma and wreckage all the time!

Soldiers who had seen the power of the commander, all hiding behind the bunker, blocked the scattered flying knives with a high metal shield.

After seeing the silver frost instantly killing the wolf cavalry, Lin Chi immediately realized that the equipment used by the woman had subtle similarities with the armor of his backpack.

——Our sorcerer's armor, in the melee range, summoned thousands of blades in an instant, while the silver cream used a flying knife. Needless to say, the set of equipment on the silver cream is stronger than the armor of your own!

"Is the body equipment of her body made by you?" Lin Chi turned to look at the rigid face of the engineering master.

"No." The master shook his head: "That is a subtle ancient organ, and even I can't imitate it. According to the girl, she inherited the armor from her mother."

Speaking of this, the master of the project floated a smile: "The girl is known for her cruelty in the battle. The enemy she killed is not to leave the whole body. It is already fortunate to recognize the human form."

"Hah, I finally understand the origin of the name "Flame Wind Slayer"..." Lin Chi said with emotion.

Unlike the **** blade of sadism, Silver Cream is not a crazy killer. She is only a fierce battle. Up to now, Lin Chi also learned the reason why the Yanfeng soldiers were evacuated to the rear.

- When the battle began, the cruel slaughterer would always be the first to break into the enemy.

The real Berserker does not need the guardian of the comrades at all. For the slaughter of the silver cream, the companions that appear around him will become obstacles to the indiscriminate killing!

Lin Chi, who witnessed the violent violence of "ancient organs", took the engineering master to leave, and asked again the question that was once said in the palace:

"Which ancient Feng Shui engine you mentioned, in which territory?"

With the ability of the engineering master, if you can get the ancient Feng Shui engine, you should be able to make imitations. If you are equipped with ancient weapons and equipment, the soldiers of the Flame Wind Army can definitely improve their combat effectiveness.

"The Lord of the Lord, I said that I don't want to cause disputes. The current Yanfeng City is still recovering, and the conditions for taking the initiative to launch the war are still immature." The engineering master bowed his head.

"This is an order." Lin Chi's attitude is very determined.


Realizing that he could not continue to conceal, the master of engineering looked up at the dark sky in the distance:

“The ancient Feng Shui engine was collected in the hot sand city of the West. But even if you want to attack, you can’t get there.”


"There is a boundless desert that surrounds the territory. It is full of quicksand traps. Only the residents of Hot Sand City can pass safely. Any foreign army that dares to attack the territory will disappear into the desert forever."