MTL - Villain’s Strategy-Chapter 50

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Ji Fengchang took a sip of the milk tea, staring fixedly at the milk tea in the opponent's hand, "I knew he had no good intentions."

Qin Jiashu: "What are you doing?"

Ji Fengchang: "The dead duck has a hard mouth."


Although they were bought together, the gap between the two cups is indeed too much.

Qin Jiashu looked at the things in his hand, he was not addicted to sweets, and he usually didn't drink such things, and Ji Fengchang just asked for two servings just now.

Ji Fengchang looked at him, "Do you think he made a mistake?"

Qin Jiashu looked sideways.

"He hated you so much before, how could he add small things to you."

Qin Jiashu didn't have too much emotion on his face, and said a few words on his thin lips, "Extreme things must be reversed."

The words were euphemistic, but Ji Fengchang didn't realize that, Qin Jiashu didn't want to drink and planned to go to the boxing gym with his things.

Director Monsoon asked the curator to reserve the location early in the morning.

The curator saw Qin Jiashu and greeted him, "I haven't been here for a while."

Qin Jiashu: "Yes."

The curator looked at the things in Qin Jiashu's hand, "Is this because I didn't eat in the morning and brought a cup of porridge?"

Qin Jiashu: ...

Long Monsoon:…

It can be seen how much Wen Zhichu added to the cup.

To ease the embarrassment, Chief Ji Feng said, "I haven't been here for a long time, why don't you ask me?"

Ji Fengchang came to the boxing gym purely to have fun, he doesn't punch well but is a braggart.

The curator's complexion was subtle, "It's true that there is a lot of dust in the museum if you don't come."

Long Monsoon:…

Does the dog force reproduce by infection?

At the end of the day's work, Wen Zhichu came home from get off work, on the way back, he passed the residential building where he watched people writing and tearing down characters last time.

The font written with red paint on it was particularly eye-catching, and Wen Zhichu couldn't stop looking at it with fascination.

[System: Why hasn't this house been demolished yet? 】

"Perhaps the time has not come."

[System: Isn't putting it here to stimulate people who move away? 】

Wen Zhichu raised his eyes and glanced, with an inexplicable expression.

Think about it, if this character is written on the body of his house..., it will be quite exciting.

The Tianmeow Elf looked at Wen Zhichu's subtle expression.

[System: You are unlucky if you have nothing to do, don't pity them. 】

Wen Zhichu: "...If possible, I would like to trade with them."

[System: Let them live in your house? You are so kind. 】


It's ridiculous.

In the days that followed, Wen Zhichu's work at two o'clock and one line every day, and going home from work every day, finally started to learn the day of paying wages.

Because it is a summer job, there is no additional supplement, and the salary of 2500 yuan is transferred directly to WeChat.

Store Manager: "Come again next time."

Wen Zhichu nodded gratefully, and completely lived the holiday life two days before the start of school.

Looking like a lump of mud, Wen Zhichu paralyzed herself on the bed.

[System: Are you late for summer vacation? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Catch the last tail of summer vacation, if I can, I hope every day is summer vacation."

[System: Why, didn't you always want to take the university entrance examination, study in the morning and take the exam early. 】

Wen Zhichu's face was numb, "There are the final exam scores."

[System: Not very good, five hundred and eighty five. 】

"English sixty-five."

[System: Pretend I didn't say anything. 】


The last quiz was 69, but this time I did not make any progress and got 4 points.

It seems that I was promoted to the third year of high school at the beginning of school, and the conversation of the English teacher was indispensable.

Qin Jiashu received a call when he was outside, took it out to see that it was from Qin's mother, hesitated for a while and pressed the answer.


"What's up?"

"Can you help mom pick up Xiaohe today? Your dad is going to go out of town temporarily, and I can't tell where I'm from." He said a little confused: "I promised Xiaohe when I went out this morning, not the driver."

Qin Jiashu looked at one place that hadn't changed. He didn't know what he was thinking about, but he didn't hesitate too much, "Got it."

Chief Ji Feng was curious, "Who is it?"

"my mother."

"Auntie, what's the matter calling?"

"Let me help pick up Qin Jiahe."

Ji Fengchang was surprised, "The little piggy started school earlier than us?"

Qin Jiashu didn't say any more, Qin Jiahe's kindergarten is also on summer vacation, but there are teachers in the kindergarten who can send it to them at any time during the summer vacation, for the convenience of parents who are busy with work and have no time to take care of their children.

Although Qin Jiahe's parents are often away at home due to busy work, they are also taken care of by a nanny and a childcare teacher. The reason why he wants to go to kindergarten is because his brother runs out every day and no one plays with him, so he has to go to school with his schoolbag on his back.

Chief Ji Feng knew that Qin Jiashu didn't like this brat very much, looked at the man's face, and asked tentatively, "It's really not possible, I'll pick it up for you?"

"Need not."

Later, Qin Jiashu got up and left to take the car to the kindergarten where Qin Jiahe was. At this time, the sky was a bit cloudy, and there were already many parents waiting at the gate.

Seeing that it was overcrowded, he didn't go forward, but stood there relying on his height advantage to see when Qin Jiahe's class would come out.

After waiting for a while, I saw a team of little ants coming from a distance.

The child at the front held up the paddle and wrote "Seed Class", Qin Jiashu glanced hurriedly and didn't come forward when Qin Jiahe was not there.

