MTL - Urban Cultivation Medical Saint-Chapter 9 Cultivation and car robbing

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  Chapter 9 Cultivation and Car Stealing

   "Xiao Fei, thank you for what happened today."

   After returning to the shared courtyard, Sister Yan thanked Chen Fei again and returned to her house. Obviously, she still needs to be alone now.

   Seeing this scene, Fade Chen could only smile and wipe his nose, and returned to his room helplessly. The single room in the shared courtyard that he rented, because of its low price, had an area of ​​about ten square meters, a bed, a wardrobe, and a few other scattered tables and stools, and there was nothing else.

This is the general situation of people living in urban villages. Because they have no money, they have to save, save, and save when they have time to eat. Fortunately, he has made a fortune and good luck, and it is estimated that he will soon be Life has gotten better.

"By the way, the practice method." Suddenly, he thought of the book in his mind, which was a powerful practice passed down to the masters of the cultivation world. It is said that its origin is even the entire cultivation world. The big guys don't know its origin, only know that its background is endless, and it was acquired by it later.

   "The purple energy is coming from the east, and all things are beginning to bloom. Does this mean that you can't cultivate until the sunrise?"

When he had a hard time comprehending the previous paragraph of Sitting and Forgetting Sutra, he found that his beginners actually had to start every morning when the sun rises in the east, the purple energy comes to the east, and all things flourish, and then he can gradually start the introduction to this practice. Of course, This is also a good time to practice during the day.

However, since this practice method is called sitting and forgetting the scriptures, it proves that you can actually cultivate a little instinctively when you are sleeping, and the accumulation will add up. However, that is all after the introduction of this method. Now think about these It's too early.


When Chen Fei's thoughts were integrated into the inheritance, the group of purple light finally separated from the source, submerged into his chest, and formed a vortex between the eyebrows between his eyes, and the body unconsciously Sit up. Those rays of light gradually condensed into a substance between the eyebrows and stars. If you look closely, it is actually a purple pattern similar to the moon. The atmosphere is vast, wild and ancient, with the vastness of endless years. The super-legendary feeling is astonishing.

"Is this what is in the legend? It's really mysterious. Qi training, foundation building, and Yuan Dan have made me so much stronger all at once. I'm almost close to the innate, right? I'm just getting started?" For a long time After that, Fade Chen slowly opened his eyes and muttered to himself. He couldn't help caressing the gradually dissipating purple crescent on his forehead with his hand, and there was an indescribable shock in his heart, and his mind flew to the countryside many years ago.

In fact, he was not so capable of fighting when he was a child, but was frail and sickly, and he was thin, but then he successfully completed the transformation under the guidance of an old man who knew martial arts in the village. In fact, it's all the Kung Fu of ancient China.

   In the ancient and modern times, the strength level of rivers and lakes is generally divided into innate, acquired, and acquired into first-class masters, second-class masters, third-class masters, and non-entry.

   As for Xiantian, Chen Fei's former master was a Xiantian-level master, but he has never reached that level, so he doesn't know much about it.

But now, when he successfully cultivated to the first level of sitting and forgetting the scriptures, he actually found that whether it was perception, or strength, or what he could clearly feel now, the veins flowing in his body. A ray of spiritual energy is several times stronger than before.

  According to the division of martial arts, he now has at least the peak strength of second-rate masters, which is simply unimaginable.

"The original spiritual energy that has been possessed since the era of chaos and the creation of the earth, if it can be refined, it is possible to access the world and master the essence of everything in the world. It turns out that this is a cultivator, which is indeed different from a martial artist. It is too powerful." Chen Fei Excited at the moment. If you let the master know his current strength, I am afraid that his jaw may drop, haha!

  According to the memory records left by sitting and forgetting the scriptures and the master of the cultivation world, the realm of cultivation is very simple, they are: Qi training, foundation building, Yuandan…

Practicing the qi mirror, the qi person breathes out and inhales the essence of the heaven and earth. Once successful, you can transform your body into an innate, that is, as long as you are a cultivator who has entered the door, you can be regarded as an alternative innate level powerhouse. Although it does not immediately possess the innate strength of a martial artist, it is more expensive in terms of potential, greater development in the future, and broader online presence. It is far from being comparable to the former.

   And if it is the Foundation Establishment Realm, it already has the ability to fly from the sky to the ground, without any external objects, it is a true supernatural power, only the legendary ancient warrior myth is qualified to compete.

   As for the Primordial Core Realm above it, it is completely like a giant that covers the sky. Even if you look at the realm of self-cultivation, it is a super person who is qualified to open a sect and can be called a pervert.

   And each of these three realms can be subdivided into nine levels, such as the first level, the second level, the third level and so on.

   Chen Fei was so excited that he continued to practice and was speechless all night.

   At 6:00 in the morning the next day, the alarm he had set on his mobile phone yesterday, it rang.

It turned out that he made an appointment with Liu Changshan yesterday, and today he is going to the central hospital to report. You must know that this is a very rare opportunity to be a doctor in a big three-level hospital in the city center. This is something that many people dream of, of course he Impossible to take it lightly, the alarm clock is set to wake up very early.

