MTL - Venerated Venomous Consort-Chapter 3065 Finale 30

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(This chapter is four thousand words.)

Watched by the same grievances of more than a dozen, Gu Xizhen just picked an eyebrow and did not make a sound.

The dozens of white women looked at the emperor's clothes and muttered: "Yu Yi, you are the Lord of Heaven... I hate that Fan Qiang has never said it!"

It is obvious that more than a dozen women spoke together, but they were like a person talking, and the voice with a faint resentment echoed in the ears of everyone.

There were more than a hundred people in the audience, and most of them were men. These people can be said to be familiar with the beauty, but at this moment, the woman in white is talking, but everyone is in a state of sorrow, a soft and sour...

The emperor's clothes did not move, but the fingertips picked up the law, and the colored light condensed toward him.

"Well, since you have restored your original identity, you must have restored your memory. In those days, you lost me. If you don't have to leave me with mentoring, I will not be able to emerge in advance..." The woman stared at him, and there were more than a dozen pairs of scorpions in the water: "Now you are willing to hurt me again?"

The voice resentment reached the extreme, and the surrounding air also seemed to stick to the faint resentment.

Everyone’s brain banged, and the sorrow and grief in the heart almost made a bubble. I wished I could hold the white woman to comfort and comfort...

This is not right!

These fairy tales in the presence are also old fritters who are used to the wind and waves. Naturally, they feel that the emotions at this moment are not right. They understand what they understand, but they cannot control their emotions.

When the woman’s face was tearing down, some people couldn’t control the emotions, and the tears rolled down.

Some people with weak willingness are like being controlled by people. They have begun to turn their eyes to the emperor’s clothes, and they are persuaded to think twice and pray for the woman...

Emperor 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 ,

The dozen or so women flashed their eyes and fluttered forward. They stood up and greeted the Emperor’s clothes: "Well, do you really want to repeat the past? Kill me again?"

Emperor Yi finally said: "The deity will not kill you once again -" This is the first time he has opened his identity as the Lord of Heaven.

The sound seemed to be awkward, and the sound was too much. Gu Xiyu was beaten by his voice and jumped two beats. He couldn’t help but glance at him.

The eyes of a dozen women were slightly brighter: "I know, I know..."

When they didn't finish talking, there were dozens of rays of light shining toward them, and they were covered with a face mask. In addition to the Xiaguang, there was the words behind the emperor's clothes: "The deity will kill you a dozen times!"

The glory of the colorful light, the brilliance, will cover the dozens of women together.

The dozens of women exclaimed and became screams. They were originally soft female voices, but when they screamed, they were like screams of countless men and women. The voice almost pierced the eardrums of people, and they woke those. All the fans who are fascinated by the sound...

The color light dissipated, and the dozens of women also disappeared without a trace.

Everyone shuddered and finally woke up.

The Emperor’s clothes did not give other people a chance to react. The sleeves were smashed, and countless colors were turned into sharp edges to the depths of the desert!

The desert that was originally violent and violently danced was like a pocket that was cut by a sharp edge, and it actually showed a few points.

"Emperor clothes, you are so hearty!" The scream of the woman came from the depths of the desert, like crying and anger.

"The deity has always been guilty, you know?" The Emperor's fingertips rolled up the law, and the voice was light and cold: "You don't have to let your avatar come out again, or how many deities will come out!"

His sleeves were a glimpse, and the black-sounding desert seemed to be torn apart by the wind, revealing the grievances inside...

The people outside finally glimpse the scene from the tearing mouth, everyone is cold sweat!

They are also very knowledgeable, but they have seen so many grievances for the first time!

So many grievances are entangled together, the cold air blows out of the mouth, and instantly freezes people and things along the way -

The Xianxian family immediately retracted in front of the cage with a protective cover. The person has not retired, and the protective cover has been frozen, like an ice cover.

Before the opening of the opening, the hot image here is in the boiler, and I can't wait to breathe a breath.

However, the temperature around the city has plummeted, and it has entered the cold winter day from the three days, and the frozen people are fighting.

And this cold is not ordinary cold, but the coldness of the bones of the human bones, even if the skill is high, such as the demon king, can not help but pull out a collar fur coat to wrap.

