MTL - Urban Cultivation Medical Saint-v3 Chapter 4674 Crazy Battleship Group! The outbreak of war!

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   Chapter 4674 Crazy Battleship Group! The outbreak of war!

   "Huh!" Mu Di stood up suddenly, his eyes were fierce and fierce, as if a terrifying edge had penetrated, and he shot towards the world outside the palace, and said coldly.

   "I didn't expect them to move so fast!"

   "It's actually here?!"

   "Let's go..." At the same time, I saw that the wheelless Dao Zun also stood up directly, and immediately started to walk, da da da... towards the world outside the hall.

   Then, in a blink of an eye, he just disappeared.

   Seeing this scene, the others glanced at each other, and they all started to act!



   Outside the first emperor city, the terrifying coercion was overwhelming, almost instantly, countless spaces were directly distorted, and the rays of light shot out, the terrifying atmosphere roared and roared, and the loud rumbling sound was endless.

   Then, in the countless twisted spaces, huge portals were opened, and huge battleships, warships, war weapons, legions, countless dangers and terrifying existences, slowly sailed out.

   caused a huge sense of oppression, which directly enveloped the entire First Imperial City! Countless pairs of eyes shot out of the first imperial city, and countless pairs of eyes containing anger, coldness, fury, and killing intent stared at those uninvited guests.

   Apparently, they all understood,

   This is the war coming!


   At this moment, another huge space crack cracked open, and a behemoth-like battleship sailed out of it. If you look closely, the size of this battleship is simply unimaginable! The entire battleship is like a hideous fish head, with wings open at the back, like the wings of a demon, the peerless pressure spreads out, making people suffocated.

   As if the end is coming!

   And, this is just the beginning!





  After him, countless 'small' battleships and warships quickly sailed out of it! Soon, the overwhelming battleship group formed a huge battle team around the terrifying battleship!

   Obviously, this is definitely an extremely terrifying battleship team. Such a battleship group, if sent out casually, can easily destroy any top power!

   And seeing this scene, the monks in the first imperial city also showed a strong sense of suffocation on their faces, and even the color of fear! Because for them, they are no strangers to this terrifying battleship group!

   "This is the frantic battleship group of the mad clan!"

   Someone trembled, his face was already pale!

  The mad warship group, one of the fundamental strengths of the mad clan, in terms of strength, it is even enough to kill the ancient **** of slaying ten thousand Taos, and even the powerhouse of Tianyuan Dao Zun! You can imagine what the concept is.

   Under normal circumstances, this frenzied battleship group is absolutely extremely rare! But once they appear, it means that there will definitely be big events and big moves!

   And the reason why they are so well known to so many people is because they were the most active stage in the original Supreme Academy General Offensive Battle! It is reported that at least three of the Tianyuan Dao Zun and the Wan Dao Ancient God who died in the hands of this frenzied battleship group! It is no exaggeration to say that this is definitely an astonishing number.

   is also their signboard,

   and deterrent!


   At this moment, on the main ship of the frantic battleship group, there was suddenly a huge, but also very ironic, cold sneer. "Haha, I haven't seen you for a few days, have your movements become so slow?"

   "Yao Qingzhu, Ji Fengyuan, Lin Mianmian, Dao Zun Wu Lun... I haven't seen you for so long, shouldn't it be time to come out and exercise? Or are you all planning to be a tortoise, let us force you out?!"

  's voice was full of irony, as if he didn't take this first imperial city, Ji Fengyuan and Lin Mianmian in his eyes. Such a tone also made many strong men and soldiers in the first imperial city feel very aggrieved.

   But there is nothing to do. After all, the reality is like this. The opponent is powerful, and they are weak. Only with big fists can they have the right to speak. The weaker party is only lightly ridiculed.

   If this war really breaks out,

  The fastest person to bear the brunt of death will definitely be them!

"Ye Kuangxue, if you are alone, then your tone is a bit too big, right? You want to exercise your muscles and bones? Okay, let me teach you what you can do?" In the void, a cold voice came through, An overwhelming terrifying coercion erupted!

In the void, the space cracked open, and Dao Zun Wu Lun slowly appeared. His eyes were fixed on a figure on the main ship of the mad warship group... Look closely, isn't that the Lord of Heroes of Supreme Academy - Ye Kuangxue? ?

   "It's finally here? Hehe..." Ye Kuangxue sneered, and then looked down at the Dao Zun Wuren with contempt and sneered. "Then do you think I came alone?!"


   The supreme energy burst out, and in the void, the purple moon rose from the sea, and I saw Lin Mianmian walking on the purple tide, looking at Ye Kuang **** coldly. "Ye Kuangxue, stop pretending here!"

   "If you want to court death, I will do it for you!"

   As soon as these words came out, Ye Kuangxue's face changed slightly, but he didn't get angry. He just stared at Lin Mianmian sarcastically again... Then he shook his head again, and said with a half-smile.

   "Lin Mianmian, don't worry, there are people who deal with you. Besides, I haven't seen each other for so long. I'm afraid that old friend of yours should miss you very much... You're right, Tianmeng?"

   As he spoke, Ye Kuangxue looked at another place beside him, and saw there, a woman in white with long hair and back, looking indifferently, also looking down at them!

   Seeing the other party, Wu Lun Dao Zun's face sank and he muttered.

   "It's actually here... Goddess of Heavenly Dream!"

"What about Empress Dongchi? Let her come in person. You are not qualified to be my opponent." Goddess Tianmeng glanced at Lin Mianmian, and then spoke lightly. The casual voice came out, which made many Everyone's face sank,

   There is no doubt that such a statement is already considered a kind of humiliation to their Azure Heaven Immortal Realm.

   But that Lin Mianmian didn't get angry, just said something indifferently. "It seems that you have some shadows about the mess you were beaten by Sister Dongchi? But it's normal..."

   "After all, if you are in front of Sister Dongchi, you are really not very good!"

"What did you say?!"

   As soon as these words came out, Goddess Tianmeng's face sank, and then she stared at Lin Mianmian with icy eyes, and her eyes even showed a strong killing intent.

   "Don't scare me here!"

   "Who do you think you are?" Lin Mianmian smiled sarcastically and said coldly. "If you want to fight, fight, I want to see how powerful you are, the invincible Dao Ancestor powerhouse!"

   (end of this chapter)