MTL - Waiting For You Online-Chapter 97 .rest well

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097. Take a good rest

Qin Lan was obviously cheated, but when did he start to lie?

He Jin carefully recalled that this problem should be traced back to the first day they knew... the one downstairs in the dormitory?

No, at that time, although He Jin had heard the name of Qin Yu, they did not know it at all. He believed that Qin Hao had not yet hit him in the sky and knew that he was "Xiaoxian Ajin."

At least after you first landed on the game? Wait, is the helmet... the lottery information?

He Jin instantly smashed the hole, and the bonfire was a celebrity of the "God of Magic" and a famous game anchor. Maybe there is any means to get his personal information, and when he first went online, the bonfire also asked him specifically. Have you ever been admitted to Huada...

Assume that the bonfire was known at that time. On the day of the tour of the lake, Qin Yu knew that he was Ajin.

He Jin frowned. In fact, when he heard the voice of Qin Xiao for the first time, because He was too similar to the sound of the bonfire, He Jin also suspected that he remembered that a girl also mentioned this when visiting the lake. Asked Qin Qin to play without playing games, knowing that the bonfire, but Qin Hao said not to play, this only dispelled He Jin's doubts.

After that, he fell into this mindset and felt that Qin and the bonfire were not the same person.

Now it seems that Qin Hao had already lied at that time?

He Jin is extremely scared, closes his eyes and advises himself, don't think that Qin Zhen is so black, he is so famous on the Internet, maybe concealing his identity in reality is just to eliminate trouble...

At the very least, the "I will not wonder who you are in the real world" on the bonfire online is a complete remark.

Could it be because of that agreement that Qin Hao did not confess his identity in the game?

He Jin tried hard to find a reason for Qin Jie to excuse, but he thought that he had been deeply distressed, entangled in collapse and self-condemnation for the two people at the same time, but the party was like a thing, He Jin was angry from the heart...

Knowing that the other party is not malicious, but such deception also makes He Jin feel like being fooled.

However, apart from this shy anger, He Jin was so excited that he was numb.

Because this truth is what he is looking forward to, he sighs in his heart, "Oh, Qin Lan is really a bonfire, they are the same person," knowing that the person they like happens to like themselves, and that a despicable luck is realized, dreaming. Suddenly, sorrowful and sorrowful, happy, angry, confused, tangled... He Jin at this moment, contradictions do not know how to describe their feelings.

I didn't sleep all night, but because I had to work, He Jin got up on time. When I went downstairs, I saw Qin's stepmother. He Jin politely said: "Auntie is early."

"Hey, Xiao He, got up so early?" The woman prepared a fine breakfast, warmly greeted He Jin to eat, and asked: "What?"

He Jin looked upstairs and did not move: "I don't know..."

The woman frowned: "Oh, really, my friend is still sleeping, I will call him."

He Jin thought about what happened in the game last night, and the news from the other party at four in the morning, and quickly stopped her: "No, let him sleep."

The woman rarely asked Qin Xi’s private affairs. After listening to He Jin’s saying, he smiled and didn’t bother to disturb: “This child, who has been on vacation for almost a day, sleeps late, and gets up early yesterday.”

He Jin was awkward and curious: "What time does he get up every day?"

Woman: "Eleven o'clock, it will only get up at lunch time."

He Jin asked: "He is getting up so late, don't you say him?"

The woman fiddled with the bowl and smiled. "It's a rare holiday. He wants to sleep and let him sleep more. Young people, this age is sleepy. I just sometimes worry that he is hungry all night, from morning to night. It’s not good for the stomach... The same is true of his father. When he is busy, he doesn’t sleep for a few days and nights. I’ve been reminded by those health products and coffee. But he didn’t listen... like his dad. They all have their own ideas. In their hearts, there are more important things to get up early than when they go to bed early. Maybe, if you suffer, you will know that your body is important, otherwise people who say they can't listen."

The woman's face is pampered and gentle, and He Jin thinks, this is also a kind of love. He also hopes that his mother can be as good as this woman, let him breathe, and let him breathe through the details from early on. Throughout life, let him experience it himself, even if he has suffered, let him eat it himself...

He Jin asked: "How have you not seen Qin's father in these two days?"

The woman shook her head helplessly: "I am still asleep. I have been doing business with Americans recently. I haven’t understood the time of Americans. But I asked yesterday. I heard that my friends are here, let me entertain. ...what to eat at noon, I will wait for a while, I will let her buy it."

Regardless of Qin Hao’s business, she did not know that He Jin was going to go out to work. He only went out to play yesterday.

He Jin shook his head and apologized: "Auntie, I will go out to work in a while, I will eat at the place where I work. You don't have to prepare my lunch and dinner." He said that he had the last bit of millet porridge, He Jin looked at it. Time, "I got the door."

The woman followed and stood up: "Yeah, how do you have to go to work for a holiday? So hard... I am going to call you to send you?"