Others are naturally wrapped in everyone, and the big cockroaches are frozen and the shells are followed: "Cold! Cold! Cold!"

A robes came over and covered the cockroaches. The robes were very warm, and the cockroaches were finally cold. When they got out of their clothes, they found that the owner and the emperor were gone!

It was taken aback: "Lord...master!"

Next to the dragon's night look: "Don't be afraid, your master and...and the Lord of Heaven will enter the desert..."

Daxie’s eyes are black: “Don’t we just get out of it? How do they both take the initiative?!”

Long Si night took a sigh of relief: "This is the Lord of Heaven, not the same as before..."


Inside the desert.

Or not called the desert, but called the ice desert.

The originally flying sand was frozen into a group, forming an odd-shaped ice sculpture.

The air is also cold like sticking together, and taking a breath is a bite of ice.

Ghosts and plazas are scattered around, and the scalp is numb.

Countless ghosts are hidden in the ice sculptures, and they will be attacked if they are not paying attention!

Infinitely cold!

Gu Xizhen can feel that the chill of the face is almost into the bone marrow of the person, but before the cold chills the clothes to climb the skin, it is repelled by a wave of warmth!

Emperor's clothes held her hand, and the warmth was coming in from his palm, dispelling the cold around her body.

After he regained his identity, he has never really interacted with Gu Shizhen.

Gu Xizhen stood by his side, and he did not see her like he did not see.

Of course, in that case, Emperor Yiyi did not have time to chat with her, so he would not blame him.

He changed his appearance, although the appearance is still similar, but after all, the difference in temperament and temperament is too great, so that when she is standing next to him, there is a moment of feeling of smallness and distance.

As if he had regained his identity, he and her were invisibly separated.

When he was about to come in, he said the first sentence to her: "Wait for me here."

Then he stole and went straight into the desert!

Gu Xi licked his lips, did not wait for him in the same place, but entered with it...

There is nothing to do outside, she doesn't have to wait outside to clean up the mess, she has to do it with him! She always feels that the demons are not so easy to deal with...

The metamorphosis in the desert was cold, and she almost frozen when she came in. Fortunately, the Emperor’s clothes appeared on her side in time, holding her hand and dispelling the chill for her: “Why not obey?”

There is a shallow helplessness in his voice, and the tone of his speech is no different from the past.

Gu Xizheng is very determined: "I don't feel relieved when you come in!"

She didn't want to see the emperor's clothes and the demons fight for a jade, and finally vanished.

She is fed up with his feathering! Fed up for a long wait -

So she has to come in and watch, always staring.

Even if he can't help him a lot, at least she can advance and retreat with him, to be born together, to die together!

The Emperor’s eyelids flashed slightly, and immediately became aware of her fears. Her heart was warm and she shook her hand: “Reassured!”

This silly girl still doesn't know how powerful the Lord of Heaven has.

The air in this desert is also like fierce sea water, and the two people who walk in are like a boat driving in the sea of ​​waves. The surrounding sea is soaring, it seems that the boat can be overturned at any time.

However, the Emperor’s body was warm and floating in the week, and the general presence of the sea **** pin, the screaming sorrowful spirits saw it far away...

"Come out!" Emperor's clothes licked his fingers and said: "You can't hide!"

No one speaks, only the roar of grievances.

Gu Xizhen can feel that there are countless pairs of sinister eyes in the dark, staring at the scalp of the scalp.

Don't ask, the demons should also hide in them, wait for the opportunity to move, just wait for them to be fatal!

Emperor Xiaoyi smiled, and his smile was very beautiful. Under this laugh, it seems that this ice is in the spring and spring blossoms: "Okay, let the deity show you out!"

The sleeves were turned over, and the colorful light came out, and went to the ice rock in the distance!

"Ah--" ‘Ice Rock’ made a sharp whistle, moved away like a lightning, and became a white girl.

She floated to the ground, and her eyes were fixed on the emperor's clothes. He trembled: "Well, do you really want to kill me?"

The Emperor's clothes smashed the thin lips and faintly said: "Of course, why should the deity be merciful to you?"

The white woman: "... 拂, do you not restore the original memory? You... you were going to marry me..."

