MTL - Waiting For You Online-Chapter 74 Only you one

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074. Only you one

More than He Jin, the bonfire also won the prize - a "mysterious seed", but this mysterious seed did not announce with the child.

The two men looked at each other, and the bonfire saw that the announcement also had the same thoughts as the players of the World Channel. The heart was happy, and he was afraid that he would retreat when he dragged him down. He quickly urged him: "Learn the skills book."

He Jin was urged to shake his hand and opened the skill book: "..."

The system prompts: "You have learned the skills of the child!"

He Jin is completely messed up in the wind...

Although He Jin saw the skill book, it was just a standard movement of learning. In fact, he did not see anything. He listened to the system prompting that he had realized it. Then the skill book disappeared, and he was gone. He Jin still did not. Know what to do!

and many more! Why should he know what to do! (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻

At this time, the bonfire suddenly evoked the corner of his mouth, because in the moment when He Jin flipped the book, his word appeared in front of his eyes - "The man first served the mysterious seed, the couple once in the same room, and there was a surprise after seven days. ”

He Jin peeked at the bonfire and saw that he had eaten the mysterious seed...!

... Hey, is this kind of child eating? Is it not in the ground?

Then, the campfire faced him: "Go, let's go home."

He Jin is nervous: "Go back, go home? What to do?"

The bonfire meditation "transformation" turned He Jin into a snow owl, could not wait for him to summon the flames, and personally held him to spread his wings to the fairy world, the snow squats in the arms of the bonfire, a little regret Today, the default bonfire breaks the agreed behavior...

When I arrived at the home, I didn’t put down the Jin, and went directly to the second floor. I took him into the husband’s room and placed it on the big red bed. Then I changed him back to the human form...

Just like the snow owl, I couldn’t see it. When it became a human figure, He Jin’s shameful face was obvious. This was the first time He Jin entered the room after the home was built. He looked up and saw that the whole room was in accordance with Chinese-style wedding room layout, Nanmu dragon and phoenix bed, big red hi quilt, round table with red tablecloth, red dates, peanuts, longan, lotus seeds... The whole room is red and dark, the only light source is from the incense case. Two red candles!

This game designed the couple's room like this, the metaphor for the players to "night night room candle"? Oops.

Seeing the bonfire coming over, He Jin sat up with his hand on the quilt and shouted "Wait", panic and overwhelmed... Hey, bonfire is really going to be with him, in the same room, having children?

"Wait?" The bonfire smirked and grabbed his shoulder and pressed it back onto the bed.

He Jinzhong Zhongsheng Zhidao: "My current game image is still underage, this game will not be abnormal... so can it be?"

The bonfire did not cover it, but lay on his side and put He Jin into his arms and said: "The underage boy is just the image of your choice, but when you just put on your helmet, the system is not testing your actual age. It should be based on that."

He Jin struggled twice, and the bonfire still held him tightly: "Yes, but I am a man!"

The bonfire laughed and asked: "What happened to the man, it is not that you really experience it, but it is a game program. Don't be nervous, it will pass in a few days."

He Jinda called: "More ‘days!'?”

Bonfire: "I don't know, I am not the first time to have a baby in the game."

He Jin listened to this sentence and his face burned up. He didn't know what he thought. He blurted out and asked: "What about reality?"

A slap in the air, smirked: "Do you care?"

He Jin: "..." Why did he ask that kind of words! Qaq

The bonfire came over and kissed him: "No, reality and games, only one of you."

He Jin: "........." Lost face and lost home!

Being held for a while, still the kind of stiff posture, He Jinsong breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that even in the same room can not do more exaggerated movements, this game is still a bit of a fuck, but the next second, He Jin feels his mouth It was opened by a soft and soft thing!

Yes, it’s the tongue of the bonfire... Come...

He Jinru was thundered and wanted to hide, but he felt that a round thing was pushed by the other's tongue. He had no time to react, and the thing slipped along his throat.

Yes, what is it...qxq

The bonfire let him go, as if he had a mind reading, and answered with a smile: "Seed."

He Jin has nothing to say, he buried his face in the arms of the bonfire, only a shameful thought in his mind - he, being, receiving, fine, and - and his mother is from the mouth... God Let him die! (兀a兀)

Qin Xiao took a little A Jin, no further moves.

In fact, after going online today, I saw that the change of Ajin, Qin Hao has been particularly happy, he did not ask more, afraid of He Jinxi, afraid that he will run again, but gradually break the other party's psychological barriers.

Until now, Qin Hao estimated that this is the biggest concession that He Jin can do. He can't force it too tightly.

Qin Lan kissed him on the top of his head, so that he hugged and hugged each other in the game. He felt like He Jin lying in his life. The soft touch was very real, and the body in his arms was warm. ......

But from the game to the reality, I don’t know how many difficulties are in front of them. It’s not just He Jin’s problem, but He Jin’s family... He will overcome it a little bit. He wants this person to stay with him forever. .

Qin Lan closed his eyes and temporarily forgot those troubles, only enjoying the beauty of this moment.

I don't know how long it took, He Jin suddenly screamed: "The bonfire, very late..."

It’s already twelve o’clock, are they really going to sleep in the game like this? Although the same room task requires an hour to increase the rhinoceros index, but this is not realistic. (=_=)

The bonfire did not answer. He Jin looked up and saw him with his eyes closed. He couldn’t help but push him, but he saw a reminder on the other side: "The target object is already in standby."

... standby? He Jin smashed it, did the bonfire fall asleep with a helmet?

Waiting for a few minutes, the body of the bonfire disappeared, and the system prompted He Jin, his husband has been off the assembly line.

He Jin’s stunned... This is all right!

He turned over without a word. He Jin was lying on the big red bed. After a few seconds, he opened his eye mask and returned consciousness to reality. He Jin thought back to the words that the bonfire had just said in the game--" Reality and games, only you one", my heart is inexplicably hot, a sweet feeling swept the whole body.

Ah, ah... Is it a matter of pride for a man to have a baby? Don't think about it! (= dish =)

In the early hours of the morning, He Jin’s bracelet continued to tremble slightly. He looked up at his wrist and saw the news in me.

Bonfire: "Sorry, I was too tired yesterday, I fell asleep with my helmet..."

Bonfire: "Have you fallen asleep?"

Bonfire: "Baby, good night."

Read The Duke's Passion