MTL - Venerated Venomous Consort-Chapter 3008 Split heart

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He wore a deep purple robes of Qigu style, and the anti-Leifa seals that came out of his hands were also not seen by Gu Xi, and the robbers -

Gu Xiyu has not seen such a violent robbery for so many years! With the power of destroying the earth and destroying the land, it seems that the two people who are robbing the ruins have become pieces of debris!

The emperor’s martial arts are obviously not enough to resist this robbery. If the woman did not cast a spell on him, he would give a colorful light. I am afraid that he will be able to resist the three robberies and will be smashed into slag. ......

During the robbery, the Emperor’s clothes were all closed with their eyes closed, so he didn’t see the white woman casting a spell on him for him. He didn’t see the light on the white woman’s body diverging. His face is pale and waxy, and his blood is stained with red and white clothes...

Everyone was jealous of nine robberies, and Gu Xizhen saw with his own eyes that at the moment when the robbery disappeared, the white woman’s sleeves seemed to have made a trick on her own, instantly erasing the wandering of the thunder and recovering. In a normal appearance.

When the Emperor’s clothes were blinking, she could not see anything wrong except for her pale face.

Emperor 拂 clothes are obviously not assured: "Are you okay?"

"Nothing, you go." The woman in white waved her hand.

Emperor Yuyi went one step further: "Let me see your pulse..."

The woman in white shook hands and smashed him out. The voice was cold and crunchy: "You and I have nothing to do with it, you don't need to see me again..."

Then the white woman disappeared in a teleport.

Gu Xizhen did not have time to see the reaction of the Emperor’s clothes, and the scenery in front of him changed again.

A desert in the Gobi Desert.

Numerous huge cherries are standing there, dark and vicissitudes.

The woman in white breathlessly leaned on a large stone. Her forehead was sweaty, but there was frost on her eyelashes. The blood flowed down her lips. She wiped it and simply did not rub it...

She seems to be trying to adjust her interest, and her fingers are printed from time to time and pressed on her own.

If there is nothing in her face, it seems that the weakness will dissipate.

She looked up at the sun in the sky and hugged her arms: "It's so cold! How does the sun look like winter, and it is powerless..."

Gu Xizhen stood by and looked at her. She couldn’t help but shake her head. She could feel the temperature in this desert. It was actually very hot. It had to be thirty-three or four degrees. Although it was not very hot, it was definitely not cold. ——

At this moment, Gu Xiyu also faintly understands that this white woman should be her own, or her own past life...

It turned out that I had such deep entanglements with Emperor Yi’s clothes in my previous life.

Her gaze suddenly fell on the shadow of the white woman's ground.

There are actually two shadows on the ground!

One is normal, standing there like a woman.

One is like a snake, circling around her. And as it hovered, the woman seemed to have black air.

this is--

Is this white woman's demons?

Gu Xiyu looked at the hovering shadow carefully and his heart moved.

She is also very knowledgeable. I know that the devil is in fact everyone, even if it is a cultivating Buddha, there is also a demon, but it is usually suppressed and purified, and it will not appear at all.

Only when there is regret or hatred or dissatisfaction in the human heart, and the spirit of the body is extremely weak, the demons will appear.

The devil always confuses people and tries to control the ontology.

At this moment, the woman’s demons are obviously tempting her in her mind.