MTL - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love-Chapter 168 One hundred and sixty eight

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Chapter 168

Looking at him with deep and straight eyes, for fear that his eyes will be closed, the beautiful picture will disappear.

Taking a restless heart, with a hopeless expectation, spent so long in this dangerous and strange place.

I finally waited.

Not only waiting for his people, but also waiting for a beautiful heart.

Jumping, jumping with him at the same frequency, pretending the heart of his person.

Gu Jianshen did not know what to say, he opened his mouth, and only the ecstasy that could not be suppressed.

"I..." Gu Jianshen finally had the courage to say the three words, no longer afraid, no longer nervous, and bluntly said, "I love you."

From the first time he met, from the first sentence, from the first sight, his heart was filled by him.

What love is like, he didn't know it before. At the moment of meeting, he knew that his love was written by his name.

- Shen Qingxian.

Gu Jian deep embraced him, found his lips and kissed him fiercely.

The gushing feelings and the hot love all became a huge desire for each other.

Want him, want this person, want to prove with all intimacy, he can have him, and he wants to be owned by him.

The short-lived separates the repressed feelings and ignites the amazing heat that erupts, allowing them to find calmness in each other's bodies.

Can also calm down, the two clumsily tearing everything that is in the way, unskilled to experience the happiness of being alone.

Finally, it’s crazy.

There is always a moment when you calm down and calm down. There is always a time when there is always a soft spike that can puncture all the disguise, melt all the cold, make him no longer him, but become real. His.

In the past, Shen Qingxian and Gu Jianshen lost their self in this private space, but they found their true self again.

Shen Qingxian does not regret coming to this illusion, perhaps behind the thorns and cruelty, but at this moment, he recovered his lost self and deepsight.

In his favorite place, spend a wonderful time with the most loved ones.

They are nearly two thousand years old, they are getting holy, they almost reached the height that many people dream of, but they have always lost a part.

Now I have finally found it back, and the physical fit has brought spiritual satisfaction.

He looked closely and only felt that the previous two thousand years was pale, and this short-lived moment was as beautiful as the aurora of the sky, making people fascinated, making people feel like they were born, without regrets.

There will always be such a person, so that you feel that the long wait is worthwhile, and the painful loneliness is fearless, and the empty heart will be completely filled.

Today's Shen Qingxian can still maintain a little rationality, but he certainly has nothing to do with him.

Whether it’s a good heart or a sanctification, nothing can match the lingering moments of this moment.

Gu Jianshen did not care about it, Wanfa Zong’s traitors or false identities were all inferior to Shen Qing’s mouth.

But in fact, they danced on the cliff, sleeping on the tip of the needle, and enjoying the sweetness with a fragile driftwood in the sea of ​​turbulence.

How can this last?

However, at this time they were unaware of it and realized that they would not think about it.

The two also found a little surprise.

After Shen Qingxian returned from the third world, he had never moved the Qiankun bag.

At this time, I went back to Jinyinwo, thinking about taking out my own baby and setting it up.

As soon as the result opened the Qiankun bag, a white scorpion showed his head, and his black eyes were stunned, afraid and nervous, and shivering.

Shen Qingxian: "..."

Gu Jian said with deep smile: "When did it get into your Qiankun bag?"

Shen Qingxian thought about it, and he was a little impressed. He smiled and said, "Is it you?"

The small dumplings shook so badly that the stuffing in the body was almost shaken out.

Shen Qingxian knows how to appease it, and he will take a deep look.

The broth turned and turned, and he was so happy that he twisted.

Shen Qing string pokes its little fart | shares: "Little bastard."

This little white rice dumpling is the little guy that Shen Qingxian just encountered when he fell into the third world. It was the little thief who stole the Qiankun bag.

It didn't have much wisdom. It was fun to steal the Qiang Kun bag. I didn't understand what I did.

Later, Shen Qingxian was “grabbed” back to the castle by the dumplings. It was also mixed in the small dumplings and went to see the kisses all day.

However, it is still somewhat special. In addition to being kissed, it is still interested in Qiankun bags.

After getting along for a long time, it can understand how Shen Qingxian used Qiankun bags, so I don’t know when I got into it...

When I woke up, I found myself coming to a strange place... This fear was shrunk in the Qiankun bag until today.

Shen Qingxian said: "It’s a pity that it’s not a cloth."

Gu Shen said: "Good health, you can cultivate it into a cloth."

Shen Qingxian remembered what he said before and asked him: "Don't you say that you can give me something?"

Gu Jianshen said with a smile: "It doesn't have to be done, it will do."

Shen Qingxian frowned: "Say good gold."

Gu Jianshen liked this small dumpling, he said: "That line, I will give you a golden one, then you send it to me."

He made a golden to Shen Qingxian, Shen Qingxian gave his little white to see.

Sounds like... sweet and savory.

Shen Qingxian said: "Then you have to take care of it."

Gu Shen Shen said: "Do not worry, I must treat it very well."

Shen Qingxian grinned and said: "I will treat Xiaojin very well."

