MTL - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love-Chapter 150 One hundred and fifty

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Chapter 150

Back to the Weixin Palace, the Shen Qingxian state is quite good, not so uncomfortable.

Gu Jianshen was slowed down for a while.

Shen Qingxian went over and joked: "Professor Gu..."

Professor Gu pulled the person over and kissed him without saying anything.

This kiss is very hard, even a bit rude, and there is an uncontrollable feeling of recovery.

Shen Qingxian glimpsed a little, and then understood his emotions...

When a kiss is over, he will hold him tightly as he sees it, and it will be as if he has made a cage with his own arm. He can’t hide the Shen Qing string in the air.

Shen Qingxian feels that he is not being physically, but the heart.

Really defeated him.

Shen Qingxian whispered: "Well, isn't this all awake?"

Gu Jian did not say anything.

Shen Qing string surrounded him: "Is this life not sweet?"

Sweet, very sweet, really beautiful to hate can not be turned into a never-fading picture, always hidden in the treasure box in his chest.

But because it is too sweet, the last death is especially heavy.

Although Shen Qingxian closed his eyes, Gu Shen did not breathe.

But he was full of regrets. He felt that it was too short. The decades of scenery could not be fully carried. He had not given Shen Qingxian more, he had not been with him for a long time, and he had not given him more love. ended.

Fortunately... the dream woke up, the reality is still there.

He and Shen Qingxian will not only stay in that short time.

Shen Qingxian really served this guy. He pushed him and said: "Be careful for a lifetime, and finally you will be bored."

It’s really a bad thing, this **** will abuse himself to the liver.

Shen Qingxian knows how to marry him. The quickest and best way to use it is... He took off his clothes and clung to his strong chest...

What are you afraid of, what is lost, what is regrettable, and you can’t see it.

After such a general, Shen Qing string was soaked in the pool of Lingquan.

Gu Jianshen gently massaged him, Shen Qingxian held his hand: "Hike."

Gu Shen Shen said: "I am not tired."

Shen Qingxian actually said: "You are very itchy."

With a slamming sound, the ten thousand-year-old emperor is like a hairy boy who has opened his heart. In the pool, he has an understanding of the itch.

After this wave, Shen Qingxian did not dare to make trouble. He stared at his fingers and counted down: "You talk about you, obviously trust me, why do you live in a memory and love to think?"

After seeing it, he said, "I may love you too much."

If you care too much, you will suffer from loss. If you hold too tightly, you will be afraid of letting go. If you love your bones, you will be afraid that the bone marrow will be hollowed out.

Shen Qingxian looked up at him: "Do you think I don't love you enough?"

If you ask this question, you can't answer the question.

Shen Qingxian stretched out his finger and poked the place where his heart was. "You are here, don't you still believe that I love you?"

Seeing deep heart and heart, holding his long white fingers: "Letter."

Shen Qingxian asked: "Is that my love is not deep?"

Gu sees a deep pause.

Shen Qingxian pulled out his hand and snorted.

Gu Jianshen quickly yelled at him: "No..."

Shen Qingxian was not really angry. He was teasing him. Seeing him seemed to be a little anxious. He said: "In fact, this trip to the world has given me some hints."

Gu Jianshen: "What?"

Shen Qingxian took out the white jade, and also gestured to take out the red jade and put them together so that all the tasks were in front of them.

Why do you need to repair the ladder to do these tasks?

How is the ladder damaged?

To get rid of these things, the idea is... Why do they fly soar?

Flying up is also a kind of breakthrough realm, but it is not just a breakthrough in the realm, but also break through the boundaries.

Just like the people of the world can't imagine the comprehension of the heavens, they don't know what it looks like after the ascent.

Then this jade...

Shen Qingxian asked deep: "You said these two things, is it possible that the people who have been soared have thrown them away?"

Gu Jianshen: "Master?"

Shen Qingxian’s master Shang Xinfeng, Gu Jianshen’s master Shang Defeng and his adoptive father all rose.

Looking at the deep eyebrows and wrinkles: "I have never heard of the lower bounds after flying."

Shen Qing Xiandao: "So the ladder is broken."

Gu sees him and looks up at him: "What do you mean... they broke the ladder and left the two jade slips?"

Shen Qingxian said: "We don't know the upper bounds, but in contrast to what we do in the world, can they use other methods to interfere with the realm of comprehension?"

This is indeed very possible, and like Shen Qingxian and Gu Jian went deep into the world can be "do whatever you want", the strength of the upper bound masters is certainly not what they can think.

Looking at the task on the jade slip, he silently said: "The content of this mission..."

Shen Qingxian is also very shameful. If it is really the jade slips made by the masters, then the task above can really be destructive...

Now Shen Qingxian does not dare to make Jane Jane, but it is disrespectful.

Shen Qingxian gave the masters a respectful saying: "There may be gaps between the upper bound and the comprehension. After all, we set the normal before entering the WTO. We can go wrong when we enter the world. Maybe the masters set up very normal at first, just lost. Will it change?"

Can only explain this, or else how to understand the three consecutive exchanges and the father and son play behind?

If you really want to think about it, it seems to make sense.

Gu Shen Shen said: "The head of the letter is to know the truth, presumably after my master has soared..." He said directly, "They must be afraid that we will miss it again, so leave such a jade, let us Continue the leading edge."