Emperor 拂 clothes raised eyebrows: "Well? I want to marry you? Are you sure you are not dreaming?"

The white woman was another sly, and even the next cherished 玖 玖 玖 , , , , , 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边

She took a little bit of effort, and suddenly she felt that there was a very cold wind coming to her head!

Because it has been chilling here, so Gu Xizhen did not pay much attention to this wind.

Just use a finger to pull a small law, want to drive this cold wind out...

But I did not expect that the emperor's clothes around her suddenly pulled her back, and the sleeves were volleyed, and the light whistling out, actually caught the wind, and he pulled it again!

The woman’s suffocation came from the wind, and the hurricane appeared directly into the white woman.

This change is too fast, take a look at the two white women, and move in the heart, pointing to the later appearance: "You are the devil!"

Later, the white woman appeared in a pale face, staring at the emperor's clothes without trust: "How do you see it?!"

The former white woman was the incarnation of her other grievances. This grievance is also a woman. She has many similarities with her body and even her appearance. These years have often become her appearance to pretend to be her, almost in a row. No difference, no one has ever been separated.

This time, she let the avatar come out first, use the words to stabilize the emperor's robes, and then her own real body turned into a hurricane, and she rushed to take care of her body.

I did not expect to be seen by the emperor's clothes!

The color of the emperor's clothes obviously caused the demon to be injured, and the blood line of the lips was flowing out.

"Emperor clothes, you are so embarrassed--" She trembled slightly, her voice was bitter, and the pair of scorpions seemed to burn: "Do you really remember that you have been?"

Emperor's face was expressionless, faintly looking at her, slowly opening: "The deity remembers, but you are not her!"

He always holds the hand of Gu Xiyu in one hand: "She is!"

"But she doesn't remember! She split the whole body that loves you! She doesn't remember you! And I always remember you! Waiting for you!" The voice of the heart is sharp and sharp, it seems to be able to straighten into people's The bottom of my heart makes people feel sad.

The Emperor’s clothes were not moved. They looked at the woman in white and looked up. They shook their heads slightly: “How about remembering? You are not her after all, but there is only a kind of demon in her body, not even her soul. And you The soul of the soul is the comprehensive condensation of 18 resentful women. Can you not see it as a deity?"

White woman: "..."

Emperor 拂 挽 挽 挽 : : : : 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂 拂


Gu Xizhen stood on an ice rock, covered with a circle of Xiangguang. This circle of Xiangguang was just added to her on the body of the Emperor, and it was more useful than the golden hoop circle of Sun Wukong. She covered this body with light, surrounded by No more ferocious cows and ghosts will dare to approach...

She looked at Emperor Yi and the white-hearted demons, and only looked at the three or four strokes, and a heart was put back in the stomach.

After Emperor Yiyi returned to the Lord of Heaven, the skill rose more than a hundred times! If his original skill is a big river, then his current skill is the Pacific Ocean...

The white devil is far from the opponent of the Emperor! Losing is a matter of time sooner -

The emperor’s clothes fluttered there, and the hand was waving, just like playing chess.

And countless lines of light into the stars at his fingertips, the white-hearted demons tightly circled, let her want to run and can not find opportunities.

The white devil regrets it!

She has made all the power and still can't resist the attack of the light.

Every time the color light star hits the body, she feels that her soul is to be split, and it is unstoppable!

And the tricks she sent out couldn’t touch each other’s clothes, which was unilaterally crushed!

The white-hearted demons tried to escape several times, and they were all forced back by the stars of the galaxy.

There are ancient French words on the stars. Every time they fall, they leave a blood mark on the white-faced demons. The blood is black and black, and a black gas emerges...

This battle time is not too long, and it will be divided in half a hour.

Finally, the Emperor smashed his hand.

The white-faced demons in front of him have completely changed.

She was bathed in blood, and the whole figure was taken out of the black blood pool. It was like being forced to take off a layer of skin, leaving only a light gray core. The core was still trembling, as if it was half-condensed. The gas will blow when the wind blows -

When she stood there, her face was very vague, and it seemed that she had returned to the original beginning, and she was split from the creation of God...


good night