MTL - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love-Chapter 158 One hundred fifty eight

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Chapter 158

Hydrangea, how can it be hydrangea!

Gu sees deep and never imagines that he can receive other people's hydrangea in his lifetime, even more terrible, or in front of his sweetheart, pick up a hydrangea that doesn't know who it is...

How is this good?

To Shen Qingxian? No!

throw it out? It is already late!

In the future, the emperor of the emperor has a stern face, and Shen Qing’s string is not so sweet that he just wants to laugh.

Yes, Comrade Gu Gu, hurry to marry his wife and have children, to the peak of life!

Perceived the sight of Shen Qingxian, Gu Jian deeply argued: "I look red, I think you will like it, I..."

He didn't finish his words, a bunch of people came in and sipped and said: "Groom officer, the groom officer is a handsome guy!"

Shen Qingxian finally couldn't help it. His eyes were full of smiles.

Gu Jianshen was stunned by his smile, but then he was more panicked. He hurriedly said: "I don't know if this is a hydrangea, I am just..."

His poor voice was completely covered by the noisy crowd. Everyone pushed him into the magnificent building that looked so grand and welcoming the newly-launched groomsman.

In fact, with his deep understanding, he can easily stumble a person.

But these are all low-ranking monks. One of them will be sanctified and shot here. If one does not control the power, it will kill people.

He used to hide his identity and come to help. If he took the trouble, he went back and was afraid to be confined.

In the past, the customs were closed. Now he is thinking of Shen Qingxian. How can it take time in his heart?

What can I do if my heart is turned away from others?

Of course, when I don’t think about it now, he has to hurry and prove his innocence.

Shen Qingxian has no old attack and will become the tension of other people's husbands. He feels very fun, and he followed the crowd, and his face looked like a big event.

Throwing hydrangea invites such a magnificent son-in-law, obviously this owner is very happy and feels that he is making a big profit.

Gu Jian deepened his eyes and hair color, but this face is indeed quite a catcher, and it is no wonder that the people’s sisters loved them at a glance, and lost the ball so accurately.

How is this good? Shen Qingxian looked at him with gloating, waiting to see how he got out.

I was originally thinking about the disappearance of the sky directly, but I looked up and saw the appearance of Shen Qingxian’s smile, and his mind was slightly moving, and he gave birth to a plan.

Among the crowds, the deepest and deeper, and the sudden release of the atmosphere let the noisy crowds calm down.

They realized that Gu Jianshen was a high-ranking monk and his realm was good.

The owner of the recruiter has a bright eye and feels that he has reached the treasure.

He was about to speak, and he took a deep look at the ceremony and said: "I am really sorry. I happened to pass by and see the crowds. I don’t know what to do. The hydrangea falls and I know that it is such a good thing..."

After he no longer converges on the momentum, the temperament of his speech has also changed. Others are afraid to come out, but they dare not take it. They only listen honestly.

I only listened to the deep and said: "This kind of love is really unbearable, because there are already Taoists in the bottom, and they are deeply in love. They can't bear him underneath, nor can they bear the expensive money."

When the words came out, everyone was shocked. The owner said, " are married?"

Gu Shen Shen said: "It is ridiculous to say that you are swimming with your lover, and when you are here, you are thinking about going around. Who knows that the hydrangea has fallen like this."

The owner was even more surprised: "Do you love someone?"

Gu sees a deep bitter smile: "Yes."

"Then where is he..."

Looking into the depths and looking straight to Shen Qingxian, everyone looked at him in the sight of him, and saw Shen Qingxian at a glance.

Gu Xiang went deep toward him, the crowd was automatically separated, and one by one was very curious.

Shen Qingxian is also served, actually still like this? Yes, old Gu classmates, it really is a heart!

Gu Jianshen gave Shen Qingxian a voice: "Offended."

Shen Qingxian has not responded to what he is going to do.

Gu sees deep and approaches him, whispering: "Don't be angry, I only like you." Then he raised his hand and removed the camouflage on the Shen Qing string, leaning over and kissing him.

Shen Qingxian slammed his eyes wide.

They are also all breathing around.

Gu sees that the heart beats very fast, and it is almost time to break the chest. But Comrade Dashen is not the person who wants to do big things. It is quite capable. He even surprised Shen Qingxian, separated his teeth and kissed him. Thoroughly bottom.

Shen Qingxian couldn’t refuse him anymore, and this time it’s so wrong, it’s even more of a little bit of resistance.

Fortunately, I am still in my heart, knowing that it is appropriate.

He loosened the Shen Qing string, but held his hand tightly and turned and said to the owner: "I am sorry, messing up the good things in your house."

After he finished, he took out a dark black faint thing from the Qiankun bag: "Please accept this, please let me down and apologize."

