MTL - Waiting For You Online-Chapter 154 Heart has obsession

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154. Heart has obsession

The attitude of the parents reversed rapidly beyond He Jin’s imagination. If this happened three years ago, his mother wouldn’t make a fool of me. He didn't know that this was a surprise that he changed his mindset and decided to give him back and forth. Or did he pay for his efforts in the past three years, and there was a kind of comfort and lightness in the clouds.

In the next few days, Hemu did not take the role of Qin Jin’s life-stricken background. At the age of twenty-six, he opened several companies with his own power and invested in tens of millions of intelligent robots. This kind of experience is very human.

"It’s really what he earned," He Jin swears. "His mother passed away very early. His father did business himself, but he didn’t spend any more money after he was 18, because he started himself that year. Make money..."

Seeing that his mother is looking at him, He Jin can only know what he wants. He knows that Qin Xiao’s mixed entertainment is nothing but his parents’ age is big, but people are not stupid. They always watch TV and see Qin again. It is better to be confessed if you don't recognize it. But frankly, there are also skills. He Jin only said that Qin Hao’s work during this time was linked to the entertainment industry, but he did not bluntly say that he was a “star”.

"Does his dad care about him? His son is a talented person, and he has the ability. If you follow him, his father will not have a gossip?" The mother has already begun to worry that He Jin will not suffer.

"I went to his house three years ago. His dad knew that he liked me early, and he supported us. I have two half-brothers and sisters under him." He Jin, unilateral three years ago. Breaking up with Qin Hao, hurting his heart, now feels particularly bad for Qin Da's father to explain.

He mother grinned, immediately made up a bunch of men who had a successful career and lost their wives, and the dog blood story of the son who had left the ex-wife, and hugged Qin Qin: "Why is there such a father, I don’t care if you are, no matter who you are, Eccentric, no wonder the kid is so self-reliant."

He Jin is crying and laughing. He wants to let his mother go to the Qin family to experience the family atmosphere. I don't know if I will say this. But He Jin is not exposed, and parents will be jealous, they certainly hope that they are the best in the eyes of their sons.

When he settled down at home, He Jin promised to go home at least once a month, and he packed up some personal belongings to prepare for the fare.

On the day of departure, his mother went out to the amaranth at 6 o'clock in the morning and personally picked up expensive base shrimp and black pork and made a table full of dishes.

This time, He Jin didn't feel that he couldn't afford it. A table dish was all his mother's love for him. Even though there were more contradictions, incomprehension and resentment in the past, the moment of separation was all gone.

When I was eating, my mother repeated again and again: "You are a man, you have to rely on yourself, even if you want to help him, live with him, the money is still clear, you are you, he is him, the young man has money, then there is Ability, you get a share of your salary, you can't take advantage of your feelings, you can talk about it. You can't get a marriage certificate! Who knows how to be in the future!"

He Jin thought so before, but now he believes that he and Qin Qin do not separate each other, but the old man's words are the experience of people coming over, there is always their reason to convey, He Jin does not argue with her, nodded, anyway It is not a last resort, he will not open his mouth with Qin.

His dad said nothing, holding a panda's eyes on his hand, squinting his eyes, and stunned his face. He only had a mouth when He Jin went out: "Speak with Xiao Qin, smoke Very good, thank him."

He Jin: "..."

Qin Hao bought a ticket for He Jin and personally stepped on the airport to pick up the plane. In the past three years, he has been flying around the country. The fans are always welcome to enter and exit the airport. There is really no experience of picking up the plane.

He didn't dare to stay at the pick-up port of the crowded people. Instead, he drove the car and waited in the parking lot. He Jin got out of the airport and found the meeting point according to the text message sent to him by Qin Hao. He saw a pure white Porsche.

Qin Lan sat in the driver's seat, rolled down the window, and whistled to him: "Handsome, ride a car?"

He Jin: "..."

Sitting in the car, He Jin also looked at the world in a novelty, this is Porsche, and Jaguar and mini are completely two grades!

"How do you change the car? The original Jaguar?" He Jin asked.

Qin Lan stepped on the gas pedal and the car slid smoothly out of the lane: "At home, this car is a special wife for the wife."