"No, I can take the subway." He Jin changed his shoes at the entrance, and smiled and waved goodbye to her.

The woman always sent him to the door, waiting for He Jin’s figure to disappear in sight, before returning to call the two children to get up. When I went upstairs, I only heard the door of Qin’s door, and the young man turned black from him. The room rushed out and saw her ask: "Jiang Yan, He Jin?"

Woman: "Small He just left, how are you... drinking? A wine..."

Qin Lan panicked and asked: "Just left? Did he take things away?"

The woman inexplicably said: "What do you bring? He seems to have a school bag and said that he is going to work..."

“How long did it take?” Qin Hao hurriedly buttoned the shirt button and asked while wearing clothes.

Woman: "It’s been ten minutes."

Qin Hao didn't talk any more, he wanted to call He Jin, but that happened last night, let him talk a little bit directly with He Jin. He washed the car with the fastest speed and chased the subway. Did not see the figure of He Jin.

After sitting in the car for a while, Qin Hao gave He Jinfa a message: "You go to work? Why didn't you call me?"

After a while, He Jin replied: "I have already got on the subway, I will go on my own, you have a good rest."

……Ok? rest well?

These four words are a bit intriguing.

Qin Lan sent a message to He Jin in the real identity. The other party did not know that he had drunk in the evening and slept in the early morning. How can he rest for a good time without any reason?

What happened a few hours ago, Qin Hao was a bit crippled, he frowned, will He Jin see the news?

It shouldn't be, he is so heartless, I guess I slept very early last night... ( ̄ ̄ ̄)

Qin Qin licked the painful temple, could not help but tentatively asked: "Is it good to sleep last night?"

He Jin: "Not very good."

Qin Wei: "..."

Qin Lan: "Why? Is the bed uncomfortable?"

He Jin: "The bracelet seems to be broken, and the earthquake stops for one night."

Qin Lan: "........."

Forgot this completely! Qin Lan nervously thought, did the news that he sent out been seen? When I was seen, it was over, and my face was lost!

Qin Lan: "Is there anyone who sent you a message?"

He Jin stood in the subway and watched Qin Qin returning, and a string of black lines hung on the blue eyes... reload! Who is sending me a message? You still don't know! ?

He replied to Qin Qin’s testimony and replied directly: “I heard Jiang Auntie say that you have slept before, just guessing that you are still asleep, I am still on the subway soon, nothing. ”

Qin Lan: "..." Is it your own heart?

Qin Hao no longer asked, He Jin received a bracelet and sighed.

The subway was still slow. When He Jin arrived at the coffee shop, he was half late for a full hour, but Ah did not say anything. Anyway, the temporary work was charged on an hourly basis, and the late deduction was all conscious.

He Jin changed his overalls and gave himself a cup of Italian condensed refreshment, but because he didn't sleep for a night, he couldn't hold it at noon, and began to get sleepy, plus what he wanted to know about Qin and bonfire, He Jin whole person Feeling groggy, three cups of coffee were mistaken in one day, I fell a cup, went countless times, and yawned.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Ak couldn't stand it anymore. He asked the tired face of He Jin: "What happened to you? Today is in a bad state."

He Jin continued to apologize, and the voice was slightly hoarse because he did not get enough rest: "I didn't sleep well last night."

Ah did not want to criticize him, but he still cares about it because the other person's temperament is too bad: "If you can't do it, go back to rest, and you can't take time off."

He Jin always attaches great importance to attendance and work attitudes. He just took time off after doing this job and will leave a bad impression on others. He wants to explain the reasons with honesty, but he doesn’t know where to start, remembering the day before yesterday. He Jin and his words, He Jin could not help but ask: "Ak, can I talk to you about homosexuality?"

Ah’s eyes flashed instantly: “Yes, what?”

He Jin: "When did you know that you are gay?"

Ah: "Junior."

He Jin was surprised: "So early?"

"Well, it’s not all that development at that time. I have sex. I feel that I am not interested in girls." Ak looked at He Jin with a flickering look and smiled. "What about you?"

"I..." He Jin was nervous and shook his fingers, instinctively trying to deny it, but his feelings with Qin Yu had forced him to go to a fork that was not to be said, this is going to be impossible, he The so-called fantasy of breaking the **** may never be realized.

"Not long ago," He Jin confided hard, the soul struggled to break free from the thorns that bound himself, **** standing under the light, fear trembled, "about three months ago..."

Ah: "Is it because I found myself like boys?"

He Jin: "Well..."

Ak: "Are you afraid?"

He Jin nodded gently.

Ah smiled and encouraged him: "Don't be afraid, it's all like this. When I first knew that I was different from others, I was very scared. I have been around for three or four years. I always feel that I am a change. I want to put myself. Disguised as a normal person, but I can't help myself to fool myself. It won't be happy... Be brave enough to face it, we are not abnormal, just a small part."