MTL - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love-Chapter 215 Extra (one)

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Fanwai (1)

Regarding Mu smoked and chaotic eagle, Shen Qingxian was originally a mud bodhisattva who was too difficult to protect himself. He couldn’t even have a deep relationship with him, so don’t let the apprentice follow his own crimes.

So even if Shen Qingxian feels that there must be a misunderstanding between the two people, but they are not obsessed with helping them to unravel.

Of course, after waiting for him and seeing the true meaning of the soaring, naturally he will not let the two leave.

Not to mention that Mu smoked is the little apprentice of Shen Qingxian. The chaotic eagle is a deep-rooted priest, even if it is a couple who do not know the misunderstanding, they will help to solve the knot.

Heaven and heart need to break the boundaries, and more combination of heaven and heart monks will obviously accelerate this process. In particular, both sides have their own prestige, and the effect will be doubled.

Mu smoked it very much, and Shen Qingxian just finished talking with him. He shook his head and said: "Master doesn't worry about my business."

Shen Qing string said: "When I fly, no one can control you."

The summer stop will not be managed, the Chiyang sub-management will not be possible, and the marriage of Mu smoked and chaotic eagle will be completely broken.

Mu smoked very firmly: "Everything is over, I feel very good now."

It’s a good fart, how long has it been sanctified? Don't say that it broke through the Mahayana period like the summer stop. His cultivation is not a little advanced, and then it is so ruined that Xiaojin is catching up with him.

"You didn't let go at all." Shen Qingxian said again: "This way... I will take you to the mood of a chaotic eagle. You can have a look at it. He really did the madness, and you will completely die, don't leave a dream." If he doesn't..."

Mu smoked his face in a moment of paleness. He bit his lower lip and interrupted him a little. "I already know the truth, and I have already let go."

Forever screaming a blind person, Mu smoked to escape.

Shen Qingxian can not bear to force him too embarrassed, Mu smoked his temper he is very clear, looks cynical, in fact sensitive and fragile. The six cities of Qingtian have dealt a great deal against him, and it is no wonder that he can't face it.

The communication with Mu smoked failed, Shen Qingxian was very annoyed, and Gu Shen suggested: "Let’s go to the chaotic eagle to see?"

Shen Qingxian shook his head and said: "I want to go with Mu smoke."

They can quietly enter the mood of the chaos, but want to turn out the truth of the year will surely alarm the eagle. Nowadays, from the state of the chaotic eagle, he is afraid of the facts of the year. If he finds the truth, his mood will change. When he smokes, he will not see the most authentic past.

Gu sees deep and said: "There is still a way."

Shen Qingxian looked at him: "What?"

Seeing deep and implicit: "You can first weave a dream to the light-stained saint."

Shen Qingxian instantly remembered the illusion of Little Snow Lotus and "God". He gave him a look: "This is really what God is good at."

Gu Jianshen quickly hugged him: "Okay, no, don't mention the old account."

Shen Qingxian has not been angry for a long time, only occasionally teasing him: "The God of Mercy, the Father of Eternal Life, Bing Jiu..."

Gu can not listen to it, kissed his lips and blocked the words behind him.

Shen Qingxian and he kissed for a while, smiled and said: "Is the name of the ice nine you gave me?"

Gu Jianshen mimicked the crisp sound of Xiao Xuelian: "I don't know how to listen to ice, nine is harder to hear..."

Shen Qingxian’s eyes are all bent and bent: “It’s hard to hear.”

Gu Shen’s voice is more “sorrowful”: “Seeing deeper is harder to hear, right?”

Shen Qingxian held his cheek and kissed him hard: "The most annoying name has become your favorite."

If the old attack is able to fly, the Lord is afraid that he will not fly a few times earlier.

Seeing deep heart and full bloom, and inevitably holding people and pro- ‘pro-’ and “pro”.

Although Shen Qingxian asked this question, in fact, he knew that the name of Bingjiu was not given to him.

Gu Jianshen creates a fantasy, but it is not a manipulation of the illusion. The illusion that can be manipulated is unsuccessful. The truly great illusion is to leave a self-consistent system and derive a "real" world.

Therefore, the most important thing is to give yourself a strong identity, and other details do not interfere too much.

If you really interfere, how can Gu Shenshen turn Shen Qingxian into a daily pastime that can be used as a daily pastime, and you can just have a nest of Xiao Xuelian!

He is not too warm for the green hat, but also wants to be happy!

Gu Jianshen’s proposal for this dream is very good, Shen Qingxian agrees.

Give Mu smoke a dream, let him remember the sweet past between the chaotic eagle, so that when he wakes up, he may have the courage to face it.

In the end, there was a big sigh in Mu Xin’s heart. He was convinced that the eagle’s wolf heart and dog lungs could not forget the bitterness of the two people, so he was always in pain.

Shen Qingxian wants to help him unravel this embarrassment, even if there is no misunderstanding between the two, they must learn to let go.

