MTL - Venerated Venomous Consort-Chapter 3048 Finale 13

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Inside the clam shell, the Emperor 拂 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微

The demons took up her body for so long, and the magic was also immersed in her limbs. Now she came back, quite uncomfortable, and naturally took the magic out.

Fortunately, she only needs to work in the dark, not to close her eyes and meditate.

She asked the scene outside the night of Long Si, Long Si night did not hide her, and said the situation outside.

Gu Xizheng has raised her eyebrows. She knows the hard work of those outside. She can unite the six circles in a few times. Although she hasn’t seen the big array, she’s the emperor’s clothes. Naturally big.

It is reasonable to say that these people will be together, even if they have a big hole, they can quickly settle, but now they can't surrender the desert...

"How is this evil going to break?" She turned to look at Brahman.

Van Gogh closed his eyes and answered the hard state: "I don't know!"

"The murder in this desert is what you made! How could you not know?"

"I don't know if I don't know, I know that the deity will not tell you!"

"Vatican is a thousand years, if the desert is not broken, the whole six realms will be destroyed. You can't watch the six worlds ruined once?!" Longsi couldn't help but open his mouth.

“What is the relationship between ruin and the deity?” Van Gogh’s oil and salt did not enter.

"I knew you wouldn't save you! It's up to you to be ruined by those grievances!" Lu Wu was angry, but also screamed.

Vatican is cold and cold: "The deity does not ask you to save, and if you regret it, the deity will go out immediately!"

Lu Wu, Long Si Night: "..."

Lu Wu really wants to open the shell and throw out the goods that I don't know how to sell! Lest you look at the trouble.

"Vatican is a thousand people. Now this kind of murder is useless to you. I have already come out with my robes. Your plan has completely broken down, and this murder cannot really trap us. I am not going to leave with him. Things, this kind of murder, in addition to hurting the six worlds, there is no benefit to you..." Gu Xiyi tried to reason with him.

Van Gogh is cold and cold: "You haven't heard a word saying that it hurts others?"

Everyone: "!!!"

Long Si night, Lu Wu, and even the candle dragon Xiao He also joined the ranks of persuasion, but the helpless van Gogh is like eating a scale, and will not say it anyway.

Finally, Gu Xiyu asked: "Vatican, telling your conditions, how do you want to say it?"

Van Gogh raised his eyebrows and looked like a singer: "What do you say? What conditions can you open?"

Gu Xizheng paused: "If you can tell the way to stop this catastrophe, we can do it for you, and even after you recover the identity of the heavenly lord, you will not find a post for you again. You You can still do this creation god, as long as you promise not to harm the six worlds in the future..."

This condition can be said to be very generous, and it is not too much for ten times when he is created by Van Gogh.

According to Gu Xi's knowledge, the reason why Van Gogh was so ruthless and ruthless at this time was to put the emperor's clothes in the dead, that is, after he was afraid of recovering the identity of the Lord of Heaven, he would kill him.

The look of the flower and the color: "Guxi, you can do this master on behalf of the Emperor?"