Shen Qingxian laughed: "Yes."

However, Gu Gu deep and said: "Why don't you just wait for us to fly up, go to the upper bound and talk slowly?"

Because of this sentence, Shen Qing’s heart slammed a slam, and he looked at the deepest: “You... don’t want to fly.”

Gu Jian was deeply stuck.

Indeed...Before they fell in love, there was no thought of wanting to soar. He only hoped that time would come to an end, life would come to an end, and everything would be finished.

So the masters are anxious?

Gu Jian deep smiled, holding Shen Qingxian, and sighed in his ear: "I'm sorry, I almost dropped you."

Shen Qingxian also smiled, but his heart was empty.

He still has a lot of thoughts, just because he didn't sort out, so he didn't say it all.

Really they think so easy? Is it really just that the masters are helping them?

Then they have been in love with each other, why is there a task like this in Yujian?

Are you afraid that they are not really in love?

However, Yu Jian can peek into their state of mind, and will not be able to tell their true feelings?

Or... what did he miss?

The new Weixin Palace was finally settled, and I took a deep look at Shen Qingxian.

Shen Qingxian's full heart is completely rid of this unique beauty!

That's great!

The golden ruby ​​is not the first jewel in the world. The palace made with it seems to smash the sun and hide it in the crystal to reflect such gorgeous golden and brilliant red.

Shen Qingxian likes it very much, likes it and doesn't want to leave here!

At first, I was deeply impressed by the beauty. I looked at the West with Shen Qing’s string and looked at him with a smile. I only felt that my heart was extremely ironed.

Later he began to be sour.

Yes, our vinegar gods must eat even the vinegar of a palace.

This palace is still hand-delivered to his sweetheart. Whenever he thinks of it, he feels that he has made a green hat for himself!

Because of this palace, Shen Qingxian’s eyes did not fall on him; because this was a palace, Shen Qingxian and his words did not leave it; even when they were sweet, Shen Qingxian actually said: Don’t... Soiled the floor.

In this way, Gu Gu was quickly killed by vinegar.

After Shen Qingxian discovered it, he confessed: "You don't want to eat even a dead vinegar?"

"Don't eat," Gu Shen said: "Eat you!" Finished like a big dog, licking his neck and collarbone.

Shen Qingxian was giggled by him, and he couldn’t push it. He had to ask for mercy: "Okay, don't look at it, just look at you."

Looking up, he looked up and licked his lips: "I don't want to mention it."

My God, I’m really jealous in my life!

Shen Qingxian was helpless and funny, and the pressure on his mouth could not be suppressed. He yelled at him: "Well, don't mention it."

Gu Jianshen played the word "chicken belly" to the extreme: "I don't want to cherish it."

Shen Qingxian nodded again and again: "Do not love it, only love you."

The vinegar **** was calm, and took the opportunity to take advantage of it. Shen Qing’s heart was soft and soft, and he thought about it. He felt that he did not love this big red gold.

He is willing to do anything for him, and he can't be wronged by him.

Shen Qingxian said: "Let's go back to Wanxiu Mountain for a few days."

Gu Jian deepened his head: "What, what is it?"

Shen Qingxian bent his eyes and said: "You don't really like Wanxiu Mountain?"

Seeing deep understanding, suddenly sweet in his heart, he still wants to come slowly, this time did not hold back, the top of the string clear scream.

Later Shen Qingxian did not want to bring him back to Wanxiu Mountain, and the backache died!

Of course, they still went back to Wanxiu Mountain. When they passed Xiaojinlong’s cave, Shen Qingxian went to pick up the little guy.

For decades, Xiaojinlong just took a long sleep, and when he woke up to see Shen Qingxian, he was quite happy, but as soon as he saw his deep thoughts, he had to turn his back and be wronged.

Shen Qingxian’s patience is very good, and he stunned him for a little longer...

Gu Jianshen looked at the side, actually some disappointment, or did they misunderstand them?

He thought about the golden look of Xiao Jinlong... Well, no need to solve it, they did not misunderstand!

Although I only saw a big dragon tail, Shen Qingxian still feels very good and feels satisfied.

Near Wanxiu Mountain, Gu sees the smell of Mu smoke, he said: "Lightly dyed saints in the mountains?"

Shen Qingxian also noticed: "Well, I let him rest in the mountains."

Gu Shen Shen said: "I have gone..."

Shen Qingxian said: "Nothing, we know everything about us."

Gu Jian is slightly surprised: "Know it?"

Shen Qingxian said: "I told him."

Looking at the ecstasy in the deep heart, holding his hand and asking: "What do you say?"

Shen Qingxian sees him like this is also funny: "What do you think?"

Gu Shen Shen said: "Is it said that we have a marriage?"

"Yeah, there is a marriage, but unfortunately I have missed it for so long, so..." He said that Gu Shenshen loves to listen. "This time I will never let you go."

Gu Xiaochai smiled very smoothly, and the red dice were so beautiful.

Shen Qingqin really liked it, and then he went over and kissed him in his lips.

Gu Jian deeply embraced him and deepened the kiss of this water.

Mu smoked that Master returned, and came to pick him up, and saw such a scene.