MTL - Urban Cultivation Medical Saint-v3 Chapter 4685 The real goal! Desperate all!

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   Chapter 4685 The real goal! Desperate all!

   "Black Cloud!" The Ninth Emperor gave a soft drink, and the world trembled suddenly. The countless black lotus flames under his feet seemed to be alive in an instant. Shine everywhere.


   During the shuttle, his palm suddenly slammed into Fade Chen, an extremely powerful shock wave erupted, the space was distorted, and the flaming black flame evolved into a sun,

   And it's a black sun!

   "Om!" The black sun was spinning, majestic and destructive, completely overwhelming the thousand-dimensional space world in all directions in almost an instant! It made a terrible whistling sound and hit Fade Chen's face! Thousands of avenues runes bloom.

   "Ancient script, Black Sun God!"

   The Ninth Emperor sneered,

   I drink coldly!


  The overwhelming terrifying force broke out,

  Rao is Chen Fei and Chen Fei that day, and they could not help frowning slightly,

   "It seems that the Heavenly Venerate powerhouse is indeed very powerful..."

   Chen Fei muttered.

   The opponent's move,

   just let him see the obvious strength gap!

   If it is said that he only has his own body now, and there is no Tianfeng clone that is as powerful as him, I am afraid that this is the blow! You can immediately open up some strength gap with him!

   But then he squinted and smiled again,

  Because in this world,

  No if that's the case,



   Almost at the same time, two waves of power that were almost like stormy waves erupted directly from him and the avatar of the phoenix that day.

Then, I saw that Feng Chen Fei directly changed into the form of a phoenix that day, followed by a shock and distortion of the figure, a terrifying claws of the phoenix, directly facing the terrifying black sun, and slapped it fiercely. go up!

   is this,

   Chen Fei's pupils shrank directly, his face changed greatly,


  Suddenly, the space was distorted, and I saw the swaying and deep terrifying black sun! It was like a phantom that did not exist. It was attacked by the phoenix claw that day, and it penetrated through it instantly and without cover.


   But even so,

   I saw that terrifying black sun, but it was still in the void, constantly swaying and burning! On him, everyone felt a terrifying temperature emanating, and it seemed that even the space would be burned by that temperature.

   Chen Fei immediately raised his head and looked towards the Ninth Emperor,

   just happened to meet those eyes full of sarcasm, ridicule and ridicule,

   Chen Fei's eyes sank,

   Immediately, his figure flashed and disappeared in place,

   At the same time, I saw the slightly ironic sneer of the Ninth Emperor, but it still sounded, and it echoed wildly in this world. "It seems that your kid is still too tender!"

   At the same time, I saw that Yao Qingzhu, Emperor Mu, and even the Empress Dongchi, Tian Qing, and others, there were many black suns that were exactly the same as the terrifying black sun!


  Supreme Qi Explosion!

   The terrifying coercion was instantly suppressed, and the bodies of Yao Qingzhu, Emperor Mu and others were instantly frozen in place, and they were directly shaken in place, unable to move!

"not good!"

   As soon as these scenes appear,

Whether it was Empress Dongchi and others, or Chen Fei, their expressions changed instantly, and their pupils shrank, because they realized... It turns out that the goal of the Ninth Emperor is not Chen Fei, but something else people!

   "Murder should pay for your life! These ants should be some interest charged to you first."

   The Ninth Emperor sneered.


   As soon as he finished speaking, he shot again,

  Many black suns erupted together, and the endless sea of ​​fire spread to the world, destroying the dead, and terrifying! Towards everyone, even to the cultivators of the Celestial Realm in the Celestial Realm in the First Imperial City,

   all swept the past like an overwhelming force,

   Obviously, this Ninth Emperor did think clearly! If it is against Chen Fei, I am afraid that even after a real fight, it will still be meaningless, but for others, it is not the case.


   He is a dignified Heavenly Venerate powerhouse! In front of him, apart from Chen Fei, I am afraid that there are only the Queen Dongchi and Tian Qing who can barely survive! Those other people, as long as he is willing, in a single thought, anyone can be destroyed! Even Chen Fei today would never be able to stop him.


   He actually thought about it from the beginning,

  Since Chen Fei can't be cleaned up,

   Then simply charge other people and charge some interest!

   Speaking of face, he is not one of those who can’t hold his face,

   Otherwise, he wouldn't be the only one who escaped from Shentiandu alive in the first place. Strictly speaking, the one in the hands of Death God Tiandu, another Heavenly Venerate of their Supreme Academy, is even stronger than him! But the result? The other party died, and his Ninth Emperor survived, so to him, face is important, but it is not the most important,

   He is an unscrupulous man,

   is also a person who can pick up and put down,

   And this kind of person is commonly known as Lao Youzi, Lao Fox!

   And at the same time,

   An atmosphere of despair filled everyone's hearts instantly!


   "No way, it's over... I can't move at all, it's dead now!"

   "Heaven, Heavenly Venerate is too strong, just a wave of fluctuations can completely crush us, and we can't move at all, this is really over! Hey..."

   "Save me, save me, I don't want to die!"




   This is real desperation!

   To tell the truth, those who can come here must have already made up their minds to die, but even so, under the current circumstances, there is still only despair in their hearts, and even their mentality bursts!

  Why are everyone so afraid of the Heavenly Venerate Powerhouse in the Eternal Immortal Realm? It is because of that, because they are really too strong! In a single thought, destroy the sky, destroy the earth, destroy the dry and pull the rot, and push everything horizontally!

   Even Yao Qingzhu, Mu Di, the top Tianyuan Dao Zun and the Wan Dao Ancient God peak powerhouse are still as small as ants in front of each other!

   In a single thought, he was completely suppressed, unable to move, he could only stand there and be killed in despair!

   "Damn!" After seeing this scene and scolding, Fade Chen's face became extremely ugly, and he even regretted his previous actions.

  If I had known about this ninth emperor,

   Actually able to pull the lower face so much,

   Then he would definitely not provoke each other like this! A strong man is not scary, but if there is no lower limit, and a strong man who can do random chaos, this must be the most terrifying!

  If the ninth emperor really pulls his face,

   I am afraid that nine out of ten people in this first imperial city will die!

   Such a result,

   Even he doesn't want to see it!

   (end of this chapter)