MTL - Urban Cultivation Medical Saint-v3 Chapter 4754 The terrifying suppression force, the disparity in strength is poor

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   Chapter 4754 The terrifying suppression power, the disparity in strength (below)!

"It seems that you can't keep up with my speed. Anyway, I won't bully you. Next, let you see the power of my ancient section..." Pengzu's voice sounded slowly. ,

   And then, I just saw him slowly,

   raised his legs, and then like a steel whip, it exploded instantly and fell down,


  Although it is just a very simple whip leg,

   But it directly caused Chen Fei's pupils to shrink again, because he could fully feel how strong the violent force contained in the whip leg was!

   But he couldn't escape at all,

   can only choose hard connection,



Chen Fei burst out terrifying coercion within the two big Chen Fei, and then he saw that he was directly facing the whip leg of the ancient Pengzu, and he blocked it with both hands, but he just touched the whip of the ancient Pengzu. In the moment of the leg,

   Chen Fei's complexion suddenly changed greatly, he only felt an incomparably terrifying violent force oppressing him, and then his entire body instantly shot upside down uncontrollably...


   A huge explosion erupted directly in the Nadak Desert, causing a sea of ​​sand and sweeping everything.

   And seeing this scene, people's faces began to change,

   "It's too easy, I won..."

   In the void, the Dapeng Heavenly God just sneered and said.

  Although the battle has only just started, the outcome is already decided.

   Seeing this, it's just him, or that other person, I'm afraid there is only one feeling in my heart, that is, the gap is too big, although Chen Fei and Chen Void are indeed very powerful,

   But his strength is in front of the ancient section of Pengzu,

   But it’s still not enough!

The    gap is obvious.

"The strength of Chen Fei and Chen Void is very strong, and the power of his body and the power of Tianfeng's avatar also have the strength of the top Tianzun powerhouse. In theory, the strength of the two top Tianzun powerhouses is unified. It is inferior to a half-step Broken Void Ancient God peak powerhouse, but now it seems that this is only theoretical..."

   And at this moment, Wan Dao Tianshi, the top Heavenly Venerate expert in the Eternal Immortal Realm, couldn't help but speak, his eyes flickering.

"The biggest advantage of these two Fade Chen is to deal with people of the same realm strength, or people who are not as strong as his cultivation realm realm, but once he encounters a stronger person than him, he will Instead, it's my disadvantage!"

   "Senior Tianshi, why is this happening?"

   The blasphemous ancestor of the wormhole couldn't help but asked.

   "When the enemy is stronger than him, his body clone will become a flaw!" Wan Dao Tianshi said slowly. "To put it bluntly, it is the principle of breaking one by one. In theory, you only need to carry the joint attack of its clone body, destroy one of them first, and the other clone will be meaningless... and you also You should be able to see it."

   "The power of Pengzu's ancient section is far superior to that of Chen Wang and Chen Void!"

"That is to say, whether it is the main body of Chen Wang Chen Void or his phoenix clone that day, it is difficult to resist the continuous attack of the more powerful Pengzu ancient section, so, you only need to keep breaking them one by one, if you continue, He has no chance at all."

   As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help nodding their heads.

  Wandao Tianshi, in his capacity as a top-notch Heavenly Venerate powerhouse, made an assertion,

   Everyone agrees. No one objected...and it's true!

   "Talent magic!"

   "God's Wrath!"


   "Talent magic!"

   "Sky Phoenix Flame Sword!"


   "Talent magic!"

   "The wind of the sky comes into the world, and the nine layers of fire robbery!"


   At the same time, I saw that Chen Fei's Tianfeng clone was still breaking out, playing all kinds of terrifying Tianfeng clan's innate magical powers towards the Pengzu ancient section,

   However, but also at this time, I finally realized what it means to be at ease and what it means to be disparate. Even if Feng Chen Fei's attack that day, even if the top Heavenly Venerate powerhouses and the top Sacred Daoist Powerhouses present at the scene were stunned,

   But it was still unable to affect the ancient section of Na Pengzu at all. Because when the speed evolves beyond the limit, it can also form an effect similar to the endless void.

   Even here, it seems far away,

   can be seen, not touched,

   This is undoubtedly the deepest horror!

   "Boom!" The world trembled, so in this almost powerless battle, Chen Fei's body was almost reduced to a meat target for the ancient section of Pengzu. The divine light between the two was magnificent, and the murderous aura swept through the nine heavens and ten places. Countless attacks fell on Chen Fei's body, causing him to be wounded, bloody, and extremely miserable!

   And seeing this scene,

  People couldn't help shaking their heads, because they all knew that this Chen Wang Chen Void might have already lost. In this case, there is absolutely no suspense at all. Victory is obvious!

   is just that Chen Fei,

   still didn’t give up,

  "Zheng", "Zheng"... In this difficult peak battle, Chen Fei searched for opportunities countless times, fought hard, even if he killed a thousand enemies and lost two thousand, he would not hesitate. Under such circumstances, gradually, he even began to gradually get used to the speed of the ancient Pengzu section.


   "It seems that you really intend to use me as a sharpening stone, but if you are like this, I am afraid it is not enough!" Pengzu Gu Duan smiled, and immediately shot again,

   And this time,

   He even came up with some of his killer tactics.

   "Extreme Dao Divine Law, Divine Dao Light of Myriad Tribulations!"


   The peerless ultimate move came, and the figures of the two were staggered, each rushing to one side... Then, they saw Fade Chen's body, trembling all over, and a long string of blood flowers flew up!

   At the same time, even Tianfeng's clone exploded and was destroyed instantly.

   "Knot, is it over?!" People's faces were pale, their pupils shrank, and they murmured in trembling voices, staring at the void for a moment, as if they didn't want to miss anything.

  In the void, I saw a long string of terrifying blood splattered out there, splashing far away, it was a huge piece! In the outer world that day, it was extremely dazzling!

   Everyone knows,

  This is definitely that Chen Wang Chen Xukong was defeated... He was beaten badly!


   Lin Mianmian shouted,

   trembling all over, his pupils trembling, his face was pale, and it was somewhat unacceptable,

   The same goes for everyone else,

   is indeed,

   This is really too big a gap,

   so that it doesn't look like a level battle at all,

   "As expected of the legendary Eternal Immortal Realm's No. 1 Ancient God... He is indeed too powerful!" Queen Dongchi sighed and remained silent, a little helpless!

"Boom!" But at this moment, I saw that in the void, a terrifying fire of the phoenix suddenly burst out, and the power of Nirvana was filled. Fade Chen's figure.

   As soon as these scenes appear,

  People were instantly moved,

"what is this?"

   "Nirvana rebirth?"



  Pengzu Gu Duan also smiled directly, but immediately, he walked towards Chen Fei and the avatar of the day Feng. "It seems... this battle will drag on for a long time!"

   (end of this chapter)