Mu smoked is not fortified against Gu Shen, of course, the use of defense is not great, and he wants to send him a dream, he can only be honestly - no way, the situation is a bit big, who let him Not good practice.

Shen Qingxian was quite curious. He asked: "What would he dream of?"

Gu Shen Shen said: "I don't know, I just took his knowledge of the sweetest part of the sea."

Shen Qing string said: "Maybe it will be a child." In the Mu smoked or the name of the purple water demon, chaotic eagle is still a lone wolf.

Gu sees him deeply: "Why do you think so?"

Shen Qingxian said: "The initial encounter is always the best." Just like he and Gu Gu, the first time, when the two were equally young, when the two had never seen each other, the first time they met, What is changing is the world of each other.

There is always one person, he appears, and your life has changed to a brush. Since then, his color has become the most vivid and unforgettable and most memorable existence.

Like a bonfire in the snow, like the moon in the night sky, it is more like the rising sun from the sea level.

Forever, the most dazzling existence.

Gu Jian deep grips his hand: "We also have a dream together."

Shen Qingxian turned to look at him: "Back to Wanfa Zong?"

Gu Jian nodded and said: "Yes."

Shen Qingxian held him back: "You..."

Gu Jianshen knew what he was scrupulous about. He kissed his hand and said, "I am fine."

He couldn't forget the brothers who died in Defeng, but he was able to face this past.

As Shen Qingxian said, this is also the time when he is the sweetest and most happy. He meets a loved one, meets a close relative, and completes a broken life.

Shen Qingxian and Gu Jian were deeply sleepy and had the same dream.

They didn't know what Mumo had dreamed of, but they returned to the youngest 14-year-old and saw the same green.

They smiled at each other, and the longest time was as thin as a flap at this moment.

They have never changed, a smile, a heart, a love, penetrated everything, and became a solid cornerstone of the ancient times.

The next day, Mu smoked silently outside the hall.

Shen Qing string said: "Want to go see it?"

Mu smoked nodded and said: "There is a master and a sire."

Mu smoke finally got the courage and wanted to see it.

Shen Qingxian patted his shoulder and said nothing.

On the other side of the chaotic eagle, Gu said that the ditch had passed in the early days, and the chaotic eagle also resisted, but did not smoke and insisted on rejecting it.

Gu Jian asked him: "Is there any light-stained saint in your heart?"

The chaotic eagle will not scream.

Gu Shen Shen said: "The heart is free, you are determined that you have no hope in the road ahead, so you are willing to go into flames."

Chaos said: "Your Majesty, I..."

Gu Shen deep said: "Light-stained saints insist that you slaughtered the six cities of Optimus, but you said that you have never done it, don't you know the truth?"

The chaotic eagle's eyebrows are wrinkled, and the voice is full of bitterness: "If you want to add sin, you just want to open me." So I found such a ridiculous excuse.

Gu Shen said: "I don't think it's like this."

The chaotic eagle smiled and said: "Your Majesty, I know him very well." Know how thin he is, know how much he is greedy and know how much he doesn't care about him.

Gu Jianshen said: "The authorities are fascinated by the observers, and look back at another angle."

After the chaos eager, it was agreed. "There is work."

His own heart is clear to him, and the person who tied him tied his hands and left, he was entangled in a group, and the more struggling he was tied, the tighter he was.

Mu smoke wants to let him die, he does not care, anyway, it is morning and evening.

The heart is no more than the heavens. Like him, it is a dead end. It is a matter of time before the fire is gone.

Gu Jianshen did not tell the chaotic eagle, Mu smoked will enter his state of mind, this is the request of Mu smoked, Gu Jianshen and Shen Qingxian repeatedly thought that it is necessary to conceal.

The mood of the chaotic eagle is unstable, and it also has an impact on the state of mind.

Everything is ready, Shen Qingxian said to Mumo: "I will temporarily seal your memory and wait for the mood, you will think of everything."

Mu smoked the next way: "Is it necessary?"

Shen Qing's string said: "Let's put aside the prejudice and see more."

Mu smoked and thought it, but it was relieved: "Okay."

Shen Qingxian said to him again: "You can rest assured that I will pay attention to it. If there is something wrong, I will wake you up."

Mu smoke does not care about this: "Well."

Before leaving, Mu smoked still did not hold back, asked Shen Qingxian: "Master... What do I see?" He did not know which part of the chaotic eagle he would enter.

Shen Qingxian asked him: "What did you dream of yesterday?"

Mu smoked a bit, some are difficult to open.

Shen Qingxian didn't really want to know what he dreamed of. He just wanted to comfort him: "Reassured, what you saw last night will be what you will see soon."

Mu smoked the sound and trembled. This time I wanted to say something, but it seems that I want to say too much, but I don’t know where to start.

Shen Qingxian said again: "Don't think too much, sleep, everything is gone."

Good or bad, persistent self-suspicion and negation are meaningless, or bravely face.

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