MTL - Villain’s Strategy-Chapter 18

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The bus is running smoothly on the street, and the window is like a kaleidoscope, with infinitely gorgeous scenery, and the time is intermittently projected on people's faces through the glass.

At this time, Wen Zhichu's scalp was numb, he was wearing a quail, carrying a schoolbag and curling his neck on the bus seat, very well-behaved.

Those who didn't know thought they were being bullied and nested here.

[System: Don't think that nothing happened if you don't speak. 】

Tmall Elf hopped in his mind.

Wen Zhichu explained, "I was too anxious just now and made a slip of the tongue."

[System: Why should I trust you. 】

The boy was silent for a few seconds.

[System: Are you thinking of an excuse? 】

"..." Wen Zhichu thoughtfully corrected, "It's the reason."

Then the little face was full of seriousness: "Student Xiao Ai and Tmall Elf are both four words."


[System: Although I'm not human, I'm not a fool either. 】

Wen Zhichu: "...Yes, I really made a slip of the tongue, I didn't call you by the wrong name on purpose."

[System: Who is Xiao Ai's classmate? 】

Wen Zhichu officially replied, "Artificial intelligence."

[System: How many artificial intelligences do you have outside? ! 】

Wen Zhichu hurriedly said in a panic, "Not anymore, not anymore."

Tmall Elf breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and the next moment he heard the boy continue: "But there is one more at home."

Tmall Elf:!

After the young man finished speaking, he slowly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and whispered: "Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi."

Xiaoyi: "I'm here."

Tmall Elf: …

[System: Although I am not a human being, you are a real dog. 】


Wen Zhichu stammered and comforted after hearing this: "You... don't worry, they are all passing by."

[System: I don't need you to tell me, they are not on the same level as my name. 】

Good guy, the ultimate pull step.

Tmall Elf asked her final bottom line.

[System: Do they have English names? 】

Wen Zhichu shook his head.

Seeing that the Tmall Elf was still a little angry, Wen Zhichu comforted in a low voice: "You are different."

[System: Interesting, let's go on. 】

"..." Wen Zhichu: "They only exist in the phone."

[System: What about me? 】

"You exist... deeply in my mind."


This sentence can be said to be very superficial, and it really exists in the mind.

After another theory, the Tmall Elf was satisfied, and Wen Zhichu brought the topic back on track.

"I just lost a dollar."

Tmall Elf was a little disdainful after hearing this, "It's only one dollar, it won't be too late until you lose a million dollars."

Wen Zhichu disagreed: "Actually, they are all the same in essence."

Tmall Elf:?

"I don't have the lost dollar or the million."


[The system hates iron but not steel: Can you be more promising. 】

Wen Zhichu pursed her mouth when she was told, and looked at the remaining seven yuan in her hand with distressed eyes, as if the seven yuan was not a coin, but a cub who ran away and lost the one yuan.

The more I look at it, the more distressed I feel.

The Tmall Elf couldn't see it, and said: "Money is something outside of the body."

Wen Zhichu whispered, "It has to be someone else's."


[System: Why don't you refute like this when talking to people outside? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Aren't you in my nest?"

[System: So? 】

Wen Zhichu said in a daze, "I'll drop a rock."


At the bus stop, Wen Zhichu got up and got off the bus, and planned to make up for the one yuan when buying breakfast tomorrow, and only ate two meat buns.

The next morning, Wen Zhichu received the mission of the villain as soon as he woke up.

[System: Villain task, destroying the protagonist's items, the villain's value will increase by 4% after the task is completed, a reward of 100 yuan, and a fine of 100 yuan will be deducted if the task fails. 】

Wen Zhichu sat on the bed with a dazed expression on his face, and the sleepiness of getting up early had not yet disappeared, and the mechanical sound began to hum in his mind.

Wen Zhichu: "God...Hi, skycat."

[System: Hmm. 】

The boy looked numb, "Do you have anything to tell me?"

[System: oh, goodmorning.]

"..." Wen Zhichu took a deep breath, "Why is there a mission early in the morning?"

[System: The plan for a day is in the morning. 】

Wen Zhichu huddled under the blanket again, and then slowly got up from the bed. After washing, she put on her school uniform and went out with her schoolbag on her back.

The original owner lived on the fourth floor. When he went down the stairs, he found a bag of garbage piled up at the door of a family. The sour smell wafted from the bag. If he remembered correctly, there was an old man living in this house, and the garbage bag had been put away. It's been two days at the door.

Wen Zhichu thought for a few seconds, and when he left, he took out the bag of garbage and threw it into the trash can.

All the way to school, when I first entered the class, I saw a few large characters in the lower right corner of the blackboard, which were written on the blackboard by the Chinese class representative.

"Students who come to class in the morning, please hand in the Chinese test papers issued yesterday to the podium."

Wen Zhichu obediently took out the Chinese paper from her schoolbag, sat down and looked at the penultimate one lying on the table, licked it, and stretched out a white finger to poke him lightly.

"The last...the second last."

The penultimate one moved, and cast a glance at him, "What's the matter, sixteenth."

"You...have you handed in your Chinese paper?"

The penultimate one said weakly: "It's handed over."

Wen Zhichu looked at the other party's thick dark circles, and asked, "You...what's the matter with you, it looks... not very good."

Penultimate: "When the candle went."


His mother watched him study last night, almost serving fruit and tea, so he was too embarrassed to finish writing.

Seeing that the person was really tired, Wen Zhichu didn't ask any more questions, and let the other party catch up on sleep, while he returned to his seat and sat down, thinking about how to act on today's mission.