He Jin laughed out and felt that the "two goods Qin dynasty" was back.

“Where are we going?” He Jin was a bit embarrassed. Qin Lan said on the phone that he would take him home to live, but after three years passed, Qin Hao’s place of residence should have changed. Is it difficult to return to his parents' home?

"You will know when you arrive." Qin Hao sold a car, and the car quickly turned to the elevated, and went straight to the West District.

He Jin looked at the high-rise buildings outside the window, and the traffic was soaring, and there was a long-lost jump in his heart, just like when he first came to China for the first time seven years ago, he felt the feeling of freedom.

After more than half an hour, He Jin sees the surrounding environment more and more familiar, wondering: "Do you still live near Huada?"

Qin Hao did not answer, until the car drove into a certain district, He Jincai did not dare to set the channel: "You have not moved yet?" Here is the community where he rented a house with Qin Lan three years ago!

Qin Hao got off the bus and didn't help He Jin take the luggage. He took him up.

He Jin was a little embarrassed by him. On the third floor, Qin Hao buckled He Jin’s wrist with one hand and opened the door with one key. Then he pushed the person into the house and pushed it into the house. Lightly rang, Qin Lan also came in.

He Jin looked up and looked at the pale blue walls in the room, the copper money grass on the coffee table, the warm colored sofa, the slightly tilted sofa cushion...

The door of the bedroom was open, and the hangers on the inside were still hanging on the pajamas that I didn't take away, the professional books on the desk, the messy bedding, the slippers on the carpet, and the west... all the same!

For a moment, He Jin almost thought he had crossed back three years ago!

"He Jin, three years, I will wait for you to come back..." Qin Hao stepped forward and suddenly hugged him from behind.

He Jin woke up from his memories and his heart was shaking.

"Remember, the day you left me three years ago, this is the case. When I wake up, your things are still there. I don't know if you are passionate or cruel to me..." Jin’s back neck, grinding the back neck and anger.

He Jin was so painful that the whole person relied on Qin Huai’s arms and said nothing.

Qin Yu’s bite slowly turned into sucking, then scorned. Finally, he leaned over his shoulder and put a face on his face. He said, “I thought, how can you break up with me? I was still lingering with me late, and I lied to me that I wouldn’t leave me because my parents abandoned me. I just left in a blink of an eye... I hate you at that time!”

He Jin was silent for a moment, just wanted to say "I'm sorry", he was stopped by Qin Hao.

"I am so angry that I have everything here, I want to go to the city to find you, take you back here, don't let you go to work, don't let you go out, I will cook for you, you will accompany me. Do | love ... just like this, it is also very good, waiting for your parents to die, you will die, you are just mine."

He Jin heard a glimpse of it, I don’t know how Qin Zhen would have such an evil thought.

Qin Xiao sighed and said: "But I know that I will hate me when I do it, and it is a crime. When I think that you will hate me, I will not dare to do anything. I will give up, like a article. The dog that has lost the family has been completely abandoned by you... I comfort myself, maybe one day I will meet you in the sea, maybe you will laugh and call my name, maybe you have not forgotten me."

He Jin’s eyes were sour, and his eyes slid down two lines of tears, sliding into the gap between the palms of Qin.

He Jin’s lips squirmed gently in his palm, and read his name: Qin Yu...

Qin Lan kissed his deaf and said: "Fortunately, you are back now, but I can bear you leaving me once or twice. I can't guarantee that I can bear the third time. The three separated from you. Years, I miss you every day, I want some very abnormal things, I want to ban you, adjust|Teach you... Even now, I have been suppressing that evil thought, I know you until now, but now Maybe let go, put it early, but it's impossible... So, since you are back now, you have to be mentally tied to me for a lifetime, promise me, don't let me have a chance to become abnormal."

He Jin nodded and spilled a "hmm" from his throat. He was not afraid of these words, but he was distressed - his heart was obsessed and he must become a demon.

Qin Lan loosened his palm and tightened him. He sighed in his ear and asked: "He Jin, where are we separated, where do we start again, okay?"

He Jin shuddered and replied: "Okay."

Read The Duke's Passion