Soon a group of parents walked in front of the door, followed by a whimpering sound from a child, " one picked up Xiaohe."

The teacher lowered his body to comfort him, and the little boy grinned, "Xiao Baicai~ No one..."

Hearing this fragmented singing, Qin Jiashu frowned, stepped forward and saw Qin Jiahe who was playing the bgm for him.

Fatpaw still holds the class card of the seed class.

Qin Jiashu: ...

I read it just now, but I didn't see the face behind the class card.

Sensing someone approaching, Qin Jiahe turned his head and met his brother's black face, the bgm stopped singing immediately, and his big eyes lit up.

"elder brother!"

The sound was full of surprises, and Qin Jiashu never expected Qin Jiashu to come back to pick him up. He was about to step out of the school gate and rush out, not forgetting to introduce to the teacher, "This is my brother!"

There is a lot of people here, Qin Jiashu raised his hand to pick Qin Jiahe up, the teacher reassured after confirming again and again, and did not forget to ask when he left: "Brother Xiaohe, there are frequent flu outbreaks in recent seasons, and many children in the class have colds and fevers, Xiaohe today Some runny nose, pay more attention when you go home."

Qin Jiahe kicked his legs in the person's arms excitedly, "Okay, I understand."


No, brother Xiaohe is not calling you, but your brother.

When Qin Jiashu received someone, he took the little guy to a taxi and took a car home. After getting in the car, Qin Jiahe sat obediently with his seat belt on, but his mouth was chattering non-stop like a chick.

His brother came to pick him up today, it can be seen that he is very happy and excited.

Qin Jiashu looked out the window sideways, and it didn't take long for drops of water to hit the car window in front of him, slowly sliding down, and then the rain slapped on the car window one after another, densely and rapidly.

Qin Jiashu's brows were furrowed, and it was raining outside the place, and the taxi stopped at the gate of the villa.

It's not too far from the entrance, Qin Jiashu doesn't like to trouble others, listening to Qin Jiahe's nasal voice that is aggravated, he paid the money and got out of the car with Qin Jiahe in his arms.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the servant hurried to the door, and was startled when he saw Qin Jiashu's appearance, "Master, why didn't you ask us to deliver the umbrella?"

As he spoke, he hurriedly asked someone to get a towel, but Qin Jiahe, who was standing aside, did not get wet from the rain.

It was raining heavily when we got out of the car just now, and his brother put him in his clothes, only the exposed schoolbag was wet.

Qin Jiashu took the towel and wiped it briefly, then walked upstairs, and explained to the nanny what the kindergarten teacher said before leaving.

The rain-soaked clothes stuck to his body, Qin Jiashu raised his hand, took off the clothes and threw them into the laundry basket, before stepping into the bathroom.

Maybe the kindergarten teacher danced the prophet tonight, and Qin Jiahe developed a high fever that night after having a runny nose all day.

Qin's father and Qin's mother were not at home. The child felt ill and felt insecure at the same time, and his crying face was wrinkled.

After the family doctor came, he gave him a buttock injection, and prescribed some medicine, and said: "The temperature difference between seasons has fluctuated greatly recently, and the child needs to be observed all the time. If there is anything else, please let me know in time."

The little guy was crying at night, and no one wanted it. Qin Jiashu came over to take a look, and was dragged away by the little guy.

Qin Jiashu took away the hand that was holding his clothes, his face was a little ugly.

Qin Jiahe: "Brother."

Qin Jiashu sat on the head of the bed with a dark face, "Sleep, don't leave."

The little guy was relieved after hearing this.

There are still two days before the first middle school starts. These two days, Qin's father and Qin's mother are busy with work, and they only rush home the next night. Qin Jiashu stayed with him for two days. When Qin's father and Qin's mother came back, they went back to the room.

When they heard that Qin Jiahe might have the flu, the husband and wife were very distressed. The little guy, like his brother, was born strong since he was a child, and he has never had any serious illnesses except for a bad stomach once he was born.

Qin's father couldn't hide his distress when he saw it, "Why are you so sick?"

Qin's mother: "The season changed recently, and the kindergarten teacher also called me and told me that many children in the class were sick."

Father Qin sighed after hearing this.

The day when No. 1 Middle School started as scheduled, Wen Zhichu struggled to get up from the bed, and felt a little soulless when she washed up.

In the wind and rain, the English teacher is waiting for you in No. 1 Middle School.

[System: Young man, look away. 】

Wen Zhichu: "What if you can't see it?"

[System: There's no other way, everything is fate, and it's not in the slightest. 】

Wen Zhichu had no choice but to go to school with her schoolbag on her back, but when she first arrived in class, she was told that her sister, the English teacher, gave birth and took two days off.

Wen Zhichu suddenly understood, "Tianmiao elf, if you can talk, talk more."

Sky Meow Elf:?

"I saw it." Wen Zhichu said, "Everything is fate, and I can't help it at all."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

That's all you can do.

At this time, the mood of the Qin family and Wen Zhichu was completely opposite.

Mother Qin went to check Qin Jiahe's situation after getting up, and found something was wrong when she wanted to change the little guy's clothes with the nanny.

"Sister-in-law Chen, did you put Xiao He on too much? I think he has rashes all over his body."

The nanny who came over with the clothes looked startled and said in a surprised voice, "Madam, the young master has chickenpox."

Read The Duke's Passion