But if he really wants to destroy the protagonist's things, wouldn't he simply hand over his head and ask, "Will you beat me up?"

[System: Young man, you can also prevent the other party from discovering that you are destroying things. 】

Wen Zhichu sighed, "But the people around are not blind."


It seemed to make sense, Tmall Elf didn't speak any more, and gave this task to Wen Zhichu to plan for himself.

However, Wen Zhichu didn't think of how to destroy Qin Jiashu's things without being discovered until after lunch.

On the way to the dormitory, passing by the basketball court, Qin Jiashu was wearing a basketball uniform and sitting on a bench under the shade of a tree.

The hand with the white wristband is holding a bottle of steaming sports drink. It should have just been taken out of the refrigerator not long ago. The other party's hand is very big, covering most of the bottle.

He raised his hand and drank a few sips of water, his jaw line was smooth and obvious, his Adam's apple rolled around his neck, his body exuded wildness, and he raised his eyes and looked at the court casually.

There is a changing room in the gymnasium in the east building of the school, and Wen Zhichu seemed to suddenly realize something.

Qin Jiashu is now wearing a jersey, which means that his school uniform should be in the changing room of the gymnasium.

Now it's time for lunch break, students often go off-campus, or go back to the dormitory, and a small number of them play ball and walk around the playground.

There should be no one in the changing room, which is very suitable for action.

Then Wen Zhichu turned around and hurried to the supermarket to buy tools for the crime.

The Tmall Elf looked at what Wen Zhichu was holding in his hand, and said with distaste, "You count this as a crime tool?"

Wen Zhichu put it in his pocket and put it away, "Forget it."

Then he hurriedly went to the east building, walked into the gymnasium and looked at the door number to find the boys' changing room.

First, I looked around and found that no one was there before I walked in.


There was an exclamation in the changing room, which made Wen Zhichu shiver with fright.

Wen Zhichu:!


Wen Zhichu looked up and saw a handsome male classmate standing in front of a cabinet with a school uniform in his left hand and a pair of scissors in his right.

The card slot on the door of the opened cabinet was stuffed with a card with a name on it.

Qin Jiashu—

"Brother Qin, do you want to fight? I'll replace you."

Qin Jiashu looked at the stadium and waved his hand, indicating no need. He sat in the shade of the tree and watched the shadows of the branches and leaves on the ground.

Then he picked up the water on the side and stood up, giving his resting companion a look.


The companion was taken aback, "Brother Qin, stop fighting for a while?"

Qin Jiashu said flatly, "No, there are still some things."

Then he took the water and left.

Wen Zhichu looked at the other party holding the scissors in his hand and froze in place for a moment, not daring to move for a while.

Unexpectedly, the male classmate breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him, "It's you, you scared me to death."

Wen Zhichu:!

Why doesn't he panic!

[System: Maybe I recognize the person as an accomplice. 】


"We... do we know each other?" Wen Zhichu accidentally said what was in his heart.

The male classmate looked at him, "I don't know him."

Wen Zhichu heaved a sigh of relief.

"But is there anyone in school who doesn't know you?"

Wen Zhichu: ...

Speaking of which, the male classmate lost the palpitations just now, "Brother, you scared me to death just now, I thought who it was."

Wen Zhichu looked at the scissors in the opponent's hand and swallowed, "You... what are you doing?"

The male student didn't shy away from it at all, "Cut the school uniform."

"But...but that's...that's Qin Jiashu's school uniform."

"It's his school uniform, otherwise whose is it cut?"

Wen Zhichu pursed her lips tightly, "What are you doing...cutting his school uniform?"

"I've seen him upset for a long time, with a hypocritical smile every day, and I don't know what those girls like about him."

After her confession was rejected yesterday, the girl said she likes Qin Jiashu like that.

He asked the other party how he was inferior to Qin Jiashu.

Unexpectedly, the girl said that he and Qin Jiashu were separated by thousands of miles, which made him feel unhappy.

What's there to like about that hypocrite.

The girl probably also took a fancy to Qin Jiashu's pretty face and money, she is really a materialistic woman, but fortunately she didn't agree, if she agreed, she might not want her.

But this tone has not been able to go down.

That's why today I took advantage of no one to sneak into the dressing room, but as soon as I took out Qin Jiashu's clothes, someone suddenly pushed the door in. Fortunately, it was Wen Zhichu who also hated Qin Jiashu.

Although he doesn't like Wen Zhichu either, an enemy's enemy is a friend, and the other party will definitely not tell this matter.

Then he thought of something, looked at Wen Zhichu who was standing motionless by the door and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Wen Zhichu stammered: "Road...passing by."

"Heh." The other party chuckled without thinking too much, and then raised his hand to cut Qin Jiashu's school uniform.

Wen Zhichu frowned, and hurriedly stepped forward to **** it away.

"What are you doing?!" the male student yelled in confusion.

Damn, it's good that he didn't cut his hand.

Wen Zhichu looked at the scissors in the opponent's hand, his hairs stood up in fright, and he held Qin Jiashu's clothes tightly in his hands, his mouth trembled for a long time and he couldn't say a word.

The other party impatiently asked again, "What are you doing?"

The scissors in the other party's hands were sharp, and he didn't dare to provoke him, so he could only follow the other party's words and say, "I also... want to destroy it."

The male student laughed instantly, "That's good, let's go together."

As he said that, he wanted to go forward to get the school uniform in the other party's hand, but Wen Zhichu took the school uniform and hid sideways, obviously not wanting to give it.

The male classmate frowned.

Wen Zhichu said with trembling lips, "Qin Jiashu's clothes... can only be destroyed by me."

Read The Duke's Passion