MTL - Venerated Venomous Consort-Chapter 3000 Magic change

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The snakes waiting outside the desert have scored outside these days.

Gu Xiyu let it meet outside, it has not been so relieved, and soon after he entered the market, it tried to contact her once, and the result could not be contacted.

Fortunately, when I was on the verge of coming in, I said that this desert is very weird. It may block the signal between the notes, and it is within the normal range.

It can only wait uneasily.

One day passed, another day passed, and another day passed.

Gu Xizhen had no news and no appearances. At the entrance to the desert, it almost became the main stone.

Teng snake did not dare to contact the emperor's clothes, because these days the emperor was also very busy, busy entering and leaving the various continents, looking for clues, it did not want to bother him.

Just taking advantage of time, I only hope that Gu Xi can run out within five days...

What makes it uneasy is that this desert is expanding all the time!

Originally, this desert entrance was far from the town, and it was about a thousand miles away.

Because this desert is very hot, except for those monks who want to come to the demon slayer, no one wants to be close to here, so this place is usually no one. Teng snake stayed here for three days and did not see other figures.

So although everyone knows that the desert is expanding, it does not know how fast it expands.

The snake has been at the entrance and can observe the movement of the desert at any time, so it sees the expansion of the desert in a few days! And it is getting hotter.

The hot beast of this fire is also somewhat unbearable, I want to find a cool to stay.

It also encountered a pair of monks who wanted to go into the expedition. This is a very old age for the monks. It is a twilight love, but it has been fiercely opposed by the children at home. These two people want to explore here and get the approval of the monarch. And then get the recognition of the family.

Of course, the monks also want to know what is going on in the desert and do something practical for the people.

But when I got to the entrance, I was blown back by the heat wave!

Their skill is low, they can't resist the desert temperature like the flame mountain. When they just walked to the entrance, they were burned by the heat wave. If they didn't take the snake to save in time, the old couple was afraid to die at the entrance to the desert.

Although the couple's kung fu is not very good, it is erudite and knowledgeable, especially because the woman lives on the news because she sells the news. She is the owner of the house, and she knows the secrets that most people don't know.

From this woman's mouth, it was a lot of news about this desert.

It is said that this desert suddenly appeared more than 100,000 years ago. It was born of airborne. Originally there was only one small town, and there seemed to be enchantment around it. No one could enter.

Because the people of this continent were still in the primitive people, no one paid attention to it.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the desert had remained small towns and lived silently.

It was not until 20,000 years ago that it began to grow and develop. It was getting hotter and hotter, and the area was getting bigger and bigger. Only couples could enter, and they would not come out when they entered...

Said the snake in the heart of the hair.

After all, it is a beast that has lived for tens of thousands of years. Seeing more and more people, listening to this couple, it always feels that there should be something big and fierce in the desert. This murderous thing has only begun to really Active, but now it is like a heyday...

The old couple probably also knew that they could not enter, and they also died when they entered, so they left with a chat with Teng Snake.

The mutation happened suddenly on the third night!

Read The Duke's Passion