MTL - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love-Chapter 205 The second hundred and five

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Chapter 205

Is the **** a god? God is actually a god?

Shen Qingxian lost the ability to think, and couldn't figure out what happened.

The person in front of him is real, fireworks-like red dress, gentle red dragonfly, raised thin lips with a unique temperature, will not burn him and unexpectedly warm him.

No matter how you look at it, it is a deep, a heart that he wants to guard.

Is the **** a god? Where is the word of God, where is it being bullied and crowded, and where is the miserable encounter?

No... Shen Qing’s string calms down, this is not a deep, absolutely not. If God is a god, why should he treat red flowers like that, why should they suffer such suffering, why can't they treat them equally?

The so gentle, so careful, how can it be a "cold and ruthless" god.

Shen Qingxian pushed him away: "You are not a beggar!"

Gu Jianshen was not surprised, he looked at him calmly.

Shen Qingxian is like looking at his camouflage and staring at him: "You are God, and the power of God can make you feel like you are changing."

What a clever and lovely little snow lotus, looking at him and asking: "What do you think I should be like?"

His words invisibly inspired Shen Qingxian! Yes, Jin Yang once said that God is silver and silver, is... incomparably sacred...

Although Shen Qingxian never understood the meaning of the sacred, but Yuan is definitely not silver, he is beautiful red!

Shen Qingxian said: "You should be silver and silver!"

Looking at him, he slowly said: "Is it like you?"

The voice of his speech is very light, his attitude is not aggressive, and even can be said to be gentle, but Shen Qingxian has a feeling that he has been stunned and placed on the chopping board, completely controlled.

As if he is a man, his heart, everything he has, he can see clearly.

how can that be possible! How could he know him!

Shen Qingxian was somewhat angry: "It shouldn't be the look of the Yuan anyway!"

Gu Shen Shen said: "You have not seen me, how can you tell me what it is like?"

Shen Qingxian said: "My friend has seen you, he told me!"

Gu Jianshen said: "What must your friends say is true?"

Shen Qingxian is very angry: "Do not insult my friend, he is honest and kind, and will never lie to me."

"I didn't say that he would lie to you." Gu sees him deeply, his twilight is soft, his voice is full of tolerance and compassion. "But what he saw must be what you saw?"

Shen Qingxian stunned.

Gu sees him deeply and is extremely patient.

Shen Qingxian is inexplicably flustered. He doesn't open his eyes. He doesn't want to look at his nephew who seems to know everything. He insists: "My friends won't lie to me, and Yuan will not lie to me!"

"No one is lying to you."

Shen Qingxian looked at him: "You are lying to me!"

Gu Jian said with a deep smile: "Well, don't be angry, you don't want to stay here, then go back."

Shen Qingxian has some accidents: "Can I leave?"

Gu Shen Shen said: "I did not force you to stay."

Shen Qingxian is trying to say: I am all around, I should leave. Unfortunately, without waiting for him to open, the blank has disappeared. He still stood in the temple, surrounded by strange goddesses and horrified little flowers.

Shen Qingxian twisted the eyebrows and looked up again. It was seen that the light was reflected under the light to the original color.

Just looking at it, Shen Qingxian turned his head quickly. He clenched his hand and refused to believe that it was red!

God will not be a god, and the heart will not be God!

"Do you know him?" The sound of the gods was in his mind.

Shen Qingxian nails stabbed into the palm of his hand and forcibly pulled out these thoughts. He understands that he knows him!

Shen Mu Day is over, and Shen Qingxian becomes a presence that no one dares to approach.

The temple appeared the closest to God, but was "exiled" by God.

Not to mention the flowers, the gods are far from him, and even the goddess of the Xuelian people have never said a word to him.

However, Shen Qingxian didn't mind. He didn't want to make friends with him. He didn't like them. He didn't talk and was happy.

He only wants to find the Yuan, just wants to determine the facts with him, just want to know him more!

However, Shen Qingxian could not find the Yuan.

He returned to the ice room and returned to his own path countless times, but he never waited for the person he wanted to meet.

It turned out that this long road when he was a snow lotus was so short. It turned out that he had felt that the extremely high dome was just like this. It turned out that he couldn’t see the end of the corridor before, but he could see it at a glance.

"I must have seen what you saw?"

The voice of God echoed in his mind again. Shen Qingxian shook his head and tried to get rid of all of them, but it was branded there, and how could it be lost? Not only can't you get rid of it, but it also breeds a "like kind".

- What you see now is different from what you saw before.

Shen Qing’s face was white and white, and he couldn’t help but whisper: “Yuan.”

Where are you?

Looking at the distance, I saw the little snow lotus scorpion, saw his pale lips and the white hands clenched by the tension, and saw the heart huddle.

He has to hold back, can't go out and hug him, can't comfort him, can't continue to let him question his beliefs.

He created the world in order to help him rebuild his roots.

Fortunately... he understands the heavens.

Shen Qingxian can not find the Yuan, but can not find Jinyang.

The priests are hiding from him, talking to him differently, treating him as a transparent person, but they will not stop him.

Shen Qingxian was unimpeded in the temple. He searched all the places where he could go and could not find the Yuan. Then he left the temple and wanted to go outside.

Can not find the Yuan can also find Jinyang, that brilliant little sun flower.

But he couldn't find Jin Yang. All the flowers were hiding from him. As long as he was close, they all quit very far, not to mention talking, not even dare to look at them.

Because he rejected God because he turned his back on his innate faith because he was sinful.

Shen Qingxian felt that Jinyang would not alienate himself, but he could not find him.

There are many sun flowers, and there are many Jinyang, but not all the sun flowers called Jinyang are the ones who accompanied him in the ice room and gave him bookmarks and small conch.

That's right...and there is Mansa Zhuhua, the manshad Zhuhua who dyed the bookmarks.

But all the flowers are hiding from him, different from what he said.

Shen Qingxian couldn't find Yuan, couldn't find Jinyang. When he returned to the ice room, he found that bookmarks and small conch were gone...

what is the problem? Why are you all gone? But he clearly remembers it so clearly, how could it be said that it is gone?

God... Shen Qing’s heart is rising with anger, it must be God’s!

Shen Qingxian rushed to the temple and angered at the flashing place of the Holy Light: "You hid them! Return them to me!"

His crisp voice seemed to tear the meteor in the night sky, making the temple instantly look awkward.

The red man stood up from the throne and walked slowly to him.

Shen Qing’s heart is a thorn, and his eyes are filled with deep thoughts, but he is still clinging to death and forcing himself to calm down.

Looking at him with deep gaze, his attitude is still very gentle: "I am in front of you."

Shen Qing Xiandao: "You are not a Yuan!"

Gu sees a deep smile and whispers: "Who is the Yuan?"

Shen Qingxian did not want to entangle with him on this issue. He twisted his eyebrows: "That Jinyang!"

Where did the little sun flower go?

Looking deep into his hand, his palm is a small backpack. This backpack is great for the little sun flower, but it is very small for God.

Shen Qing’s string was blown up: "This is Jinyang, and you really hid him."

Gu Jianshen repeated: "I am in front of you."

Shen Qingxian understood the meaning of his words, but he did not want to understand. He stared at him and looked at him with uneasiness and uneasiness.

"What do you see is real?" Gu Jian's hand was covered in his eyes, and his voice was in his ear: "Maybe it's just a dream for you."