This is a good name, although some casual, but ... see the deep heart and beauty.

They have kept a good time, raising a small dumpling together and teaching it something about the world.

Interestingly, this small dumpling can absorb spiritual power, so it seems that in the future it will be able to open up wisdom.

Shen Qing’s mouth said that he did not like Xiaobai Tangyuan, but he was also very good to him.

This little guy is very meaningful to both of them.

Because they have flown into their world, because of their care, they have had a wonderful time.

Even Gu Shen also felt that it was because of their help that Shen Qingxian would really fall in love with him.

They are the carrier of their fond memories, they have witnessed their happiest time, they are also their most lovely mascots.

The days of happiness have passed very fast, and the coming will always come. It is not too fast, but it is not too late. When the fate is destined, the final ad is opened.

The night in Canxing Town is very lively, and Shen Qingxian and Gu Jian’s “Golden Silver Nest” will come here to play.

Shen Qingxian asked him: "Why are you waiting for me here?"

Gu Jian held his hand in his hand: "This is the closest to Wan Fa Zong, I think you may go down the mountain, maybe come here."

In fact, this is a very unrealistic idea. If Shen Qingxian is only a disciple of Zongmen, then he may come to Canxing Town as an errand task, but he is already a person who will be sanctified.

How can such an identity appear in such a small town?

They are doing thousands of miles a day, so what do you really need, why not go to a bigger town?

I can see that there is no other way, he can only wait silently in the place nearest to him.

Shen Qingxian looked at him: "In case I don't come."

Gu Shen whispered: "When you are my lucky, I will wait until I will wait."

Shen Qing’s heart slammed and couldn’t help but say, “Come here.”

Gu Jianshen: "Well?"

Shen Qingxian holds his face and kisses him in the lingering spark.

The two kissed, and the sound of Shen Qingxian was in his knowledge of the sea: "I will find you sooner."

Gu Shen Shen said: "It doesn't matter, no matter how long, I will wait for you."

Shen Qingxian is about the same as that of the year.

He also couldn't tell whether he was on the eve of this evening, or whether he was a fantasy or a reality. He was even more reluctant to think about whether he had been looking for him for nearly 10,000 years after he missed it. He has waited for him for nearly 10,000 years.

"A Qing..." The seven brothers shouted and shredded the thin boat. "How are you here?"

Shen Qingxian suddenly returned to reality from the dream, his hands and feet were cold.

He and Gu Jian were separated and saw a staggered seven brothers.

Shen Qingxian opened his mouth.

Gu Jianshen has already grasped his hand hard.

Shen Qing’s heart is a thorn, and the opening is: “Brother, I like him.”

The seven brothers suddenly sharpened their eyes, and all of them were panic: "You... what are you talking about!"

Shen Qingxian took Gu Jianshen back and decided to say: "I'm sorry, I lied to you before, I like him, we are already together."

"What is it that you are together?" The seven divisions hurriedly said, "Do you know what you are talking about, you..."

Shen Qingxian interrupted him: "I know! But I want to be with him!"

The seven divisions’ brothers’ eyes were wrinkled. It seemed to be too anxious. He had some sweat in his forehead. He said, “ go back with me.”

When he saw the difference, he said: "Jinghua Daojun..."

The voice of the seven division brothers trembled but hurried: "He Hua! You go back with me!"

Shen Qingxian sighed and looked at the deepest: "I will go back and I will come to you soon."

Gu Yu was a little uneasy, he hesitated, but still nodded.

Shen Qingxian said: "You can rest assured that I just go back to the Master and my brother to explain my own mind."

Gu Jian held his hand very hard, his thin lips moved, still said: "If your Master does not agree with us."

Shen Qingxian laughed, and the light in his eyes was more dazzling than the bright starry sky: "You can rest assured that I will be with you anyway."

At this time, I don’t know what kind of determination Shen Qing has made.

At this time, Shen Qingxian does not need to let Gu Shen know what he decided.

The seven brothers who heard this sentence have already trembled, and their eyes are red.

Seeing such a seven-sister brother, Shen Qingxian is very embarrassed, he said: "Sister... it doesn't matter."

The two went far, and the seven brothers hurriedly said: "You...had you forgotten your own mind!"

Shen Qingxian said: "It doesn't matter, don't want to be with me for the two thousand years."

The seven brothers saw his eyes and saw his heart. He also saw his heart. When he thought of his heart, he couldn’t panic: "You... you are confused!"

He didn't know what to say, he didn't know what else to do, and he knew that what he said and what he was doing was useless. He could only bring Shen Qingxian back to Wan Fa Zong and bring it to Master, let Master come and come. ... decide what to do.

Back to Wan Fa Zong, seeing Master, Shen Qingxian did not have a little bit of panic.

It is not the long-standing Shen Qingxian, but the Shenqing string of two thousand years old.

In fact, he is the same at all times. The matter of decision is always fearless. No matter what is ahead, no matter what kind of thorns are encountered, he does not know what fear is, because the heart is stable, quiet, and belonging.

So... nothing is afraid.

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