MTL - Venerated Venomous Consort-Chapter 3037 Finale 2

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However, I did not expect that Emperor Xian had great trust in him. Bai Ze was less guilty, and Emperor Xian brought Longshi Night.

Long Si night also brought his master flower face...

At this moment, the master and the teacher stood in the proper position, and they supported the enchantment. Like everyone else, they tried their best...

Bai Ze took a sigh of relief, maybe he thought about it...

It glanced at the flower face again. The name of the immortal flower was so innocent and innocent, but the character was as cold as frost, and the body was covered with the breath of the stranger, making it easy for people to come forward.

The beauty of her birth, there were many young talents who wanted to pursue, and the results were all cherished by her, and they dared not touch nails.

Bai Ze feels that although the appearance of this flower is not similar to that of Gu Xi, there is a slight similarity in personality.

Or maybe it is because of this, Longsi night is so close to her?

After all, Bai Ze has some scruples about the Long Shi night teacher and apprentice, so it sends a snake, waiting for the nearest place to the two, to cope with all accidents.


Inside the desert.

This world war of Brahman and the demons has already reached a stage of arduousness.

The sky is cracked, and the sun and the moon are dull.

There are some bitterness in the heart of Van Gogh.

In fact, Emperor Yiyi said that it is true, Van Gogh did leave a cover in the soul of the demon, and was able to control her cover.

However, his control is not to let the other party explode, but to let the other party's skill gradually weaken, and ultimately it is the skill of the ordinary fairy.

He is extremely obsessed with Gu Xiyu. If he can't get her, he will not give up anyway.

With his ability, it is extremely easy to get the body of Gu Xizhen, but he wants her to belong to him as a heart...

Originally his plan was very good, so that the demons set the overall situation here, using Gu Xizhen to lure the emperor's clothes, to completely kill or imprison the emperor's clothes, he will take care of all the memories of the emperor's clothes. Then, change her body and let the demon with the memories of her past life into the soul of the cherished sorrow, let her fall in love with herself and stay with her.

However, he did not expect that Gu Xiyi was out of control. Her memory could not be washed away anyway, and she couldn’t get her original body if she couldn’t get her original body, so she would revert to the next heart and hit her mind. Devil's body.

'Mental Devil' is not even her soul, but after all, she is related to her, and she has some memories about being a creation god. When he reaches his goal, he uses this cover door to use this cover. 'Control, re-split her soul, and remove the other grievances from the seven-clip, leaving only the sorcerer, and then re-combining with the soul that he specially made for her, let She became a newcomer with some memories of the creation of the gods, staying around and sharing the long years of this life...

Neither of them, he did not intend to completely kill the ‘heart and soul’...

His original plan was to trap the emperor's clothes and Gu Xiyu, and then he went out to find a place to hide. After the fierce desert alarmed the six realms, he re-entered the horse and held the fierce desert in front of the six realms, and eliminated this great disaster invisible.

After all, this fierce desert was made out of his method, and he himself had to completely control its method.

At that time, he not only removed his heart, but also truly stood up in the six realms, and he should become the Lord of the Six Realms...

He didn't expect Emperor's clothes to see through his purpose after being trapped, and revealed it. He was all heard by the demons.