   "I slept really well last night." Fade Chen got up and stretched, hehe smiled. Perhaps because of his forgetfulness and the skyrocketing strength yesterday, he is in a particularly good mood today, and naturally feels more energetic.

   He got out of bed and went outside to wash his face with cold water, then he washed his head as fast as he could, put on his clothes, and ran outside.

  Because this is the center of the city, many of the people living here are migrant workers, and many get up early, so it is generally difficult to get a car here in the morning. Because there are too many people, he will deliberately get up early, hoping not to be late.

   However, he still seemed to underestimate the strength of the people in urban villages to get up early. Not to mention taxis, it was the only bus stop around the city leading to the outside of the city. At this moment, there were already long queues, and it was impossible to squeeze in.

   "Hey, what a master, stop, stop."

   Chen Feigang was very depressed. On the edge of the luxurious newly built community separated from the urban village by a wall, an empty taxi appeared from there, and he immediately greeted him.

   Shiren Village is actually not big, and the place where Chen Fei is at the moment is also on the edge of the village, so it is very strange on the one side that looks dirty and messy, but on the other side is a very well-built luxury community.

Fade Chen has heard people say before that it seems that only rich people can afford to live there, not to mention the various property management fees that are usually very expensive, but to talk about the housing price, which is estimated to be at least 15,670, which is enough. He struggled all his life with those neighbors in the urban village, but he couldn't afford it.

   "Master, stop."

   Just as Fade Chen beckoned the taxi master to stop and was about to trot over to sit, a tender and excited voice sounded not far away.

I saw a long-haired beauty with a tall stature, slender legs, flat shoes, and a height of at least 1.7 meters. She was dressed in a royal blue shackled suspender dress that vividly outlined the beauty of women's curves. Just looking at the back was enough to make her look beautiful. People are heartbroken.

  I saw her trot out from the luxury community across the street and grabbed the car in front of Fade Chen.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fei was stunned for a while, but he still trotted over and frowned at the young beauty who had already entered the taxi: "I said beauty, I should have called this car first, right?" Chu Yan Sitting in the car, perhaps because of the trot just now, there was a little perspiration on her white skin at this moment, and her beautiful white legs were also restless and hot.

   Originally, she shouldn't have gone out so late. After all, she still has a mission to fly to other cities today, but because she didn't sleep well last night and had insomnia, she got up late for half an hour today. Originally, she thought that if she didn't make it in time, she would not be able to rush to the airport for work, but she found that a taxi was parked in front of her just after she walked out of the community, and she immediately sat up excitedly.

   It’s great, now you don’t have to be late for training or deducting bonuses. As for Chen Fei, she has long been habitually ignored by her.

   "Master, go to the airport." Chu Yan greeted the driver in a hurry.

   "Girl, look outside." However, the driver looked at him a little embarrassedly, and pointed to Fade Chen who was standing outside the car window. The meaning was obvious, the car was called first.

   "Master, why are you like this, I was the one who came up first." Chu Yan immediately pouted and became unhappy, but now she seems to know the situation.

   After thinking about it, she saw that she opened the car door, took out fifty dollars from her bag and handed it to the other person, and said softly, "Take it, I'm in a hurry, you can take another car."

   Seeing this scene, Chen Fei immediately frowned and became unhappy. Although he said that you are a beautiful woman, what does this mean? When he is a beggar, send him away? She obviously stole her own car, but she still has this attitude, really...

   "Sorry, I'm in a hurry too. I called this taxi first. Now, please get off."

   I thought that I must not be used to each other, what's wrong with the beauty, and she doesn't have two more pieces of meat than me, um, ahem, anyway, Chen Fei refused.

  "You" Chu Yan pouted, this time she was really not convinced.

  Why, this damned guy dares to talk to him like this and let him get off the bus. If he hadn’t rushed to the airport for work, Miss Ben wouldn’t want to stay with a guy like you for one more second.

"What am I? I called this taxi first. Of course, I took the taxi first. You can find the next one." But Fade Chen didn't give her face at all. Who said the first impression was too bad? , It's amazing to be a beautiful woman. If you want to give me fifty yuan, you will send me, at least one hundred yuan, ahem.

"Why are you so angry, it's okay, it's okay. Why don't you tell me where you're going? Maybe you're on the same road?" The driver was an old man in his forties and fifties, obviously a warmhearted man. Seeing this embarrassing situation, he After rounding up the field, he asked.

"Who's on the same road with this kind of person, Master, I'm going to the airport, leave him alone, take me, I'll be late soon." Chu Yan muttered and opened Fade Chen, while looking at the driver pitifully , sells cute way.

   "Hey, you little girl."

   The driver shook his head and smiled, and then asked Fade Chen, "Young man, where are you going?"

   Chen Fei glanced at Chu Yan, who was still sulking when he heard the words, and still said, "I'm going to the downtown hospital."

   "Look, it's really been said, you two are on the way. Come on, young man." The driver smiled and greeted Fade Chen.

   "What's on the way? I'm not going with him! I'm not going with him!"

   But that Chu Yan was not happy. Whoever wanted to join this nasty guy, protested loudly.

   (end of this chapter)