MTL - Waiting For You Online-Chapter 144 Not worthy of happiness

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144. Not worthy of happiness

At 7:30, He Jin’s eyes flicked and his consciousness slowly returned.

He was awakened by the circadian clock, but the whole body seemed to be scattered, and he did not listen to the brain in the bed, especially the waist and hip and the lower limbs, which could not make any effort.

"Oh..." Reluctantly moved, but led to a series of physical protests, He Jin frowned half-opened his eyes, even the eyelids were swollen.

"God..." After the reaction to what happened to him, the blood on He Jin’s face faded!

—— After he was unconscious in the bar, he was brought to the hotel by a strange man, and he even regarded the other as Qin Yu!

Yes, he did a night of spring | dream, dreaming that he was doing the kind of thing with Qin Qin, they were crazy and indulgent, He Jin completely indulged in the abyss of desire and hope, unable to extricate themselves.

"Heaven... God..." He Jin wiped his face with both hands, he was crazy!

Taking care of the pain in the whole body, He Jin struggled to sit up from the bed, and the smooth down thin was slipped from the shoulder, revealing his body without a glimpse.

who's that person? Why are you staring at yourself, when did he leave?

Will it be possible... is it Qin?

He Jin was shocked by his bold guess. He raised his hand and held his mouth. It is unlikely that Qin Hao had not contacted him for three years. Although he was in the city of q yesterday, he is a star and must be very busy. How can I find him, not to mention that I was taken away after being drunk in the bar yesterday. How could Qin Qi appear in that place... He Jin’s mind still has a vague impression, he remembers that The smell of smoke in the mouth of a person is speculated to be a smoker, but Qin Lan does not smoke.

The brain blew up, and He Jin grabbed his scalp in pain, not knowing how to behave himself.

Looking around, I can see that this is a very good hotel room, but the man who has been on him has disappeared without a trace, the ground is a mess, his clothes and pants are thrown east. The pieces, as well as the safety of being ripped openly, the set of boxes, all of which highlights the madness of last night...

He Jin was so anxious to get out of bed under the quilt, and he was too soft to almost stand, especially when he got up from the stocks... It was a hot feeling... God! He Jin’s face was red and white, and he could not wait to hit the wall!

In the twenty-seventh year, he thought that the most crazy thing he had ever experienced was the departure of the Qin dynasty, but he did not expect that he would have today, and he still can’t remember the person who went to bed with him. who is it!

He Jin found his own bracelet in the pile of clothes on the ground. More than 30 of them didn't answer the phone. He Jin didn't like to use the ringtone. The tone was vibration. He didn't know if the man deliberately didn't hear it or the bracelet was The clothes were covered, the vibrations did not come out, and more than 30 calls were ignored.

Most of the calls were made at home, and there was a section of Shurong, and there were some unread text messages. He Jin had not had time to look at it, and he immediately called the home.

"Hey!" The phone was picked up and it was picked up. It was a **** voice. "He Jin! Is it you! Where have you been!"

"Well, Mom..." He Jin said, his voice was a hoarse he couldn't think of, "I..."

"What's wrong with you!" He mother heard the son's voice wrong, his attitude immediately reversed, from angry to nervous and worried, "How did your voice become like this!"

He Jin was dizzy, and had no time to think about how to sing a full lie, so he said half-truth: "I went to drink alone last night, drinking a little late, still drunk, afraid to come back To you, I am afraid that you are worried, I live alone in the hotel... I fell asleep as soon as I arrived at the hotel, and I didn’t have time to call you."

He mother is angry and anxious: "Why are you going to drink alone!"

He Jin was silent for a moment and said: "Mom, I think I am failing."

Hemu: "How are you..."

"Mom," He Jin interrupted her, and said in a chaotic manner, "I have been dating for so many times in the past three years. I have seen all kinds of girls, but there is still one that can be done. I also want to find a A little girl, flat and faint, get married early, make you happy, but why is it so difficult..." I remembered what happened last night, He Jin couldn’t hold it anymore, wearing a mask for three years. The armor of the whole body became fragmented at this moment, and there was a despair in his heart. Even the tone of the heart showed a strong pessimism: "Mom, are you destined to be destined, not worthy of being loved, not worthy of happiness..."

"What do you say nonsense!" The woman on the other side of the phone seems to have never expected that the son who has matured in his own eyes in the past few years and no longer needs to worry about people will have such an idea! The original number and accusation can't be said in an instant. He mother only wants to comfort He Jin at this moment: "Is that what did the girl say to you yesterday? You didn't come back last night, I called the girl. She said that she was very good at you, and said that she would like to have more contact with you... He Jin, what happened to you, what happened?"