The owner fixed his eyes and was shocked: "Black,"

Gu sees that the audience's eyes are taken away, and the hands of Shen Qingxian are pulled out of the crowd, disappearing without a trace.

A piece of valuable black gold jade exchanged for a kiss of Shen Qingxian, Gu Jianshen said: This value of the sale, please come back millions of times!

They disappeared, and the crowd at that place burst into a terrifying exclamation.

"Scorpio! Who are they?"

"Black gold jade lie in the trough! You can see this baby in your lifetime!"

"Looking at that young, it turned out to be Yuan Ying's ancestors!"

But he said that the owner of the trick has been happy with his mouth, although today this oolong is a bit embarrassing, but the harvest is amazing!

His baby daughter is a hydrangea to a Yuan Ying ancestor! This air transport! Still don't get married, hurry to practice!

And this black gold jade, their Lao Wang family will not eat and drink for three lifetimes!

Leaving the crowd, it is quite normal to see the hands of Shen Qingxian.

"Thank you for helping me, I was able to get out." After he finished, he still stunned.

Shen Qingxian: "..."

Gu sees deep and said: "I have lived for so long, it was the first time I met the scene. I was in a panic and could only drag the Dao to perform."

Afraid of Shen Qingxian uncomfortable, he also pleaded guilty: "I really can't help it!"

He said this, Shen Qingxian does not say that he is not angry at all, really angry and not good to attack him!

Shen Qingxian thought, don't open the line of sight: "I have never kissed people." After talking about his cheeks, a layer of thin red.

Gu sees deep and stunned.

He was fascinated by his appearance, and was shocked by the contents of his words, and was swept by the powerful joy of the surging.

He has never kissed someone.

He was the first person to kiss him. lucky!

After seeing it for a long time, I found out three words: "Me too."

Shen Qingxian knew that this was a illusion, but it was still touched by this situation. He was really a bit comfortable: "That would be even!"

After saying this, he couldn’t stay, walked straight ahead and quickly returned to the Lange Palace.

Going back to the house, closing the door, and after a good fight, Shen Qingxian will calm down the heart.

It is also funny to say that he and Gu Jianshen have done everything, but when they come to this state of mind, they are still able to be fascinated by the "young".

Although his behavior in the state of mind cannot be the same as the real two thousand years old, it is actually almost the same.

It’s always a matter of seeing him deeply and deliberately approaching him. He is always pleased with him... Where can he be able to stand up at this time?

Although I have repaired my heart and mind, I actually lived under the masters and my brothers, and I was completely dysfunctional.

It’s so cold that he’s so interesting and born so good, he’s bound to fall very fast.

Which one is still in control? What is the fire? What is the whole waste?

Shen Qingxian still knows himself very well, and everything is determined to be a dead brain.

If he likes to see and see, he doesn’t care what he is doing, and no matter what is going to ruin, he must be with him.

Even if it is about to be sanctified, it doesn't matter. If it is abolished, it will be abolished. If it is too big, it will be repaired. Anyway, he will not let go of it.

Therefore, Fengxin should not be the foundation that hinders them.

What happened in the end of the year?

The thoughts of Shen Qingxian were interrupted by the seven divisions.

The sky was dark, and the seven brothers also came back. Like last night, he gave Shen Qingxian an understanding of poison.

Although Shen Qingxian did not go out with them, the seven brothers have always been cautious and will not fall.

Shen Qingxian was honestly drinking, and he said something to the seven brothers. The seven brothers went back.

Almost seven brothers just left, there is a fat paper crane to hit the window.

Shen Qing's mouth corner micro-hook, raise your hand and put it in.

The fat paper crane fell on his palm and spread out a piece of paper: "I saw you again."

Nonsense, we are together for a day, you still kissed me, and what strangers are there at this time!

Shen Qingxian did not poke, and he returned to him with patience: "Who are you?"

How can a fat paper crane leak out? It flew back, knowingly asked: "You tell me first, who is the person who is with you?"

Not that you are! Who is interesting to ask yourself?

Shen Qingxian accompanied him to make a play: "He is my friend."

The fat paper cranes returned very quickly, and the spread was a very straightforward sentence: "I saw you kissing."

Shen Qingxian: "..." Where are you seeing, you know how to experience it yourself!

According to Shen Qingxian's temper, he asked this, he would not return, so Shen Qingxian did not return to him.

After a while, I felt that I was a little bit abrupt, and the fat paper crane hit back.

"Don't be angry, I just think he offended you."

Shen Qingxian still did not return to him.

It didn't take long for the fat paper crane to fly back again: "You won't like him? I don't think he can match you."

Seeing this, Shen Qingxian couldn't help it, and his eyes were bent into crescents.

This big fool!

Waiting for the mood to recall this paragraph, see him not swear!