"You called Duan Shurong?" He Jinxi lived, Duan Shurong really said this to his mother?

He Madao: "Yeah, you are not talking about eating with her. We are waiting for you to go home at ten o'clock. If you call you, you can call the girl. She said that you will have dinner after dinner. She thought you were going home..."

He Jin is very strange. He is cheating on the dinner with Duan Shurong. Duan Shurong did not reveal the stuffing?

Hemu: "Are you tired of drinking and drinking? Just well, don't say it, you have to go home!"

Hanging up the phone, He Jin went back and looked at the missed call. At 10:10 last night, Duan Shurong made a phone call. According to the time speculation, it was indeed after her mother called her, she called again.

It’s only eight o'clock now. He Jin is not sure if the other person is waking up. He wants to send a text message to Duan Shurong first, but he can stop at the SMS interface.

The interface has an up-to-date text message from a strange number. The sending time is one hour ago, at 6:44 in the morning, and the text message has only four words - "Have a good rest."

He Jin panicked, who would send him such a text message at this point... Is that man last night?

He remembered the person who shouldn't think about it for a moment, but he was afraid that he would make a mistake and guess, and he wouldn't even call or reply to the text message to confirm.

He Jin quickly rushed to check the mobile phone number attribution, see the page jumped out of the "a city" city name, He Jin's heart immediately jumped up!

Qin Hao... Is it Qin?

He Jin is trembling, and he prays constantly in his heart. If, if it is, Qin Qin, it will be fine. No matter what Qin Qin does to himself, he will not blame him. He is willing.

Relying on this "fantasy", He Jin seems to have some strength, he walked into the bathroom, and he had to take a shower before going back.

Looking at the bathroom mirror, he was covered with red traces. He Jin’s face burned again. He opened the shower and washed away all kinds of sticky □ □ □, and a sting on his shoulder, He Jinyi , actually got bitten...

This... Is it going to the hospital to break the cold? (=_=)

After taking a shower and putting on clothes, He Jin was so tired that he was exhausted.

The wallet and various identity cards in the clothes are all there. He Jin took out the room card for taking electricity. When I looked at the words on the room card, I realized that I lived in the best hotel in q city!

He daringly went to the front desk to return the room card. By the way, he inquired about the information of the front desk staff opening the room. The front desk staff glanced at him with a curious sight and said: "The room for this room has been settled. The payer is A lady surnamed Li, the other party came over this morning to extend the payment for half a day, can live until 6 o'clock this evening, you are sure to check out now? We pay more for the money."

He Jinbai nodded his face and returned after returning the house card.

He didn't know anything about Ms. Li. So, except for the mysterious man, there was a third person who knew that they were in the room last night... He Jin didn't dare to think about it, and more and more wanted to confirm whether the person was Qin or not.

On the way home, He Jin’s bracelet was shocked, and He Jin quickly opened it. The result was sent by Duan Shurong.

"He Jin, your mother called me last night. Did you lie to your mother and say that I have dinner with me? Although I don’t know if you want to lie to her, I have lied to you, how do you say thank you? Me."

He Jin thought for a moment and replied: "I'm sorry to bring you in. I drank some wine last night, didn't go home, I just went back. But if you encounter such a thing in the future, you still don't want to lie for me. In case I really have something, investigate, you are the last acquaintance to see me, which is not good for you."

Duan Shurong quickly replied: "I am dizzy... Hey, He Jin, are you always thinking about it for people?"

He Jin: "I am telling the truth, but thank you, I will ask you to have another meal next day."

Duan Shurong: "What I want is the sentence behind you."

He Jin laughed and laughed. He remembered what her mother said on the phone and couldn't help but ask: "You told my mom that you are impressed with me? Would you like to get in touch with me?"

Duan Shurong: "Yeah, I thought about your business after I came back. I think I will give you a chance. Otherwise, you can’t walk out like that. It’s also a pity. Maybe you can be with me when you are with me. A relationship has been forgotten!"

He Jin smiled and didn't know if the girl was too persistent or confident enough.

He didn't expect to meet a right person, a person who could let him fall in love at first sight, but he still hasn't, and he is not unwilling to take that step.

Before that, some people told him like Duan Shurong that I don't care about your past, we can try it, but that kind of attempt is a moral torture for He Jin.

Every detail that I get along with another person will remind him to think of Qin Lan, let him compare, and then convict himself after he finishes... He is not afraid of the present, the future, he is afraid that he will not change in his life. Then, rushing to start with a girl, taking advantage of the conscience to consume the feelings and youth of others, such things, He Jin can not do.

He didn't know how to tell Duan Shurong now that one or two sentences in the text message were not clearly explained. He thought about it.

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